

the night was peaceful and quiet you could tell by the gentle breeze swimming through the flowers in my garden, my dimly lit room giving a gentle sweep of the light from the full moon hitting my glass door that led to my balcony. the blue rug laid in front of my bed basking the moonlight, my bedroom beautifully decorated in baby blue, gave a nice light show of the moonlight coming through the glass door which was not covered by the red curtain which was the only different coloured thing in my room. sleep was not on my side as I could feel it kissing me goodbye, I paid on my bed with my hair scattered on my bed heading straight to my door, sliding it open I welcomed the cool breeze that hit my bare shoulders, I Shruddered. I stood outside, looking at my large flowery garden I turned around again to slide it close. looking further I saw the mat i earlier put down for 'moon gazing'. I laid down to on the mat and blankly stared at the moon. even looking at the moon did not satisfy me. it was odd and my mind feels empty. everything feels hazy and suddenly I felt like I was not there anymore. I was locked up, in a dark room with steel bars I could not see anything except from the ligh illuminating from the door very far from my 'cage', yes it felt like a cage. my hands were tied up and my legs too, I could not scream and it was like suffering was right outside my 'cage' laughing, it's sickening loud laugh. it feels like a bad dream I felt insane it is not clear and immediately the thought of it being a dream came up I left that place, I was I could turn around as I was no longer held by the ropes and to see a beautiful field a field full of sunflowers, it felt like freedom.



this morning feels like a haze it feels like something that would just come and go. I had woken up early even before my maids and before sunrise I knew what day it was and I needed to hurry and get dressed before daharium would be in the meeting room. but before I could finish with the beauty treatment it was noon, I rushed only to be informed of him already being in the meeting room. I threw caution to the wind and swung the door open and was met face to face with the council men present and the generals.....



°First Royal Palace

°Garden City


all heads turned to me as I put all my focus on the marble floors.

' I apologize for interrupting.... I'll take my leave now'

the words left my lips immediately honestly I don't know where my mind was at no I know..... daharium stood up and so did his flag bearer at his side and Royal assistant.

' no need, we're done'

with his hate words he walked ahead pulling me with him. to his chambers we went his chambers?!, something about that scared me....

' why did you interrupt my meeting Alvona? '

he asked I could sense his anger I closed my eyes and inhaled sharply..

' I'm sorry my Lord but something has been bothering me..... '

he relaxed again after my answer as we entered his chambers I carefully walked as his chambers were full of mini pools till now I did not still understand this man's love for water what exactly was with him and pools?? is he some kind of? no? right??

'Alvona I believe you have something to say'

he snapped me out of my mini space about his pools.

'I had a bad dream about... it's been bothering me and I don't know what it means'

I explained analyzing his facial expression

'I'll invite the healer'

his words gave me relive, he proceded to his bathroom.

'good bye alvona'

'good bye my Lord'


Ever since I graced this mansion I have never had time with daharium like this he avoided me like I was a disease. I know daharium never approved of me as I did not approve of him, this marriage is not like it was arranged but it was 'seen', nothing else about this marriage made me laugh than that. according to then 'all' I was chosen from birth, I felt like it was a joke, but it has and always been that way. it has always been a choosing it would never be a choice. Daharium, it was such a Royal name only given to princes a nd kings as I hear. it was such a dominant man and has never been persuaded because decisions are best.