

Daddy has visitors. They were all in his living room. I wasn't allowed to know what they were here for. All I knew was that they were well dressed men, they looked scary and huge.

I was scared and that is why I hide in my wardrobe, under dresses and pants to cover me up. My body was trembling and it was hard to ignore dad's grunts of pain.

I knew he was getting beaten, it wasn't the first or second visit they'd pay him. All I knew was that whoever the main boss was, had no mercy whatsoever.

I've seen each and every one of them, when they had insisted that I watch them beat dad up, and apparently they weren't as bad as they came to seem, they were just intimidating and scary, but they didn't look at me wrongly and that still confused me.

I felt like crying because even though dad didn't love me or care about me, I still cared for him. I still loved him. He was my father after all, and in the end we only had each other.

When dads cries stopped, I froze and waited for what they'd do next, apparently I wish I it was still early morning so I'd jump out the window and run down the street to the woman who welcomes me to her house every time dad left me bruised or broken.

I couldn't go to her this late because her husband was there already, back from work and he didn't like me.

"Maré?" I jumped when dad called me too loudly for my ears to take. The tone he used had my heart dropping and tension filling my limbs and making them stiff.

With shaky legs, I crawled out of that very warm wardrobe. My pale feet landed on the cold floor and I rushed to my bedroom door, the basements door, it was my room, and I didn't mind.

I ran up the stairs and immediately searched for my dad. When he wasn't in his room, I walked down the living room and froze

Three suited men stood in the middle, looking irritated and bored. I approached them as they finally turned to look at me. I gulped.

Each one of them was familiar. I knew each one, one was missing though.

The three men, Caleb, Lorenzo and London stood gazing at me. They were well know by me, very well.

This men worked for whoever father's 'boss' was, and they came here every month, demanding my dad to hand over their money.

I looked around for Dad and found him sitting on the couch with a bruised cheek and a swallon eye, his lip was busted and he kept gritting his teeth in pain, hissing and wincing.

My eyes stung and I rushed to his side, inspecting the wounds with shaky hands. "D-Dad? Are you o-okay-"

"I'm fine." Dad grunted, pushing my hands off him, he rolled his eyes when I moved forward and tried to look at his wounds again. Once again, he pushed me off him. "Leave it, Maré. We have bigger matters to solve."

I stopped , looking around at all of them in fear, my heart breaking at the state dad was in. He couldn't even breath without wincing.

This men were not merciful to him, ever.

"Take a seat, girl."

I jumped a little when Lorenzo, who seems to be the boss of the group spoke up. He had black curly hair, very short hair, brown eyes and an Italian accent. His deep voice almost making me piss my pants, they were also really really tall.

I nodded and scrumbled to obey, dad said to never provoke them. Ever.

If I did, not only will they make my life a living hell but dad's. I didn't want him to hurt anymore.

"We need to t-" Dad winced in the middle of his sentence. "-talk to you about something. Firstly, I'll let t-this gentle man to speak to you p-privately."

Being the good girl dad said to always be, I nodded. "O-kay..."

Dad nods to the three men and stands up. He sighs and sends me a look I know too well. 'Mess up and you're dead' was something he'd always tell me. I gulped, turning away to stare at my lap.

Dad walked out the room and everything fell silent after that, and my nerves kicked in, and I shut my eyes in fear.

"You don't have to be scared, girl. We just need to have a little chit-chat with ya'." One of them said to me, sounding a little friendlier then the other two who looked like they wanted to kill me. It was Lorenzo.

I nodded obediently, I wouldn't want to upset them. That's not what mom taught me as a child. Once they sat in front of me, the more friendly one smiled stiffly at me.

They all sat right in front of me. Digging their gaze on me, pinning me on the place. I felt a shiver run down my body and my face went red. It wasn't often I got attention from the opposite gender, so whether it was innocent or not, I'd find myself loving it.

Unfortunately, that wasn't something that lastes forever. "What's your name, girl?" Lorenzo, who sat in the middle of the three asked.


"Full name."

"Rosé-maré Jonas." Lorenzo nodded, looking at me with a soft look.

"How are you, miss Maré." the respect in his voice calmed me down a little bit.

"I-I'm good, thank you." I stuttered, smiling at Lorenzo. Caleb cleared his throat, and he was next to talk. "How old are you?"

He sat on Lorenzos' left side with a blank face, pinning me down with his eyes. "18." I said truthfully, causing them three to look at me weirdly.

I Frowned lightly but didn't say anything more. "You're 18, miss Maré?" Lorenzo asked, raising one dark brow. Silently, I nodded. "You look older." He said, an once he caught the look on my face, Lorenzo added with a smile. "Not in a bad way. I mean as in, your body is well developed and perfectly curved. It got me thinking that you're a full grown woman."

"I am a woman." I defended, sitting up straight. "I'm turning 19 in three months!" Lorenzo looked amused as I excidently got a little worked up.

"Okay, miss Maré. We'd like to ask you a few more questions than we done, okay?"


Landon spoke up, startling me a little. "Do you have any idea why we come beat the shit-outta' your dad?"

My eyes waters. "N-No." I whispered, sniffing. "-but I really w-wish you will s-stop." My eyes held hope but I got useless looks from all three.

Caleb handed me over a handkerchief, he sent me a little smile that really brought out his eyes, popping a dimple. I blushed but thanked him, looking down on my lap.

"That won't be happening, because your dad hasn't paid the boss his money and it's been 10 months."

"True." Landon agreed with Caleb. "Boss won't let him loose for another month." I whimpered softly, earning a warm look from Lorenzo, a sad look from Caleb and a straight face from Landon.

"C-can you give him just 2 more months! I-I promise I'll get a job and pa-pay your boss his money back!"

"There's no way." Landon chuckles darkly. "Two months wouldn't get you even 1/4 of what he owns." How much could father possibly own them.

I looked down at my fingers. "H-How much does he owe your boss?" Landon sighed, cracking his fingers. "A lot of cash." He said.

"How m-much does 'a lot of cash' mean?"

The corner of Lorenzos' lips lifted and he said. "3 million."

"W-What!" I jumped on my feet, my eyes wide. "3 m-million?!"

Lorenzo nodded stifly. "Yes, 3 Mils. He actually owned 5 but boss was generous enough to let it go if he got some work done for him, it went well and he paid off the 2 million." He looked in my eyes. "He just has to pay back the other 3 Mil."

"Isn't t-there any other w-work dad can do for him? Like, the m-must be right?"

Lorenzo stood up and walked to me, he grabbed my shoulders very gently, a man like him with muscles, was way soft and that was a suprise. "No the in't, miss Maré." My heart squeezed painfully and I nearly dropped on the ground, if it wasn't for Lorenzo, I'd be face palming myself on the floor.

"Oh my gosh." I had a mini-breakdown as I flopped back on the couch. Bringing my knees to my chest, my face ontop. A silent tear dropped once again. "P-please tell me t-there's something w-we can do. I-I-" another gasp left my lips when I found it hard to breath.

I was having an anxiety attack.

My whole body shook with shocking tumors, and head pounds. I felt weak and my stomach was ready to push up everything inside it.

A huge hand laid flat on my back, startling me. "Calm down, miss. Breath..." Lorenzo said softly, rubbing my back. "I need you to breath, okay?"


"Shh, breath first. Follow me, okay?" He asked, making me meet his eyes. "Breath in... " We both inhaled, but mine was sharp. "Breath out..." we both exhaled, mine being shaky.

Lorenzo repeated this with me for a straight 10 minutes, rubbing my back all along. Soon enough, I could breath properly and my head was better cleared. I found both men behind Lorenzo waiting patiencly, and I felt embarrassed at this.

Caleb sent me a warm smile and Landon watched me coldly. "You're okay, okay." I looked back at Lorenzo, and nodded. "Thank you." My voice was soft, a little lower than a whisper.

Once Lorenzo went to take his seat, I immediately asked. "What will happen to D-Dad now?"

Everything went blurry again, and I looked away, not wanting to dwell on any hope. But Landon spoke up and I just wanted to breakdown again. "Boss will kill him... and maybe you."

Before I could open my mouth, Landons' cellphone started ringing loudly, he got up and excused himself, walking out of the house.

My gaze met Lorenzo. "When?" He knew what I was asking, and I'm glad he didn't complicate the answer. "He'll be here tomorrow... " Oh my goodness. "but-" I froze and waited for his next words, no hope left in me, just waiting for it to get worse.

"but?" I asked when he refused to say.

"Your father has signed a contract with the boss that he'll be free and will also get 10 million on his name if your dad gives your hand in-" Landon walks in, his eyes landing on me immediately, and he looked at Lorenzo.

"Boss is in the city. He wants to see his future wife." My eyes gazed his face as he moved it at me. "He said to bring Miss Maré to him."

Wait....What's going on?


