
02. Inside the King's Court

Epoch 01: Inside the King's Court

Chapter 02- Journey to the Seven Kingdoms

"You sure do eat a lot for a little girl!" Flax snickered looking at the young girl while she was greatly occupied biting down the chicken leg piece that was served for her, especially on-demand.

A faint blush dusted her cheeks as she slowed down engulfing the food on her plate.

"Eat slowly, we have time!" Flax assured the little girl. She is literally her younger brother's age. If he was alive he would have been the same age as hers right now.

Flax asked the young girl many times where she came from, what was her name, about her parents but she couldn't provide him with any information that could help. He wished to take the little girl back to her parents. No way she can follow him around like this. His life is dangerous! Filled with enemies left and right. She is rather safe here with the townspeople.

When Flax walked inside the courtroom holding the child's hand; several sentries were already guiding them to the king without even asking where he wanted to go.

"Welcome Flax of Macedonia!" King Aragon de III welcomed Flax himself, "I was impatiently waiting for your arrival, brave warrior!"

"I don't know about brave my lord but I only work for a living!" Flax said, taking out a paper and handing it to the guard beside the king.

"Red Harlow was executed by me yesterday for his felony, King Aragon. I travelled here for the rewards that were mentioned in the bounty," Flax said, glancing at the beautiful princess standing behind the king. Her appearance reflected aristocracy, her eyes filled with pride. She was a precise illustration of delicacy yet supremacy at the same moment.

She frowned a bit, pouting at Flax for stealing a glimpse of her as he smirked at her.

Flax was indeed amused looking at her arrogant expression and pouting face but he said nothing to her.

"My son! The gold coins mentioned in the bounty quest are nothing compared to what I'm about to tell you!" King Aragon quotes smiling at him.

"What are you indicating?" Flax raised an eyebrow, he wasn't anticipating King Aragon to refute the deal of promised gold coins he was supposed to give.

"If you can fulfil this mission not only me, rather you'll receive precious jewels and wealth from every other kingdom out there," Aragon said walking near the window of his castle, gazing at the green landscape of his kingdom.

"What journey?" Flax appeared curious.

"Journey to the Seven Kingdoms!" Aragon declared proudly, "Only one soul in the entire mankind possesses such strength, who can bring the seven warriors of different races together and that my boy is YOU!"

"Me? Bringing the seven warriors together!" Flax chuckled thinking King Aragon was definitely fooling around but his smile vanished the next second when he realised the king was actually very serious.

"Bring them together and do what exactly?" Flax inquired.

"Bring them together and end the reign of the dark lord Asmodeus."

"Ah what?" Flax gaped amusedly at him before breaking into laughter, "It certainly sounds exciting and all my lord but not realistic."

"It can be a reality. We can make sure that happens! Humanity's fate is in your hands, brave warrior! Won't you do it for the sake of all humans on earth?" Aragon gently proposed.

"Dear Lord, let me clear something first! Humanity is doomed!" Flax's statement made everyone in the courtroom whisper in panic.

"We will not be condemned by the Dark King nor by his minions." Lord Aragon's voice silenced everyone. He continued, "It is determined in your fate to take the accountability of this valiant task and I have faith in the prediction of the Moon Queen's judgment. If anyone is supposed to perform this task it's YOU! Flax!"

"I don't know about the verdicts of fate my lord but till now destiny has only demolished my peace and happiness." The past flashed in front of Flax's eyes; how this so-called destiny has only played with his life till now. He has no wish to save humanity now or go on any voyage to gather warriors from every race. Revenge is his only objective in life now.

"My dear boy, I want you to follow me somewhere!" King Aragon ordered his guards to halt at the central entrance while he led Flax and the little girl to a secret chamber. The princess followed them as well.

Flax noticed an elderly lady sitting in the middle of the room with her eyes closed. Her wrinkled hands were moving around a crystal orb which was shimmering like a precious gem. She was chanting something in a hushed tone. The moment Flax stepped inside the room she opened her eyes. It felt as if her eyes glowed like candles for a brief moment. Flax was utterly surprised.

"Welcome Flax seems like you brought the moon child with you, my boy," She said with a smile on her face.

Flax only chuckled as a response. He was entirely shocked at what was happening!

"Why are you far come here, come near me!" The old lady forwarded her hands towards Flax and the little girl.

"Evanora told me that you'll be arriving soon, Flax! She predicted the future beforehand!" Aragon said staring at the crystal ball in front of them.

The lady took Flax's metallic hand in her hands. "Destiny has given you another life only so that you can protect many more. Don't forget my child half of you is still a living, breathing human." Flax flinched in surprise as she spoke, "Don't let the past bury your life's purpose, hinder your paths to your true destination! You're fated to do the impossible."

"And this little girl will lead you till the end! Follow her direction and you'll never be lost! She is a blessing from the Moon's Goddess only here to guide you further into the bloody conflict you're about to face. She is marked by the moon sign...Look at this!" She removed the little girl hair from the back of her neck showing everyone the mark of a half-moon.

Flax was completely shocked, he wasn't expecting this.

"So all of this...is REAL?" He said under his breath.

"I think you need a bit of time to think and settle your heart young warrior. Rest for tonight. Tomorrow we shall discuss about these again." Aragon said placing a hand on Flax's shoulder.

"Alright!" Flax replied after giving it a thought.

He was invited for a feast that night. But he couldn't eat properly, neither he could sleep peacefully at night.

"What do you think I should do little girl?" He asked the little girl before going to bed, "Will you guide me? I wonder how much you know about the world." The little lady only smiled."I do not know what I'm destined to do but this seems like a great duty. Yet I don't know myself if I'm the chosen one…" He said looking at the night sky that peeked from the velvet curtains of the castle. Flax fell asleep before he could realise.

The little girl went near Flax and kissed his forehead while he was asleep… A crystal glowed in the middle of his forehead. Destiny decided Flax's future that very moment. Tomorrow morning it'll be easier for him to make a judgment.

The following dawn when Falx woke up he knew what he had to do. He went to King Aragon's courtroom and was about to tell his decision to everyone present there.

But King Aragon proposed him something more.

"My boy, I hope you've already reached a conclusion but let me make one last offer to you!" Aragon ordered one of his guards to bring him a letter! "Read this!"

Flax took the letter in his hand and read it aloud,

"Amarok!" Flax's hand shook as he pronounced the nasty wolf's name. He was reading about the killer's whereabouts who murdered his show family. The one who he wants to perish from this world. He continued, "Amarok was last seen in Elfland, north of the Ark Land Kingdom. He

has challenged the elves to seize their lands. Soon he'll bring the dark army to slay them and perish them from the earth. He'll be attacking the next full moon which is ten days away from today."

"The murderer you're looking for is out for blood hunt again and Flax you can stop him this time, you're not a little boy anymore. Your second journey will be in the land of the Elves and bring their best warrior with you after defeating Amarok and destroying his whole army of vicious wolves," Aragon declared.

"Second journey?" Falx was confused.

"Yes because your first destination was the human realm and we offer you our best warrior and I am proud to tell you you've already met her!" Aragon smiled.

"I've already met her?"

"Yes! You have my boy!"

Flax's gaze shifted to the main entrance as horns were blown, making everyone stare at the person who was standing there.

"The PRINCESS!!!" Flax was amazed.

She was in a warrior's attire now. The gentle look on her face was veiled by a warrior's virtue. She looked proud and strong.

"I'll be assisting you in the journey warrior! Seven of us together with your leadership, we'll take over the dark lord and his whole army," She declared proudly, "I'm willing to give up my life for it!"

"That won't be necessary! I won't let you die as long as I'm alive!" Flax winked at the princess without the king noticing it.

The princess blushed. The little girl pouted at their playful interaction.

"Then I am relieved! But even if I lose my daughter I won't cry tears of sadness. I'll be happy my daughter fought for humanity and all living lives' sovereignty," King Aragon became a bit emotional but he held back his tears like a real king.

"I decided to find my lost aim of life in this great voyage my lord. Killing my anticipated enemy is like a cherry on top! I'll bring the dawn of victory and peace in all lands, I give you my word for it!" Flax told the king his decision.

"I'm delighted, my boy! It's decided then! You all will start your journey today!" King Aragon of Ark Land declares. Everyone claps and praises the warriors who are set on a journey to gather the seven wonders across the earth to overthrow the dark lord.

Thus the journey to the Seven Kingdoms began!

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