
Bloody Princess From The Shadows

Ever since the Blood Moon and meeting Shadow, Elizabeth's life has gotten more livelier. And yet.. She still felt as if she was empty. Rather than just having one dream, she has two now, and she wants nothing more than to fully realize them. And one confession is all it takes to fulfill the other. [Basically, Elizabeth slowly fell in love with Shadow, and somehow tricks(Unintentionally) him into having a daughter with her]

lanceron2Writes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Shadows (3/3)


Viewer Discretion : This Chapter contains immense amounts of angst and suffering to the point it feels it's a suffering-porn. (THE SHADOWS) Chapters are a point of plot for the characters and there will be no more chapters like this in the future, it is only this once that we have such scenery. You may not like this special chapter because of it, you have been warned.


Special Chapter 7 : The Shadows (3/3)


Minutes before Remilya's outburst.

Remilya flew towards the Second Children with intent to save the people they were holding hostage, they naturally reacted to her movements and started dispersing out, firing at her while they moved.

"Wait!" She screamed in determination, bouncing off the ground and reappearing in front of one of the Second Children's, completely dodging his shots, she reeled back her fist and punched one of them to the ground.

In an amazing feat of power in her age, she managed to knock him out in one hit. She looked to another Second Child and dashed towards them, bringing a sweep kick to their face. The Second Child attempted to block it with his silver dagger, but unfortunately for him it broke upon contact with her leg. Her kick persisted through the dagger and hit him in the face, launching him away.

Remilya smiled inwardly, she felt awesome. She could feel her powers getting stronger for some reason.

She didn't even realize most of her injuries were closing on their own, the bullet inside her shoulder from earlier being pushed out by her flesh.

Her foot tapped on the ground as she landed, disappearing in a burst of speed. With her quickly growing power she immediately took another two Second Children out before running towards one of the Second Children holding a hostage.

The man panicked, seeing that shooting her was useless. He brought a dagger to stab his hostage, only to be stopped by Remilya's hands holding onto the blade. The man gasped as Remilya punched him straight in the face, ragdolling him away. Effectively leaving the two stronger opponents left.

Wasting no time because of her fading mana reserves, Remilya slammed to the ground dashing towards the male First Children. To her surprise, the man had thrown his hostage at her.

Remilya slowed down to catch the person, careful not to ram through them. When she caught the hostage, she sighed in relief.

Only for her eyes to widen in horror as a knife pierced through the kid's middle torso, it went through and stabbed Remilya in the shoulder as well. Causing her to scream in pain as the SILVER dagger dug through her flesh.

Another blow to the child's innocence.

The First Child took hold of the dead corpse and threw it to the side, removing his dagger and gripping it like a sword. She panicked and jumped backwards, only for the man to surprise her with his speed and slash at her, Remilya felt the burning sensation of the silver dagger, bringing pain to her.

"AGH!" She groaned, before she was suddenly stabbed again, this time in her thigh. It was then followed by a knee going to her stomach causing her to land violently to the ground.

The boy that the woman behind the man was holding started struggling after hearing Remilya's pain.

The First Child then walked up to her, gripping her by the hair and throwing her to the ground once more, Remilya whimpered in pain.


"---Disappointing." The man suddenly spoke, Remilya froze, not expecting him to speak as his face was completely stoic. "The power you've been bestowed upon birth, It's unbelievably powerful and yet you can't even use it properly. You're stronger than I am and yet you lost to a weakling like me."

Remilya knew she held great power, but why did everyone expect her to know how to use it? She was only a kid. She wanted to complain out.

"I envy you." The man spoke again, Remilya's side-eye looking at him in confusion, why was he telling her that? "I envy that you have great power as a child, I envy that you have this kind of power you could use any time"

The stoic man's eyes became cold. "I'm envious, and furious." He grit his teeth.

Remilya got tired of it and mouthed a few words. "S-So what..?"

He grit his teeth. "If I had that power, I would have been able to save the people I held dear when I was younger. If I had that power I wouldn't have had to join the cult and become the person I am today, I strived for power like that so I wouldn't lose people important to me anymore." he looked at her coldly. "And yet you're here using your power selfishly, I've read reports about you child. You merely use it as a plaything whereas there are other children across the world wishing for the same power so that they may save the one they love."

Remilya froze, as a child's mind was very active and imaginative. She started thinking about what he had said, then her mind flashed back to Belmo's speech about 'Templates'.

"You think we're evil? You're nothing but a green-eyed brat raised with everything given to her, you've taken everything handed to you for granted."

Remilya wanted to complain that not everything, but that would have simply made it worse. He wasn't wrong, she'd been using her magic selfishly when she found out she could use it with ease, she used to play around and mess with people, and she used it to run away from her Mama.

Her mind was caught in a conundrum again.

"You do not deserve that power." The man simply said, before lifting her by her head and throwing her inside the mansion.

The woman from the side groaned. "Siopilos, end this already will you?"

The man nodded. "I suppose so, Andreikelo is probably dead by now."

The man now revealed to be Siopilos started walking towards Remilya with his Silver Dagger, Remilya pushed herself off the ground and looked at him with tearful, terrified eyes mixed with a little bit of guilt.

"Guilt-tripping the child with a fake story, how cruel." Athoryvos, the woman holding the last hostage said under her breath. Remilya would have heard it if not for her currently having a panic attack, memories flashing back to when Belmo nearly killed her before.

"So child, will you just stare at me or do something?" Siopilos pressed. "Just as I thought, you're merely a selfish child. Not even doing anything to save the hostage we're holding."

Remilya walked back, anguished by his words. "S-Stop.. Please."

"If I had your power, I would have been able to save so many."


"You can't even save the one in front of you."

"Stop...." Remilya's voice weakened with each word spoken by Siopilos. The little girl fell down on her rear and closed her eyes. "M-Mama.."

"Calling for your mother now? Truly selfish."


"Have you no shame?"

Remilya took a deep wavered breath, her body shaking uncontrollably. Siopilos saw this and gave a silent message to Athoryvos, the woman nodded and started undoing the body bag on her hostage.

Siopilos looked back at Remilya and pressured her more.

"Think about all the people you could have saved if you instead learned how to use your power!"


Athoryvos started running towards them with a steady speed, slowly removing the body-bag on her hostage, with one pull she removed it completely revealing a dirty blonde and bright blue eyes of a boy who had a cloth in his mouth.

Finally given sight once more, Rando saw Remilya on the ground with her eyes closed, slowly tearing up. Rando immediately started struggling more as they got close

"But then again, I wouldn't be surprised. You're not only a selfish child—"

"----Told you.."

"But also a child of a monster, you damned vampire."



That was the last straw, a metaphorical string broke as Remilya instinctively gathered the last of her magic. Blood around her coagulated and formed into sharp spikes, giving her some sort of barrier.

Athoryvos used her magic to reappear in Siopilos' original position as the man had already jumped away. She removed the cloth covering Rando's mouth.


"-----STOOOOOPPP!!!!" Remilya exploded, blood spikes formed everywhere. Her magic swirling like wind similarly to her mother's.


The sound of flesh being pierced reverberated in her ears, Remilya froze as she heard Rando's voice last second.

With shaky and hesitant eyes, she opened them and looked where the voice had come from.


Blood dripped down on a familiar suit vest, Her eyes grew even more empty and horrified.

"A-Ahh.." Her jaw opened and closed.

"R-Remilya.." She shook as she looked at the one in front her.

Skewered in the middle.

Was Rando.

The boy coughed out blood, reaching a dying hand to her. "I-I'm.. Glad you're.." The dying boy slowly said.

"You're.. Okay.." His hand then fell, his body becoming motionless.

"R-Rando..kun?" The coagulated and solidified blood spikes made by Remilya dissipated on their own, she crawled towards him unconsciously. "R-Rando..? W-Wake up.. This isn't funny."

Her mind ignored the giant hole in the boy's chest, her mind completely distorting and fatigued by everything. Her eyes shook uncontrollably.

"N-No.. You're not dead right? P-Please, Rando?"

No reply.

She saw his blood slipping down his body, and to her dress as she lifted his head. "Rando..?" Her voice weak, she called out to him again.

Before her eyes finally traveled down to the giant hole in his chest, "N-No... Rando..!" her mind slowly crumbled looking for something to help. She unconsciously drooled, getting close to blood who's scent was too good to ignore.

"I-I know.. If I bite you, y-you'll live, right..?" She smiled desperately, her mind was now not working properly, not only due to this traumatic experience but because of her lack of blood pressure, she hasn't taken Mary or Elizabeth's blood since yesterday's morning.

Her stable mental health from before had allowed her to control herself despite being surrounded by blood everywhere, but now that she was nearing her breaking point, her true nature was now breaking free.

Siopilos and Athoryvos watched from the side, their missions complete. Now all that waited for them was death.

Her mouth salivated, her vision becoming hazy and unclear.

There was only one thought in her messy mind now.


She brought Rando's neck and bit it without hesitation and started drinking.


The final last strings of her innocence broke.

Remilya soon came back to her senses due to having blood now, she looked at her lap and saw BLOOD , Rando's lifeless body and BLOOD everywhere.

Movement came from the Mansion as Mean-Elizabeth bursted outwards, her hands slipping on the grassy field to redirect herself towards Remilya.

Rando wasn't moving, he wasn't turning into a BLOOD vampire.

From the rooftop was Cheery-Elizabeth already flying at maximum speed.

She also broke her BLOOD promise to her mama.

Both Elizabeth's finally caught sight of their daughter, and the blood on her mouth. They grew desperate and hoped that was not what they thought it was.

She drank BLOOD.

And she BLOOD loved every second of it.

Her magic rumbled and trembled against the world, her possession marks growing across her body before disappearing and turning into red cracks across her body.

Remilya's mind finally processed everything.

Both Elizabeth's felt her power suddenly increase, her magic gathering so fast it felt like it was going to explode.

Rando was dead.

They were too late, they both realized—-

"---BRAT NO!"


She killed him.


Remilya broke.

As Siopilos and Athoryvos were immediately obliterated out of existence, Mean-Elizabeth immediately swerved to the side and flew towards Lelaine and Nicholas, reappearing in front of the couple who was hiding behind a cover, she grabbed them and flew away with extreme speed.

Cheery-Elizabeth moved as well, sweeping the remaining noble survivors and using her blood to throw them into Mean-Elizabeth's direction who caught them with ease with her solidified blood. Cheery-Elizabeth brought her hands forward and blocked the catastrophic magic disaster that was Remilya's magic outburst.

Both Elizabeth's were furious at themselves for taking so long to find Rando, only to realize he wasn't anywhere but rather with Remilya.

When they arrived it was too late.

The sound of whistling air being cut entered her ears, Mean-Elizabeth had already dropped the people down somewhere far while she continued to try and stop Remilya's explosive cry, the sound became something else as she heard the sounds of someone flying towards their position at high speeds.

"Took her long enough, Main body-chan!" Cheery-Elizabeth screamed.

The real Elizabeth didn't hesitate to fly inside the magical storm that was Remilya, she grit her teeth as she felt herself being constantly hurt by her magic.

This was insane, when did her daughter become this strong? And since when did her magic look so dark and red?!

Not important, she needed to calm Remilya first.

She looked around the magical storm and found Remilya in the middle of it, she was sitting inside the mansion. Elizabeth grumbled something and flew down despite the continuous pain she was enduring.

She landed down painfully, the closer she was to Remilya the output of the storm was. It was even managing to push her back, this magical outburst of Remilya's might even be reaching near one of Shadow Garden's shades.

With enough tenacity, Elizabeth slowly stomped her way towards Remilya. Each second being painful, it was difficult to get close.

With one last push, she managed to hold onto Remilya and hug her.

"REMILYA! CALM DOWN!" Elizabeth pleaded.

Remilya did no such thing and continued to cry loudly, the storm becoming stronger. Elizabeth grimaced, she needed to do something.

But what..?

She was foremost a terrible mother, her daughter was now traumatized and screaming in anguish and she didn't even know how to stop it.

W-What should she do...! Elizabeth cursed herself inwardly, suddenly she felt her other clones entering the storm, themselves having trouble getting close. With a few pushes they managed to get close enough to turn it into a group hug. "Y-You two—"

"---Shut it you bitch! Do something about this!" Her meaner self said.

"---You need to stop Remilya-chan or else she's going to fall deeper into the rabbit's hole!" Her nicer self said, they might be her clones and possessed the same abilities, their personalities were different from one another.

"I-I don't know what to do!"


"Please! You're the main body, Remilya is more likely to listen to you!" Cheery-Elizabeth pleaded.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and felt guilty, what could she do? WHAT CAN SHE DO!? She can't keep on relying on Mary for things like this, she told her she would make amends and be a better mother.

How can she say that when she was already looking for help from someone for something SHE should be fixing!?

Her mind grew quiet for a moment, her mind going through her memories, nothing good to help her.


She said she was going to be a better mother right? Did she mean that from the heart?


Heart... That's it!

She'll just follow her heart and let things fall naturally.

She took one pained breath. "Remilya.. If you're listening to Mama... I want to say I'm sorry."

"Sorry that I've been a bad mom, that I let you go through all of these. I'm sorry that I kept you away from your father." She struggled to continue. "I'm really sorry for all of this, If maybe... Maybe if I stayed with your father none of these would have happened. All I've ever really wanted was to be with you, to make sure you grew up a normal girl.."

The storm's intensity weakened, Remilya's crying also lessened if only by a little.

"If you want someone to hate, you have me." Mean-Elizabeth said from the side.

"If you need someone to hug you, you also have me." Cheery-Elizabeth joined in.

"So please.. Calm down, Remilya Vlodquinn... It hurts seeing you like this, I don't like seeing you like this and I wish to never see you like this ever again.."

The storm slowly disappeared, her clones also joined back to her after a while.

"When this is all over.. I promise we'll see your father, Y-You'll love him. He's a really nice and kind person, so please... Calm down."

The magical storm shrank.

"And... If you ever hated me, I'll never leave your side. From now on I will always stay with you.."

It shrank until it completely disappeared, the continuous comments from Elizabeth that came from her heart calmed down Remilya. She was desperately clinging to her mother, the little girl stopped wailing, her crying only becoming weeping as she hugged her mother, immediately melting into her motherly arms.

Elizabeth finally released a breath she didn't know she was holding and relaxed with Remilya now in her motherly arms. The little girl weeping heavily in her mother's arms, she looked around and saw that her clones were now gone. A little bit more of looking around she saw Rando's body, strangely unscathed and not destroyed from Remilya's outburst.

She saw the memories of her clones and understood what happened. She grimaced heavily. "Remi.. It wasn't your fault." Elizabeth comforted her daughter, drawing circles on her back.

The little girl didn't say anything, she continued to cry and hug her mother. The fight may be over now but she felt her heart fall down.

"Remilya.." She rested her chin atop her head, while she waited for Remilya to say something, Elizabeth made a quick search throughout her body for anything that was foreign. Sure enough, there was something just like she'd expected, Liquefied-Silver. So that's what Belmo injected in her, it was mainly the thing weakening her and she had no doubt it'll take a few hours for it to disappear completely.

Vampires were weak to silver after all.


The girl didn't reply again nor respond in any way, Elizabeth knew this would take a toll on Remilya's mind, even if young Rando somehow survived the damage was already there, her daughter had already been traumatized and she couldn't even stop it when she had the power to do so..

Damn it, if only she finished off Belmo and came here to stop this from happening her daughter wouldn't have had to go through all of this, her clones shared the sentiment.

Goddess, she was a really terrible mother wasn't she...? Elizabeth hugged her daughter closer.

She closed her eyes and sighed, looking at the boy again, she opened her mouth to say something. "Remilya... Rando will be fine." She paused for a second, making sure if what she's going to say next was the right one.

"It may not seem like it, but you helped him survive." She stated, looking at the poor boy's current state which was now getting better – Thanks to the Impromptu vampirism her daughter gave him. It was a miracle he hadn't turned into a ghoul instead, given that he was already dead when her daughter bit her, from what her clones observed at least.

'It must be because of my blood inside her and the possession, I don't know when she developed it but it seems to be harmless to her..'

Rando would survive, his instantaneous transformation to a vampire surprised her.

Remilya didn't say anything, Elizabeth's heart continued to ache at her daughter's pitiful state.

It didn't take long for the Hybrid to croak something out.

"B-But... I still hurt him, I didn't know how to control my strength, because of that I accidentally hurt him.." A sob came from the girl. "I-I even drank his blood, when you told me not to."

Damn it, her daughter sounded broken , another reminder to her failures as a mother.

She sighed. Traumas did not disappear from a person's mind once they've been scarred, the person only grew and adapted to it. Hopefully she'll be able to help her daughter earlier before she has to deal with this when she grows up. She caressed her daughter's hair "Remilya, it's not your faul—"

"---But it IS!" Remilya cut her mother off, digging her head further in her mother's arms. "I.. If I only knew how to control my power, he wouldn't have died! If I didn't come to him, Neither Rando or Auntie Lelaynee and Uncle Nicholas wouldn't have been hurt..!"

"If only I didn't run away from you..

Elizabeth frowned heavily. No, her daughter was wrong, Belmo had deliberately come here with having already taken hostage of the Omadolcnte Family by controlling them from the shadows from what Lelaine had told her through the letter, and lured Remilya – and thus, her too – to this provincial mansion, he was a madman bent on taking revenge on Cid-kun through them. His motivations were not only to take revenge on him but also to experiment on her daughter.

It was only because of Lelaine's sneaking of later that she managed to get here sooner.

Fuck.. Even then, her daughter was now blaming herself for all the destruction and death that happened here no doubt.

It felt so unfair, unfair because all of these were technically her fault too.

If only she didn't waste time and went back to Midgar they would have been safer, If only she wasn't so clumsy and stupid then Belmo's spy wouldn't have been able to learn of her relationship with Shadow, If she didn't talk so callously and carelessly about her crisis during the Festival, Remilya wouldn't have overheard her and ran away and given Belmo an opportunity to exact his plans, If she didn't take so damn long to take out Belmo then Remilya wouldn't have had to fight for her life and accidentally kill young Rando in the process.

So many If's and regrets, not enough do's or done's. She's not achieved a single thing ever since the Have. Everything up until now had been a mere fluke, a fluke that had consequences that was now coming back to bite her in the ass and to the point it even got her daughter involved..

It's as if every single one of her fears were starting to come to reality, starting from when Remilya ran away from her.

"A-And then.. I drank his blood, I ate a part of him, I b-broke my promise..." Her voice wavered, a profound disgust directed at herself.

And that too, she wanted to ignore that part. Her daughter had just gotten the taste of actual blood of a human. Once a vampire had a taste of human blood they became addicted to it at the start, no matter how much self-control they had. "You were only trying to save him Remilya, you did what you thought was best-"

Remilya tightened her grip on her mama, she was holding onto her so tightly Elizabeth felt her nails digging into her "---No! It wasn't!"

"It wasn't! It wasn't at all MAMA!" Remilya screamed out loud, startling Elizabeth "What I did made it worse! And you know what's worse!? I ENJOYED IT WHEN I DRANK HIS BLOOD! I don't even know why, I-It felt amazing drinking human blood.. I hate it." Elizabeth suddenly choked, looking at her daughter helplessly. That opened a whole new can of worms Elizabeth wished would never happen.

Remilya's whimper worsened at the memory, the Blood Queen silently prayed, PRAYED that it wouldn't go there , that her daughter would not end up like her.

'Please, please don't say it, you're not like that.' She begged.

When Remilya had the ability to walk out in daylight unscathed and very much not burning, it gave Elizabeth the hope that her daughter wouldn't need to drink blood in the future, much less go berserk, but hearing her daughter's claim of enjoying blood was a sign of vampiric nature being deeper than normal.

That hope immediately died.


In the midst of her despair, Remilya said something Elizabeth never wanted to hear, something that she wanted her to avoid at all cost, something to.. To keep her from turning into a bloodthirsty monster who killed thousands of innocents... because the moment Remilya utters those dreaded words would mean she failed as a mother.

Unfortunately for her, the fear welled within became true.

"I-I'm a monster.. Nothing but a bloodthirsty monster." Remilya whimpered out.

Something broke like glass inside Elizabeth, she dared not try to figure out what it was as she already knew what broke.

"Remilya, look at me."

"M-Mama.. I can't take this." She sobbed "T-That bad guy was right, I'm a mons-"

Elizabeth gasped with a troubled and distressed look.

" REMILYA VLODQUINN , LOOK AT ME!" For the first time in her life, Elizabeth yelled at Remilya, startling the girl. The hybrid eventually did and raised her head.

She came face to face with her mother, who's own eyes glinted – Not with power or vampiric charm, but tears.

"You will listen to me." It sounded more like a desperate plea rather than an order. "You are NOT a monster, you hear me..? If there's a monster here.. It would be me."


"No talking, just listen." It was clearly a plea this time. "Your mama.. Has made many mistakes, she's wronged so many people.. Including your papa too.. I've done so many bad things so if there's a monster here it would be me. What you did was an accident. You are NOT a monster."

The girl's already fatigued mind did not even try to imagine or think about what her mother meant by being the monster.. That wasn't possible.. Her mama was always sweet and caring, she did everything in her power to make her happy, clumsy sure, but she knew she genuinely cared for her..


"You hear me? None of this was your fault, It was all mine, so please.." Elizabeth hunched over, her voice seemingly getting weaker. "Never call yourself a monster.."

"But.. Rando.."

"Will be fine" Elizabeth finished. "His mother and father are safe too, just unconscious. So please, do not blame yourself, Remilya. This is all my fault, not yours.." Elizabeth pressed her forehead with her daughter's.

"You're not a monster." She whispered, quite as it was, it sent the message Elizabeth wanted to convey as Remilya's heart skipped a beat.

Remilya wanted to disagree with her mother, she wanted to lash out at everything and cry out her feelings more.. But that would likely just end in more destruction. Her mama was the best mom she could ask, hearing her mama say that it's her fault felt wrong, but even then, the six year old's mind knew her mama wasn't perfect. They'd probably talk about this later, after they made sure everyone is out of here. Out of that man's control..

Elizabeth's form relaxed, It wasn't perfect, but at least Remilya had finally calmed down, that's a plus on Elizabeth's books. All that's left is to get out of here along with the Omadolcnte Family, her body was already weakening with each second – She'd have to give credit to that scoundrel, for all his madness the man was dedicated to his revenge against Cid-kun, even going as far as to preparing multiple ways of taking her down. Even if it failed. – Still, it still weakened her due to the liquefied-silver currently running in her veins, it would take half an hour or so for her body to be completely rid of the silver.

She looked at her daughter, she'd have to apologize to Remilya and by extent, Cid-kun as well, for everything she's done. Her young daughter was already subjected to something she shouldn't have been because of her failures, she can't afford to let her stay in this.. Bloody place.

She pulled back away from her daughter and gave her a weak smile.

"Remilya, how about we grab everyone else and leave this place now..? Sunlight isn't exactly healthy for your mama." Elizabeth said while wiping her tears away. The sunlight used to be extremely harmful to her, but because of a certain gentleman, she was now able to fare better under the sun's beautiful light.

Remilya nodded in agreement, eager and desperate to get out of this place. She was tired, and it showed.

"Mhm.." The young girl wiped her own tears away and returned the smile. The Mother and daughter duo shared a smile with one another, tensions finally disappearing and their figure's relaxing.

However... As cherishable and enjoyable it was to be happy, happiness was also stripped away easily in contrast to finding happiness. It was something that was not just, it was something that can be taken away so easily.. Way too easily.

"This is quite the tear-shedding drama you've made, Blood Queen. I wonder how many people you've stripped of their loved ones in your past?"

The strained and weak voice of someone who should be dead echoed throughout the mansion.

Elizabeth's eyes widened in shock. Every instinct her body screamed.

A burst of speed exploded around them as Belmo appeared behind her, wounds healed. The same strange ceremonial blade that gave her the creeps poised to stab her, sparks of lightning flying everywhere as time came to a slow halt. So slow only beings at the same level of speed could react to.

The color of his lightning had become dark-red, meaning he ate another one of those beads.

But...This wasn't possible, she killed him, she knows she killed him by landing such an attack even Shadow would feel if he were to be hit. Belmo was severely weaker than her by a sizable league and did not have the same level of durability she or Shadow had, he was fast, sure, but that's because of his application and use of lightning based abilities. Even then, he was still slower compared to the likes of her.

So why was this man still alive and kicking!?

In a mere instant, she willed magic to both her body and blood, reaching for a non-existent scythe made out of blood to bisect Belmo, it wouldn't be too much of a task to kill the man now since he was slower than before, even with the liquefied-silver circulating in her body.

But something was wrong.

Something was REALLY wrong that sent shivers to her spine, she didn't know why, her enemy was literally behind her. One swing of her scythe, or just have her blood turn into deadly tendrils and kill him.

All it would take is just one, ONE simple attack to kill him.

And yet.. She couldn't, something was wrong .

The very bad kind of wrong.

It was only then that she noticed she couldn't use her magic.



Elizabeth's eyes widened in terror, her mind flashed back to their earlier conversation.

" Please, my daughter is more creative than you with how strange abilities work, I really oughta stop buying her novels." After a brief moment of relaxation, her eyes became serious. "You couldn't have possibly thought you could actually beat me, did you? Belmo Ontrippofz, whatever you have been doing, like poisoning me won't work. I've already raised my defenses against it."

"Beat you? Hilarious, my ego is big but not that barbaric.. I've already known beforehand that beating you was impossible even with my preparations." he replied. "I don't need to beat you.. I'm simply waiting for an opportunity, and when that time comes. You'll become nothing but a Sleeping Queen. "

"Cute wordplay," She scoffed. "Are you referring to how you sent your men to kidnap my daughter? I'll admit, Little Rando's disappearance was worrying, but I'm sure he's safe now." Elizabeth smiled, confident in her clone's abilities to find Rando.

Belmo grimaced. "Are you referring to your clones?"

"I sure am, I'm guessing you know that because of my history?"

The man huffed. "Of course, what kind of fool would I be if I didn't carefully study my enemies?"

This bastard, he had another thing up his sleeves! The black-mist that he shot when they were underwater! She thought it was familiar despite the strange tint.

That damn thing had the same smell as the 'Sleepful God', his naming of 'Sleeping Queen' should have been something she should have picked up!

Even without her magic, her physiology allowed for Inhumane capabilities even without the use of magic... Except, she was currently no less weaker than the average Dark Knight because of the poison coursing through her veins.

'D-Damn it! He planned this from the beginning! To weaken me first before removing my ability to use magic!' Elizabeth felt helpless. She watched as the strange ceremonial dagger drew closer where her heart would be.

Despite her attempts, she knew she can't dodge nor block the inevitable 'death' that awaits her, her crouched form didn't allow for mobility, even if she could, she couldn't dodge as Remilya would get hit instead.

She couldn't block or dodge this, once again she was reminded of her failures as the man had outsmarted her. Twisting her form as she might, it wouldn't do anything to save her from this very well-thought plan.

She's done for.

Instead, she pushed Remilya away as hard as she could so the little girl wouldn't be stabbed as well.

Unbelievable pain erupted from her chest as the blade went pierced through her heart.

She choked on air as pain she'd long forgotten continued to agonize her, but she didn't scream, even if she didn't.


Something was off with this dagger! She was used to pain. And yet, and yet! The pain was so unbearable she started to tear up.

Had there been a Blood Moon, she would have shrugged off such a simple impalement, unfortunately, she didn't have such luck.

This wouldn't kill her however, no, she was the Blood Queen. As if she would let such a thing stop her from coming back to life. She didn't die when she stabbed herself in the heart centuries ago and simply put herself into a comatose state even if she had intended to take her own life, it would be the same here as long as the blade impaling her heart was removed... But that wasn't her main concern.


Remilya.. Oh no.. Please, not her, the emotional turmoil this will place on her daughter. Remilya only knew the general gist about vampires, not the fact her mother was the Blood Queen and couldn't be killed easily when impaled, she and Mary had intentionally left that part out in an attempt to make her life simpler, otherwise she could accidentally mention her lineage and bring trouble.

Except, this situation would and will only bring harm to her daughter.

To Remilya, It would be the same as having watched her mother die In front of her. Her daughter's already gone through enough, watching her 'die' in front of her was just too much.

This bastard would also take her away and do something to her, the thought of that brought sheer anger and agony to her.

Mary.. Shadow.. Please, anyone, save.. Remilya..

'Remilya.. Don't.. Look...' She begged her daughter to run away, unfortunately her words couldn't be voiced, her hand reaching out of her daughter as her world was slowly eaten away by the dark tendrils of unconsciousness.

"..Run.." Was all she managed to quaver before she fell lifelessly like a puppet without its strings.


A young, but frail and fickle mind's foundation shook again.




Why did she push me away?

Why is she falling down..? Why's there a blade coming out of her chest? Mama's saying something but I couldn't hear it, why's she reaching out to me..?

Why is there blood..?


Remilya shook, she watched as her mother fell 'lifelessly' to the floor.


Her eyes never left her mother's 'dead' figure, sprawled on the floor as her blood continued to spread everywhere. She wasn't pushed that far so Elizabeth's blood slowly traveled to her, the blood covered her dress and bottom parts, but she didn't so much as wince or flinch from the cold, warm, blood of her mother. She just stared at her sweet caring mother... Who was not moving.. Why was she not moving?

Why was there blood-

S̷O̴ ̶M̴A̴N̵Y̵ ̵B̵L̷O̵O̸D̵ ̷W̸A̶S̷T̵E̶D̷̵ V̴E̵R̵Y̴ ̷R̴I̶P̴E̴ ̷A̵N̶D̵ ̶P̴U̶R̵E̴ ̸S̷C̵R̷U̸M̵P̷T̸I̸O̴U̸S̸ ̴B̷L̸O̸O̶D̶̸D̸E̴V̵O̷U̸R̴ ̶H̶E̶R̸,̴ ̵E̴A̷T̵ ̸H̸E̵R̴,̶ ̷L̵E̵A̵V̴E̵ ̴N̶O̴T̵H̶I̵N̷G̸ ̶B̴E̸H̴I̷N̶D̴.̷̶B̶L̶O̶O̸D̵ ̶I̶S̶ ̷R̷E̶D̴,̵ ̷S̸O̷ ̶R̶E̸D̵!̵


"...Mama?" She whimpered, almost sounding like a whisper.

Her hand traveled to her face where a small splatter of blood covered her cheek, her own mother's blood. She touched the blood with one hand, her eyes lowered to her hand as her mother's blood stuck to it.

She shook.

"A-Ah.. Mama..?"

Belmo shook his hand aggressively, trying to shake off Elizabeth's blood that clung onto him. He looked down at the Blood Queen's 'dead' body and smiled. He chuckled, his chuckle turned into lunatic laughter. "What a stupid Bitch!"

He stomped down at her.

Incomprehensible emotions, stirring like an atomic explosion waiting to burst, the young mind slowly learned in the worst way possible.

"You thought you outsmarted me by sending one of your clones to kill my men, that you thought I was waiting for my men to pick up your daughter!?" Belmo laughed in mockery. "FOOL! You may be the Queen of Vampires, but you are nothing just but a child with power and age behind her backing. What I was waiting back then for was for the effects of my 'Sleeping Queen' to take effect and for Siopilos to make that child of yours lose control, something you failed to realize."

Elizabeth's dead body flinched as he continued to stomp down on her repeatedly, drawing blood everywhere, some of them even landing on Poor girl nearby. "You see this? I'm weaker compared to the likes of you and that monster Shadow, but power is not everything. No no no, being strategic and clever is also a factor. Intellect is a must and power is a desire, look where your confidence in strength got you, on the ground, beaten and lifeless..."

"Not to mention your daughter is now mine to play with." His eyes settled on Remilya's shocked form, the little girl shaking with each second, she was starting to hyperventilate and tear up at the same time.

What a poor girl.. Bah! Who was he kidding? He's totally gonna make this brat wish she was dead, either physically or mentally, or maybe both.

She was the perfect specimen for the Vampire Curse and Possession working in complete tandem, not a single distortion in magic, so powerful and destructive.

She was the embodiment of a monster in his eyes, a monster who was the Cult's very wet dream of getting their hands on.

To call Remilya's mind a mess, was an understatement. An emotional turmoil was pressing down on her young mind the longer her eyes stayed at her mother's dead motionless body, negative emotions overflowed like a flash flood as she tried to comprehend everything.

Her shocked state started to wear off into something worse, one moment she was in her mama's warm embrace, a feeling she wanted to last as long as possible.. Then suddenly it was stripped away, so fast her mind couldn't take it.

Flashes of her magical outburst and bloody gore rebounded back, a destructive force that she had let out, the taste of blood in her mouth.

A scarring within the mind that will never heal, like all traumas. The wind grew cold as it bleeded.

The friendly maids and butlers that filled the mansion, all turned into a smear in the wall.

Auntie Lelaynee. Mr. Nicholas. Both nearly died because of her outburst.

Rando, her best friend Rando , Dead.

Rando's death as a human, resurrected as a filthy vampire unwillingly.

Fed down on his dead body, his scrumptious blood she had taken pleasure in her mouth. The euphoric sensation of craving for more, MORE blood.

A soul crushing guilt pressed down on the poor youngling.

Then.. T-Then now Mama.

Cold shivering was the blood, craving was of the tongue.

Her hollowed empty eyes looked at her mother once more, the woman remained motionless.

Slit crimson eyes lay await for the calamity, unwanted desire for blood, yet born instinctual cravings won out.

A silver dagger stuck where her heart would be.

A wasteful use of blood, to let it go ripe on the floor.


She finally understood now.

Even if she already knew, she refused to believe it.

Her Mama's dead.

A single tear dropped from her eyes.

A metaphorical damp collapsed.

Her mind shattered like glass.

Vampiric Instincts freed like a curse . A desire of possession akin to a demonic thought arises.

Retrains fully broken, nothing to hold the child of the strongest back.

The Bloody Princess has been awoken.

The frenzy has once again begun.


Belmo laughed hysterically as he strutted towards Remilya. The girl had gone catatonic, her empty eyes only staring at her mother's expired state.

"And they said taking revenge was difficult." He joked. "I may not be able to beat a goddess-damned monster like Shadow, but I can break his beloved ones." He reached out and lifted Remilya by her neck. "You see this child? You may only blame both of your mother and father for this, the latter more so."

Her eyes never left Elizabeth.

"Had he not opposed the Culture and killed Fenrir-sama, this wouldn't have happened to you and your mother." He said so gently, gentle laced with sadistic glee for his newfound research specimen.

"So bear no grudge on this humble researcher." He hoisted her up and threw her several feet into the air. "Because this is not my fault."

He clenched his fist and reinforced it with magic, breaking the hellspawn of Shadow mentally won't be enough, breaking her physically would be needed as well.

For trauma may come as an anguish within the mind at most times, that doesn't mean it didn't come to the body.

He wanted this little shit to feel his wrath, anger for Fenrir-sama's death, burning fury for revenge against Shadow. He may be unreachable by mortal standards, but his daughter was not.

Lightning cackled and sprung to life, gravity got hold of Remilya as she started to fall, unresponsive to everything else.

"FOR YOU ONLY HAVE YOUR FATHER TO BLAME!" His clenched fist met her face as she fell, Magic in the form of lightning spreaded instantaneously as contact came.

The force of the punch was so strong it blew up a gust of wind as Remilya went flying towards a wall, she impacted the wall like a freight train and created a web-like pattern in the wall.

Blood came pouring out as she coughed out unwillingly, she didn't move away from the wall since she was embedded in it.

"The average person with a sane mind would call this rather extensive and brutal treatment for a child." Belmo strode towards her, wiping away the blood from his fist.

"But to me? I would call it foolish, amateurish to damage such a treasure trove of research. But alas, a man who desires revenge must have his satisfactions or else he will be left unsatiated." His saunter started to become a jog.

"And as the daughter of two monsters, one of which is Shadow. I'm quite confident you'll play a wonderful part in helping me with my satisfaction AND my revenge, with first being a MINOR IN PAIN!" He lunged forward and scythed his leg, digging Remilya out of the wall and kicking her away.

The Dhampir gasped in pain from the force.

But before she could be blown further away, a form lightning reappeared a good distance away from her before she was knee'd in the stomach.

She hunched forward in agony, before another closed fist met her side. She flew like a rag doll and violently collided with the ground, before her momentum eventually died out.

He stopped his assault on her when he noticed Rando nearby, the boy was healing at a drastic rate. Ah, so the girl bit him and turned him into a vampire. That was interesting, another research subject he could study if he were to prove to be different from the average vampire.

He looked back to the Blood Queen.

"Phase One and Phase Two are done, Phase Three remains to be seen.." He relaxed. "Then again, I must praise myself for my achievements today, I've not only killed.. Or rather, temporarily deanimated the Blood Queen but also acquired precious research subjects."

He closed his eyes and recalled the details of his plans, reflecting on one's actions after a victory was important after all.

His phase one was slowly traumatizing the girl until she slowly became mentally unstable so it would set up the final part for phase two, then when the Blood Queen arrived his Phase two was in effect, which consisted of weakening the Blood Queen first then fighting her in a disadvantageous environment to her race, wait for Siopilos to break the girl so she would go on an outburst. He was unaware of the details of Siopilos' plan but he was glad to have had such a good subordinate as the man completed his job without fail, he will never forget him. The last crucial part of his Phase two was make the Blood Queen exert as much magic as she could so the air would be filled with traces of her magic, the Liquefied-Silver dulled her judgment on her strength, and once both requirements were met the Blood Queen will think that her strength was at what she thought.

But instead, her calculation would be thrown off. It was what allowed him to survive her final attack from before.

Phase three was something else, and with the Blood Queen's corpse and her daughter in his hands.. "Hahahahaha.." he laughed lowly.

It only made his progress to his final plan faster.

"Soon enough Shadow, I will earn the power to kill you and take revenge for the person I respected." He brought his hand up and clenched it. "And when the time comes, You'll realize that I've used your wife and daughter's power to kill you, I will relinquish your expression once you realize they're gone once I'm done..!"

Belmo stopped his monologue when he opened his eyes, he was greeted with rubble and blood floating and distorting unnaturally.

"Huh..?!" His eyes widened. There was only one person that came to mind If supernatural blood was involved being distorted at this level.

A shiver ran up in his spine, he immediately turned around to face the Blood Queen.. Except, she was still dead, the silver-laced dagger still embedded on her heart.

If it wasn't the Blood Queen, then who?

...It can't be, the brat had effectively run out of magic with that outburst of her's.

His eyes darted to the right, the smear and stains of blood everywhere distorting, it looked like something was trying to pull them in, to suck them in, but it failed. His eyes traveled to the left, same thing. Something or Someone was trying to manipulate blood nearby, he immediately thought of the Blood Queen's subordinate, but she wasn't here.. If not her, then who..? Someone else came to mind, because there's no way he was going to believe it was Remilya Vlodquinn.

The weak shuffling sound of someone struggling to stand up came from behind him, he slowly turned around. He was proven wrong, it was her.

The Daughter.

But something was wrong, his blood ran cold, his body was shaking in fear for some ungodly REASON! His expression grew serious as he observed her, not only was he superior to her, his strength was doubled by the Tears.

The girl was slumped over as she stood up, her bangs covering her bloodstained face, in her hand was a.. Severed limb? But from who? It seemed to be a random person's arm.

She raised her head slightly, her lower face only visible. Her lips parted as she whispered so weakly. At first he couldn't hear anything, that didn't last long as her voice slowly became intelligible.

"This taste, this addictive taste... Blood." The girl- No, whatever this thing was, said softly.

Belmo narrowed his eyes and unsheathed his silver-sword.

"It's dripping.. Flowing.. Falling.. Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again." Remilya mumbled.

Out of pure self-preservation, his body unconsciously took a step back, his face already ridden with sweat. His serious countenance transitioned between fear and curiosity.

"This left arm is sweet...human's blood is so sweet.." She giggled.

Every second Belmo spent in this accursed fucking place felt like an eternity, because he had a feeling he would be less than just a stain of blood on the floor if he looked away.

"This right arm.. Is also so sweet.. So sweet." Wait, right arm?

It was true, there was suddenly another arm in her other hand, one that looked armored and was holding a strangely familiar sword. A sword that was used against the Blood Queen.

Why did his right side feel light?


He finally recognized the owner of the arm the girl was in possession of.

'It cannot be, I didn't even see her move!' he screamed internally.

This fucking monster, had somehow severed his arm without him noticing. He didn't groan or scream in pain in fear of grabbing the girl's attention right in front of him. Self-preservation screamed for his eyes to never leave the girl or he will be GONE .

"Both so sweet, yet the left sweeter.. So tasty.. So Delicious.. So luscious.. Succulent.. So wonderful." The girl lifted the random severed arm, one second she was holding it then the other it was gone. Her palm opened, stained with a handful of blood. "It feels so good."

The girl then lifted his severed arm- Suddenly the entire appendage was gone, what the? The Blood Queen's daughter chewed at something.

As all of this happened, the surrounding blood started to morph unnaturally, taking forms of small thin blades which floated a few feet above the ground.

'Immense speed? There's barely no wind up whenever she does something, it's all instantaneous.' He was right, this little spawn of the Blood Queen and Shadow was a fucking monster, she just ate an entire limb within an instant.

What. The. Fuck.

Maybe he should have just used 'Sleeping Queen' on her.

The girl shook, as if in euphoria. Before she started giggling.

"Red... Red.. Red.. Red.. Red.. Red.. Red.. Sweet.. Sweet.. Sweet.. Sweet.. Sweet. Sweet.. Sweet.." The girl repeated her words in a lyrical manner, like a verse.

"All of you.." Her slumped form faced him, she stared at her blood stained hands and giggled. "Sweet.. So sweet! Red.. So Red!"

She hunched over before standing up straight, her gaze on the ceiling as she giggled.

Her giggling turned into a creepy laughter, then all of a sudden she stopped.

Belmo swallowed. His remaining arm shook so heavily while he held onto a holster, it was ridiculous per say, to be afraid of a little girl laughing. He was someone about to be a part of the Knights of the round and yet he's afraid of a little girl losing her mind?

Rightfully so in his opinion.

Her head dropped down, he finally saw her face uncovered by her bangs.

He shivered.

Extremely bright red eyes with slit pupils stared back at him, Remilya smiled, a smile that contained so much craving for blood .

"I'LL KILL YOU!" She giggled hysterically, a hungry smile on her face as she looked at him like cattle.


If the Blood Queen scared him, her offspring downright fucking terrified him.

Remilya lunged forward face first with insane speed, fast but still slower than him even in his injured state. Her jaw bit down on the air where his neck used to be, she would have latched on his neck like a piranha if he didn't dodge.

She slammed onto a wall and immediately came right back for him.

Belmo barely dodged with his life intact, instead of trying to bite him she had stabbed forward with her arms instead. Her fingernails are sharp enough to be a weapon so dodging them was a smart move on his part.

The damn brat was clawing around at him like a monster, Belmo dodged around and felt his increase in magic given by the Tears disappear.

Shit, the timing was terrible. Belmo weaved from an clawed open palm and grimaced as her attack dug through the walls like butter.

'Just the force of her swings are destructive enough to kill me .'

The pain of losing his arm was drowned by his adrenaline as he dodged for his life, he kept dodging while Remilya sent crazed attacks at him.

Their game of cat and mouse continued for a while, the man shamefully rolling to the ground and attempting to save his life.

He wanted to use the Sleeping Queen on her but found himself unable to do so, as it was unloaded, not to mention he had an arm missing.

"AHAHAHA!" Remilya appeared before him, prompting him to duck as she sent a vertical slash attack.

The attacked dug through the mansion and traveled outside the mansion, cutting multiple trees.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Remilya kept laughing, sending attacks that would have killed him without stopping.

For the next thirty minutes he spent doing nothing but run for his life. The girl was relentless in her attacks followed by bladed blood attacks.

During the ten minute mark, the girl had lost all of her magic and only focused on trying to either slice him apart or eat him alive.

He also saw a few magic spasms out of her once in a while, a strange occurrence in his opinion.

Not too long later, Belmo narrowed his eyes, gritting his teeth to serve as distraction from the unbearable pain as his adrenaline slowly lost its effects.

His eyes caught the glimpse of Magic spasms seeping out from the hellspawn every now and then.

Drawing his conclusions, his suspicions had finally been answered.

'I see now! I thought it was strange that she hasn't killed me yet with her outstanding speed,' His feet touched upon a wall, planted deep before he jumped away to dodge a fatal strike that left a carving in the wall. 'Outstanding speed she did not actually possess but rather a combination of nimble strikes and well-hidden attacks, mostly with her blood-conjured weapons which all have disappeared during the fight.'

A lightning speed of swerving performed by the mad scientist allowed him to dodge an impaling strike that blew a hole across the mansion. 'It seems that the reason for its disappearance is because of her lack of control over her unbelievable power, her unique traits allow for a passive increase in magic capacity and overall combative capabilities, all physical attributes but none mentally.'

A feat thanks to his time as a researcher, his more calculative and curious mind as a researcher overtook the strain of self-preservation and survival instincts, allowing him to be calm and collected despite his non-ideal situation.

'Statistically, the child is still nothing compared to me – or rather, my uninjured and peak state, the reason for my sudden loss of arm was because of my dulled and fatigued senses in which she used one of her blood-made weapons to cut off my arm, all her combat related prowess were all below mine, it's not even shy to say that the child was still weaker than that Maid subordinate of the Blood Queen.'

The reason she felt so threatening was likely because of his inferior human physiology, vampires were, for a lack of word. A predator to humans, her previous outburst had caused him to lose his cool and panic, making it seem as if she were on a similar scale to her Mother.

But when he'd fully regained his sound of mind, she looked nothing more than a feral monster with the power to kill him. Her initial speed and strength were probably on par or higher than his if he was at full strength, but all of that became useless when she couldn't control it.

But still..

'Despite the wasteful use and passively increasing power of her, the perfect tandem of Vampiric Curse and Demonic Possession was outstanding! The marks of possession glowed red instead of black! Is this because of her magic? Or her lineage as a vampire? So many questions and yet no answer!' The man gleefully but maliciously smiled.

"TRULY A MARVELOUS EXISTENCE YOU ARE! YOU DISGUSTING WASTE OF THE BLOOD QUEEN AND THE MAN FROM THE SHADOWS!" He howled as he sidestepped another impaling strike from Remilya, the feral and out of control dhampir looked at him as if he were a beef jerky.

But none of her instinctive attempts at intimidating a prey mattered when said prey was insane and calm at the same time.

His hand shot out and grabbed Remilya by the hair and pulled it down, his knee shot upwards to meet her stomach. The vampiric child shrieked in pain before a wave of high voltage magic in the form of lightning was sent towards her body.

Remilya howled as she slowly lost consciousness, smoke erupting from her roasted body caused by the extreme heat and voltage of lightning.

She dropped like a fly without its wings.

"Goodness, what an embarrassment for someone such as myself to be troubled by something meager like this." Belmo said, a hand held out as static electricity twitched from his hand before it all disappeared.

Belmo sighed, everything was finally over. He looked outside and saw that sunlight had finally begun to set, it was evening now.

He looked around, before screaming at the top of his voice.

"MEN! If any of you are still alive, come out!" He ordered loudly.

A few minutes later, no one came. That meant 97% of his forces he accumulated for the decades were all dead.

That Blood Queen was a fucking monster, tch. At least he still had two facilities. One of which housed his other pet project, the other facility was within Oshiana.

He looked back at Remilya and Elizabeth, he was going to need some help moving them in his injured state.

Thankfully he had some disposable goons back at Okeanos' main town, he'll just bring these two there and move to his main facility.

Suddenly he heard the sounds of something approaching at highspeeds. He narrowed his eyes and took out his remaining beads.

Someone landed down in the mansion, red mist and a maid uniform, a woman with light red hair looking absolutely haggard and exhausted arrived.

"The subordinate." He said, turning around to face her.

Mary looked around in Horror, seeing Remilya and Elizabeth bloodied, morley on her Ladyship was currently dead. "You're too late, woman, I've already dealt with them."

Her eyes landed on him, transitioning into fury. "Y-You.. How dare you!"

The reason why Mary took so long to get here was because she sent the nobles/survivors back to Oshiana via a ship she stole from Okeanos' port.

Why did she do that you ask? And how did she get here?

Upon arriving on the province, she was met with the locals screaming for their lives, no doubt afraid by her Ladyship's showcase of power.

She then saw multiple suspicious men arming themselves up that looked way too differently to the local police force.

Upon seeing her, they sort of randomly attacked her so she beat them up.

Got her answers and flew here, upon arrival she saw a group of injured nobles alongside the Omadolcnte, they explained the situation — which included the main town being too dangerous as Belmo had some goons there —- to her so she immediately went back to the port with her vampiric speed and stole a giant ship.

She then docked it in the nearest seashore and had the Omadolcnte drive it back to Oshiana after patching them up.

As for how she got here, she rowed FURIOUSLY and had to instinctively learn how to use Mist Form on the get go because her Lady had sent such a powerful attack it sent waves across the sea, breaking her dingy and forcing her to learn how to fly.

When she arrived here, she had not expected this scene.

Wasting no time, she immediately grabbed a random silver sword on the ground and lunged at the man.

Belmo saw this and took his last Tear, he Immediately grew stronger and overwhelmed Mary even with her Vampiric Strength active.

Their exchange continued for a few minutes with sparks of steels flying everywhere, eventually Belmo landed a severe blow on Mary. Causing the woman to howl in pain and gain distance.

She grimaced, knowing she couldn't beat this man, he was simply too fast. If they fought again she would lose even if she drank every blood within the proximity.

Her eyes landed on Remilya and Elizabeth, the latter obviously dead while the former was unconscious and broken.

She grit her teeth in anger, if Remilya died there was no coming back for her. Her Ladyship would be fine as long as that dagger was removed, though she doubted she'll be able to do that as the man would simply intercept her and use Remilya as a hostage.

Fucking hell, she didn't wanna do this but her next action she was supposed to take was obvious.

She'll simply get her back once she finds sir Shadow.

Mary exploded into action, flying towards Remilya. Belmo with the last of his stamina appeared before her and aimed to stab her in the heart.

Thankfully she was able to dodge it, but that didn't help with her being stabbed in the stomach.

She kicked him off with an agonizing amount of effort and grabbed Remilya, she also saw Rando was in a good condition but bloody for some reason, she immediately grimaced and decided to pick him up as well, two kids were lighter than carrying a whole grown woman.

The sword still lodged in her stomach. She could only grab one person while flying, she wanted to grab both her Lady And Remilya but with this man he would immediately catch up to her, but if it was only Remilya and Rando she'd manage.

After grabbing the little girl and the boy, she ascended up into the skies and flew towards Oshiana, she felt her vision slowly blackening because of her flying such a distance and with an injured body.

Belmo tried to follow after her but soon fell on his knees, the consequences of using his Diablos' tears hitting him in full force.

"GET BACK HERE WOMAN!" He screamed in anger, his voice echoing out through the skies.

She felt her vision fading away with each second, but she persisted, if only for Remilya and Rando, she didn't catch sight of the Omadolcnte's ship and frowned.

After an hour of flying, they finally arrived at the edge of Oshiana. Unfortunately her fumes ran out first as they started pummeling downwards as Mary lost consciousness, the extreme gale had caused Remilya to wake up, the little girl immediately subjected into fighting for her life upon just waking up.

"A-Auntie Mary!" She screamed, the woman was nonrespondent, completely unconscious due to running out of magic reserves.

Remilya grumbled something, adrenaline immediately kicking into action as she used whatever magic she regained from her short time of being asleep. She and her Auntie became covered within red cloudy mist as Remilya tried to slow down their fall.

A few moments later, they slowly but roughly landed on a rooftop, before slipping off and falling down to an alleyway. Remilya weakly got up and exhaustedly looked around, she saw that her auntie was knocked out, bleeding from a sword that was still lodged on her.

If she didn't remove it the woman would die, knowing so Remilya ran over and tried to pull it. It didn't budge but Mary did groan painfully, she tried again but this time gently, no such luck.

She kept on trying until she realized she needed to pull with all her remaining strength, she silently sent her Auntie a tired apology, bracing herself and pulling it with all her might. The sword finally dislodged and came off, Remilya dropped it seconds later.

She saw Rando a few meters away, his head wrecked open slowly regenerating because of the vampirism she gave him.

She fell down and leaned on the wall, her adrenaline disappearing as she completely lost strength. She stared at nothing with hollow eyes and started tearing up.

Her mind remembering and processing everything that had happened today.

From arriving at Rando's house.

Belmo's arrival.


The Gala.

The people that looked at her as if she was a monster.

Her fight with Belmo.

The people she accidentally killed.

His speech about 'Templates'

Mama's arrival.

Her reconciliation with her Mama.

Mama's fight and her power.

Siopilos' story.

Rando's death and her first human blood.

And last but not least.

Mama's death .


John Smith, or rather Cid Kagenou's head whipped to the side as he sensed that Little Vampire again... Or should he say, his daughter.

He frowned, he swore he sensed his daughter going ham on Elizabeth a few minutes ago.

But he was too occupied with getting his shit together to go there, too excited and nervous at the thought of having a daughter.

Child support was the least of his worries right now, he could feel Elizabeth's signature suddenly snuffed out like a light bulb.

Did something happen to her? He vaguely remembered Zeta talking about some Belmo guy and his plans to steal Elizabeth's money — And by extension, his money as well. Di

He looked up and saw evening coming, the night was falling. He disappeared and reappeared on top of a rooftop, donning his Shadow identity and flying towards his Daughter.

He COULD check up on Elizabeth if something happened to her, but eh. She's the Blood Queen, one of the very people he could hold a proper conversation with, she'll be fineeeee.

Though he couldn't help but feel really angry for some reason, but first.

He wanted to see his daughter first in personal–

–Oh speaking of the devil, that Vampire maid girl is flying towards this way with his daughter in tow... Who's magic seems to be really dried out, there's someone else too but he didn't know em.

Oh well, he might as well wait and think of a way to reveal himself to his daughter.

He flew back to Oshiana and went back to being John Smith and got into position.


Remilya's hand weakly went to her face, her eyes hollowed and empty. Tears started falling from her eyes soon after. She slumped on the wall and started crying silently.

Then, her crying slowly transitioned into wailing loudly.

"Why.. WHY! WHY DID I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS, WHY!" She screamed out loud, falling to her front and slamming the ground.

"Why.." She hollowedly asked no one, a few seconds later she stood up with empty and depressed eyes.

"I-I have to go... Auntie Mary will die if I let her bleed out and Rando's slowly becoming a vampire." Remilya said with an empty voice.

She carried Rando into her shoulder while she dragged Mary's dying form, walking without life in her movements. She was walking towards their house, despite how far it was.

"Oh? It seems that Belmo-sama was right to leave some of us wandering the streets." A man in a military suit said at the end of the alley, another man in a military suit with brown hair walked up.

"Is that them?"

"Who else would have bright red hair and red eyes, dumbass? Lord Belmo gave us pictures of them."

"Eh, true enough. Just go and deal with them or something."

The man who spoke first laughed. "With pleasure." he started walking towards her.

Remilya dropped both Rando and Mary, she widened her stance without energy and looked at them with exhausted and hollowed eyes.

"Why... Why do you all just keep coming.." She clenched her claws. "Why can't you all just leave us alone...."

She inhaled, preparing to fight with almost nothing.

"If this is reality... t-then I REJECT THIS REALITY!" She howled, raising up one arm while her other had completely lost stamina.

"Heh, what the hell are you talking abou— A-Ah.." The man suddenly paused in his tracks, his other companion looked at him with confusion.

"Oi, what are you waiting for—.." He also paused, he was sweating profusely.

Remilya looked at them with a confused face, her angry determination being replaced with confusion when both men were suddenly dragged by something into the night sky.

"They say.." A deep voice spoke up, upon hearing it Remilya somehow felt relieved despite not knowing it. "That it is in the strangest places where you have an encounter that will change your life forever."

Remilya looked up into the night sky and saw someone standing at the edge of a rooftop, his voice was loud enough for her to hear clearly.

The man's figure was being enhanced by the Moonlight shining down on him. He wore a pointed white mask and a fancy dark suit, strings moving around him as if they were sentient.

Remilya's eyes slowly widened, her eyes regaining their color and life for whatever reason she could not understand.

She smelled his scent, it was being masked by a bunch of perfumes. But underneath it was..

It was..

Two strange scents, both strangely familiar, made her have hope, she felt a connection to him.

The man held out a hand towards her.

"Do you not agree...? Little Vampire."

This smell...!

Mama's scent is on him!

"Why don't you introduce yourself to me?" The man spoke with a clear loud voice, it was music to her ears.

She opened her mouth to talk, but found herself having difficulty.

With one last push, she managed to open her mouth and say her name.

"R-Remilya.. Vlodquinn.."




A/N :

No I do not condone child violence, however I do find making my OC's go through angst and suffering rewarding for character development. Trust me it's for the better.

Also, I rewrote Cid's scenes.


Remilya in this chapter : MY SPECIALZ starts playing*



And will you all be able to spot the references I've added?

Anyways, with how long this fucking thing is going on. I decided to dub it the 'Damsel' Arc, why the name? Given the fact that Elizabeth is uhhh, let's just say occupied right now.

This arc is simply to give opening and give me a buncha opportunities for relationships to bloom. Sometimes, whenever I'd see some pairing fics. There's barely any reason for their romance or relationship to be that deep, making this fic like this is what ticked in my mind.

I'll simply leave it to your imaginations until this arc ends(Which is probably in two chapters with how long i'm writing these chapters)

-The nickname 'Lelaynee' came from when Remilya had tried to pronounce Lelaine's name, which she obviously fumbled, after that it stuck because Remilya couldn't be bothered to change it.

-Just like her Father, Remilya had at one point tried to play vigilante and terrorize some 'bad' guys in the alleyways, unfortunately for her, Elizabeth's mama instincts caught wind of it before the little girl could follow her father's footsteps (Minus the killing part, all she would have done was scare them)

-Despite her performance, Remilya is still weaker than Mary's vampire form, except when she had her outburst, putting her somewhere below the weakest Shade in terms of magic.

-I'll only tell this now, Remilya will never surpass Shadow, that would just make her the average "MC has a kid and they're very cool plot armor protected and stronger than the MC" kind of character, maybe she'll be close to his level when she grows up but never surpass him.

-Natsu is the brown/pastel colored cat girl from the John Smith arc occasionally seen accompanying or greeting John Smith, she was hinted back at chapter 5 during the train scene. Our idiot eminence simply let her eavesdrop in case she wanted to join the 'plot'. Despite herself, the girl didn't realize John Smith recognized or found her out.

-Fun fact, while i was writing about the whole 'Template of the soul' thing, i realized that it was way too goddamn close to MGR Monsoon's 'Memes', I paused writing this shit and pondered about it, like.. Holy shit, I didn't even realize I was channeling the guy to Belmo.

-I fixed chapter 4 to properly fit what Shadow had done to mordred in the anime (Eviscerating the man and illuminating the whole solar fucking system.)

-How does Remilya have Possession when the descendants of the heroes can only have them? One word, Kagenou bloodline. Technically anyone suffering from Possession is a descendant of the heroes, and Claire definitely experienced it. In the sanctuary it was shown that Cid was not able to pull out the Excalibur looking sword which he should be able to, that's because he was not and was actually pushing it down, the blud is related to his sister who had possession.

-Not only that it was also stated that Vampirism and Possession might have come from the same origin, just different and diverged. What's happening to Remilya here is having both things at the same time and continuously unlocking more of her magic reserves through either by fighting or drinking blood. A perfect combination of some sorts, it's pretty much a head canon of might, I'm just trying to make it as close as possible to the show's canonical lore.

-Also, Remilya is Elizabeth and Shadow's daughter, it's a given that she'll have a monstrous amount of magic, she just doesn't know how to use all of it. Once she does she'll probably be a very capable combatant as she grows up, probably not on the same level as Elizabeth or Alpha Aurora, maybe a level weaker than the current LN Alpha, but eh, who knows.

-"Why didn't Elizabeth use the funny Possession thingy on Belmo?" – Belmo is on the same level with the likes of Fenrir, only being superior in terms of speed. A simple possession shouldn't work on him because they're literally drowning themselves in Diablos' power, besides he's a male and males barely showed shit on Possession, not only that he's not a descendant of the heroes.