
Bloody minds

A huge tragedy ran quickly through the mouths of the people from Okinawa. Suzuki Watanabe investigates the cause of sudden deaths which were said to be caused by a strange photo containing a girl with lots of blood on her body and long brown hair. Suzuki continues her investigation as a strange event occurs,her niece meets a similar woman to the one in the photo. But how is it possible to see the dead?

Dorixxo · Horror
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2 Chs


Izumi and I went to the funeral,as I tell her to go to Masaki's room,I go to my best friend's wife.

I'm very sorry about what happened,I didn't expect that,he seemed very strong since he performed many autopsies without getting scared that the human might not be alive...

"I didn't expect that too but it seems like it just happened and I couldn't prevent it,what kind of wife am I? I couldn't protect my own husband and now I'm staying here crying over his corpse."

Said as she cried out,her soul was in pain as well as her body,seems like she neglected herself.

Kyoto's corpse was right in front of us but his face was covered with a white sheet.

I looked at the body lifeless body of Kyoto. To my surprise I didn't cry or even tear up.

"Izumi!" Said Aki as he pinched her.

"Ouch,it hurt! Let me beat you up!" Announced as she hit him with the pillow.

"Do you want candy?" Asked Masaki as she got up to open the drawer the candy was in.

"Sure,but I thought you were going to cry all day since your father is dead."

"I know he is dead but Nanako told me not to worry and she knows better than me,she gave me this candy. Let's see, candy, candy... Here!"

Exclaimed as she got the candy out of the drawer.

"Something fell." Said Aki as he down. "Let me get it. Interesting, it's a photo but it is also strange,have you ever seen such scary thing? She's covered in blood and her hair is stranger than all the hairs I've seen before. It seems tangled...more like matted,she also looks young but at the same time I can't actually tell..."

A voice was suddenly making its appearance.

"Hello children. How about you find out more about me within a month?"

"Izumi,you heard that?"

"Yes I did. It is strange, Masaki stop scaring us!"

"But I didn't do anything,I didn't even know this was even possible. Such photo... the girl in it could only be Nanako,do you think she came for me? Do you think that after she took my father she is planning to go after me?"

"Masaki,stop spitting such nonsense! We are all going to be fine,stop getting scared,why would Nanako hurt us? She was playing with me and Izumi yesterday,she was really nice,she laughed with us even when she fell."

"Appearances don't always indicate the truth."

"You know what if you are going to judge our dearest friend you can leave this room now!"

"I will leave when though it's my room, but don't expect me to respect a creature she is not human and you know it better than me."

"Shut up!"

Izumi! I shout as I see that she pushed Masaki off of the bed.

What has gotten into you? Children,tell me what happened. Izumi would you like to explain?

"Well,Masaki found this strange photo of Nanako in which her hair is matted and she is also full of blood and now she is scared and I don't know why because Nanako is really nice! She's our dearest friend,right Aki?"


Strange photo... girl... dearest friend. GIVE ME THAT PHOTO NOW! I scream as I snatch the photo from Aki's hands.

This girl,this photo,who is she?

"Nanako the girl we told you about yesterday,she played with us and she fell so we laughed it off. It is strange that in reality she looks really nice. She has untangled hair,beautiful face and amazing features."

Oh no,no,no,no, no! You witnesses a cursed photo! Burn it! Burn it!

"Auntie,calm down, Nanako isn't harmful she just wants our friendship that's all, befriend her."

What should I do now?

"Suzuki! Come here!"

"She's calling you. Go!"

I step to the bathroom. The mirror reflected her repaired image as soon as an inscription was

私の母,私を復活捺せてください! 一か月,調べる.(My mother please revive me! One month, investigate!)

What the hell does she mean by "my mother"?

I'm not her mother. One month? What shall I do in a month? Investigate? How is she expecting me to do that?

"With ease and mind." Said Izumi while staring at her auntie.

Izumi, just what is so fantastic about Nanako? Could you tell me? I'm very curious about her.

I was obviously lying but to break the curse that was put on Izu I need to find out,if only it was put on me and not on the children...

Why? Why did you do that? Nanako! What hurt you that much so that you'll do something like that? Why are you doing this? To children,you must have been quite a busy girl in your life. Now that you are dead what do you want? What even happened to you that you decided to free a curse? Just give me a sign, where could I possibly find any piece of information that will help me investigate your case?



どういたしまして!(You're welcome!)

All the words on the mirror disappeared. She had such a great calligraphy,was she teaching calligraphy by any chance,but that couldn't be she didn't even look like she even got to finish college or even start it.

I get in the car as I drive crazily until I reach the Library. I step inside it and searched through all the books but none of them seemed like it had disturbing information in it. Until I found,a book with a black cover.


I find another with the same cover


Two books,let's see!

Found it!

Nanako Hashimoto.