
What are you?

    "No..." he whispered, barely managing to open his eyes to fix me with a panicked look. "No hospital."

"What do you mean? You're bleeding!" My eyes flared with wild confusion and panic as Vasilis's hold on my wrist tightened and he shook his head.

"No, it's fine. I'll be okay. I just need..." the rest of his words trailed off into a wheeze as he coughed up dark red blood.

My heart seized in my chest, my panic intensifying as I yanked my hand out of his hold and darted away from the bed, towards the wall by the dresser where my phone had fallen.

"I'm calling an ambulance! You're not dying on me, Vasilis!" I reached for my phone and unlocked it immediately, but before I could even open up the dial pad, it was pulled from my grasp and I turned around with a gasp to meet Vasilis's gaunt, inhuman gaze.

How the hell had he gotten here so fast...

"I'm fine, Jade."

Next chapter