
Prologue: Where it all began.

Approaching a tunnel to cave outside of the area that one day would come to be New York, a pair of men were talking about a plan they had been working on. Something they had hatched up several decades earlier but hadn't had the resources to pull it off. However things had finally shifted in their favor, one of the men was granted a power that would lead them to achieving their plan. "Ok Dante, now to go over the plan again, we are setting up this school to help us find better fighters just to push ourselves pretty much. Right?"

The one to speak up first was rather plainly dressed but otherwise looked far from it. His hair was a ebony black and even though tied in a ponytail reached to his waist, his smile would seem devilish as his teeth were all sharp as a razor. His torso was completely uncovered but far from bare, at the center of his chest would be what looked like 10 dragon tails meeting and spiralling outward crawling to his shoulders only to spiral down his arms to his hands. He wore a simple pair of black pants he had made from the hide of a dragon he hunted many years ago whilst still through the ages choosing to remain barefoot. "That's how I took it at least." He would snicker as he continued walking with his friend towards the entrance of this plan. His eyes like burning ruby placed of fields of the void made ever clearer by the olive toned skin of the man, would shift to look over at his friend waiting his answer.

The male beside the first one to speak nodded. " Well yes, but if we were smart, we'd do more with it somehow. " Dante explained. Dante was dressed in a blue trench coat, a longsword with a wolf head on the cross section of the blade, on his back. He seemed human enough, but to those who knew him, he was the furthest thing from human possible. A simple blue t shirt and black pants underneath. Dante continued beside him, before taking a step forward to lead them into the tunnel " if there happens to be someone or something you and I couldn't handle, it would help to have a back up plan. " Dante explained, his piercing blue eyes scanning the tunnel, looking for a specific item, or specific spot, to begin the process.

"Dante, my brother I highly doubt that we will ever run across anything that could be considered a threat to us ever again. Your power alone would have been enough but now with these new memories that returned my power to me, nothing should concern us." He scoffed at the thought that anything could trump his newly regained power over darkness. He would then let out a hearty laugh as he walked into the cave system with Dante, they woul continue walking ever deeper into the cave till several hours had passed and the ligth from outside could no longer reach them. Taking in a deep breath Kaiser would smile widely as he felt at home here, felt his power surging up inside as it then began dancing at the tips of fingers shown as shadows even against the lightless dark of the cave. "I think here should be deep enough into the cave system for me to build up enough juice to get the process started at minimum." a grin unfamiliar to even Dante, something ancient and vengeful filled with madness as his let his power rapidly build up.

"You know, that power still has a potential to go to your head. and if it does. then you'll need a small army to be able to come close to stopping you or myself. " Dante thought for a moment, to all of the beings of power where he was from, and mentally noted how all of them eventually became corrupt. and definitely wanted to avoid the same happening to his dear friend. Dante could feel Kaisers energy surging when they arrived to the right spot. The grin on his friends face a little unsettling. Before he closed his eyes and began to channel his aura to match the amount of energy that Kaiser was channeling. Though difficult at first, causing Dante to break out into a sweat already. However, he also felt an odd tugging, like something was being pulled from him just as quickly as he was charging it.

As he continued to build his energy he would feel Dante's aura causing him to refocus. Whatever malevolent thing it was that was taking grip seemed to have lost all the grip it had. His mind now clear and focused with their wish pictured clearly in his mind, then released the power he had built up merging it with the dark of the cave. In merging his power within the cave he was able to open a gateway to realm that was being built on the foundations of their power, though small it would serve the purpose they needed it for.

As he continued to build his energy he would feel Dante's aura causing him to refocus. Whatever malevolent thing it was that was taking grip seemed to have lost all the grip it had. His mind now clear and focused with their wish pictured clearly in his mind, then released the power he had built up merging it with the dark of the cave. In merging his power within the cave he was able to open a gateway to realm that was being built on the foundations of their power, though small it would serve the purpose they needed it for.

As he poured more power into it the Realm on the other side would begin to grow at an much higher rate. By consequence this would however would soon cause him to drop to the ground completely exhausted as he huffed while trying to catch his breath. Waving at Dante he would speak between breaths. "Hold on, i'll continue, in, a second." He then took a deep breath exhaling it slowly before speaking again. "Ok, how you holding up man, we only got enough room for like a classroom. You good to continue?"

Dante pressed his hand on Kaiser's back as he pulled the energy from himself to start the realm of the School. The amount of energy that it took for the portal to enter the school, was already a tremendous amount. But the strain of forcing a new realm into existence was evident on Kaiser's body.

Dante knew what was going to happen, or yet what needed to happen. Dante looked to Kaiser, a smile on his face. " look man. I can see how much this is taking a toll on you. so I have an idea... but. You'll have to continue on without me. " Dante said before turning to the portal. He walked up to it and put his hand up to the portal for a brief moment. He snatched his hand back, clearly in pain. "oh man... this is gonna hurt. " Dante took a deep breath, before turning back to Kaiser.

" Man, before you start acting all confused.. I think this is what needed to happen. We're not going to get the scale we need unless what I'm about to do gets done. I have a two grandsons that are bound to come looking for me eventually. I need you to guide them down the right path. Just like I've helped guide you down the right path.... for the most part. " Dante chuckled, before scratching the back of his head. " and trust me when I say. You'll know. One of them inherited my looks, and the other inherited my demonic energy. " He explained, before pulling his friend in close to hug him tightly. Before pulling himself free from his brother, holding his shoulders. " Always remember this Kaiser. bīnu gubb, ģbak gubb, ōmg dīģz gubb. " Dante said before jumping into the portal. One would simply be confused by the theatrics but Kaiser would be able to tell the moment Dante touched the portal that his energy and aura vanished without a trace. The portal revealing that the realm went from a simple classroom, to a massive university. Dante had sacrificed himself to help Kaiser accomplish their goal. Leaving Kaiser with one last request and no way to say no.

As Dante spoke up pointing at that the process was taking a toll on him he would begin to chuckle waving his hands at him almost scoffing at the thought. Yet he couldn't ignore the feeling he was getting from dante stating that he would have to continue on without him, the thought of it alone would cause him to choke on his words as he spoke in return. "No way man, this is nothing i'm strong enough to cover both of us just watch." He preached as if a younger brother bragging to the older about holding his own. It was when Dante touched the portal reeling back in pain that his heart would begin to sink and a numbing confusion began to wash over him.

As he went numb he would still hear every single word Dante spoke but could not seem to bring himself to be able to respond to any of it. Simply just staring at Dante as he spoke he would tense up as he embraced him in a hug before holding him by his shoulders to continue speaking. Internally at this point all he could hear was an intense ringing at such a high pitch that it would drown out anything else up till Dante jumped into the portal. After Dante jumped into the portal Kaiser would remain standing in place like a statue for several minutes before eventually taking in a sudden and sharp breath.

As he breathed in sharply his mind began to refocus, slowly, but refocus none the less. He would begin to chuckle ever so slightly as he seemed to hunch over a bit as his mind began processing what just happened. With a short glance around he would quickly lay eyes on the new portal yet again causing a faint smile to form on his lips like a thin line. "Hey Dante, look we got the portal open man let's hurry and go look at what we made." He would look around again slowly and upon not seeing Dante he would just huff seemingly joyfully as he shook his head. "Right he went ahead of me, he's already on the other side just waiting for me." He would turn back to the portal smiling as he leapt through it landing at the center of the new school realm they had created.

The moment he landed on the other side he would give a quick look around seeing all of the buildings that had been created in pure amazement like a kid in a candy store. "Look Dante it's amazing, the School we dreamed of final come to reality." He would look around again yet he would still not spot Dante which then cause the situation to finally set in. As it finally settled tears of blood would begin streaming down his face like twin rivers running off the tip of chin to the ground. Taking in a sharp breath he would let out a roar that had been sleeping for eons one that belong to the primordial of darkness, as he roared out his dragon marking would burn with a deep black fire that would then consume his body. The force of his energy that was being released would shatter the ground beneath him as he cried out for the death of his closest and longest held friend.