
91. Garp's Guess, Ace Was Stunned: What...

"Investigate the visage of the astounded Ace.

Garp's countenance blossomed into a smile.

His ruminations inevitably converged upon his office within the jurisdiction of Sengoku.

Vivid in his memory stood the tableau of Sengoku and cohorts, their countenances contorted in incredulity upon receiving tidings.

At long last, this panorama of astonishment transmigrated to other countenances.

Covertly, Garp experienced a surge of gratification.

A sensation emerges, attributing the astonishment of others to my vainglorious expressions.

Extending to the contiguous band of pirates.

Penetrating the shrouded precincts of confinement.

Dimly discernible within the dimness lay Ace's visage, ensconced within the confines of his cell.

Erewhile, he wept, commiserating mutually with Garp.

How, then, did these tears of lamentation metamorphose into a visage of astonishment within so fleeting an interval?

What has transpired?

For what cause does Fire Fist Ace, Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division, now sport such an expression of incredulity?

Does Garp intend to orchestrate his liberation?

Such an eventuality appears implausible.

In despite of Marine's standing among their ranks, Garp's essence remains profoundly discernible.

His adherence to his own brand of justice remains resolute, refraining from wanton transgressions.

In contemplation thereof, the assemblage of pirates direct their gaze upon Ace's flabbergasted mien.

An unrelenting itchiness plagues their hearts, akin to a frenzied itch besetting their corporeal forms.

Amidst the prison's shadowy recesses.

Garp relinquished the erstwhile smile from his visage, proceeding to impart to Ace the subsequent developments.

"Ace, beyond the coterie of malefactors, the ensuing incident harbors deep connections with your persona.

Garp's pronouncement kindled the spark of interest within Ace.

Elevating his gaze, Ace affixed Garp with eyes aglow in somber luminescence.

"Is it entwined with 'Zero Zero Seven'?"

Ace's countenance acquired a hint of bewilderment.

Aside from the Whitebeard Pirates' embarkation and their endeavor to emancipate him, Ace is largely disengaged from these affairs.

"Could it relate to Luffy?"

Ace inquired, his gaze unwavering upon Garp.

Garp's response emerged in the form of a smile, augmented by a subtle negation.

"Lo, the matter pertains not to Luffy, but to you.

Ace's perplexity burgeoned.

His fellow detainees regarded Ace's bemused query with equal fascination.

Theirs was a collective obsession nurtured by ceaseless suspense, manifested by their prone positions against the cell's threshold.

E'en the wielder of Devil Fruit power, renowned for its mastery, exerted his cranium's weight upon the seastone prison, grappling with an irksome sense of helplessness.

Garp refrained from protracting his tantalization, deeming this an opportune juncture to divulge the outcome of the ordeal.

"The denouement shall be unveiled forthwith," Garp expounded, brimming with assurance.

"Blackbeard, the renegade of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marshall · D · Teach by nomenclature, is an entity with which you are intimately acquainted.

At the utterance of this nomenclature, Ace's ocular orbs constricted with ire.

Blackbeard's image danced before him, engendering a cocktail of choler and outrage.

Ace's queries flowed forth in a torrent.

"Old man, could he have perpetrated fresh transgressions?"

Indeed, Garp's earlier claim adumbrated a nexus with Ace's life.

Evidently, the threads of connection interwove with Blackbeard.

This revelation embroiled Ace in a storm of trepidation.

Foremost, apprehensions concerning Blackbeard's ploys clouded his thoughts, the ramifications thereof imperiling both Whitebeard Pirates and Luffy.

Primordially, this antagonist aspired to ensnare Luffy, trading his capture for a berth among the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Contemplating these permutations, Ace's anxiety burgeoned.

Garp's response, concisely conveyed, reassured the perturbed Ace.

"Dismiss your concerns, Ace."

"The prospect in question portends no menace for you, but rather heralds a welcome and invigorating event."

"The apostate Blackbeard, Marshall D Teach, was bested by an enigmatic powerhouse, an entity that abruptly descended upon Banaro Island."

Garp's elation radiated palpably as he relayed this intelligence.

Blackbeard, though one among numerous pugilistic contenders populating the oceanic expanse, remains an object of disdain among the sea's denizens.

Notwithstanding their prevailing impression of his insignificance, Blackbeard's deeds have engendered a plethora of detractors.

Yet, Ace scrutinized the dispatches of Blackbeard's defeat and humiliation, grappling with incredulity.

"Old man, thou dost jest!"

Ace's incredulity was perceptible in his intonation.

Yet, gathering his wits, Ace's expression underwent a startling transformation.

"Could it be Marco's intervention?"

"Or perchance, did father himself intrude?"

"Blackbeard, that villain!"

Ace's voice vibrated with astonishment, augmented by a wellspring of indignation.

Garp's response, meanwhile, hinged upon a nuanced negation, denying both possibilities.

"Regrettably, Ace, thou art bereft of accuracy."

He continued, dispensing the anticipated revelation.

"It concerns thee, Ace."

Ace's countenance remained steeped in bewilderment.

In proximity, the adjacent captives directed a chorus of rapt gazes toward Ace's cell, their visages an intricate mosaic of curiosity and ardor.

Stretching their bodies against the seastone barrier, they shared inquisitiveness akin to a collective frenzy.

Sundry articulations resounded, punctuated by revelations of Garp's colloquy with Ace.

"Garp, the wily sage!"

"Ocular engagement prevails, whilst auricular insight is denied."

"He engages his progeny in discourse of grand proportions."

"This equestrian orator doth bear an assortment of convoluted matters."

"Aye, the old statesman indulges in superlative enigmas."

"A spectacle beyond imagination!"

The surrounding pirates found their frenzy unabated, gyrating within the whirlpool of speculation.

Incarcerated within the precincts of eternal limbo, the passage of time grinded along, each minute metamorphosing into an aeon.

Monotony was punctuated by sporadic ejaculations, a form of shared entertainment deriving from the narratives of maritime newcomers.

Thus, did they glimpse a semblance of diversion.

However, on this fateful day, a novel turn of events unfurled.

Garp's discourse with Ace portended profound tidings, yet the ripples of revelation eluded them.

Indignant at their exclusion, they fumed within the bounds of their confinement, yearning for a morsel of enlightenment.

2.9 "Garp, the wizened trickster!"

"Privy to gaze, yet forbidden to eavesdrop."

"Communing on weighty matters with his progeny."

"This equestrian orator, his time approaches!"

"Undoubtedly, the elder harbors lunacy."

"Aye, madness doth characterize the aged sage."

"A spectacle, indeed, inducing stupefaction."

The cohort's musings echoed, encapsulating their tumultuous sentiments.

Meanwhile, Ace's ear absorbed Garp's words, his visage mirroring a potpourri of perplexity and surprise.

"Old man, thy words, what spell dost thou weave?"

"Perhaps I harbor unknown kin upon these briny expanses?"

Ace's query lingered, tinged with skepticism.

"Such a notion appears implausible!"

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