
74. Guy Celine Returns To The Island Of The Gods, And Natalia Is Blown Up!

Amidst the fierce battlefield, the resonating voice of a gentle outsider caught the attention of Byakuya and his comrades. Their gazes fixed upon Celine, who exuded a dominating aura with a knife sheathed at her waist. Byakuya was momentarily taken aback but soon realized her identity, widening his eyes in surprise.

The wild and unpredictable Zaraki, however, scratched his head in confusion, not recognizing Celine. Yet, inexplicably, he felt a kinship towards her, a fondness akin to that of family. Over the past year, Zaraki had become less impulsive and reckless, still a fervent warrior but taking care not to harm his loved ones during battles.

Two young girls sat by the sidelines, one being Rukia, Byakuya's younger sister, who had been delighted ever since Zaraki's arrival. She was relieved that she no longer needed to endure grueling training sessions with Byakuya, who had shifted his focus to challenging Zaraki instead. The other girl, Tijie, was Rukia's one-year-younger sister, possessing the beautiful and unique Sharingan gifted by her mother. The two sisters were close, especially Rukia, who adored her little sibling and enjoyed their time together.

As Celine's gentle voice reached their ears again, Rukia recognized her as one of their elder sisters, dressed in a domineering outfit. But the name eluded her memory, while Tijie, after a moment of thought, recognized her as "Guy Sister Celine." Rukia was ecstatic upon the confirmation and rushed to embrace Celine, pulling Tijie along.

Celine's affectionate smile lit up as she held her two younger sisters. She then inquired about the names of the other two boys present—Byakuya and Zaraki. Rukia promptly introduced herself and the others, including their ranks.

Byakuya, astonished by Celine's revelation that she had mastered Bankai, couldn't help but express his shock and admiration. He felt a mix of pride and envy, respecting her as a powerful figure in the family. Zaraki, on the other hand, remained unfazed by her achievement and challenged her to a fight with excitement in his eyes.

Celine humored Zaraki but advised him to grow stronger and defeat Rukia before attempting to challenge her. She considered herself stronger than Natalia, having mastered Bankai. Natalia, who had arrived at the scene, couldn't hide her astonishment upon learning about Celine's accomplishment. She had thought Celine to be killed during her journey, but now she realized the truth.

Natalia playfully mocked Celine, who responded with a teasing smile. Rukia then explained the reason behind Celine's assumed demise and the subsequent distress among the family members. Celine appreciated their concern but dismissed it with a nonchalant wave of her hand. Her calm and confident demeanor only added to Natalia's bewilderment.

The revelation of Celine's Bankai mastery left everyone astonished, especially Byakuya, who struggled to find words to express his feelings. Rukia was in disbelief, while Zaraki's excitement grew as he looked forward to facing her in a future battle. Only little Tijie remained puzzled, trying to comprehend the concept of Bankai.

Amidst the commotion, Empress Hancock joined the scene, inquiring about Bankai and impatiently asking Celine when they could meet the mysterious man. Celine assured her they would go together soon.

Natalia, on the other hand, smirked, having already plotted her revenge for the time she was hung upside down by Celine after bringing Momousagi to the family. Celine's heart skipped a beat, sensing Natalia's mischievous intentions. A cunning idea quickly formed in Celine's mind, and she subtly taunted Natalia with a reminder of their father's supposed instructions against mastering Bankai.

Natalia was caught off guard by Celine's remark and began to ponder her own actions. The playful exchange between the two sisters left Natalia speechless, her face turning red with frustration.

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