
38. Confused Blackbeard: That Riding Horse Is Not An Illusion At All!

Grand Line, Panaro Island. A desolate and uninhabited island, devoid of any villages or towns, except for some wild animals roaming about. On the shore, the Blackbeard gang eagerly awaited something. In the distance, the silhouette of a Marine warship suddenly emerged on the sea. Blackbeard's eyes brightened as he looked up.

"The Marines who came to fetch us have arrived," Blackbeard said with a hint of excitement. His unkempt appearance and indifference to everything except his own ambitions were evident. The crew's champion fighter, Burgess, turned to Blackbeard and chuckled.

"Captain, you've always talked about waiting for an opportunity. Is this the opportunity that will propel the Blackbeard Pirates to become one of the Four Emperors?" Burgess asked, sparking curiosity among the other members of the crew.

Lafitte, the Demon Sheriff, Sniper Fan Oka, and Poison Q, the Shinigami, pondered the question in their hearts but couldn't fathom a way for the Blackbeard Pirates to swiftly rise to the level of the Four Emperors. Even if they managed to defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, the vacant position wouldn't automatically fall into their hands. They realized that achieving such a feat in a short span of time was highly unlikely.

Unfazed by their skepticism, Blackbeard erupted into laughter. "Thief ha ha ha ha ha! I've been contemplating this plan for over twenty years," he declared. From his plot to acquire a powerful Devil Fruit to orchestrating Ace's capture and subsequent trade with the World Government, Blackbeard had rehearsed this plan countless times in his mind, leaving no room for error.

Now, with more than half of his plan executed, Blackbeard felt compelled to reveal his intentions to his crew. He expressed that his acceptance of the World Government's offer to become a Warlord of the Sea wasn't solely to confront Whitebeard at Marine Headquarters.

While the crew nodded, acknowledging their captain's apparent goal, they were aware of Blackbeard's deep-rooted fear and dread of Whitebeard. The mere mention of Whitebeard would cause Blackbeard's body to tremble, revealing the psychological shadow left by the formidable pirate.

Observing their reactions, Blackbeard sighed inwardly, realizing that his intelligence and ambition surpassed that of his crew. He confirmed their assumptions, admitting that he was eager to witness the battles among the strongest at the top but lacked the courage to face Whitebeard directly until the competition concluded.

As Blackbeard revealed the extent of his Dark Fruit abilities, his crew members were left in shock. Burgess, the fighting champion, couldn't contain his excitement. "Captain, your Dark Fruit can actually strip others of their Devil Fruit powers? And you can wield two Devil Fruits? Are you planning to acquire the Tremor-Tremor Fruit after Whitebeard's demise? Captain, is this for real?" he exclaimed.

The crew members were utterly amazed by Blackbeard's perfect plan. If he acquired the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, he would possess unparalleled power in the sea. Even if he fell slightly short, the disparity wouldn't be significant. With the Tremor-Tremor Fruit and further training, Blackbeard would undoubtedly rise to the pinnacle of strength.

The crew's eyes gleamed with excitement, but Van Oka, known for his composure, raised a critical concern. "Captain, according to your plan, after the competition, if you successfully obtain Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit, you would have the qualifications to challenge the veteran Four Emperors. However, our overall strength as the Blackbeard Pirates isn't on par with your growth," he pointed out


Van Oka's words triggered deep contemplation among the crew. They realized that their captain's rapid advancement had left their collective strength behind. The major forces in the sea, such as the World Government, Marines, Four Emperors, and influential families and pirate groups, seemed beyond their reach.

Amidst their despair, Blackbeard chuckled once more. "Thief ha ha ha ha ha! Did you consider the places with the most powerful individuals in this sea?" he asked. The crew provided answers, including the World Government, Marines, Four Emperors, and various powerful families and pirate groups.

Blackbeard confirmed their responses, but then he mentioned Impel Down. The crew was momentarily stunned, realizing they had overlooked the prison as a potential resource. Impel Down housed numerous infamous pirates with bounties exceeding 100 million. These former legends of the sea, devoid of power and influence, would eagerly join the Blackbeard Pirates in exchange for freedom.

The crew's excitement surged once again, their admiration for their captain growing. Blackbeard's master plan became clear: by becoming a Warlord of the Sea and accepting the World Government's summons, he aimed to assemble a powerful crew swiftly. Impel Down would serve as a reservoir of formidable individuals, bringing the Blackbeard Pirates closer to their ambition of becoming one of the Four Emperors.

With his crew now inspired, Blackbeard stood proudly, laughter resonating in the air. The time for the Blackbeard Pirates to soar and claim the throne of the Four Emperors was within reach. In his eyes, a glimmer of crimson fire burned—the image of himself, donning the Captain Red suit, and ascending as the King of the One Piece.

However, Blackbeard's laughter abruptly ceased as he witnessed a sight that left him horrified. In the distance, a massive pillar of fiery red approached, radiating intense heat. It was no illusion—the impending danger loomed, disrupting the crew's hopeful atmosphere.

To be continued...

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