
Chapter 9️⃣ - Training (2)

And I was right about the workout todo fix-up. It was working I can feel my physical body improve.

One week into jujutsu high I did a couple of solo missions plus the todo gym workout.

I completed missions across Kyoto exorcising grade 2 & 3 cursed spirits.

'Throughout this week I saw Principal Gakuganji maybe once so my plan to ask to learn melee combat from him was declining'

In class Utahime - sensei was talking about the grading System & what qualifies a special grade sorcerer.

"To be a special grade sorcerer they must be deemed an anomaly. Being a special grade is not entirely based on strength. A grade 1 sorcerer can exorcise a Special grade curse one on one but they are not considered special grade." Utahime says.

'Man these lectures are exhausting but beneficial. Before this lesson about special grade sorcerers she was talking about how there were 16 special grade curses'

Looking around to see the kids bored Utahime claps to gain everyone's attention.

"Since we went over all things related to special grade class is over."

"Finally." Momo lets out walking out of the class "I was getting super bored."

Nodding Todo leaves the room as well.

Alone sitting down I called for Utahime's name.


"I was originally going to ask Principal Gakuganji but he was barely here. I want to improve my melee. I just wanted to know if you can help?" I questioned

"Yes!" Utahime says quickly surprising me.

"I mean yes I can help. What weapon are you planning to use?" Utahime asked

"I don't know. I want to use something that can be good in close range that's good on both sides of the field." I said

"Ok so a weapon for offense & defense. Follow me."

After a long walk Utahime stopped in front of what I can only assume was the warehouse where Kyoto stores its weapons.

Walking up to it Utahime pulls out some keys to unlock the door.

'I'm pretty sure my father told me most of the weapons that the school use are from the big three families'

Around the warehouse were trees with pink blossoms. Also there were stairs that you had to walk up to get to this area.

As Utahime opens the warehouse door I notice a lot of weapons. Spears, Swords, Bows, Staffs, Tonfas I even see Nunchucks.

"I'll be meaning to ask are you sure want another weapon?" Utahime asked.


"I see. Well look around & see which weapon you like & that feel good using." Utahime says

Nodding I go to see the weapons the first I take out of the racks was a sword.

'Hmm do I want a sword?' I thought swinging it around.

'If I do choose a sword it would probably be a much shorter sword.' I thought placing the sword back on the rack.

'A spear no. Staff nah. Tonfas nah seen Megumi utilized them & they weren't durable'

Continue to glimpse I see Nunchucks.

'Hmm Nunchucks can be a good choice. It's good for striking it lacks sharp points for stabbing like Tonfas but it can be effective for offensive or defensive.' Setting it down I glance to the right a little & notice a weapon that Raphael uses in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"Utahime - sensei what is this weapon called?" I questioned

"This is called a Sai as you can see it's usually used in pairs but it doesn't have to be. It's a weapon with both offensive & defensive capabilities. It's not suitable for slicing but is proficient in stabbing & trapping other weapons."

'It's good for if I go into close combat with someone with a weapon I can use it to trap or even break my opponent's weapons. And it's good on the offensive. I like it'

"I'll choose this weapon." I said

"Good before you get your weapon I'll be teaching you how to use it."


- Timeskip

In my dorm sitting on the bed I started thinking over these couple of days.

'It has been a couple of days since Utahime - sensei began helping me in using the Sai. I made great progress in using them. I furthermore create a new ability that needs more training to master its -'

As I was thinking I'll get a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I requested.

"Principal Gakuganji."

Getting off my bed I unlocked the door.

"Hello, Principal Gakuganji what do you need?" I question.

"Follow me."

Glancing at him weirdly. I followed.

After walking out of the dorms & into the woods. We entered a hidden chamber with no windows only a single door.

"Principal Gakuganji why are we here?" I requested glancing at him.

"Look in front of you."

Turning my head forward I see a snake-like curse spirit chained up with a talisman on its forehead. It was around 7ft long it had armored purple scales, & yellow eyes with a black vertical & oval pupil with too-big fangs.

"You will be trying to tame this cursed in this room. It's a grade 3 non-combat curse spirit. It has no technique & it only can store items."

"A couple of days ago you said I had to make a Slavemaster relationship yes?"

Principal Gakuganji began nodding.

Nodding back.

"I start attempting to tame it in a couple of weeks. I'm working on my new ability & still working on using a Sai. I don't want too much on my hands."

"I see just tell me when you are ready." Principal Gakuganji

Nodding Principal Gakuganji walk out of the chamber leaving me & the curse only.

A/N: A couple more chapters till his first year is done.

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