
Mindscape Exploration (3)

Chapter 22: Mindscape Exploration (3)

Carl's brow furrowed in confusion. "Wait, it's already time for me to go?" he asked, surprised by the sudden end to their training session.

"No, you have around 20 minutes inside the Mindscape," Nosferatu explained, his tone calm and measured. "Spend them as you wish."

An eager glint sparked in Carl's eyes as he considered his options. "Then, let's continue with the sword drills until my time is up," he suggested, eager to make the most of every moment spent honing his skills.

But Nosferatu shook his head, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Take a break," he insisted. "Working yourself to death would be meaningless. There's a natural order to acquiring knowledge and experience. The next time we're sparring, show me something interesting."

With a reluctant nod, Carl acquiesced to Nosferatu's wisdom. He knew that pushing himself beyond his limits would only lead to exhaustion and frustration, hindering his progress in the long run. So, with a deep breath, he allowed himself to relax and unwind, content in the knowledge that he had given his all during their training session.

As they left the sparring grounds, Nosferatu led Carl through winding hallways and grandiose chambers, showcasing all that the Castle of Blood had to offer. The castle's ancient architecture was breathtaking, with intricate carvings and detailed frescoes lining the walls.

As they ventured further into the labyrinthine halls of the Castle of Blood, Nosferatu proceeded to return back to his Throne Room, while leaving Carl to his own devices.

"Do you mind if I explore the library in my spare time?" Carl asked, his eyes alight with curiosity.

"Go ahead," Nosferatu replied, his voice echoing in the quiet chamber leading to the Throne Room. "Oh, and if your eyes are picked by any of those lowly Devils, or if any of their offerings tempts you, here, take this Artifact. Use it to bind their Souls to you, and turn them servient to you."

Carl noticed how Nosferatu reached into the depths of his cloak, his hand disappearing into the shadows. With a flourish, he withdrew a tome bound in dark leather, its cover etched with intricate sigils that seemed to pulse with demonic energy.

Holding the Ancient Grimoire in his hands, he could sense the dense amount of demonic power reminiscent of what was seen and described in the story regarding Satan-Class Devils. Another mystery regarding Nosferatu unraveled for Carl who connected a dot, bringing this ancient vampire into the category of an Ultimate-Class Devil if not even a Satan-Class being.

"Could this be? The Grimoire you mentioned in the past when talking about the Devils?"


"This is Ars Goetia," Nosferatu explained, his voice low and resonant. "The Lesser Key of Solomon. This Grimoire was written by King Solomon himself, and contains half of his Authority over Demons and Devils granted to him by God."

Carl's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the ancient tome, its pages yellowed with age and crackling with dark energy. The cover seemed to ripple and shift, as if alive with some unseen force, and Carl could feel a chill run down his spine at the mere sight of it.

"King Solomon's authority over demons..." Carl murmured, his mind racing with possibilities. "And you're entrusting this to me?"

Nosferatu nodded solemnly, his expression unreadable. "It is a tool of great power, Carl. With it, you can command the forces of Hell itself to a limited extent. But be warned, such power comes with a heavy price. Your mana will be consumed in the process of making contracts with the Devils."

Carl's fingers traced the intricate sigils etched into the cover of the Ars Goetia, feeling the faint thrum of demonic energy beneath his touch, and yet, another question stirred in his mind.

"Mister, do you by chance? Also possess the Ring of Solomon?" Carl inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Carl's question hung in the air, casting a shadow over the solemn chamber as he awaited Nosferatu's response. The young vampire's curiosity was piqued, his mind racing with thoughts of the legendary Ring of Solomon and its fabled powers.

At the mention of the ring, Nosferatu's expression grew somber, a shadow passing over his ageless features. His eyes, usually sharp and piercing, softened with a hint of sorrow as he turned to face Carl.

"The Ring of Solomon… I searched for it a lot in my youth when I was under the watch of the Ottomans, even entering the territory of the Mamluks Sultanate, going directly to Jerusalem for missing clues." Nosferatu began, his voice low and resonant. 

"Hah… I wish I would have gotten the Ring too. I wouldn't have been forced to kill so many Demons and Devils in the Great War, but instead use them as my cannon fodder."

"So? Is it just a myth? I doubt it, afterall, we have the Lesser Key."

"Unfortunately. The Ring has been lost to the annals of history."

Carl's brow furrowed in confusion. "Lost? But I thought you were in possession of such artifacts, considering your knowledge and influence."

Nosferatu shook his head slowly, his gaze distant as he recounted the tale. "Long ago, during the First War of Hegemony that ravaged the realms of Heaven, Earth, and Hell, the Ring of Solomon was shattered into fragments by the three great biblical factions, because King Solomon abused his authority to bind and control the Devils."

Carl's eyes widened in astonishment at the revelation. The idea of such a powerful artifact being destroyed was almost incomprehensible to him, but then he got reminded of Nosferatu's story, and how he got ganked by the three factions in the Great War. "I see, King Solomon received the same treatment as you, mister."

'I should thread carefully when I get in the center of attention. There's many slimy characters that wouldn't mind backstabbing me.'


"And, what was the fate of the ring? I mean, you can't just destroy a Godly Artifact just because someone abused its powers. Ohh, isn't the Ring by chance a Sacred Gear?"

"You're quite the sharp kid. Have you heard that, Carl? You've figured out the truth with those many leads, while Scholars of my time spent their whole life trying to uncover the truth. Similar to our Bloodbound Dominion, the Ring used by Solomon was also a Longinus, among the first creations of God."

"Its true name is [Ring of Domination]. To never allow the same fate to happen ever again to the Devils, a pact was made between those bastards, to 'Delete' the Ring from the Sacred Gear System of God. They extracted the Ring from Solomon, and unable to destroy something created by God in his Prime, they fragmented it."

"The remnants of the ring were scattered across the realms, lost to time and memory," Nosferatu continued, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "Many have searched for the fragments in vain, hoping to harness their power once more. But to no avail."

As the weight of Nosferatu's words settled on Carl's shoulders, he realized the gravity of the situation, and the opportunity that could land in his hands, as long he figured out more about this Godly Artifact. Determined to uncover more of this Mindscape's secrets, he ventures inside the 'Bibliotheca Corviniana' 

'Should I interrogate some of those Devils about the Ring? No, let's not give them reasons to get rebellious and perceive this as a weakness of mine. Afterall, while it doesn't affect me much not having another Sacred Gear, I'll also not die from not having it.'

Stepping forward, entering the expansive library once more, and just as he made his presence felt to the Evil 'Spirits', various leather-bound books sprung out from their shelves, later on beginning their Ritual of Charming the young man who didn't know better from their perspective.

 Sensing his solitude, the Devils saw an opportunity to exploit what they perceived as a weakness, hoping to sway him with their enticing offers.

[Our darling has returned. Have you considered my offering to you, Blood Prince. I'll offer the whole Human World to you if you release my seal.]

[Don't listen to that wench, Prince. Release my Seal, and I'll empower you with my Demonic Power. I'll make you the King of Kings.]

[Child of Blood, if you release me, I'll teach you my House Demonic Magic.]

Carl stood alone amidst the towering shelves of the library, while the Lesser Devils twisting and shifting in anticipation, awaiting a response from him. The voices of the trapped Devils echoed through the chamber, their words dripping with honeyed promises and false flattery.

[Look at you, all alone and vulnerable. What a perfect opportunity for us to strike a deal.]

[Release us, and we will grant you power beyond your wildest dreams. You could rule over kingdoms, bend nations to your will.]

[Why waste away in the shadows when you could stand at the pinnacle of power and glory? Release us, and we will make you a king among men.]

Their attempts at enticing were left on a deaf ear, as Carl remained unmoved by their persuasive words. His expression was impassive as he listened to their offers, and he knew better than to trust their empty promises.

"You underestimate me. What you're offering me is becoming what? Ruler of the Human World? I can achieve that in a couple of years if I put my heart into it. But, can any of you make me a Satan?"

The Devils faltered for a moment, taken aback by Carl's defiant tone. They had expected him to crumble under their pressure, but instead, they found themselves faced with a formidable adversary.

"Now that's strange. Why have you guys turned all quiet? Aren't you Devils? If I release you, I want an equal exchange of benefits. Make me the Satan of Hell."

Turning around, noticing how the Lesser Devils didn't speak up, he called out another name he memorized from the previous visit in the Library. "Laranje, aren't you calling out to me again? This time, I'm ready to release you, but can you offer me what I desire?"

[My Prince, I can't promise that I will achieve this desire. Instead, I can help you learn my Leranje House Magic, which would prove helpful in your path to achieving your goals.] called out a seductive voice

"Not convinced enough." remarked Carl, as he showed Ars Goetia to Laranje who was bound to that Grimoire she used as a Vessel to communicate with him.

[In addition, I'll make sure the House of Leranje will reward you generously. I will write a Contract with you, as a High-Class Devil with a Noble Lineage. This will be enough to prove my sincerity.]

Laranje's voice, smooth as silk, resonated through the chamber, tempting Carl with promises of power and rewards. The offer was enticing, no doubt, but Carl remained steadfast in his resolve. He scrutinized Laranje's words carefully, weighing the potential benefits against the risks.

"Hmm, Leranje House Magic and a noble lineage, you say? It's certainly tempting, but forgive me if I'm not entirely convinced," Carl replied, his tone measured. "I've seen enough to know that deals with Devils often come with hidden strings attached. What assurance do I have that your offer won't backfire on me?"

Laranje's response was immediate, her voice oozing with confidence and persuasion. [My Prince, I understand your hesitation, but I assure you, my intentions are sincere. I will bind myself to a contract with you, sealing our agreement with blood and magic. With the power of Leranje House behind you, you will ascend to greatness, and together, we will achieve untold heights of power and glory.]

Carl's eyes narrowed slightly as he considered Laranje's proposal. The allure of power was undeniable, but he knew better than to trust the words of a Devil without careful consideration. He glanced down at the Ars Goetia in his hand, pondering his next move.

"Very well, Laranje. I will consider your offer," Carl finally conceded, his voice firm. "But know this, I will not be swayed by empty promises. Show me proof of your sincerity, and perhaps then we can discuss terms."

Next chapter