
Clash of Faiths (6)

Chapter 32: Clash of Faiths (6)

They retraced their steps along the familiar paths where they had previously sensed the disturbance caused by the mysterious man who had triggered their amulets, the sacred artifacts that alerted them to the presence of demonic entities.

As they traversed the winding cobblestone streets of the Old Town, they passed by quaint boutiques and charming cafes, the bustling energy of the city swirling around them. Their vigilant gaze scanned the crowds, searching for any hint of the malevolent forces that threatened to disrupt the peace of the city.

"Irina, look closely around people. The enemy might hide openly, and evade our senses."

Xenovia's voice was firm, keeping to her stoic persona as she spoke to her companion, her eyes sharp and alert as she surveyed their surroundings. She was always itching for a fight with the Demons, her warrior spirit driving her to prove herself and defeat the Evil.

Beside her, Irina exuded a calm and cheerful demeanor, as if she wasn't on a job but instead of a vacation to an Ancient City filled with history. 

Irina's gaze swept over their surroundings one time, before shaking her head in disappointment. "Nothing yet, Xenovia," she replied, her voice bored, before the great idea resurfaced her mind. "We should go to that street where we bumped into that hot guy."

Xenovia's stern expression remained unchanged as she listened to Irina's nonchalant response, her frustration evident in the slight furrow of her brow. "Irina, this is not the time for jokes." She admonished, her voice tinged with annoyance. "We have a duty to fulfill as Exorcists of the Church. If you continue to treat this mission lightly, I will have no choice but to report your behavior to the Chief Exorcist."

Irina's cheerful demeanor faltered for a moment as she realized the gravity of the incident. "I'm sorry, Xenovia. You're right, of course." but then as the aroma of coffee tranced her nostrils, she stopped right there and there where a group of ladies were having a discussion, where two girls tried to cheer up a gorgeous blonde woman.

"Maybe… We should go search for those Vampires after a coffee break? Like… just a bit of a break since my legs are aching from searching for this shy Vampire."

Xenovia regarded Irina with a thoughtful expression, her features softening slightly at the suggestion of a break. "You know what, Irina? You're absolutely right," she conceded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "We've been at this non-stop for days, and even the most skilled Exorcist needs to rest and recharge."

However, as the responsible and practical one of the duo, Xenovia couldn't help but think about the logistics. "But I hope you're ready to foot the bill for this break, Irina," she added with a wry smile, her tone teasing yet firm. "I've already covered our expenses for the past few days, so it's only fair that you treat us this time."

The rich aroma of coffee hit the young nuns as soon as they pushed open the door to this local café. Both breathed it in, letting it fill their nostrils as though it alone could relax them from their strenuous working day. For still young teens, working as Exorcists could be a pain even for the most Faithful.

They received some looks of curiosity from the locals, especially from one of the women in the group of beautiful ladies, the one who seemed to be down for whatever reason. She continued to focus on them, while her two friends talked, trying to soothe out whatever emotional problems she had. 

"Babe, you don't have to be down for what happened with that bastard Richard. I knew he was a two-faced asshole, but to think he would actually dare to cheat on you with that lying slut, Lisa. Hope they rot in Hell." Jeanne's friend, Emily was the supportive and loyal type, though occasionally she could get overboard with her bluntness. 

For Emily, Richard was like a snake since she met him, even if he was dating a beauty like Jeanne that made her at times jealous, he wanted the attention of other women. Still, when she learned about the situation from Jeanne the second day after the break-up, after Carl left her home, it all came crashing down on the group of girls.

"Babe. we're so sorry about you and Richard. Do you want to go to the Club by night? It will help you lighten up." inquired another of her friends, Sarah tended to have a more outgoing approach compared to how reserved and cautious Emily could be.

Jeanne sat without saying much, her delicate fingers tracing the rim of her coffee cup, and then to the surprise of the two girls, she reacted with such quickness when she got a notification from her phone. A lovely smile formed on what could be previously stated to be annoyed and pissed, it seamlessly drifted away, only allowing the comforting aroma of the brewed coffee along with the message from someone she cared a lot to take her into a warm embrace.

She received a message from Carl, who confirmed that he would be available to spend some time with her, since he also had something to talk about with her.

Suddenly, as Jeanne's phone chimes with a message, and her face lights up with a smile, Emily and Sarah get curious about the change in their friend which was unexpected since she felt down, probably because they were constantly reminding her of what asshole Richard was, and how stupid she was to eat on his lies.

Emily, who noticed Jeanne's reaction immediately inquired about the message "Who's that? Don't tell me that jerk Richard is trying to get back with you after? Don't listen to him, babe."

Jeanne frowned a bit as she thought about Richard only to quickly compose herself, and respond a bit shyly, like when she was a highschool girl. "No, it's... someone else."

Sara leaned in with excitement, and pushed Jeanne to tell them more, since this would cheer her up more if she would talk about her new lover. "Ooh, spill the tea, girl! Who's the lucky guy?"

Jeanne hesitates for a moment before showing them the message on her phone. "His name is Carl. We're going to meet up later."

They probed further, as if they were investigators or chairwoman vetting a new employer, and as both girls leaned in to get a better look at the picture of Carl that Jeanne showed them, and to her relief they were receptive and this built her self-confidence shattered by Richard.

While Jeanne's friends examined the picture of Carl, she couldn't help but feel a swell of longing. Similarly, the girls scrolled through the photos of Carl on Jeanne's phone, and they couldn't help but feel a bit of jealousy when looking at this supermodel handsome guy.

"Wow, girl, he's really good-looking!" Emily exclaimed, her eyes widening in appreciation as she studied one of the photos.

Sara nodded in agreement, her lips curving into a knowing smile. "Definitely a catch," she chimed in. "You've got good taste, girl. That jackass, Richard, doesn't hold a candle to your lover." 

Then, she scoffed, wrinkling her nose in distaste before continuing. "That cheating scumbag doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as your new guy."

Emily nodded vehemently, her expression sour. "Seriously, Jeanne, you're so much better off without him," she agreed. "Carl seems like a genuine gentleman, but I get the impression that he is a bad boy. Richard was nothing but trouble. You're a lucky girl. You dodged a big bullet by breaking up with that bastard…"

Jeanne's eyes darkened with resentment as she thought of her ex, her grip on her phone tightening slightly. "You're right, and the stupid me thought I could have a family with him." she muttered, her tone filled with bitterness. "I wasted too much time on him. But Carl... he's different. He treats me with respect and kindness. But as you pointed… he's also a bad boy type."

Sarah listened intently to Jeanne's words, her brow furrowing in concern as she processed the bitterness in her friend's tone. Sensing Jeanne's frustration and lingering hurt, Sarah leaned forward, her gaze softening with empathy.

"Jeanne, sweetheart, I know it's hard," Sarah began gently, her voice laced with sympathy. "But you can't blame yourself for wanting a family. That's a perfectly normal desire. It's Richard who failed to appreciate what he had with you."

She paused, her expression turning serious as she continued. "And as for this Carl being a 'bad boy,' well, I pray that he isn't an asshole. However, I doubt from how you've described him, he actually seems to be a perfect blend of good and evil."

"Sometimes a little bit of edge can be exciting, you know? But what's important is how he treats you. If he respects you and makes you happy, then that's what matters."

Sarah reached out and squeezed Jeanne's hand reassuringly. "You deserve someone who values you for who you are, Jeanne," she said firmly. "Just remember to trust your instincts and take things one step at a time."

They had their heart-to-heart talk, and on the neighboring table, as Irina waited for Xenovia to return with the coffee, to relieve her boredom she started eavesdropping on the next table discussion, and it was too spicy for her teenage mind, it was full of conflicts of her beliefs and her faith.

Especially being a touchy subject that her mom, also reminded her when she got older, that whenever she finds a boyfriend to be loyal to him and remain faithful. If the partner would turn cold or if she would no longer feel love for said person, that it was better to have an amicable break-up than to cause heartbreaks.

Still, as a faithful church girl, even wearing her white and black nun clothes, she felt that it was better if she would give her prayer for the gorgeous blonde lady and also do another one so her friends could be forgiven for condemning 'innocent' souls to damnation in Hell.

Such that the young teenage nun got up, taking things in her own hands, walking to the ladies table and with the initial nervousness of a naive girl, she began giving the older girls a lesson in theology.

Irina stood with trepidation, her heart racing in her chest as she approached the table where Jeanne, Emily, and Sarah sat engrossed in their conversation, and noticing that they had a new guest, the three ladies turned to look at the young nun standing before them, summoning her courage to speak to them, which instead stirred their curiosity in their eyes.

"Um, E-Excuse me..." she said softly, barely audible "You shouldn't wish the misfortune of others even if they committed a great sin. Afterall, it's in God's Grace to receive his forgiveness. Similarly, God is the one that will bring us peace, and fill us with love."

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