It is the story of Aiden, the tenth child of the famous Scarlet family. The Scarlet family is a family famous for its use of the element of fire. Everyone in the family has become a high-level sorcerer who can skillfully use the fire element. The founders are also Tier 8 Wizard of Fire. Blood Fire. I rule this fire. The stronger my fire gets, the stronger I get.
Towering columns, three pairs of dragons flying in the sky together with chains dangling from the sky...
This is the City of Epheim, which is part of the Kingdom of Fire. Its rich appearance, the sounds of metal forging echoing through its streets, and the appetizing smell of meat.
A black-haired boy dressed in brown leather clothes shouted "The Scarlet Family is coming! Get out of the way!!!" they left all their street work and retreated to the sides of the street. The sounds of horses and wooden wheels could be heard. On top of the carriage, decorated with red colors and gold patterns, there was a distinctive fire icon.
As the carriage was passing through the street, a gold coin came towards the boy who had just given a warning. The boy looked at the car in amazement. A red-haired woman looked at him, smiled and closed the curtain back.
The black-haired boy seemed to have fallen in love. However, he did not forget to put the gold coin in his pocket. A name came out of the boy's mouth: "Maria Scarlet..."
Maria Scarlet. Scarlet was the youngest in her family. Although he is young, he is already 4.He was a Stage Magician. Although her appearance resembled a woman in her twenties, she was actually a sixteen-year-old girl. Since he was a little boy, his innate talent had been able to bring him to high positions.
After Maria's carriage passed, two more carriages passed through the street.
These belonged to Cecilla Scarlet and Mason Scarlet. Cecilla is twenty-two years old at 5.He was a Stage Magician. Also on the one hand is 2.He was a Tier Swordsman. Mason is 4, twenty years old.The Stage Magician, 3.He was a Tier Swordsman.
After three carriages disappeared from the street, they entered a large mansion. After the guards respectfully greeted him, the captain of the guards stepped forward and said, "Your brothers and sisters are waiting for you along with Lady Asia and Lord Hans." the three of them approved with their heads and entered the manor.
There was a commotion around when they walked in. They encountered bloody cloths and Lord Hans, who was walking from right to left without stopping. Cecilla couldn't resist and asked "Dad, what's going on?" Hans started talking when he saw his daughter, "You've finally arrived. It is your mother... your mother is in labor and her condition is in a serious condition." sparks of fire spread around him as he clenched his fists tightly. The three of them shouted in amazement, "Are we having a new brother?!"...
There were the following eight family members. They were all on standby. The fuss was getting more and more every second.
At the end of minutes the sound of a baby crying echoed through the manor. Eight people entered the room, moving at the same time.
The red-haired woman, whose skin had faded from anemia, had a baby on her hands. This was Lady Asia. Asia spoke forcefully and, patting her son's head with one hand, said, "Your name... Aiden!" there was no sound from the eight people who came in. Even Hans was not involved in this decision.
Time passed like water, and he was three months behind. Aiden's bright golden eyes looked at Asia with a clever look. Asia smiled, "I wonder what kind of things this little rascal is thinking about again?" Aiden raised his hand and grabbed Asia's cleavage, squeezing her head to her chest. Asia giggled "Do you want to eat, dear?" Aiden raised his head and, smiling, a word came out of his mouth "Mom!" Asia was shocked in an instant and her body trembled. It didn't live for the first time. But every time he lived, happiness covered him.
Asia enthusiastically said, "He spoke! Aiden, you've spoken! When I was only three months old!!" he said it out loud. The servants and Hans, who were in the house, heard the sound. There were none of the brothers. Because they were all in their own territory.
Hans was the first to come to Asia, "What did you say, dear? Has Aiden talked yet? What did he say? What did he say?" Asia smiled, "Mom, is said--" before the sentence ended, Aiden turned his head and looked at Hans and said, "Dad!!"he shouted. Hans and Asia were shocked. This was the first time such a situation had happened to them. It was as if they thought Aiden could understand him.
Hans looked at Aiden with happiness "My little genius! Again, too, let's see. Call dad and mom again." Aiden smiled "Dad.. mom!" Asia and Hans looked at each other and approved with their heads. Aiden was a genius!
Two years and nine months later...
It was Aiden's birthday today. Aiden had been a smart kid until he was this age. He's finished a lot of books. He even read books that Hans did not even read and understood. He knew about the world from many high-level magicians. He even reads Decently at 9.Tier Magicians made comments on their life stories and put forward assumptions about their own unique techniques. He couldn't use his elemental power because his awakening hadn't happened yet. That's why he could only put forward assumptions.
Aiden was very hands-on with everything. He was developing his grip from beginner to intermediate level when he took a wooden dagger in his hand. It was as if he could see the muscles November his body and was taking a posture according to it...
There were three people inside the room, which was reminiscent of a large hall. These were Aiden, Asia and Hans. Hans was holding a bluish-colored sphere in his hand. Hans started talking "Aiden. This one is called the awakening sphere. I know you already know all this, but I'll tell you whatever happens. When you touch the sphere, you will feel a current of energy from the sphere towards you. This is the so-called 'Magic Energy' or, as it is also called, 'Mana' used by sorcerers like us. Release yourself as the magic power flows into your body so that it can break the chains in your body and awaken your element." Aiden shook his head and put his hand on top of the awakening sphere.
As his father said, he felt a magic energy occupying his whole body first from his hands, then to his arms, and then to his whole body. As the magic energy traveled through his body, it gathered in the area of his heart and a chain breaking sound was heard. Aiden's voice made the manor groan with a sudden cry of pain.
Hans and Asia were encountering someone suffering during the awakening for the first time. Aiden threw up a mouthful of blood just as Hans was about to intervene. As the blood touched the floor, the stone floor began to melt.
Hans was shocked when he saw this incident. Asia was no different from Hans's situation either. What kind of event was taking place? Hans, recovering from the shock, immediately wrapped his fire around Aiden. However, this had been a big mistake that he had made. The blood on the floor made the fire grow hotter and splashed on the furniture. As the room was about to start burning, strange words were heard from Hans's mouth, and all the flames went out.
Of course, the fact that the fires went out had nothing to do with Aiden. Aiden was still in pain. It was like his whole body was on fire. He was in more pain than a person who was burned alive. As time passed like this, Aiden's screams finally stopped. But after the shouts stopped, Aiden's red hair turned white. And his bright golden eyes had turned to the bright scarlet color of blood.
Hans and Asia had another shock while looking at their son's condition. They clearly felt an aura of fever. But this aura was nothing like theirs. Aiden's aura of fire was coming directly from his body, flesh, bone, and blood!
Thanks for reading (: