

As Kiyoshi walks through the town once more, to take his leave. He sees one of the slave traders in a corner with one girl they have captive. The slave trader curses and argues as he claimed the girl was unsellable and that he was losing money because of her. He chokes the girl and even though her blue hair was blocking her eyes, Kiyoshi could tell she was terrified. In a flash and with blinding rage and fury, Kiyoshi cuts off the trader's arm causing it to hang around the girl's neck like a pendent as his hand was still around her neck. Kiyoshi removes the arm from the girl's neck and throws it on the ground. He signals to the girl to run, and she takes off. With the rest of his arm bleed the slave trader crawls on the road trying to meet the others. Kiyoshi walks over to the trader, pressing down on the trader's chest with his foot and slits his throat. As the trader bleeds out on the ground, the other slave traders took notice and began gathering their weapons to attack. With his blood lust rising, Kiyoshi quickly slaughter the remaining five slave traders and rescues the girls being held captive. With the girls freed, Kiyoshi finally calms down.

But with all the commotion, he draws the attention of several men. The men, all uniformed in grey and black robes walk over to him. On the chest of the robes had an emblem of two hands uplifting the sun and a female figure sits on it with her hair flowing down. As they approach Kiyoshi, one of them walks forwards. The elderly man in his mid-sixty continues to walk up Kiyoshi as the rest of them. In his hand appears to be a bible-like book which he was apparently reading before the commotion took place. The man closes the book and, with his blue eyes, looks over to Kiyoshi and takes a deep breath. "You there, samurai. For what reason do you kill these men? ". replied the man. "They were slave traders and needed to die". replied Kiyoshi. " But are the goddess to cast judgment on them?", "No, what I think is that you're a demon and the one we have been looking for, aren't you blood samurai." Proclaimed the man. Kiyoshi, in shock, took a step back. "Ladies and Gentle of Pwaters, what we have here is a bloodthirsty demon that my religious group has spent our lives hunting down." Shouted the man.

"I father Tengo and the rest of the peacemakers will eliminate this demon and set the people of this land free, for his presence will continue to bring darks to these lands," proclaimed the man as he continued his rant. The people of the town began cheering as father Tengo continued. " surrender demon, the glory of their goddess will defeat you." Shouted father Tengo as he spreads his arms wide open in rejoice of their goddess. "We don't have time to fight these guys right now," remarked Tyrook. "I know," answered Kiyoshi as he tries to escape. "Plus, it won't be a good look to kill these religious nut jobs, then you will surely look like a demon that killed holy people," added Lilly. As father Tengo continues to praise their goddess, the peacemakers draw their weapons from under their robes and advance on Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi looks around and sees an opening through an alleyway and runs for it. With Kiyoshi escaping through the alleyway, the peacemakers gave chase to Kiyoshi, whilst the people of Pwaters who had once hired the blood samurai cheer on for his death. The Kiyoshi darts around the alley he calls out to Kivuli. "Kivuli" shouts Kiyoshi, "Yes" answered Kivuli. "I need you to transform into a shadow vision of me and take them off my trail," shouts Kiyoshi as he can hear the peacemakers getting closer. "Understood," replied Kivuli as he transforms and heads in the opposite direction of Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi hides behind some bins as the peacemakers head into the opposite, giving chase to Kivuli, who they mistake for Kiyoshi. With the coast clear, Kiyoshi exits the alley and leaves town. On the outskirts of the town, Kiyoshi walks as he can hear loud explosions and the shouting of men as the peacemakers continued to chase Kivuli, thinking he was Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi asked if Kivuli will be alright and Tyrook remains him that Kivuli is one the strongest demons trapped within the sword. Kiyoshi relaxes as he knows to himself that Tyrook. As Kiyoshi is finally leaving the town of Pwater for good, he is approached by a different group of peacemakers who block the road out of the town. A middle-aged bald man of Caucasian descent with reddish-brown bread led the new group. As he walks forward, he swings a spiked ball on a chain back and forth as if to toy with Kiyoshi. The other men were armed with swords and spears with at least twenty of them presence.

The bald man walked to the center of the road and declares himself as father Patrick the man who will finally have the head of the grand demon (referring to Kiyoshi). Kiyoshi sighs and states that he doesn't want to fight and that all he wants is to be on his way. The peacemakers burst out laughing wildly and loudly at Kiyoshi's statement. "Of course, you don't want to fight when you see the glory of our goddess shine upon us. I would be terrified too if I was a disgusting dirty demon-like yourself." declared father Patrick. "This is like the sixth or seventh time we met them and every time we do would be they are crazy," remarked Kivuli who had just returned to the sword. "Their fucking idiotic losers, the lot of them," replied Tyrook, pissed off at the situation. "Agreed" noted Lilly. "Sigh looks like we have no other choice. This time, we will have to fight them and I know got all that blood out of my hair, damn it," remarked Kiyoshi, annoyed at what he knew was coming next. Father Patrick advanced with blazing speed, swinging his chain ball. The men with the swords made a formation behind him, and then spearmen followed suit. "Let's make this quick," remarked Kiyoshi as father Patrick launched his weapon.

Kiyoshi parries the attack, causing father Patrick to fall back, causing the swordsmen to take advancement. One of the swordsmen swings his sword down, attempting to cut off Kiyoshi's head but fails as Kiyoshi ducks under the attack and cuts the man open from the midsection causing blood and internal organs to flow out as the body lies on the group, Kiyoshi rises to his feet the blood of the fallen man runs down Kiyoshi's hat and drips of giving the appearance of red rain falling from the hat. The rest of the men step back, but father Patrick declares that in death they will be with their goddess in blissful paradise and death is just payment for that. This empowers the men who launch forward at Kiyoshi. They break formation, causing both swords and spears to advance on him. As one of the men with swords clashes swords with Kiyoshi of them, a spear launches forward to stab Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi, thinking on his feet, kicks the swordsman into the spear, impaling him. With the spear stuck in the man, it trapped the wielder of the spear, giving Kiyoshi the opening to decapitate the heads of both men, killing them. Instead of being afraid of Kiyoshi because of his gruesome actions, the remaining men saw him as more of a demon than a man, which strengthens their resolve. The men, even though they outnumbered Kiyoshi, still fell victim to Kiyoshi's skill set as a swordsman as he breezes through them like a hot knife through butter. As he finishes one of the men off, an arrow sticks him in the arm. Kiyoshi looks up, annoyed to see an archer hiding in a tree. "Not this bullshit again," remarked Kiyoshi as he remembers the bandit scout from Maxwell's camp. Kiyoshi looks at the archer with demonic eyes, causing the archer to almost fall back with fear. The archer draws his arrow to fire again but realized that Kiyoshi is no longer in sight, before he can find his target Kiyoshi appears in front of him, now he has become the target as Kiyoshi drives his sword into the archer's neck as the two falls to the ground. Kiyoshi gathers himself as the archer lies dead. Before stand father Patrick and several other men. Two swordsmen and six men with spears. Five spearmen launch an attack at Kiyoshi simultaneously. Kiyoshi pulls a belt off of one of the corpses and with spears being lunged towards him, he manages to use the belt to tie the spears together, stopping the attack and with a powerful stomp breaks the tips of the spears, leaving their wielders defenseless. Before the men can adapt to their situation, Kiyoshi, with one smooth motion, dissects them from the midsection, causing their bodies to split from the waist. As the blood ejects out of the lower half of the men causing Kiyoshi's cloak to be once again soaked in blood till the cloak itself begins dripping with blood. With over three-quarters of their men dead, the last swordsman pulls out a horn to call for help. "You can't let him do that. The last thing we need is more nut jobs," shouted Kivuli. " I know," replied Kiyoshi, pissed off as he lunges at the swordsman cutting off his arm before he can call for help. Kiyoshi uses the handle of the sword to crush his windpipe and stab him in the chest for good measure to make sure he couldn't call for help.

Now there were only three father Patrick and two others, one with a sword and one with a spear. Father Patrick stood back as the two men rushed forward. As the men advanced on Kiyoshi, father Patrick release an onslaught of attacks. Kiyoshi dodges all of them except the last one blocking it which caused it to bounce off his sword and bash the head of the swordsman killing him on the spot. With the last spearman advancing in one him, Kiyoshi roundhouse kicked the spear, breaking and sending the tip into the air. Kiyoshi catches the tip with his free hand and launches it towards father Patrick, who blocks it by twirling his chain ball in a circular motion. But it gave Kiyoshi enough to cut down the final spear welder without being interrupted. With just him and father Patrick now, Kiyoshi had some questions for him before he ended the fight. "Are you not sadden by the death of your men?" asked Kiyoshi, "Why should I? They will soon meet the goddess," answered father Patrick quickly. "The goddess? The same goddess, you do not know what she looks like or even know her name," replied Kiyoshi angrily " I won't except a demon like you to understand the glory of our goddess" replied father Patrick with a smile on his face.

"A goddess that doesn't help her followers when they are being killed in her name and, unlike the goddess of light fertila, hides from them, sounds like a fake goddess to me," replied Kiyoshi. "You fucking demonic bastard, your death will be painful for your words against the goddess". Shouted father Patrick as he became furious with Kiyoshi's words. As the two men squared off, a loud horn could be heard. As the pair looked, they saw a peacemaker using their last strength to blow the horn for help. Father Patrick laughs loudly at the sound of the horn. "Now all I have to do is delay you long enough for help to arrive your finish". he declares.

"This is bad, Kiyoshi. More peacemakers will come we have ten minutes at most to finish this idiot off and get out of here," remarks Lilly. "Then let's finish this," replies Kiyoshi as he attacks father Patrick who in return goes berserk and sends out an onslaught of attacks causing Kiyoshi to go on the defensive. As the two men's weapons clash with such power and speed, they break the sound barrier."You can't block my attack forever, demon" declared father Patrick as their attacks destroy nearby statues, signs, and even trees. " He is actually pretty good," remarked Tyrook. "Maxwell was a hundred times better ", replied Kiyoshi. "You have to might he is one of the best we have fought beside a member of the grace." Tyrook continued. "He nothing," Kiyoshi remarked, who looked unfazed by his opponent's attacks as he continues blocking them. "So why does he have you on the defensive, then?" asked Tyrook, "He doesn't," remarked Kiyoshi "Am just waiting for an opening" he continued, and with that Kiyoshi found his opening and parred the spiked ball causing it to hit father Patrick in the face, stunning him.

As father Patrick tries to recover from the attack, Kiyoshi cuts off his arms before he can retaliate and jams his sword into the man's chest through the back, impaling him. As he dies, Father Patrick declares that even with his death, Kiyoshi cannot win and will be defeated. Kiyoshi, enraged splits open his throat, finally killing him. " I enough of your foolish rant" Kiyoshi shouted as he watched father Patrick's body on the ground. With sirens blazing, Kiyoshi realized backup was soon to arrive. "Kiyoshi" shouted Lilly, "I know" replied Kiyoshi as he leaves the area. As Kiyoshi heads into the forest, he ditches his cloak and hat as they dripped blood, which left a trail behind. Moments later, as Kiyoshi runs through the forest, his pocket begins glowing blue.

He pulls out a stone-like one he used to contact Sairon. Instantly, a hologram of Sairon appears. " I heard there was a commotion in Pwaters and peacemakers were involved and why are you covered in blood?", asked Sairon. "Please don't tell me you killed peacemakers again, Kiyoshi?" asked Sairon. " I had no choice master you know how those nut jobs are" replied Kiyoshi "I know but it makes your case of not being a demon even harder when you kill them." remark Sairon "I know master I know" replies Kiyoshi as he sits on a rock. "Anyhow, what is done is done. We have a new mission to attend to," Sairon remarked. "Great," replied Kiyoshi sarcastically. Sairon looked at him, annoyed, and continued on. "I will send you the location and details later, as well as a hawk with fresh supplies again, but for now get some rest, ", and with that Sairon made his exit. With Sairon gone, Kiyoshi rested his back on the rock and looked up into the night sky, and remarked that with all the evil in the world, it's amazing to see the beauty of the night sky at least as he falls alseep.

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