

As Kiyoshi entered the home of the slain Kenshin and his Family he could feel an almost overbearing rush of negative emotions and aura hitting him like a bull elephant charging at him.

"Something truly awful happened here. The negative presence here is through the roof." Kiyoshi remarked as he made his way through the dilapidated house.

Within the depths of the house, Kiyoshi could observe that due to the fire, the paint on the walls was unrecognizable. Ash covered the floors of the hallway as what used to be decor, picture frames, and other items vanished into nothingness due to the envious flames.

Kenshin and his wife's bedroom was the first room Kiyoshi entered. The room that used to be a room of holy matrimony was now an empty room. The room was burnt to a crisp, and the bed was hacked and chopped into pieces. They scattered their clothes and other items all over the place, well what was left of them that is.

"They completely destroyed this placed, and all because he was the only one to survive." Remarked Kiyoshi to him and he left and headed into the bedroom of the children.

The bedroom of the children was the same as their parents burnt with their beds destroyed and their belongings tossed all over the place. The room smelt of decay and rot as dead animals littered the once joyous room.

"So they didn't die in their rooms. Since the negative energy hasn't increased. They must mean after killing Kenshin and his family, the townspeople must have came to the other rooms and destroyed them. Could envy really push people to commit such actions as if they were demons themselves?" Kiyoshi pondered to himself as he wondered where next to explore.

"I find that highly offensive Kiyo", remarked Lilly as she manifested herself behind him. " I would never do something like this. Well, not again anyway," she continued on as she looked at Kiyoshi with an annoyed look on her face.

"I know Lilly," laughed Kiyoshi as they both made their way to the kitchen area. As soon as Kiyoshi and Lilly entered the kitchen, the negative spiritual energy was so strong it caused Lilly to demanifest and Kiyoshi to fall to his knees. The weight of the aura in the kitchen was so strong it had Kiyoshi on all fours and he tries to pull himself up.

"This must be the place," Kiyoshi expressed to himself as he finally brought himself back up to his feet. Composing himself, Kiyoshi looked around to see the walls of the kitchen stained with blood, which was visible even through the burnt marks on the walls and floors of the kitchen.

The kitchen was chaotic and full of negative Arua. "This is where they died. This is where Kenshin and his family were killed". Remarked Kiyoshi as he looks around the kitchen. Soon he found a teddy bear on the ground. He picked the old blue and black teddy bear off the ground and with that, a wave of negative and unknown memories flooded Kiyoshi's mind, making him lose consciousness.

" I know what needs to be done.," remarked Kiyoshi as he arose from the kitchen floor as he dusted himself off, and proceed out of the house. Outside, Hama was awaiting him in the old rocking chair.

"Hmm, you've been gone a long time, over an hour now. Did you find what you need for child? Asked Hama as she look at Kiyoshi, who was still pondering to himself what he just encountered in the house of the fallen warrior.

"Yes Hama, I think I've, but I need you to leave this place immediately, please." Replied Kiyoshi as he takes a sit in front of the old home.

"So I was correct, hmmmm. Hopefully, you can put an end to this nightmare, and Kenshin and his family could finally get rest. I will leave everything to you now, child. Be safe and thank you." Hama expressed as she left Kiyoshi to himself as she headed by into town.

For the next six hours, Kiyoshi sat in front of the house without moving as he awaits the night to come. As the sun fell and the day turned to night, Kiyoshi wondered to himself if he had made a mistake and was wrong. Suddenly, the surrounding area was engulfed in a thick, foggy mist. Minutes after the mist's arrival, the figure appeared several feet in front of Kiyoshi.

Even with the entity only a couple of feet away from Kiyoshi, he couldn't make out the figure at all. Only the shadowy outline of the entity was visible.

"So I was correct. You finally appeared to me once again, ", remarked Kiyoshi as the entity stood silently, only pointing its arm in one direction.

"You want me to meet you in that location?" Asked Kiyoshi as the entity continued to point its arm in one direction. With Kiyoshi asking the question, the entity soon vanished, leaving Kiyoshi to get up and head in the direction the entity was pointing at.

As Kiyoshi traverses through the moonlit forest, he kept wondering to himself what was he going to encounter when he met the entity at the location. The question is whether he was dealing with a vengeful ghost or did somehow Kenshin manage to survive all those years ago? One thing was for sure, he knew that whatever he was up against wasn't purely human and no mere human could do what the entity did on such a scale by itself.

Before too long, Kiyoshi arrived at the destination alongside the mountains and forest terrain. In front of him stood the entity, still covered in the foggy mist as it awaits Kiyoshi's next move.

"I know who you are and what happened. I know what this town and its people did to you and your family. And am sorry for what you have been through, Kenshin, but I have to stop you." Declared Kiyoshi as he armed himself for battle.

"You know what they did to me and my family, but you still don't know everything," remarked the entity in a deep monotone voice as it step closer to Kiyoshi.

"Like what!" Shouted Kiyoshi.

The entity stopped and removed something from its face and held it in its hand. "You still don't know who I am, ", remarked the entity now in the soft and gentle voice of a woman.

In shock, Kiyoshi asked the entity who it was as clearly Kenshin was not a woman and Kiyoshi could think of no one else that the entity could be.

The entity took a while to answer before declaring it was Aina Isamashii Tadami, wife of Kenshin Tadami. Kiyoshi stepped back in shock as the wife of Kenshin was the last person he taught to be the fallen warrior of Uragiri.

The entity whose face and body were still covered by the mist sat on the ground with sword on its lap.

"Before we battle, you at least deserve to know the truth about everything that happens during the great battle and what happens on the day my family was taken from me. Then I will kill you and continue on my revenge. Nothing will stop me from achieving that goal. NOTHING." Aina announced as Kiyoshi also sat in front of her, awaiting the truth behind this tragic event.

Hi sorry for the late update was on vacation hope you know and if you do add it to your library thank you

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