
Blood Magus: Reincarnation of a Fallen Magus

Lucius Nightshade, one of the brilliant mind of the empire finds himself entangled in a sinister web of ancient rituals and forbidden magic because of his desire to exact revenge and regain his former glory. A shadow to his former self, as he tries to reclaim what's rightfully his, once again he had to confront the very person who had stripped him of his glory and made half of his life miserable. Finally as the situation gets dire, he takes a gamble. But for this gamble of his, a price had to be paid; a heavy one at that. That gamble leads him to his death. And just when he thinks that everything is over, a glimmer of hope presents itself in front of him as he awakens in a different body. However even this moment proves to be dreadful as he awakens in a body that had been torn apart and in dying state Even that pathetic state of his fails to terrify him and instead with a frown he mutters, "Great, I survived death only to die again..." Just then he hears a strange voice ringing in his ears [Blood Pact System activating......]

Bloom07 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Blood Pact System

During this profound exploration of his memories, Lucius encountered many apparitions from his past— loved ones, adversaries, betrayals, his encounter with dark magic and different facets of his journey. Finally, as he neared to the end of his memories, everything around him started becoming hazy. And soon what remained of him was pure darkness. 

They say that when you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, I guess it was true. But seems like finally I'll be returning into nothingness. 

As everything around him turned dark, he resigned himself to his fate and steeled himself to accept the outcome. But the next instant, the same light which he had seen in the altar before his death, flashed past his eyes. 

That encounter greatly surprised him. Just when he had steeled himself to accept his outcome and prepared himself to return to nothingness, something out of his expectation took place. 


Lucius couldn't believe the phenomenon taking place in front of him. 

Did the ritual succeed? Am I returning back?

Several questions arose in his heart. This phenomenon once again kindled the extinguished flames of hope within his heart. 

And without even realising, he started to look forward to the future; thinking that he was about to regress, since the ritual which he was performing was a forbidden ritual whose fragments he had encountered by chance after his first death when he was venturing the magic used by devils. 

After some while, as the light faded away, he found himself in an unfamiliar location. 

His vision somewhat blurry and his hearing dulled, as he tried to gather his thoughts, Lucius noticed that he was lying on ground surrounded by mangled and bloodied corpses of people he had never seen before, scattered all around him. 

At the same time, the air around him was filled with thick scent of blood. Yet this scene failed to terrify him. Experiencing the battle against the demons firsthand where he had witnessed countless deaths and also experiencing death firsthand, it would take more than just corpses to terrify him.

Based on the clues present at hand, he could deduce that a battle had taken place here. 

'If the body of this corpses are in such miserable state, then shouldn't my own body be in the same state as well?' as he swept his gaze across him and analyzed his surrounding, a realization dawned upon him. 

Immediately he then tried to check his body. However somehow, he felt it extremely difficult to move his body. Yet with great difficulty he forced himself to move his head. And the moment he looked down, he noticed that one of his limbs was missing while his whole body was in a tattered state. 

And even one side of his stomach was torn open. From his open wounds, constantly blood was seeping out while a puddle of blood had been created beneath his back. Right now, he was lying atop his own blood and he could very well feel the chilling sensation it was providing. 

Yet even this condition failed to make him panic. Instead, he frowned as he muttered with a dejected tone, "Great, I survived death only to die again…" upon finding out his condition. 

Just then he heard a strange voice ringing in his ears

Blood Pact System activating... 

Linking with the host…...

1% 2% 3%...78% 79% 80%

"Blood Pact System? What the fuck…. Am I hallucinating or Have I finally gone insane?" Upon hearing that unknown voice which was ringing in his ears, because of his situation, Lucius felt like he was going insane. 

96% 97% 98% 99% 100% 

Linking completed 

Several life-threatening injuries detected. Would you like to summon a being that could heal your injuries?

The more he heard this voice, the more ridiculous he felt. Yet somewhere in his heart, he wished the contents said by this voice was true. Even if he was born without mana, even if he was born in a frail body that wasn't suitable for martial arts as long as he could survive this situation, he was willing to do anything. 

He simply didn't want to die again. Thus, out of desperation, he yelled, "Fuck yeah, heal me if you can"

Not enough blood points to summon a being of Apex class!

Not enough blood points to summon a being of Legendary class!

Not enough blood points to summon a being of elder class!

Not enough blood points…. 


"Just freaking start your process and save my life already if you're going to do it…. Otherwise shut the fuck off" upon hearing the words of the system, Lucius felt like he was getting toyed and mocked when he was already approaching his death again. 

With every passing second, he could feel vitality seeping out of his body. At this rate, he was really going to die just a short moment after his reincarnation. 

He had already staked everything in that ritual. He even went as far as to sacrifice himself in completing that ridiculous ritual whose authenticity he wasn't even sure off, since in his entire lifetime he hadn't seen any magic that could return a person back in time. 

Elemental magic was quite common but magic related to time, it was the most complex of all. It simply defied the laws of the universe. And almost every single person who tried working on such magic either went crazy or was framed lunatic by the people around.

Even so, Lucius who had already been framed as a compatriot of demons, he had nothing to lose. Thus, after getting a fragment of that ritual, he spent years perfecting that ritual by himself. And that ritual although he wasn't sure if he could travel back to time, it still allowed him to reincarnate.

But dying right now would mean that he would die for real. He had already experienced a near death experience once and thus, he didn't wish to experience another so soon. 

And as much as that strange voice felt ridiculous, it also provided him a glimmer of hope in time when he desperately needed it the most. But right now, even that hope was staring to lose its brightness. He could vividly feel that hope slipping away from his hands. 

Finally, after repeating almost the same word for so long, suddenly a bright light penetrated his vision as a magic circle appeared from thin air right beside him.