
Blood Lust-Midnight Bay

Buckle up, because Katerina's life is about to take you on a wild ride. She drops out of college and becomes a goddess in Urdova, but she's gotta keep that on the DL while dating a shapeshifter. When he betrays her, she moves back to Midnight Bay and becomes a biotechnologist, determined to eradicate diseases and viruses. But that's not all she's dealing with - she's also a freaking goddess, and the council of night is after her. "Can you believe that? I'm just trying to cure diseases and be a goddess in peace, and these guys are trying to kill me!". But things get even more complicated when she falls in love with Liana, another goddess. Together, they must stop the council of night and their nefarious plans to spread deadly diseases across the planet. "You're in for a wild ride, my friend," Katerina says with a smirk. "But don't worry, I've got this. I'm a goddess, after all." Will Katerina and Liana be able to save the world from the council's evil grip, or will they succumb to the very diseases they're fighting against? This thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and the ultimate battle between good and evil will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

ItsAAsen · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Three weeks later

Katerina and Kassandra were tired after a long day of work at Biopharm. As they got home to the penthouse, Katerina received a text message from Emily and Sophie. Katerina didn't want to answer their question, so she decided to ignore it and instead asked them to keep an eye on Urdova and Eric.

Katerina: (reading the text message) Ugh, Emily and Sophie won't stop bothering me.

Kassandra: What do they want?

(Why can't she mind her own business)

Katerina: (rolling her eyes) They're asking where I am. I don't want to deal with them right now.

Kassandra: (nodding) I understand.

Katerina: (texting back) I'm busy right now. Keep an eye on Urdova and Eric. Let me know if anything happens.

Kassandra: (curious) What's going on with Urdova and Eric?

Katerina: (sighing) It's a long story. But let's just say they're up to something and I need to keep an eye on them.

(Why does she continue to dig?)

Kassandra: (nodding) I see. Is there anything I can do to help?

Katerina: Actually, yes. I need your help with a spell. I want to create a protection charm for the penthouse.

(Fuck it, lets see how she reacts to some real magic.)

Kassandra: (smiling) Sure. I'd love to help, but you realize you aren't actually a witch right?

(At least you got that part right.)

As they worked on the spell, Katerina couldn't help but feel like something was off. She had a bad feeling about what was going on with that werewolf and Eric, but she didn't want to worry Kassandra.

Katerina: (thinking to herself) I need to find out what's going on with that werewolf and Eric. I can't let them get away with whatever they're planning, especially if it puts Natalie or Aunt Jen in danger.

Kassandra: (interrupting her thoughts) Katerina, are you okay?

Katerina: Yes, I'm fine. Let's finish this spell.

(If only you could feel what I'm feeling right now, you would know that things are not okay.)

Kassandra: (nodding) Okay.

After they finished the spell, Katerina couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She decided to call her friend Emily to see if she had any information.

Katerina: (texting) Emily, do you know anything about what's going on with Eric?

Emily: (surprised) How did you find out about that?

Katerina: (sighing) It doesn't matter.

Katerina received a text from Emily, who had heard that Eric had teamed up with the werewolf packs in town. Katerina was worried that this alliance could put the people of the town in danger.

Katerina: (texting Emily) How did you find out about this?

Emily: (texting back) I overheard them talking at the park.

(What a lucky coincidence)

Katerina: (texting back) Do you know what they're planning?

Emily: (texting back) No, but I'm scared for the people in town.

Kassandra:(looking at her) What's going on?

Katerina: (showing her phone to Kassandra) Emily heard that Eric has teamed up with the werewolf packs that attacked me in town.

Kassandra: (shocked) What? That's crazy! There's no such thing as werewolves little sis.

Katerina: (nodding) You think it's silly I know but just go along with it. I'm not going to do something to stop them, I'm just going to make sure Aunt Jen and Natalie are safe.

Kassandra: (determined) I'm with you. What's the plan?

Katerina: (thinking) I don't know yet. But we have to act fast before it's too late.

Emily: (texting Katerina) I heard they're planning something big.

Katerina: (texting Emily) What do you mean?

Emily: (texting back) I can't say too much, but I heard they're planning on turning more people in town.

Katerina: (worried) Oh no. We have to stop them.

Kassandra: (nodding) Let's do this. We'll figure out a plan together.

Katerina felt grateful to have her sister by her side.

Katerina and Kassandra knew that they had to act fast to stop the werewolves from attacking the town. They decided to perform a magical ritual to send Emily and Sophie more magical energy. They hoped that with the extra power, the two of them could take out the werewolves one by one and protect the town.

Katerina: (lighting candles) We need to send Emily and Sophie more magical energy.

Kassandra: (joining in) Um okay if you say so, we have to help them.

Katerina: (chanting) By the power of the blood-red moon, we send my energy to Emily and Sophie.

Kassandra: (chanting) May they be powerful and cunning as they fight the werewolves.

(I honestly don't give a fuck if they all just kill each other, it would honestly work out better that way. I don't want any loose ends with the werewolf packs or with the council of the night. My sister is obviously thinking that this is all just a little game of mine and that is fine she doesn't need to know that this is all real just yet.)

Katerina:(Telepathically) Stavros, finish off all of the werewolves and bring me back Eric's head and the other alphas head, I want no excuses, and also have Sophie and Chloe make the delivery to me, I will meet them at a warehouse, I'll send you the location once you have finished the job keep me informed.

Stavros:(Telepathically) On it, I will gather up Sophie and Emily now and start taking out these werewolves, also I brought a couple of my own disciples with me they are assassins of the dark arts, soldiers of the council of night, don't worry they aren't aware of you I just asked them to help me with a werewolf problem and I explained to them that Sophie and Emily are friends of mine.

Stavros met up with Sophie and Emily,

Emily:(Balling up her fist) I know Kat didn't ask for it, but we should take Chloe's fucking head as well!

Sophie:(Also balling up her first) Damn straight we are taking that bitches head off!

Stavros:(Quietly) Alright, everyone goes dark we are going to take them out at their compound, this alpha's name is Tyson he is quite a bit stronger than Eric so let's take him and the rest of his pack quickly. I don't want them to even know we were ever here. There won't be a fight, just kill them all in their sleep.

All of the assassins spread out infiltrating the compound as Sophie and Emily cast a spell over the facility putting all of the werewolves to sleep as the assassins made their way inside.

The assassins start decapitating all of the werewolves in their sleep, one by one and continued until they found the alpha where they called for Stavros to come and cut his head off personally. Stavros stuffed the alpha's head into a red velvet bag and sealed it.

Stavros:(loudly) We are done here! Let's head out to Urdova, Eric is next.

They arrived shortly after at the Urdova compound and did the same thing with Eric's pack, and Stavros let Sophie and Emily remove both Eric and Chloe's heads and add them to the red velvet bag.

Stavros: Ladies, Katerina has tasked you both with delivering these heads to her.

She has supplied me with the address you are both to meet her. I will forward the text to you both, now hurry up she will be waiting.

Katerina met with her two disciples, Emily and Sophie, at the undisclosed warehouse that she had purchased under an alias. The warehouse was quiet and deserted, and Katerina felt safe knowing that they could meet without anyone interrupting them.

Sophie and Emily arrived and thanked Katerina for giving them a chance to prove themselves to her. Katerina was pleased with their progress and knew that they had the potential to become powerful witches with time.

Katerina: (smiling) I'm proud of you both. You've come a long way since I first killed you.

Sophie: (grinning) Thanks, Kat. We couldn't have done it without you.

Emily: (nodding) Yeah, you've been a great mentor to us.

Katerina: (smiling) I'm glad I could help. So, where's the gift?

Sophie pulled out the red velvet bag out of the trunk of the car and gave it to her. Katerina opened the bag and saw the three bloody heads that she had asked them to retrieve.

Katerina: (impressed) This is beautiful. You even got the bitch.

Sophie: (pleased) Thank you. We were careful not to attract any attention.

Emily: (nodding) Yeah, we made sure to stay under the radar.

Katerina: (smiling) Good. You're learning to be cautious and strategic.

Sophie: (grinning) We're getting there.

Katerina: (nodding) Yes, you are. And I have a feeling that you'll be even better in the future.

Emily: (smiling) We'll do our best.

Katerina: (smiling) I know you will. Now, let's get to work. You two have a long way to go until you are capable of helping me feel confident in being able to defend ourselves from the council of the night if need be.

After practicing their magic for a few hours, Katerina decided to give both Emily and Sophie 40,000 dollars and told them to fill the warehouse with anything they may need as far as security systems, and guard dogs.

Katerina: (handing over the money) Here's the money. Use it wisely.

Sophie: (surprised) Wow, that's a lot of money. Thank you, Kat.

Emily: (nodding) Yeah, thank you. We won't let you down.

Katerina: (smiling) I know you won't. Now, go and fill the warehouse with everything you need to make it secure.

Sophie and Emily nodded and left to go shopping. They returned a couple of days later with a variety of security systems, blades, and guard dogs.

Katerina: (impressed) You two did a great job.

Sophie: (smiling) Thank you. We wanted to make sure that we had everything we needed.

Emily: (nodding) Yeah, we didn't want to take any chances.

Katerina: (smiling) Good. You're learning to be cautious and prepared.

Sophie: (grinning) We're getting there.

Katerina: (nodding) You two are in charge of this place, start infiltrating the nightclubs around the city and find people we can use.

Emily:(Curious) What do you mean? What kind of people do we need and for what?

Katerina: We need to create more witches, so we can have our own covenant. It's the only way we will be safe from the Council of the Night, trust me those werewolves you all took out are nothing but a nuisance, the Council of the Night is more threatening and aside from them, there are other groups throughout the country that could be a problem if they find out about me.

Emily: (worried) The council of night?