
Blood Legacy: New World Of Doom

"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen." Ikaris, a genius student admired, exploited, and hated all his life for his brilliance, suddenly finds himself transmigrated into The Forsaken Lands, a fantasy world of myriad species born with the ability to use magic with imagination as their only limit. Alas, this gift carries a curse. The more you use it, the closer you are to death. After thousands of years of decline, the Free Races are fast approaching their demise, their survival threatened by this curse and an enemy that will not rest until it has devoured them all. Literally. Former allies and enemies, prey and predators are now cornered behind a huge wall, forced to collaborate to resist their invader. But can so much resentment and hatred be washed away so easily? Can predators and prey really overcome their instincts in the face of a common foe? Follow him on his journey from an ordinary human to a shining existence that will overturn the order established since the dawn of time. From an innocent soul to a merciless demon. From a human to something else. ----- Discord link: https://discord.gg/d8udP7Q

Arkinslize · Fantasy
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175 Chs

Best Defense Is Offense

Asselin's face brightened with relief and he extended his hand. Ikaris stared at it pensively, then shook it. The nobleman then raised his cup of tea and exclaimed,

"To our alliance! Even if it's not alcohol, we can still toast."

Ikaris glanced at his own still-steaming cup and grumbled, "Never mind, a handshake is enough."

Then he looked into the blonde's eyes and resting his chin on his clasped hands, he asked seriously, "Now that you've promised me a Healer from your clan, who do you intend to recommend and when can I expect him? Since I have the day off, I thought I would move up my plans from this weekend to this afternoon. There may be some injuries and a competent Healer would be welcome."

Danchun, Malia and the others displayed surprised expressions upon hearing his words. From his voice, he sounded very serious.

"I'll explain on the way back." Ikaris apologized while nodding to them.