
Blood: Journey Through The Omniverse

Koyomi is an elder man that was summoned before a very powerful individual; one that we all know and love; sooo... Do you love taking enthusiastic walks? He asked. What awaits old man Koyomi & his rather unique Patreon the man who would be known as the old demon from nowhere in this wacky, action pack, yes harem don't question it adventure. (A/N): The world will be one giant world consisting of multiple animes and games, for example, Aot, Demon Slayer, Db Xenoverse, Halo, Doom, slime, One Piece, Scp Chinese branch & normal branch, WoD, overlord, and many many more.

Iam_hastur · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Koyomi Goals and plan

(A/N): Hello all; Hastur here, just want to say, that the reason why the Mc doesn't interact with many anime characters, like for example getting to know the Emilia faction is that I hate Emila like she has no memorable qualities; honestly she is a big a no in my book, and no... Sorry Rem fans; it's not happening.

In my opinion, I also think she is mid, she is the type that is an acquired taste if not an aftertaste, and Beakos is cute and all, but come on why go for her when we can have the mother she is crazy, batshit insane, and heartless, however, Koyomi is built differently on that Aizen shit.

He is kind and loves kids but makes no mistake if it's mean he gets a Hogyoku, hell it's going be Koyomi and Aizen vs everyone then, you see this guy is going to be on some serious Demon time, think of him as a Batman who got isekaied.

Now how far, and how bad will he treat his enemies when they go too far, to the point they break him out of his neutrality, well let's just say reverse flash and Dio would be proud of this man.

But I just want to elaborate on that.


Inside Koyomi Manor World; Koyomi was sitting around his desk while drinking a cup of wine, last night before he went to bed, he did some exploring and found out that this world of his has a lifetime supply of food.

He could also imagine any home appliances or utensils he desire within this place; although that was as far as he could do in here.

This was his personal world, but ironically enough he wasn't God in here, however, he could banish anyone from this realm as a trade-off for not being God-like in this place, meaning, as long as he doesn't desire it, anyone he bans from this domain can't get in no matter how hard they try to open the coffin.

But apart from that; Koyomi was busy writing down initial logs of yesterday's experience. It was both life-changing and educative, his first battle was a learning experience, although it still ended with him losing miserably.

But he wasn't going to follow the sword saint to a pointless battle, he knew Reinhard was very strong, but only would he do most of the work, but he would be questioned even further. Which Koyomi didn't want?

Reinhard can see through lies, and personally speaking, he didn't want to be questioned, much less be ordered around, although he knew Reinhard wouldn't do that; but he didn't want to risk it, this wasn't cannon Reinhard so anything was possible.

He learns that these characters are similar to their original in some aspects, but they are also different in a lot of ways. A perfect example would be Natsuki Subaru; because compare to the original who was annoying pussy in his B.O.S (Beginning of Series) stage, this one seems more uncaring and violent. He is the type of Subaru that would embody the phrase, "I'm going to die, but Im taking you with me."

Naturally, Koyomi had no desire to join Emilia's camp or any other camp at that. He wants more power, more experience, and more battles. And to be confined does not fit him, to achieve power one must leaps and bounds.

He was sure he would not be in this world for too long either because as soon as he get his bearing he was going to travel the entire world; to locate all seven dragon balls, and when he summon the dragon of this world he would have access to a spaceship, and that was when the real fun truly begins.

But for now, he was in his training arc, or as TFS Alucard would say, he was trying to make his precious Helena into a real fucking vampire; that and trying to garner enough soul to pull off a Walmart level zero release at the bare minimum.

That's why logging and documenting his experience in that battle was important.

"Honestly what could I have done to make that unfair battle a more fair one?"

The answer was simple.

Nothing, there was nothing he could have done, as the only thing that came to mind was hiding in his coffin to ensure that he lives.

The first battle was a disaster in Koyomi's eyes, if it wasn't for Helena he would have died no question ask, but at least Helena got stronger because of it, and after confining with her Koyomi figured out that Helena now has exactly 5,726 lives, meaning she can now afford to die that many times over, she can also utilize the powers and characteristic of all the souls she has absorbed into herself as well, truly she is a work of art if not a masterpiece.

Then and again, the person that built her was three of the greatest minds in fiction.

Dr. Bright from the SCP Universe.

Prime Rick from the Rick and Morty Universe

Alucard post (Schördinger) from Hellsing Ultimate Universe.

To be honest, Koyomi was thinking far ahead, that right if he ever makes it to a world that has DBZ in it, he was going to pay a visit to Dr. Gero, or Android 21 to see if he could improve Helena even further than she originally is.

Don't get Koyomi wrong, he loves the Z-fighters, but this isn't about them, this is him achieving his dream of beating this omniverse.

Hell, if there is a Cyberpunk world he wouldn't mind getting some cybernetic and some weapons if it means him getting more power, hell David is built differently, but compared to him, he isn't made in China, no he was made in the real world.

The same could be said for metal gear rising, the nanobots interest him greatly, however, there was one thing in this omniverse that he was after, but finding the planet would be hard, yes Koyomi wanted his own Hogyoku.

However, there were only two ways to get it, and none of them would be easy; however, Koyomi felt like he and Aizen could see eye to eye, and they both have the same motives in say, however, devouring Urahara's soul with aid of Helena and force him to make one albeit incomplete would still be a win.

But two of those options would be suicide regardless of compatibility.

*Sigh* "This is going to be a pain, a horrendous pain, but let's not get ahead of yourself Koyomi, let's take it one step at a time; honestly, if I want to beat Muzan and Pandora, I will need something so destructive even Pandora reality warping won't me, hmm think Koyomi, you have an advantage in this situation seeing you know each character, Muzan weakness is sun, although im not sure if he found a way to conquer it in this reality; Pandora weakness, yeah none notable from what I remember, after all, I haven't finished the Re zero series as the author died before the last arc came out. However, it was said that Pandora couldn't fully control the black snake."

"I can maybe make Helena absorb the black snake however it's frozen in the lake of the Elior forest, however, its poison remains as a separate entity, and is extremely hostile to anyone it's come in contact with... Then I will try to lactate the great hare, I'm sure even Muzan would be terrified of those little guys, and im sure Helena could defeat them after we achieved Walmart level-0 release."

"But then and again if I find the white whale I can utilize its fog of elimination to my advantage while also having a sixty-ton flying mammal... Killing the beast would also be easy if we eat it from within."

As Koyomi began to think of more creative methods for how to acquire more power, his pen soon stop when he realized something.

"Wait a minute, why stop there, the whales are strong yes, but aren't Echidna and her witches of sin technically souls...

At that moment Koyomi look at his beloved Helena, to him she was his Excalibur, but regardless of that, an evil smirk came on his face when he thinks about the witches of sin.

"Hehehe. Why wait till I meet Dr. Gero when I can have the smartest person in this world improve Helena to even greater heights, im sure we can get along, yes... I might not be a science guy, but my knowledge is still otherworldly, im sure I and Echidna can reach an agreement, then and again, if Helena absorbs the souls of the witches, she can literally resurrect them by turning them into familiars; essentially giving Echidna the immortality she so desires, ah... I love it when a plan comes together."

Koyomi said with excitement, he was no Reinhard, but dear lords it wouldn't be long before he came close to creating another Reinhard-like being.

"Helena. Can you fetch me my Jackle, we're going for another walk."

Yes currently speaking Koyomi does not know where the sanctuary is, however, he knows someone that does, and no he wasn't going to confront Roswaal, no he was going for the weakest link, as that person's memories would be the key.

"Hahaha... My cute little Ram, I wonder what your mindscape looks like?"