
Z Day

Ever wonder how you would die?

Ever think that it could all just end in a flash?

How our happy lives that we worked so hard for just falls apart and you can't do anything about it to change it?


Fourth of July 2064...

"Hey Johnny! Hot Dogs are ready man, come get some before Donny eats them all!" I say as I enter the living room where Johnny is standing in the middle of the living room just staring at the muted TV lost in what they were saying, he doesn't acknowledge that I am in the room with him as he begins to tremble and his face pales at what he is looking at.

I look in the direction of the TV wondering what has gotten him so spooked, on the TV you can see multiple accidents and fires happening around the new reporter as they hide in their news van, people are running away from other people and some can even been seen being devoured by others as people scream and run, my face pales as I turn to Johnny and realize that he is no longer standing next to me but is outside grabbing the food off the grill and leaving the grill outside as he walks in with Donny.

I turn the channel as I put the Football game on the TV and unmute it and raise the volume, Donny hears the song for half time and runs to sit down at the table to eat and watch the game, Johnny is seen closing and locking the doors trying to lock all the windows as I walk over to assist him, the windows are bullet proof and are steady enough to not be knocked off its foundation. Johnny walks to the kitchen and continues as I follow him to assist him, Donny could be heard yelling at the TV as the Giants fumble the ball and are knocked back 2 yards.

"Johnny what's the plan?"

"We prepare for the worst, there have been multiple reports and I can assure you we aren't the first to see this." I nod my head as I run with Johnny to latch all the entrances and windows to prevent anything from coming in. Both Johnny and I sit to eat when he remembers that we have to latch the garage and secure it since it has a heavy metal door and no windows, it even has a lifetime supply of Coconut waters and food to last us if the government ever shut down.

"I'll go with you to help." I say as we get up to secure the garage, he nods and looks over at Donny.

"Hey Donny why don't you get showered up on my room tonight I got some cool pajamas in my third drawer!" Donny smiles as he runs upstairs without a second thought and gets showered up, we secure the garage and head to Donnys room with some power tools, Due to Donny having austim we couldn't latch the windows like we wanted to when we first moved in but the window itself was bullet proof, we had to secure it properly with screws now to avoid the risk of a deado coming in while he sleeps, however he has 9 windows and a sky scraper that is needing to be adjusted, it would take all night with the two of us for that sky scraper but we knew how to have Donny sleep early tonight so he won't hear the drills.

"Johnny l am worried that Donny won't do well with this current situation, what if he freaks out from seeing the deados outside?" I say.

"We protect him with our lives June, It's all we can do." he says. I nod and have him secure the 9 windows, he heads back to his room to put Donny to sleep as I begin to drill the nails in on the windows to the sky scraper. How could this have happened? I ask myself as I keep drilling the nails unaware of the eyes watching me from outside on my neighbors terrace.

"June, stay quiet." Johnny says in a low voice as I stop drilling and look at him and follow the direction he is staring at, my eyes widen as my neighbor is watching me however that wasn't my neighbor anymore, his face was torn and he had blood dripping out of his face and his clothes were covered in handprints and blood, his arms were covered in what looked to be torn out chunks from bites he received, his legs were torn up badly as I could see the bones and a tear rolls down my face as I stare at the man who once used to be a well known martial artist and a damn good lawyer.

Tim was a family man, however his wife about 2 months back left him for her gym trainer and took his kids with her, she filed for custody and won. It was a devastating loss for him because he fought and pleaded with the courts to allow him to have full custody rights for his children however since his job required him to work more than 76 hrs a week his request was denied and they granted her full custody of the kids. It was the first and only case he lost and it was against his ex wife.

after a while he ran back into his house and we could hear screaming outside as people were being attacked and eaten, I began to cry silently as Johnny began to latch the windows, I run downstairs to make sure the front and back door is still locked and secured, I sigh in relief as the doors are indeed shut and secure but the lights are still on which brought attention to some Deados from outside. I quickly turn the lights off as they come to approach our lawn sniffing around as I run back to the stairs hiding and watching them get close to the door, they try the knob as they sniff the air. My body runs cold as I watch them fiddle with the door trying to open it, I don't move until they dissappear after a while and I sigh lightly as I walk back up the stairs trying not to make a sound.

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