

Logging in.....

Through the blinds shine sunlight showing the dust particles that float around. There is a sweet smell in the air.

Today is Sunday.

{ get up}

{ scream five more minutes}

{ fake sickness }


You get up slowly as you felt dizzy. The cold morning air hit your skin making you want to curl back up in the covers. You knew this place. You knew this air. You knew it well

You are home. But for how long?

The alarm rings. It is time

You are in the car .

Starting game. . .

The sound of the radio fill your ears . the cold air hit you from the vents. You can see the summer sun beating down ruthlessly on the fields of wheat and the few who were out to pick it to be sold. Most the land in your home town was farm land. Infact. There were only a few buildings in town. The police station. The school. A beauty salon. A church.  And the supermarket that had a connected with a gas station. The nearest person to your house was at least two miles. And it felt like everyone knew things faster than they should have. Last year your mother cut her hair wrong and it felt like the same day you could hear the ladies in the store gossiping about it.  Small towns . big mouths. James was your best friend. He had been since birth. He was always there. But you knew the sad reality was. You were in love with him. He was amazing. But you held your tounge. People in this town wernt to forgiving.

The song playing calmed you. It felt like it was the only thing stopping your head from running wild.  James was driving. This would be the first time you went to stay with him for the summer. And you were not to thrilled. Yes you liked him. But he was an angel.  There was no way on earth it would be entertaining for someone who has down things no one even thinks of doing.

" are you feeling okay?" James asked you with a side glace. Tho his green gaze soon went back to the road ahead as you saw less and less houses. You were getting further out of town. " yeah I'm okay. Just thinking. " you said to re assure your friend tho he didn't seem to buy it " were gonna be in a motel tonight. Theres gonna be at least two days on the road till we arive. " james said as he watched the road with caution. And you only hummed in response. Your head turning to the window to watch the clouds form overhead.  You close your eyes for a moment. But you find yourself drifting off to sleep.


The cold air hit you skin hard. You look up to see james getting out of the car. You were stopped at a motel

Saving game . . .

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