
The Move

My mother is a traveling agent and so we often moved every 4-6 months which I had got un used to now as I'm 17. Plus it weren't as if we were ever moving country just city or town but she needed a job and at least I got to see pretty amazing stuff. No matter what though I know that I won't stay here for long and to be honest I think I'm glad that we won't be staying here. I'm not much of a party girl myself so living in New Orleans wasn't quite my ideal home. But at least there's a great high school here which is a bonus for me, nothing better then a good school to keep my grades up.

I finally carry the last heavy box up to my new room which is bigger then most of the ones I've ever had so I won't be complaining there. "Honey can you help me with this box," mom shouts to her husband John. I've always considered John as a father but still never called him dad for he is not blood, my real dad died on the 9/11 terrorist attack. I was only 3 months old when that happened so I have no emotional attachment but the way my mother speaks of him makes me believe he was an angel. Or maybe he was just an ideal husband who stole my mothers heart at first glace like she said, I'm not sure how I feel. That's what got my mother into traveling and then she realized she could travel as part of her job and then met John. At first she played hard to get and then one day it changed and he proposed to her I was 6 when she got married I was the only bridesmaid beside my auntie Katherine who was the maid of honour.

My mind pretty much always wonders of to be honest and the result is often something embarrassing. But my goal this time is to stay focused on the task ahead of me and I may not no what that is but I will find out one day. Hopefully or I will just be a work zombie who has no goals and only goes to work and home. See I am sat on my bed yet again in another house doing the same thing as usual which is nothing. Wow I am so lazy and why have I only just noticed this I don't know.

When I finally got up and unpacked the rest of my stuff which wasn't much and changed to head to the café. I wore black pinafore and an white short sleeved top and black lace up block heels. The café down the street was sweet and quaint with little pictures of all the famous people from New Orleans such as Frank Ocean and Birdman. When I sat as an solider oak table with cushion chairs when an blonde haired girl with bright brown eyes. She wore an white blouse and black pencil skirt with an maid apron over it. The Woman was beautiful as if she belonged in the fashion magazines especially her hair that went everywhere but still good.

"Can I take your order miss?" She said with a posh voice that intreged me but I just replied "yes please, can I have a mocha and an oat cookies." Mocha have always been my favourite drink since my mom let me drink coffee. When I finally decide to get my laptop out went straight on my last assignments to revise.

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