3 How Time Goes By

The shock of my aunt getting married and having a baby was overwhelming for only one reason, it still feels like yesterday when she was playing with me in the garden. Oh but I couldn't resist hugging the gorgeous little thing that looked who looked just like Kathy.  Kathy was my aunties nickname as when I was younger I couldn't pronounce her name so instead I said Kathy. I'm not sure what she preferred but that was just a nickname from me.

"Her names Bella after grams, Lucas decided that he didn't want to come over. He's probably still in bed texting his girlfriend." Kathy said smiling down at me as I was pretty small for my age some people still think I'm 13 sometimes. Lucas is my cousin we use to do everything forever and then we moved away and we just texted all the time. There was a point where he just stoped replying as much as he used to which I guess is understandable as he probly had an social life.

"Yeah they used to be so close can you remember them running around the house like lunatics. God look how they've grown, Arianna you should see him now he's a right charmer. Your aunt says he's a jock the most popular in the school." My mother says laughing at my wide eye expression and rolling my eyes. I've always hated the expression "jock" like who came up with that term.

"I just hope I don't get much attention to be honest I just can't be done with that." I murmured quietly as I had Bella asleep in my arms.

"Oh can you remember when we were at school, they called us the lightwood twins. We were the talk of the school we could get any guy," Kathy laughed wiggling her eyebrows but I'm pretty sure I got the gesture. " Yeah I think I get the point I think I'm gonna go for a walk." I say and that was the end of that conversation as I pulled my heels back on and walked out the door shutting it firmly.

It was quiet outside as I walked to a little parlour and got a bottle of water and went to a park. There wasn't a lot at the park but a skate park and swings so I sat on a swing to think. There was a few boys on the skate park showing off there tricks with there bikes. When I looked closer at the boys I noticed that one was Lucas and I think he noticed me too as he rode his bike over too me and jumped off. His mates did the same, one of them even said "Lucas what are u doing? You already have a girlfriend who is this?" Lucas smiled then said " this is Arianna she's my cousin and she must have just arrived in New Orleans to." He pulled me into a hug and then let's me go

"Hey I didn't expect to see you here I just came for a walk," I said brushing the back of my pinafore and looking aside at the bikes. Unfortunately the only reason I was looking away was because I was afraid I was staring at Lucas. He truly was a stunner, even when I hugged him he had a six pack. At least he looked a bit like me as we had the same black coloured hair and half-cast skin.

"Well Aria this is Harry," Lucas pointed to the boy to his left "and this is Dylan." Harry was small but muscular with had dark brown hair and dull brown eyes and Dylan was tall and even more muscular with blonde hair and deep ocean blue eyes that pulled me in.

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