4 Bik

He was searching for a man.

In the entire tribe of Lang Shui, there was one wolf that Vrishankh needed dead. The Lang tribe was a tribe of wolves, who resided deep in the forest that was situated on the outskirts of the village of Kaaljayi. The wolves had an ability of their own. They could turn human when they came into contact with a demonic power.

Dushkrat, the land from which Vrishankh came, was the home to all demons. Wolves from the Lang Shui tribe had always served as minions to the demons living in Dushkrat. They either used the power of their masters to turn into men and carry out commands. Or they came into use in their original form as wolves. Their purpose was to serve the demon they belonged to.

However, fifteen years ago, many of these servants had betrayed their masters. They had escaped into this world.

They were also at the very root of a rebellion that had then hit the land of Dushkrat.

These wolves that escaped Dushkrat, had hid into the remotest of places on this planet, one of them being the forest surrounding village Kaaljayi.

Vrishankh had been searching for his own wolf, Bik for three years now.

He didn't remember what it looked like anymore, but he knew that Bik had betrayed him. He had dared to go against Vrishankh. And it was because of him that an entire war fuelled, and Vrishankh had been banished to this planet.

Bik was going to die.

The scrawny boy stood atop a hill, looking down at a procession of carriages that passed by the road. His eyes were brown, and his face was marred by evil.

Bik had been a cunning wolf, even back then. Now, Vrishankh knew Bik had somehow managed to find a source that let him stay in human form, always. The boy's eyes were searching, his gaze sharp and hawk-like as he scanned the carriages.

Where was it?

That puny servant, where was it?!

Suddenly, his eyes fixed on the carriage at the end of the procession. It gave off an odd vibe, and Vrishankh sensed faint demonic energy from it.

His eyes leered.

He wanted to stop, deliberate on whether he needed blood or information more. Information would help, but he craved blood. A lot of it.

Blood and revenge.

Vrishankh snickered, the sound slowly changing from low, deep chuckles to loud, dismal roars of mirthless laughter.

Bik. Bik.

He would die!

The boy raised both his hands in the air, and jumped.

A scythe, that was bigger than the his own body appeared in his hands. He landed directly over the golden carriage, and with one swipe of its sickle, cut down the top of the carriage in half.

The clouds turned black.

"Valhati!" He roared.

Lightning struck the sky, and fell on the boy's back. He screamed from the hit, and instantly his body changed. His hair turned to a beautiful golden, his eyes a sea green. The man let go of the scythe, and ripped apart the carriage with his bare hands. The cart collapsed.

Then grabbing the long silver hair of the only person sitting inside, Vrishankh pulled him out. He didn't know if it was Bik. He now didn't care. Their eyes met for a brief second, his green ones with his inferior black. Vrishankh smelled its disgusting breath, that reeked of its stinking clan. Lang Shui. The wolves.

Filthy, f***ing ants.

Vrishankh saw the naked fear in the creature's eyes.

Wordlessly, he held the creature's head with both his hands. Then raising it towards the sky, he crushed its eyeballs into its skull.

Blood flew down his arms.

When the creature screamed, Vrishankh was repulsed. Even though it had the appearance of a human, its howl was still a wolf's. Not wanting to prolong his bloodlust anymore, the demon simply held the creature's hair more forcefully and ripped its body into two halves.

"Asrasya," he said.

The two halves of the body set to fire, and burnt in his own hands. When the body had charred to ash, Vrishankh snickered.

There was blood on his arms and face, and he licked it off his hands. He felt innately satisfied as drops of it dripped from his lips.

The clouds soon turned to normal, and Vrishankh was back to being the fifteen year old boy. And only when he had returned to his frail body, did he wonder if that creature had been Bik.

The eyes… they had seemed familiar.

He wasn't sure. Ah, he had wanted information. But… blood?

Blood had appealed more.

The boy looked at his frail arms that were still covered with blood.

Information? No, no. There was blood.

And Bik had died. He liked this better.

But… he didn't remember. Had it been Bik?

He didn't know.

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