

A Vampire: A ghost-like creature from folklore that feeds on the living and is also known as an undead. Vampires and humans have always co-existed and lived peacefully for many years. But when an unknown threat threatens the peaceful life between them, what will happen? Will the peace remain or will everything just crumble? Read on to find out.

laimeisi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


When Jiang Yanli told him to call Lan Xichen, he honestly panicked. It wasn't that he disliked the older man, instead it was the opposite. He didn't know when precisely he began liking Lan Xichen but somehow, he did. The first time they met was when his parents brought him and his siblings to Gusu to visit Madam Lan. Jiang Cheng's mother was close to Madam Lan, so it became a routine for them to go to Gusu at least once or twice a week. His parents and Lan Xichen's parents will usually sit down in the living room while drinking tea and talk while the kids will play together. But all that changed when his parents unexpectedly died. After his parent's death, Jiang Cheng had no choice but to take over and become the new leader. As soon as he became the new leader, he had a lot of things to do. Jiang Cheng had a lot of pressure and responsibility as his workload became so heavy and he was afraid to screw up by making the wrong decisions. However, he was grateful to his siblings for their support, or else he doesn't know how he can make it through. As time passed by, he managed to stabilize the whole organization and he became the youngest leader in the history of the Vampire hunter organization.

As he was the leader of the Jiang family Vampire Hunter Organization, it was his duty to go to the meeting between the vampire council and the Hunter family. He didn't expect to meet the older man once again after so many years as the person who usually goes for the meeting was his uncle, Lan Qiren. So, when he met Lan Xichen there, he was surprised. He acted harshly towards Lan Xichen, but he still approached him and talked to him. Jiang Cheng knows that his attitude can pissed people off easily as he is always very blunt, and his words can be unintentionally harsh towards people who don't know him well enough. He also knows that the only people who could tolerate his behavior were only his family. Jiang Cheng cannot deny that the older man is outstanding but the thing that made Jiang Cheng fall for him was his patience and kindness towards him. So, before he knew it, they became close, and slowly Jiang Cheng realized that he had fallen in love with the older man.

Now that he is stuck in this situation, he told himself that he needs to make the call as this is an important and pressing matter that cannot be delayed as this is about Lan Xichen's younger brother. He took a deep breath and made the call. After a few rings, the older man answered the call. Jiang Cheng quickly told him the situation and he could hear the concern of the older man. After informing him everything, Jiang Cheng ended the call and walked to the guest room where his siblings and Lan Wangji were.

"Guys, Xichen-ge is on the way." Jiang Cheng said to the others as soon as he entered the guest room where Lan Wangji is in.

They all nod their head in acknowledgment, and he sits down on one of the sofas in silence as they wait for Lan Xichen to arrive and for Lan Wangji to wake up to find out what happened.


For Lan Xichen, it was an unexpected situation. Originally his brother told him that he was going out for a walk. It was a daily routine for Lan Wangji to go for a walk during the evening and he would be gone for at least 2 hours. So, when he was gone for more than 2 hours, he started getting worried that something had happened. He was about to leave his house to find his brother but to his surprise, Lan Xichen received a call from Jiang Cheng. At first, he thought that Jiang Cheng wanted to hang out since it's been a while but to his surprise, the call was about his younger brother.

Lan Xichen quickly took his car keys and drove to Yunmeng. It took him exactly 20 minutes to reach there, which is a miracle, beyond the fact that he was speeding the whole way. He was thankful that there weren't any police to stop him along the way. He quickly parked his car at the entrance of the Jiang Organisation and walked to the front door. He took a deep breath and rang the bell.

Jiang Cheng was nervous. He didn't know how to react when he saw the older man but he had to just deal with it. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the doorbell.

"I will get it." Jiang Cheng said as he got up from the sofa.

He walked towards the door and stood in front of it for a few minutes. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Xichen-Ge."Jiang Cheng said.

"Jiang Cheng. Where is my brother? How is he? Is he awake?" Lan Xichen asks as he walks in.

"Wangji is in the guest room with the others. He is fine but he is still unconscious. "Jiang Cheng said as they walked into the guest room.

As soon as Lan Xichen entered the guest room, he greeted the others and sat down beside Lan Wangji's unconscious body.

Lan Xichen is concerned about his little brother while feeling worried and nervous. He looks calm on the outside but inside he is panicking that he started creating thousands of scenarios in his mind.

As for the others, they are worried too since the situation will be bad if there is chaos in the vampire world if something were to happen to the prince.

After a moment of silence, Lan Xichen heard a groaning sound. He looked at his brother and saw that he was gaining consciousness. Lan Wangji slowly opened his eyes and saw people that he didn't recognize. He was confused as he continued to look at the unfamiliar people in front of him.

"Wangji, how are you feeling? What were you doing at Yunmeng? Didn't you just go for a walk? How did you get injured? Lan Xichen said while helping him to sit in a comfortable position.

As soon as Lan Xichen tries to touch him, he flinches with sudden body contact with the unfamiliar people.

"Don't touch me! Who are you and where am I?" Lan Wangji asked as he avoided Lan Xichen.

Lan Xichen glanced at the others to ask them to go out for a while so that he could talk to Lan Wangji alone.

After speaking with him for at least 20 minutes, he realized that his brother doesn't remember anything and is wary of everyone. Lan Xichen comes out of the room shakily and tells the others about the situation.

"Why don't we let Wangji stay with us until he recalls everything? Also, we can protect him. He will be safe here." Jiang Yanli said after hearing what Lan Xichen had said.

Lan Xichen had no choice but to agree to what Jiang Yanli had proposed. All he wished for was that his brother would be safe.