I will be postin this story on royal road. Nothing unusual goes on around here. Except for the occasional supernatural occurrences by the students at SaoriYomi Highschool. The "School Representative Club" of SaoriYomi Highschool is nothing more than a dystopia for the members. The story focuses on Saito, Shiroe, Sia, and everybody else in the SRC. And no, not everybody's name starts with an S. The story will transition through different people's perspectives or points of view. Saito was being scouted out due to Sia's semi-obsessive research on him to find out about his past. She had overheard Saito talking to Shiroe about an incident that had happened a while back that had caused him to move to SY. She doesn't really find out much about him until she recruited him to the SRC.
"Damn girl, you're fine as hell."
"Fine as hell huh...sorry, but I'm not gay. And thanks for telling me I'm fine. But I know."
"... You mean...you're a guy? Or are you just a dyke?"
" ...I'm sorry, do I..does it look like I have titties?"
" I mean you could pass. Hmm... soo a flat-chested dyke?"
"I have a p.enis. I am a GUY! Do I have to show you?! What do you not understand?"
"Ooh, so you're a tranny....wait...ewwww.... you're ...you're gay! Miss me with that gay shit!"
This guy... He's...a fucking idiot! Who tries to pick up girls on the first day of school? I'd better stay away from him, my hands might fly...
He ran around the school and told everybody that I was gay. Which was false. Wait, no, not was, IS. Yeah...that's more accurate. It was false then and it's false now.
That was just a short argument on the first day of school in 8th grade. We ended up hating each other and fighting, then getting suspended for 2 weeks. We still hated each other when we came back though. We were forced to talk to each other which only made us hate each other more. But everything changed once we found out we were on the same track team. Not because we were on a team, but because we both trashed all the other teams. Both of us became best friends that year, in 8th grade. My name is Saito Hosho, and my best friend is Shiroe Yuuki. Eventually, I got expelled out of that school in 10th grade and moved to SaoriYomi high school. Shiroe had transferred to another school in 9th grade, and now he's coming here. Today, we're still best friends and now we're in 11th grade.
Good thing we're not in the same class. That'd be hell for the teachers.
I do hope we are in the same class though...
OK, regardless if Shiroe was in my class or not, it's only been 3 weeks into the year and I've already gotten myself in trouble. I've been in a few fights here and there.
Stopped the school bullies from bullying, I guess. Well, for now. But whatever I do, I feel like I'm always being watched. It's probably the counselor. Or the Student Representative Club members. But it's my first year here. I guess word spread around. Jesus, I'm not that much of a trouble maker...they don't need to watch me like some damn hawks.
Hopefully, this year won't be as bad as the last.
Anyways, I gotta get ready. I took a shower and put my clothes on and left. "7:15... I'm already running late." To get to school from where I live, I have to take a train and a bus. Two buses actually. I made it to the first bus stop at around 7:20. Then I made it to the second bus and got off at the train station at 7:45.
School starts at 8:05. Depending on how fast the train gets here I'm probably gonna be late. Oh well. I took my phone out of my pocket and waited for the train. "Saito, h-hey." "Hm?" I turned around to see who called me. "Oh, hey, what's up Haruhi?"
Haruhi is one of my close friends. We only met this year though, but he's hella smart and he's a hacker. How else would my grades be this perfect? "Haruhi, we're having health class today. I need you to put on a "movie" to distract the class and teacher." "Ooh that'll be f-fun...hopefully I don't get caught though."
"I'm sure you won't. The school doesn't know you're a hacker. They just know that you're smart." "Yeah. I guess that helps."
We talked a little while longer until the train came. We got on the train and arrived at the school.
After a while, we arrived at school. "Alright Haruhi, I'll see you at gym." "Okay. If anything comes up I'll tell you though." "K."
We separated and I met Shiroe at my locker.
"Sup private." "Captain. I'm skipping Ms. Rimes's class. She doesn't pay attention anyway." " True. I remember when I skipped her class, she doesn't even do attendance. " "Pfffft. Yeah, I remember that day. Everything was fine until the counselor saw you."
"Yeah...I hate her. She's always doing some nut shit. Always taking our hoodies and phones." " Mhmm. That's why we got people to yell out "hide your hoodies." "Haha, yeah, we need them. They're a lifesaver. " "I wouldn't say that. They're just extras in the background. " "...Wow, Private...that was uhh...kinda low." "It's true though. " I laughed before I looked at my phone to see what time it was.
We have to be in advisory before 8:05. It was 8:04. Shiroe saw the time and started making his I towards his class. Lucky for him, his class was on the first floor. Mine, however, is on the 5th floor. "Tch. I'm definitely gonna be late." I took my phone out and made my way to the stairs. I was met by this girl who's name I don't know. I mean I know her, but at the same time, I don't. "Violation. You're late for class, and you're roaming the halls with your phone out." "K." I tried to walk past her up the steps but she blocked the way and took my phone.
"The hell do you think you're doing?!"