
Blindly Walking

Greetings, welcome to my next fanfic, hopefully you shall find it adequate, I will say several things here that I shall not repeat again. *I DO NOT OWN THE WALKING DEAD!!!; I am allowing people to hopefully enjoy this creation and its universe. All copyright goes to the respective owners. *This fic is a self-insert, I try not to stray off canon, all parts described are either actual gory at times, knowledge or research. *Like the rest of my fanfics, I would greatly appreciate reviews, they mean a lot to me, any review is welcome, but I prefer constructive criticism, flaming for flaming sake will probably be ignored. *Updates will posted when complete or when I can, I'm not a machine, I work also. This story is rated 'M' for mature due to the content, Rape may be suggested, murder, and or other adult themes. It also has descriptive scenes of battle and swearing, you have been warned. Man awakens in another man's body due to it dying. He knows not where he is but later finds that he is in the TV series Walking Dead. Join Steve in the navigating the dead, and searching for happiness, which he had never tasted in his previous life. Will he join the Atlanta group? Or go on his own. Let's find out as the story unfolds!

Roberto_0461 · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 4: World goes to S**t pt2!! Operation Cobalt!!

Chapter 4: World goes to S**t pt2!! Operation Cobalt!!


In the past few weeks, I've broken off from many smaller groups that wanted my help. And whenever I decided to help them, and again they would let me down. And the chump in me, so optimistic I was, not wanting to believe that there were people that were so cruel and dangerous. Again, I left another group, they kept wanting more than they deserved, I left, without a word, packed my s**t and disappeared.


I had broken away from several other groups like that, those who thought that they deserved everything I had and wanted more. Like one time we helped this small family of three, after helping them, the group I was in wanted all their things including the 17- or 18-year-old daughter they had with them. They thought that they were entitled to their things and the daughter that was with the group that was being forced on.


That wasn't flying with me, after cleaning their clock, (it means I killed those that wanted their daughter...) As well as all others who joined, we had helped because of the simple fact that our group took them in. But the ones in charge wanted more, gave them a bed to sleep in, gave then safety to rest, clothes to wear, and food to eat. Not ganna lie, I enjoyed getting rid of that kind of filth and I might do it again if I see it happen.


There were other groups I encountered that set traps for unsuspecting travelers, just for the simple fact that they could. So, I got rid of them too. They could take advantage of those people and the things they carried or found for themselves, but not after I delt with them. You tell me, is that f**ked up or what? And that is why I am by myself and will not join a crew or group, no matter how good the group looks.


I can survive on my own, thank you very much. That last incident has been f**king with my emotions too damn much because I remembered a world when it wasn't like this, where the world was built on compassion and hope. A world where there were just talks about a zombie apocalypse movies and theories, there was also talks on how to survive these things if it came down to that.


Hell, they even made many Movies and even a long-lasting TV shows about this at one point (TWD, FTWD, Web-episodes of TWD...). A world where Trump was President and people begged for Obama to come back. A world where it was peaceful, yaaa, it was dangerous back then , but not like this, and I had just graduated college, and had true friends that would do anything to help me if I ever needed them.


--August 15, 2010, Sacramento California--

In the past I mean, well... one of the pasts that I've lived. I don't know which one, but I'll figure it out. A world where I died, two maybe three times, who knows. Because of a shit stain employee from work that just couldn't fix his own mistakes when he could, foolishness, I say. Anyways, back to my rambling. I hate this world, if I die again and get sent to one like this again, I'm kill myself.


"Another case of the extremely contiguous flu virus has been contained at the Northern Heights Hospital this morning. The victim of said virus was rushed to the quarantined floor of the hospital." I find myself sitting in a room of an abandoned hotel on highway I80, I would say about 30 miles away from Sacramento California. I killed a few dead here but nothing to gawk about, small fries to me and my skills.


'So, it's getting to the point that the government can't hide things. And this is just the beginning stages of the virus, they don't know how bad it's gonna get.' I said to myself as I started gawking the governments shitty control over the virus. I shook my head over the fact that I can't rely on the show's functionality and treat everything that happens as if it's the first time I've seen things.


Me being here might have thrown all the show into chaos with so many butterflies I've changed along the way. Well would you look at that, I've seemed to have stumbled into a correctional facility of some sorts. As I looked at the medium sized walls around the place, I would say it's a juvenile holding facility. I soon emerge from my stupor as I hear moans coming towards me. I turned to look around and see four walkers heading my way.


--August 25, 2010--

The dead will stay dead if they receive extreme head trauma and those that do not begin to reanimate and devour the living that were close to them. This disease was named The Wildfire Virus, by many of the WHO (World Health Organization...) around the world. The virus had escaped, and started from the French WHO, and now had made its way to the neighboring countries without any sigh of stopping the infection.


In King County, Georgia, Sheriff's deputy Rick Grimes continues to have a fight from the night before with his wife, Lori Grimes. While arguing in the morning, Lori asks Rick in front of their son, Carl, if he cared about her and Carl at all. During lunch, Rick and his friend Deputy Shane Walsh discuss women and Rick's soon to be failed marriage. The two get a call about two suspects being chased down the highway and soon engage in a shootout.


With one of the criminals shooting Rick Grimes in the abdomen, only being saved by his bulletproof vest. After killing the two criminals, a third criminal shoots Rick in the back, unknown to everyone that it was his own teammate Shane Walsh was the one who shot him. As the other officers arrive, Rick is then transported to Harrison Memorial Hospital, where he goes into surgery and goes into a medically induced coma.


In another part of the country, on the same day, Lucille Smith goes to the doctor for an MRI and is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She attempts to call her husband Negan Smith but doesn't answer his phone. Lucille then calls her best friend, Janine, but she also doesn't pick up. Lucille calls Negan's probation officer, but he reveals he didn't have another meeting with Negan for a few more weeks.


After learning Negan lied and looking at her phone history, she realizes Negan was having an affair with her best friend Janine and they were together at this very important time for Lucille. She becomes heartbroken, Lucille turns on the radio and then hears the initial reports on the Wildfire virus, but angrily changes it not caring what was going on in the world when her world has just died.


Back to Macon county, outside the King County Elementary School, Lori Grimes and her friend Paula talk about her marriage while they wait for their kids to be released from class. Soon Shane arrives and tells Lori that Rick had been shot and was in the hospital at this very moment going through surgery. Lori tells her son where his father was, leaving to visit Rick in the hospital. Carl offers to give Rick his blood as they share the same blood type.


Back to Lucille, she awaits Negan to come home holding a handgun ready to kill the cheating man. When Negan arrives, she instead hands him an informational pamphlets and reveals that she has pancreatic cancer. After hearing that, Negan goes to break up with Janine and dedicates himself to his wife and his marriage wanting to give his dying wife the best of each other until her dying breath.


--August 26, 2010--

The second day of the Wildfire virus incident. The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes an "International Disaster Emergency Response" memorandum to the White House, instructing public health officials on how to dispose of the remains of infected individuals. Advice includes the disregard of DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) patients and the removal of patients to a morgue if efforts to restore life are unsuccessful within sixty seconds.


If signs of life resume thereafter, the remains are to be regarded as a biological hazard material and must be disposed of stated by the memorandum sent. Many medical facilities around the United States go into a frenzy on the new disease that has swept the nation. Many doctors do not believe what was send out, but soon know it was truthful when the dead in their hospitals started to reanimate and infect others.


--August 27, 2010--

On the third day of the outbreak, the President of the United States addresses the nation on the rising violence and unrest in the nation due to the Wildfire Virus pandemic. The National Guard and National Reserves were authorized by the government to start to keep civility in the nation. The Armed Forces were also called back to safeguard our boarders as our Nation goes through this crisis.


Back to Macon county Georgia, Shane visits Rick Grimes in the hospital with flowers, he looked like he was happy to see his friend there unresponsive. While out on their rounds, Shane and fellow officer Leon Bassett encounter a mysterious bite on one of the patients that were brought into the hospital Rick was in. Many people were brought in who were sick, bit, or had shot someone in self-defense, these two were soon worried of their friend.


More likely Bassett was worried, and Shane was looking like it was an opportunity for Rick dying. After the National guard soldier shot a "crazed inmate" person and saving Leon, another that was guarding the hospital from getting bitten. Shane soon after calls Lori Grimes and tells her to stay at home until he arrives but begin to pack and leave the area. Shane knew that the situation in Macon was likely getting worse.


In another part of Georgia, Sharpsburg county, Hershel Greene and his family retreat to their farm. Without his parents nearby, Jimmy joins his girlfriend Beth Greene and her family to their farm. They are joined with their farmhand, Otis, and his wife, Patricia for safety reasons. In the ensuing chaos, Annette and Shawn Greene were bitten and succumb to the infection.


Hershel was devastated when this happened, as they reanimated into the walking dead, Hersel and Otis take Annette and stepson Shawn into the barn and barricade it for them not to escape as they reanimate, with the intention of keeping them safe until the government makes cure. Which Hersel believes that the government would make after all, they were the ones that made the virus in the first place.


--Toiyabe National Forest, camp and recreational park, Nevada--

Hannah and her children Jamie and Billy, mourn the death of their goldfish, with Hannah explaining to her children that everything dies. Hannah takes Jamie and Tess in their SUV. A group of people run out in the middle of the road, causing Hannah to swerve and hit a tree, rendering her unconscious. Believing Hannah was dead, Jamie and Tess leave their mother in the car and go to their father Andrew's house back to the camp.


Hannah later regains consciousness. She makes it to Andrew's house after being chased by a horde of undead and is rescued by Andrew who had already been wounded. While Hannah gets first aid from Andrew, the reanimated friend Judy returns home and attacks Jamie and Tess. Hannah protects her kids by killing Judy with an axe to the head. Hannah and her kids continue to take shelter in Andrew's house during the crisis.


Back to Atlanta Georgia, a man named Theodore, 'T-Dogg' Douglas, drives his church van to the home of every senior citizen he knows in case they need a ride to the Atlanta safe zone. Which T-Dogg soon encounters David Chambler, driving to pick up his daughters, Lilly and Tara, and his granddaughter, Meghan, from their school in Atlanta, Georgia. He soon gets his family out of the city to his old apartment building where he stayed at before.


He took all the food from his food vending truck into his apartment and barricades himself and his family inside to wait out the pandemic. At another place not far from the Greene farmlands, a prisoner in the West Georgia Correctional Facility dies of unknown causes and soon reanimates, attacking and infecting more than half the guards and prisoners in the prison.


Two guards that managed to escape the dead that were getting bitten evacuating a group of five prisoners; Tomás, Andrew, Axel, Oscar, and Big Tiny; when they soon get surrounded by walkers as they neared the cafeteria. The guards decide to lock the inmates in the cafeteria for safety, and gives Tomas his gun, and tells them to stay there until backup arrives. However, the guards never return and are presumed dead.


Back to Washington D.C., the whole place is under martial law by the U.S. Army, who orders a complete evacuation of essential government employees and members of congress. Civilians were told to remain indoors until a proper priority evacuation was initiated by the government. One of the secretaries for one of the congress individuals by the name of Paula is forced to stay at her place of work with her boss.


She is later forced to kill her boss in order to save herself from his poor survival skills and she manages to escape back to her home, husband, and four daughters. However, when she arrived at her home, her family had already been killed by the dead before she was able to return home. In the same county, Deanna Monroe and her family are among the first to evacuate from Washington D.C.


With them is Aaron, a former government employee, and his husband, Eric Raleigh. As they soon drive back to Ohio so Deanna can help her district manage this cruel crisis, soon after leaving, she is stopped by a military convoy that were blocking the roads. They were soon diverted to another backroad diverting them to Alexandria, a self-sustaining residential development that had been fenced and converted into a military safe zone.


This place was meant for the politicians and their families as they escape Washington D.C.. The Monroes and the Raleigh's' are placed in Alexandria and wait for the military to arrive at the safe zone to take them home. Soon after it is mentioned that Baltimore, Maryland had been overrun through the radio. Residents Dee, Frank, and their daughter Lydia take shelter in a warehouse basement along with Cyrus, Lamar, Amanda, Matias, and Rose.


--August 28, 2010--Martial Law and The Night the Sky Fell--

In the United States Congress Hall, the state governors from eleven states declare a state of emergency and request the National Guard to quell the riots and protests that have been occurring throughout the states. The Federal Aviation Administration grounds declares that all flights in an effort to contain the virus have been grounded until further notice. Officials in numerous cities enforce curfews and declare martial law.


At the same time in California, The Governor of California passes an executive order, declaring a state of emergency, and detailing the extent and effects of the outbreak, which extends across several nearby states. The paperwork explains that the contagion brought exacerbated death tolls, and a significant increase in violent crimes, an excess of bio-hazardous waste, and mass hysteria resulting in widespread power outages.


The document mentions evacuation programs and reveals that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a public health emergency throughout the world. Due to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) being located in Atlanta, Georgia, the National Guard provides greater defense and security to the city. One of the largest refugee centers in the country was soon established in Atlanta.


It is the hope of the governor of Atlanta that the people in the surrounding rural areas of Georgia are recommended to evacuate there. Michonne Hawthorne, her boyfriend, Mike, with their son Andre Anthony, and their best friend Terry survive the outbreak in Atlanta and evacuate to the refugee camp in time. Michonne finds a katana while making their trip through the streets and neighborhoods for their protection.


She is soon forced to use it to defend herself against the undead as she volunteers to go on supply runs after arriving at the Atlanta refugee camp. In northern Ohio, Tomi runs out of gas. He meets a good group of people, and they discover that they are twenty miles north of a secured city and are rescued. The President of the United States signs an executive order declaring a nationwide state of emergency.


It took me two weeks to get here, all those back roads I took were more packed than I previously thought. Now I'm on the same road that all those survivors gather together and head to the quarry and where it all starts. I had to put away my SUV so no one could notice me as I walked by them. I'm on my way to where Rick Grimes is staying in the hospital. It's been 3 months (July-August) since the world has changed and gone to s**t.


Since all the dead actually took over and started walking. Since people who were good natured and respectable started acting like neanderthals and killing each other over a can of food. Yup this world has gone to the dogs, worst of the worst, man against man, where the dead rise from their graves and eat the living, and the living are hunting the living for sport just because they just can, and they enjoy it.


--September 9, 2010--

--Operation Cobalt--

In the suburbs of King County, Andrew decides they should try to get to Atlanta for safety but is still worried of all the dead walking the streets. Realizing that Mike Palmer had a truck nearby, Andrew breaks into his house to take his keys, but Andrew is killed by Mike's reanimated sons after entering the apartment. Hannah and her children could not wait no longer for Andrew and try to escape to a rescue helicopter in the park.


But Hannah is bitten soon after trying to get into a nearby opened car, she decided to sacrifice herself to a horde of walkers so that her children could make it to that helicopter. Soon after as they were riding on the helicopter, the soldier overhear that Operation Cobalt was declared by "higher authority" over the radio by the military chain of command at 9:00 AM PDT.


And the confidential documentation was produced to provide instructions on executing it throughout the United States. All military personnel were told to pack lightly and were given assurance of their safety and their families and were also told to avoid arousing suspicion in the civilian population in all safe zones. Separate instructions are given regarding the handling of civilians and quarantined patients, involving their "humane termination".


In King County, Georgia, at Harrison Memorial Hospital, all supplies are stopped, causing the patients to either die and reanimate, or begin to fight and kill each other over medicine that was available to them. Dr. Gale Macones was able to stitch several men with wounds up using very little medicine, but the hospital soon becomes overrun with the walking dead making the mission unsalvageable.


With King County becoming overrun with walkers by the minute, Shane Walsh comes to rescue his comatose friend, Rick Grimes from the hospital. He witnesses the military shooting living civilians and hides to evade capture or being killed by the soldiers. While Shane tries to move Rick without disconnecting him from life-support, the power of the whole building shuts down.


Believing, and relieved that Rick was, or son will be dead, Shane leaves Rick behind and blocks the door with a rollaway bed to keep him from being eaten by the undead. Shane goes to Rick's house and takes Lori and Carl Grimes and to leave the town and head for the Atlanta refugee camp, which was still radioing that is was still safe for survivors to come and join them.(Which it wasn't, the military used this tactic to kill all survivors quicker.)


The military forces that were stationed in Atlanta and guarding the CDC were soon overran by thousands of walking dead. Most of the remaining staff at the facility flee or commit suicide soon after the outside died down. Dr. Candace Jenner, the wife of the lead scientist Edwin Jenner is bitten helping refugees into the CDC bunker. Determined not to die in vain, Candace has her husband, Dr. Edwin Jenner, monitors the process of her infection.


Dr Edwin Jenner complies with his wife and records the step-by-step procedure of the infection, death, and reanimation via the MRI machine. Edwin witnesses his wife's death and reanimation and records the process before shooting her in the head, ending her suffering. He then recovers her brain tissue as a fresh sample to research the virus and maybe find a cure.


While Candace's infection is being recorded, Dr. Edwin Jenner contacts la Biomédicine DDMI, located in France with a video message commending the scientists there for experimenting with cardiac plaques to neutralize the reanimated and anticipates more updates on that venture. He laments on the difficulty of studying Wildfire's biology due to the specimens not being fresh but reveals that they will have fresh samples soon.


Dr. Edwin Jenner recommends further studying of the virus before anything can be attempted and suggests building up acids in bodies that don't have blood flow. Dr. Jenner also comments on the "variants" the French scientists mentioned and requests more information on them as they have not been reported in the United States. Dr. Jenner ends the video remaining hopeful for the French CDC to find a solution and cure.


As Atlanta's refugee center is overrun, Amy and Andrea Harrison meet Dale Horvath and escape in his RV heading away from Atlanta. Glenn Rhee, Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas, Jacqui, and the Morales family also manage to flee the city refugee camp and follow Dale's RV. An auto-mechanic Jim manages to escape on his own, but witnesses his family devoured by the dead before escaping and heading away from Atlanta.


These survivors soon meet up with others heading toward Atlanta and stop them from going further. The deputy Shane Walsh then manages to gather all the survivors there and soon set up a camp in Bellwood Quarry just a few miles due east of Atlanta. Most civilians that were in the refugee camp were not as lucky as them, as the roads leading out of Atlanta were turned to gridlocked in the chaos, most died.


Chase a survivor from the Atlanta refugee camp arrives at the Self-Storage Facility outside of Atlanta as it became overrun with the walking dead and comes across B.J. another survivor from the camp. After B.J. soon tries to kill him because he's gone crazy. Chase frees Kelly a kidnapped victim of J.B., who in turn kills B.J. for beating him up for two days. The two then take a truck nearby and head to Cynthiana, Kentucky, leaving Atlanta behind.


By night fall of Operation Cobalt, which was already in full effect, all major cities are napalmed throughout the cities and all major bridges were destroyed by the U.S. Airforce. While the Marines enter the dead cities and liquidate any survivors that they come across. As Atlanta falls to the undead, officer Dawn Lerner and her captain, Hanson, evacuate the patients of Grady Memorial Hospital to Butler Park.


Around midnight, they do a final sweep of the hospital as the helicopters begin dropping the napalm bombs on Atlanta, killing everyone that had just been evacuated. Lori, Carl Grimes, and Shane Walsh are on a gridlocked highway with Carol, Ed, and Sophia Peletier outside Atlanta. Shane and Lori watch as military helicopters and fighter jets napalm bomb Atlanta in a desperate attempt to contain the outbreak.


In Virginia, U.S. Military Officer Pope leads his squad inside a church to take shelter from the bombs. Pope was amazed to see none of them had been killed or injured, leading him and his squad to believe they have been saved and have been blessed by God, causing Pope to form the Religious Group known as the Reapers with his squad members, including Leah Shaw and Brandon Carver his left and right arm.


With all major cities destroyed by napalm, government leaders missing or dead, and all military installations abandoned or overrun, human civilization has effectively collapsed. The planet is overrun by the undead and plagued with lawlessness and anarchy.


I didn't waste any time as I put the four down with the M4A4 that I so happen to acquire from a dead soldier a county back. There was a military roadblock that I so happen to pass, and the place was a mess. Dead mutilated bodies everywhere, and a whole lot of great gear lying there as well. I had the great idea of gathering all the weapons and gear I could find and putting them all in my inventory storage.


Never know what you might need in the future. 'Better to have it and not need it, than not have it and have a need for it.' It was a great saying I heard somewhere, though I don't remember where. Anyways, I gathered many weapons, a whole pallet of ammo of all kinds, 4 Armored Hummv's, and 4 pallets of MRE's (military food). And all that was mine now, and I don't plan to share this time. Well... anyways, back to what I'm looking at.


This walled up holding facility, 'are there any people still in there? Should I find out? Should I care?' 'I get the vague feeling that I need to go in there. My instincts are telling me to go in there. ????' I was getting confused as to why my instincts are acting this way. I needed to make up my mind due to the fact that a small horde of walkers were heading my way. So, I decided to follow my instincts, and make my way into the inner grounds of the facility.


As I closed in on the wall, I used the wall to jump, and grab hold of a flagpole at the top of the wall. Since there were no keys to open the front gates up, climbing over the wall was the only way to get in. Having a good hold of the flagpole that was sticking out from the top of the wall, I grudgingly climbed to the top. It was easier getting in after that, it might have looked easy but let me tell you that it wasn't.


As I sat there and waited for the small horde of walkers to get close, I pulled out a M9 rugger and a silencer so I could kill the walkers nearing my position. I didn't need this bunch to attract more of the surrounding dead. It would be harder for me to escape if I needed a quick route out from this facility. I made a few low noises to attract them towards me, and as the group of walkers come closer, I started firing.


The first three fell to a headshot, making the others that were behind the three that fell tripping over the dead walkers. Making the rest easier targets to kill. After five minutes of firing on the small horde, a small mound of dead walkers lay still beside the wall on which I was sitting. As I sat there reloading my gun, I was also scanning the area for any walkers I might have missed.


After not seeing anything, I turned to face a three-story building that was the Juvenile holding facility, to see if there were any walkers on the facility grounds. Not seeing anything, I dropped down to the inner grounds of the facility, making little to no noise as I landed on the green grass. Afterwards, I put my M9 into my inventory and replaced it with an M4A4 rifle.


It might make more noise than the silenced M9, but the semi-automatic rifle does more damage, just in case I need to take a leg off one of those things. If they are in there at all, that is. Again, all this is a just-in-case situation. Once I was ready and fully equipped with extra spare magazines and a combat knife, I made my way towards the side entrance to the Juvenile facility. As I arrived on the door, I noticed it was slightly open.


As if someone has already used it to leave the joint or might be waiting for someone to get in it. Well, whichever it was, I was using the situation to enter. Entering the building was anticlimactic at best, there was no walkers waiting for me, or Juveniles trying to ambush me either. I don't know if I'm losing it or if I'm looking forward to a fire fight, either way, it was a letdown as I was making my way through the facility hallways.

(To be Continued...)