
Blind Spot

[The 34th Galaxy Award for Best Online Novel] [The No.1 on the Science Fiction Literature IP Adaptation Value Potential List (2023)] [The Best Chinese Science Fiction Online Novel] … Have you heard? When the night is deep and silent, if you open your music player, put on headphones, curl up under the covers, and cover your head, listening to the same song on loop. After the loop has played forty-four times and you fall asleep, if you're unlucky, when you open your eyes again, you will no longer be lying in your own bed, but will have entered a bizarre space completely isolated from reality. That space... on the surface, it appears to be places we commonly see, such as one’s own bedroom, the living room at home, the underground garage, the bathroom, the basketball court, construction sites, etc., but if you observe carefully, you'll realize that everything is different...everything. ==== This is the story of an ordinary person, named Common, who after acquiring supernatural abilities, gradually transforms and grows in an alternate world, ultimately reaching the pinnacle of their experience.

Get Lost · Sci-fi
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475 Chs

063 Unknown Three

August, Suiyang.

The weather turned cool.

In the professional training floors of Hongjin Company, two shadowy figures were rapidly exchanging blows, attacking each other with extreme speed.

Punching, dodging, moving, then punching again.

This process repeated continuously, both wearing form-fitting, sweat-wicking black sports attire, their sleeveless tops highlighting their clearly defined muscular contours.


Suddenly, a dull sound. Song Ran took a small step back, his expression somewhat surprised as he looked at the person opposite him.

"You've improved this quickly?!" He remembered that Li Chengyi had only been learning the Cross Track Combat Technique for a few months. How could it seem like he'd improved so much...

"No, your punching technique is still rough, but your power and speed have increased," he quickly realized.