
Blind Dreamer Of Madness

Previously known as "Tony's Little Brother" THINGS TO KNOW BEFORE READING!!! - Pokemon Harem - Nonsense power ranking - Hunting Reincarnator. - Zero character development. - Wish fulfilment - I just write whatever I want. ============== Waking up in unfamiliar place, Enzo find him turn into an infant, not just any normal infant but the little brother of the Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, philanthropist, Tony Stark. inspired by batman's little brother. Main World: Marvel comics(added Warhammer 40k elements ), movies, etc Planned world visit: DC and Anime

Try_hard · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 28 - Invasion

Enzo spent the whole year transitioning into his Physiology like he did with his cosmic power. He had become a newborn cosmic Entity at the time that is still incomplete and morphs into a complete yet imperfect Cosmic Entity. He embodies the flesh and everything that exists in material sense. 

Now he became even stronger than before allowing him to pour all those malice that he's been trying to ignore into hell birthing more twisted nightmarish demons prepared to corrupt the mortal world. Though, intentionally he wanted peace and progress but it made him realize that it would cause another stagnation causing people to grow soft and hunted down by stronger predators. 

It is best for everything to have a common enemy like Demons who would fight them to keep the balance in check. Enzo understood that many would not allow him to send demons in the mortal world to kill but it must be done. 

Though, only a strong world capable of fighting would face his demons and specifically choose a malicious one to keep them in check.

Before, he cannot die so long as part of him exists but now that he's connected to hell and gains divinity wouldn't even die eventually resurrected by the thoughts and beliefs of the demons. 

Hell itself and the conquered hell dimension that were still weak gradually moved it's way to stronger ones since Enzo still hasn't found the Mephisto dimension has become his playground where everything works according to his will.

He's a lot stronger when in hell more than anywhere else. The Astral Regulator that had been with him was able to defy other dimensions making his demon remain as strong as they were in his dimension.  

Enzo wasn't using the Astral Regulator acknowledging its power capable of shattering the whole multiverse and needed to be careful when he used it. 

Regardless, the time spent in his stasis witnessed his demon had been rampaging across all hell dimension or any malicious dimension along with pocket dimension that might contain Illyana, Natasha and Ororo. He had found where Natasha was and she seemed to have fought some of his demons. 

"Wanna come with me?"

He turned his direction to Lady Death who was quiet while Enzo was talking with the Chaos Gods. She was still taken aback from the demons that were far stronger than the king of hell that she fought so long ago. 

"Go where?"

"For a walk. A very enthusiastic walk."

Enzo said, smirking, making her confused at what she meant but merely nodded. She saw him respond with a smile before the shadow before him shifted and contorted, forming a massive sword made out of flesh. He grasped the hilt pouring his demonic and chaotic power into it bursting into a powerful shockwave rippling through hell. 

It burns in the eternal flame of hell and forges from the essence of a celestial and the flesh of his Supreme Demonic physiology forming a weapon that devours the soul of every enemy it slew. 

"Here, I made a weapon for you. Consider this as a gift rather than payment since bringing you back to earth is still part of our deal. "

Lady Death is still taken aback but took the weapon that instantly bonded to her body amazed by the power flowing into her. It was more vast and dense than the power she had before. 

"Amazing! This power…."

She exclaimed, feeling the whole Hell Dimension gaming a small authority over it. Lady Death herself became a Chaos God with her legion of demons was the blade she wielded. It was similar to the Allblack but demons instead of Symbiote that corrupt human hosts. 

"Why don't we use that power for a test drive?"

Enzo evilly smiled eager to conquer more hell in hope of finding Illyana. Lady Death nodded and made their way outside where he was followed by all manners of demons riding his demonic steed. He had Lady Death Close by his side while Demons that he renamed as Daemon followed him behind.

Every single one was excited to please their master and awaited his command. Most demons around him were from Khorne with a few from Slaneesh and Nurgle. Enzo is obviously biased and cherishes Khorne more than any of the chaos gods but still none of the Chaos Gods would voice their envy nor fight their siblings. 

"Listen lots! Rip and Tear until it's done!"

He yelled out at the Daemon while they all roared, raising their mighty weapon before Enzo created portals directing them into another Hell dimension. Enzo commanded his demonic steed to step into the portal while his army followed and greeted by demons who were shocked at their arrival. 

The Daemon immediately leapt to action tearing through hordes of demons. They swung their blades and whipped, slicing through every single living creature. His Daemon were far too coordinated than the native demons where the Bloodthirster and the Great unclean one(nurgle's Greater Daemon) commanded their armies like experienced tacticians and warband.

True to their devotions, they rip and tear the demons apart, butchering them like pigs. Lady Death never saw such carnage this fast and gripped her blade looking at Enzo who gave her the permission to fight. 

"Feel free to test your new toy, my lady~"

She smiled seductively, enjoying hearing his words before pouring her power into the blade and running into the center of the battlefield where her blade instantly sliced through the demon running towards her. 

Every swing sends waves of beam killing weaker demons like ants. Lady Death truly lived up to her name laying devastation into the battlefield. She slowly familiarizes herself with the weapon that had become the herald of her fury. 

"This is definitely a lot stronger than my old sword!"

"I'm glad you like it because you're about to face quite the challenge."

Enzo telepathically said to her as Lady Death sensed the incoming greater demon that was a lot stronger than previously defeated hell lord from the first invasion. 

"Lady Death? How dare you trespass the land of the Great Asmodeus!!?"

It roared, pushing everything back and killing the lower demon and Daemon while Enzo unfazed by its intimidating greater demon. Lady Death shielded her eyes then saw the greater demon raise its great sword and quickly blocked its strike with her blade creating a powerful explosion making the Greater Demon dumbfounded. The surrounding was destroyed, finding themselves in a crater made from the might of their clash.


Lady death quickly recovered and sliced through its thick arms causing the demon to step back in shock. It tried to regenerate only to find that it was slowly corrupting it to join her legion.

"You! What did you do to me! Gaaah!"

"Why would I tell you when you're bound to die!?"

She mockingly said, swinging her sword and decapitating the Greater demon who died a few moments after it arrived. Lady Death power and skills had been greatly enhanced by the sword. It corrupted those unlucky enough to touch by the swords whose purpose was to do what the wielder's intent was. 

"I am more in debt to Enzo now…"

Lady Death muttered feeling that the payment for her escape was already far what she can afford and now the sword made it impossible to completely repay him.

"You're not in any debt and shouldn't worry. That aside, what do you think of the weapon? Are you going to name it?"

Enzo descended to check up on her and unlike his previously created weapons did not form an ego or rather had the same level of consciousness as his daughters only giving it the ability to communicate and think. It has the same potential to be the same as the Necrosword but still considerably weaker. 

His clone who he planned on possessing soon had studied on another planet similar to earth with minor differences to explore the Galaxy once again. Enzo hoped to find more celestial seed and acquired the Symbiote hivemind. 

Knull still could pose a challenge but he'll just devour him into submission. That doesn't sound right…

Regardless he's goal is to find Celestial seed, Consume Knull and gather the infinity stone while also expanding the colonization of Earth. Enzo also hoped to find a way to escape the seventh Cosmo and head to another Cosmo.

Because he was still weak previously was now able to become more aware of things and found that from the first to the seventh Cosmo are alive somehow like how infinity and eternity represent the seventh Cosmo, the previous Cosmo still have their consciousness and sentient moving beyond the universe and embodies the multiverse of their Cosmo. 

They reside within the Megaverse, The Megaverse is a structure present between Multiverse and Omniverse which links realities more closely associated to the mainstream Multiverse, and more distant realities. 

Enzo can't comprehend its unfathomable structure and is only aware of it. He needed a power beyond the confinement of both his universe and multiverse to hope to escape the Cosmo. Enzo can visit those previously destroyed Multiverse since it still exists but he first needs power to do so. 

"I am not one who is well known for giving inanimate objects a name."

Lady death strongly said seemingly recalling how her past would have and been having her human self resurfacing. She can't help but wonder what the reason for the recent change in her heart is. 

"Really? Well, let's call it…Umbra Sangre."

Enzo gave it some thought and named the weapon with simple words. Lady death turned to look at her weapon feeling its emotional response liking the name.

"Umbra Sangre?"

Lady Death was a bit confused at what the name meant as it is foreign language to her. Enzo only smiled and said.

"It's a mixture of two words which means Dark Blood. A fitting name if I say so myself."

He was proud of the meaning of the name. Lady Death nodded before continuing their world shattering invasion of Hell where another sea of blood began to pour into the land where the sky rained blood for all the demons fighting both in land and sky.

Enzo continues his expansion with Lady Death slaughtering every single thing that gets in their way until Enzo senses a powerful presence heading its way towards the battlefield. 

Lady Death was about to confront the enemy but was stopped by Enzo where he vanished, appearing where the incoming enemy grabbed it by the neck and threw it into a volcano. 

It shook the ground causing a powerful explosion erupting the volcano while Enzo stood on molten lava and waited for the demon to recover. The dust and debris blocked the view of his enemy who flared its might revealing another demon a lot stronger than Hell lord that Bloodthirster had fought.

The reason why Hell lords are so powerful is because hell itself would be part of their body and allowed them to control anything that is inside even a foreigner but the gap needed to defeat is large enough that if they fought outside then the hell lord would be defeated. 

Enzo was expanding his domain and ensuring that those demons only corrupt those who are evil to continue the balance and harmony. He'll oversee things and judge if evil is overstepping or not. He had seen hell being too divided and determined to fix it. 

"You! I haven't seen the likes of you before!? Who are you!?"

He roared demanded for his name but despite the dreaded presence of the hell lord remained unfazed looking at him boredly. 

"I was expecting the real Asmodeus but….I was only greeted by a fake. I guess he had died a long time ago huh?"

Enzo said recalling a demon who followed him in managing hell. In truth they never rebelled and merely were given the task to make hell where sinners are judged. But after countless years where he existed from the previous Cosmo had changed hell into what is known now. 

The first presence of heaven and hell was when the One Above All Created it with the avatar of One Below All. He was the advocate of it where he ruled it until the destruction of the Cosmo. 

Though, his memory is hazy in which Cosmo his hell existed and planned on visiting soon. Regardless, this hell still has the essence of his existence and the more he expands, the memories gradually return. Hell itself is his flesh and soul. 

"A fake!? How dare you claim the great Asmodeus as Fake!!!!"

It blasted powerful magic toward Enzo who brazenly evaded them while smiling causing the Asmodeus to be in rage conjuring weapons of mass destruction where everything violently shook as they clashed with Enzo just parrying and redirecting everything that came his way. 

Asmodeus then smirked as he churned the power of hell into himself growing stronger at a rapid pace that gave him the edge to slice through Enzo flesh like paper and cleaved him in half while surrounding mountains were cut as well. His body was in pieces while Asmodeus laughed at his accomplishment upon seeing the defeated enemy.

"I was expecting more but how disappointing!! This is what happens when you dare fight the likes of me!!"

He roared and grabbed the torso of Enzo who remained silent that made Asmodeus believe that he had won. However, when he was about to finish the job, dread washed over him causing his knee to fell down. 

The Hell lord realized something was wrong and looked up to witness the face of a real demon where its abyssal gaze made their primal urge to reawaken their true fear. His body instantly regenerated and pry open the hands of the demon as he stood unto his feet. He dusted off his body before returning his attention to the hell lord. 

"Thanks for the warm-up. My body hadn't felt alive after sleeping for an entire year."

Enzo said, cracking his body a bit just to mock the demon before narrowing his gaze flaring his killing intent into the Hell lord who had the icy grip of death. 


The Hell lord said unable to describe him other than the words of those he had tortured. Enzo heard this made him grinned, grabbing the demon by the neck and watching him struggle to escape. 

"Indeed I am. Now, let's make things quick."

At that moment, the Hell Lord question was answered earlier. The title that none of the Leader of Hell lord desired to gain. It was the throne of the true ruler of hell that countless took the name and many thought to be a myth among myth.

Enzo devoured the soup and flesh of the Hell lord who was the core of the Hell dimension causing an explosion of power burst from his body spreading across the dimension and connecting it to his own hell. 

He held out his hand and acquired a number of powers and sources of energy that Enzo started to produce his own Force. This started to fused his chaos with order or cosmic energy. Enzo is the God of Chaos and Order that he's above even the Lord Chaos and Master order, two Cosmic Entities. 

Enzo finishes the job and returns to where Lady Death saw him arrive and immediately went to greet him. She was about to say his name and soon realize that she has no proper way of address him and unsure if she's permitted to speak his name.  

"I've just realized that I don't know how to address you."

"Hmm? Well, just call me Enzo when we're alone while Master when others are present."

"Master it is then. Have you defeated the Hell lord?"

"Yes. This dimension is ours."


Several months had passed since Enzo's first invasion where he personally joined in and spent the time studying his power while also continuing his search for his girls and Illyana. Lady Death helped him expand along with the Chaos God who was helping with the search, especially Tzeentch seeking to find the girl with his magic prowess.

He had gotten closer to Lady Death where she would cuddle with him in bed who didn't refuse the embrace of a beautiful woman. Though, it made him feel guilty that his girls might be in trouble while he just flirted with other girls which is why he didn't push the boundaries until he found them. 

Lady Death didn't mind and developed the mentally to always pleased him the best she can to the point of devotion. Her new weapon lay waste to countless hells in the span of several months. It was steadily growing stronger from each slaughter it was given. 

Enzo never anticipated that some demons had come to worship making idols of his soul, which was the serpertine with the head of a lion made out of flesh. Though, he didn't mind since it improved his authority over them. 

He had continued his search until finally was able to sense where one of his girls was located and went with Lady Death. 

When they set foot into the dimension, Enzo couldn't help but be dumbfounded at what he had learned.


"Is there something, Master?"

Lady Death worriedly asked him as he smiled at what he had learned upon stepping into the hell dimension. That moments later a woman appeared surprising Lady Death sensing the power that was close if not beyond hers. 

The woman was in tears while smiling as she jumped into her master making Lady Death eye twitch in envy then shook when she passionately kissed him fueling her envy was more. 

"M-Master, who is she?"

They're kiss departed where the woman looked at her inspecting every part of her that made Lady Death slightly conscious. She was curious who Lady Death was and turned to Enzo with her expression turned to frown.

"Don't tell me you were flirting again with a new woman when I was away from you!?"

The woman yelled out while Enzo tried his best to calm her down since he understood what she was like.

"Wait wait! Let me explain what happened first, Ororo!!"