
Chapter 10 - Herald

When I finished hanging out with the girls, I was quickly summoned by Charles telling me about Wanda who she had talked with. I arrived to see Wanda talking with the professor and caused them to stop chatting as she intently stared at me.

My child seemed excited when she saw Wanda. I guess technically it's her mother when I used Chaos magic and Cosmic power into creating her. 

I could feel that Wanda was confused, scared and anxious about everything that was going on. 

"Ah, young Enzo, I'm glad you arrived. This is the young man I mentioned that took you in when you were unconscious."

"Hi, I'm Enzo. It's nice to meet you."

I tried to give my utmost care trying to appear harmless and gave a welcoming smile. Immediately she calmed down and I have to thank the starks lady killer charisma for it. 

"My name is Wanda Maximoff and thank you for saving me."

"I save you because that's what heroes do."


The professor nods in acknowledgement, pleased that I am someone that values people's lives. Though, he would probably question me if he found out what I do for someone unredeemable. Those damn souls reside in the chambers of the dark eldar.  

I am neither good nor evil. I am neither the light nor darkness. I am neither chaos nor order. For I am both at the same time. 

"Still, do you remember anything before you woke up in this place?"

"Yes, the last time I remember being in a facility with…my brother!! We need to save my brother!!"

She became frantic and tried to stand up but her body was far too weak and almost fell into the ground. However, I was close enough and managed to grabbed her before she could fall.

"Hold there, it is best for you to rest."

"I can't stay here while my brother is being tortured in that place!"

I guess I still haven't fully found every facility and bad guys. Wanda tried to take my hands off but it was all futile.

"I promised we'll find your brother and bring him here. Just tell us everything if you want us to save him."

Frankly I could always use magic to find the answer but it helps her vent and open up with us. I'll head there the first chance I get. 


Wanda began to tell us everything from how her life was normal until some people captured them and brought upon experimental facility where they were tortured. She paused for a few times to compose herself until we were able to gather what I needed. 

"Enzo, tell Colossus about this and let them gather a team to save those people."

"Shouldn't I be the one going there?"

"No, you've done enough for today. I do like for you to stay with young Maximoff while I handle this situation."

I nodded as he left me with Wanda who looked into the window deep in her thoughts while I let her be waiting until she started to speak. It didn't take long for Wanda to reorganize her thoughts and turn to look at me.

"Uhm…Enzo was it?"


"Can you tell me where you found me?"

"I was just walking around and found you. I saw that you were unconscious and had thought you might need some help."

"From what that old man told me, this place is America yet I knew I was in another country near Germany."

She was confused about how she ended up so far from her original place. I can feel that she experienced being alienated in this place that was too different from her normal environment. 

"Do you plan on staying here? I believe it is better for you remain here until you have the strength to return."

"...I don't even know where to go but I know that I need to find my brother and see how he is after we separated."

"Trust me, he'll be safe and arrive here with the professor. This place can be your new home and we will try our best to help you."

"...Thank you for your kind words."

"You're welcome. Let that aside and get to know each other."

"What are you trying to flirt with me?"

"Can't hurt to try? But no, despite how I look I'm just 13 years old."

"Wait how?"

"I'm a mutant like you. I can do this."

I showed her my power that surprised her seeing my face change. We chatted a bit trying to get to know each other while my daughter was commenting throughout our conversation. This helped her calm down and stopped worrying about everything. 

"Well, I need to go. If you need anything just call me."

"I'll keep that in mind." 

Walking out and taking one last glance to witness her calmly looking back at the window. I smiled then headed to relax in my room. 

A few days later, Wanda got used to the school and eventually was able to explore as I introduced her to the girls who gave her an intent gaze that only confused her but was accepted by the group. 

She was finally at peace when her brother was brought by Colossus and was grateful for everything. Never expected her brother to be quicksilver.

I feel like some people would question why I don't know basic things but I only know him from X men future past and I know for a fact that he doesn't have a sister name Wanda. 

They are both able to settle down and get a hang of everything, gaining guidance from everyone to use their power. 

Another 2 years had passed since the incident and I am now 15 years old while the girls were 20 years old. I've been busy this year enjoying my life for the time being and did some hero work to the side. I've got to say the girls had grown closer to me ever since but still hadn't gone into becoming a couple. 

It's obvious that they're holding back since they don't want to hurt the other while I also don't want to choose. I just can't help thinking that it feels unfair to leave the other. Am I an asshole for thinking that way? Yeah pretty much.

There's no sugar coating something like a harem. It's a pretty f*ck up situation. Regardless, I'll just wait until something happens.

That aside, me and my brother have been developing interstellar travel along with turning humanity into a Type 3 Civilization which means that it aims to harness all energy from across the galaxies. 

Normally it would be impossible but now that mutants or rather Meta-Humans and Humans had started to get along after sublime execution had begun a vast evolution. This is for the future of earth. Maybe one day the earth name could change into Terra. Hahaha Warhammer.

There are also things that I'm surprised haven't happened, namely the ancient one hasn't tried to contact me. My only guess is that she or he will only interfere if it is absolutely necessary, which is convenient.

"Enjoying the view?"

I was currently visiting the finished watch tower that orbits the earth and overlooks the world. When I was walking around, I finished discussing plans with my brother and Reed Richard found a beautiful young woman with long blonde hair curiously looking below. 

"Ah, sir Enzo."

The one who spoke was Susan Storm, one of the lead scientists in the facility. She, along with her brother, Johnny Storm, have been helpful in expanding and improving the watchtower. 

"Just call me Enzo. It feels strange calling me that when I'm clearly younger than you."

"Ah sorry, force of habit. Anyway, is there anything you need?"

"Nothing much, just asking if you're enjoying the sight?"

Indeed even I, who have seen incredible things, see the beauty of the world. It was comforting that I'm helping the people in the large masses. I can't directly help them even if I can, at least this will help them indirectly. 

I mean even with Doctor Strange Omnipotent powers never act like charity and only act in ways that people can't handle the situation.

Do I feel guilty? Yes, I can hear the endless pain and cries for help that I was tempted to help them but only choose those who truly in verge of experience something horrid like someone getting raped, mutilated, etc. 

"I am, what we're doing will save humanity."

Now that I stopped world leaders from having dick measuring contest with their nukes and old companies from their greed allowed the future to slowly progress even further. 


"Ah hey, can I ask you something?"

I looked at her, curious about what she was about to ask. I could easily peer through her mind to know what she's thinking but I dislike invading privacy when I don't need to.

"Sure, what is it that you want to know?"

"…are you free today?"

I paused for moment tilting my head as she seemed to blushed.

"W-Wait I'm not asking you on a date or anything but I just want to ask if you want to have lunch together? I mean I was about to grabbed lunch and I-"

"Calm down, I don't mind. Let's go." 

"Really great! There's a great place to eat!"

I nodded as we took the teleportation pad back to earth and headed towards a place where it was more eastern. 

"Hope you don't mind seafood."

"I can eat anything without a problem."

I mean I've eaten humanoid creatures before without a problem. She smiled before calling for the waiter and ordered our meal. 

I picked simple buttered shrimp and grabbed it along with some rice because it's an old habit of mine. I was an Asian in my previous life and can't blame me for craving them from time to time. 

"So, do you have any plans after we finish the development of our research?"

"Of course, we will have programs for volunteers to start colonizing a potential world that could support human life."

The skrulls that were on earth were blocked by me since they'll do something to stop us. I did find a city on the moon and hadn't contacted the place but knew they were engineered by a race called the Kree. 

My parasite did manage to invade their worlds and hardly feel any different beside a few instant delays that likely result when something powerful blocks me. The world is full of mysteries that I still have a hard time trying to find every answer. 

"That sounds amazing, in a way we can advance even further in our technology."

"That's right but we still need to be careful since most planets will likely not welcome us. We will not force ourselves into those worlds and let them be."

"Why? Won't they benefit if they join us?"

"Indeed they can but it is better to let them be as it is their choice. Time and time again people would disagree and it's better to leave them than cause conflict."

She nodded in my words.

"I see, then at least we should try to save those who truly need our help."

"Susan, that's a bit naive to think you can save everyone without taking their freedom from them. How about this scenario, if you have an Omnipotent power would you save every life in exchange for their free will or would you let them choose on their own and grow?"

Indeed I have that power yet here I am merely letting everything happen despite knowing it all. 

"I…I think you're right."

"Right or wrong is a matter of perspective. My words may not be the right thing for some but it is a choice I am willing to take."

People often wish to let everything done for them yet dislike when their freedom is taken from them. We continued to eat when I suddenly felt something heading towards our planet at incredible speed.

"Something heading this way. We need to get into the Watchtower now."

Susan was taken aback but nodded as we quickly moved our way back to the facility where we found Tony wearing his latest Iron Man Armor Model 50. 

"Brother, do you know what's going on?"

"Our radar spotted a flying observer moving at the speed of light. Whatever this thing is, we will deal with it."

I looked at the computer panel and saw that it was shortening the distance in an impossible manner. This made me use some of my power to see who it was heading here only to see a person that was made out of silver riding a surfboard. 

'This is…Silver surfer!?'

I can sense it, the power cosmic coming from him. This is bad if I remember the lackluster sequel of fantastic four then Galactus is coming to devour the planet. I amplified my vision to see how long we got until he arrived and I almost felt backlash from trying to peer into him.

"I'll go ahead and confront this while you all get ready in case things go haywire."


I vanished into thin air and wasn't worried that Susan saw that since I already did hero work while revealing my identity. I wasn't worried since I can observe most people and even if they tried to fight me then I will praise them for being stupid enough to try.

I mean most people I know are overpowered mutants and reality warping people. There in space quickly shrouded myself in my battle armor while turning Scarlet Rose into his weapon form. 

Into the distance I saw the light that was heading towards us. Hold my spear pointing at it before speaking.


At that moment, the Silver Surfer saw me curiously since I was radiating Cosmic and Chaos around me. 

"Identify yourself!"

"How can a person live in this world capable of harnessing a cosmic power…. there's more in this world!?" 

It seems genuinely shocked when it manages to find Jean Grey. I gripped my weapon tightly since this is going to be my first time actually going to fight a cosmic being that isn't just their essence.

"I am a herald of Galactus, the devourer of worlds and this planet has been chosen."

"What!? The likes of you do not welcome my world!"

"Be it as may be but it is inevitable. Galactus IS inevitable."

"Then let's go for a walk."

In that moment we both clashed where my spear tried to pierce him only for his board to block it and return my attack by then using his power cosmic attack but I countered by slicing it using my weapon. 

"You may have cosmic power, However you have yet to truly tap into its boundless power."

I couldn't even dodge as I slammed into the moon while our cosmic energy permeated across the space. He was holding my neck struggling a bit as I quickly sliced my head off. 

That caught Silver Surfer by surprise and gave me enough time to distance myself and stabbed him in that abdomen yet unable to pierce through his shield but manage to send him planning to through space. 

It didn't stop him and got back up blasting me with his cosmic energy while I dodge them as it transmutes matter into something else.

"I do not want this fight! Please stand down!"

"And let you lead that thing? Not a chance!"

I got more series and churn even more power into my attacks that the silver surfer began to struggle to keep up. I'm not trying to kill him but just subdue him since I know that Galactus already knew where to go as his herald was here. 

The silver surfer was slowly overwhelmed by my might and soon was knocked out from my attack. I stood badly wounded from our fight but I just pulled myself back together and instantly regenerated.

I took something that restrained him for the time being. This is something I made that blocked their ability to use cosmic power. I went back to the watchtower bringing Silver Surfer with me and found my brother heading toward me. 

"I can see that you have a lot of things to tell me about."

"Yeah and don't tell the girls what I did."

"Then you owe me one."

We flew back to the watchtower and found a few people who were affected by the cosmic radiation. They're some damages in the watchtower and Tony quickly went to check how the place was while I went to find Susan.


I was able to find her unconscious on the floor fading in and out and made me quickly fix her trying to let the energy settle with her body.


"Yeah I'm here, relax and let me handle this."

Didn't expect this to happen but it is best to think about it later and focus on her. Well technically I did but not this way. When everything settled down, I went to find a place to lay her and went to check up with the other.  

I was able to find Johnny that nearly burned the core of the place and fortunately I was fast enough. I helped him as well and just sent clones for any more people affected before casting a spell to fix the damages. 

Few minutes later, my brother and I looked at the captured Silver surfer who was unconscious and restrained.

"So you telling me some being is heading its way to devour the world?"

"Yeah, like I didn't just explain it."

"...Now I know how it feels. That aside, I'll go ahead and contact Shield to discuss how to handle the situation."

"Alright while I stay here and guard him."

He nodded before leaving while I created a throne made out of my biomass with my daughter prepared to attack at any moment. 

I turned my attention to the entity that was heading its way to this place and knew that I was peering through it. If he continues in this place then we only have 3 days to prepare before he arrives. 

"Hope you are ready for what is about to happen, Galactus."

Next chapter