
OO3. The crazy man

Oh no. This man does not look normal by far. After the door swung open the man who seemed to be my father, two boys, and three priests rushed in.

Before I could even let out a sound, a strange man picked me up yet again with cold hands and begun to examine my eyes before handing me to a man next to him.

Suddenly, I was shoved up in the air and a bright light had been shone into my eyes, as the man said "Tell me your truth, appraisal divinity." Is this really someone important if they're just using a basic skill?

Just as quickly, he took a step back. "Oh my…" he muttered, and once again I was taken into his hands. What is wrong with everyone?

"This is amazing…," he muttered turning to my dad as he stretched his hand out to me. "My lady is blessed, but by someone unknown." He said.

It sounded surprisingly considering my fathers eyes widened while I tried to break the finger of the man in front of me with my own. "Is it really that great?" He asked, concerned.

With a nod the man smiled joyously. "I have never seen this or head of this." He begun while prying my eye open with his fingers.

"Her eyes are hearts, it's a blessing." He laughed as though he were insane. Something tells me, he will be a main character in my life from now on.

Tapping his foot, my father nervously picked me up and got me away from him. "She's got healing magic, she can heal." Hearing this, his head immediately shot up.

Well gosh darn this must be really rare and light magic can't compare because now I was being held extremely tightly, so much so that it makes me miss cold yet soft hands.

Shaking his head, another priest interjected. "Are you really sure?" He asked. With no hesitation, I found a book being swung at me, as though it came out from nowhere.

Even with my father holding me, the book landed a direct hit with a loud thud, and a sword was raised to the man's neck. But just as soon as it happened, any pain had disappeared.

"We could also try poison if that didn't satisfy you." He said with another cackle as though his life wasn't in danger. Maybe if I stayed with him, he'd actually try to kill me?

To the surprise of those around me, they saw no markings. "Who is she blessed by?" My brother asked as he tried to peak at me, curiously.

The priest shook his head and called for my other brother to give him paper. As soon as he got it he snatched me and begun to appraise me, writing all that he saw.

It was really long and got me a lot of stares, but he was ultimately unquestioned. "I'm not giving my daughter up." My father said suddenly.

Why not? The quack seems ecstatic by my appearance so just trust him!

"Then we won't leave." He replied already going over the list again. While my father argued with him, decided to try and get some sleep. Meanwhile the other two had jargon about telling the king a child of prophecy had been born, immediately waking me.

Don't you dare expose me as a hero or so help me you will be on the hit list, unnamed extras. "Eh so basically she's super strong?" One of my brothers asked while talking to the other.

He shrugged, stroking his chin. "The prince will know soon enough." He said causing me to feel alarmed. Did he just say a prince? Don't tell me there will be a forced marriage.

"Eh, you're like a dog. Everything that happens you immediately tell him." The first one said as the other looked ready to punch him in the face.

Picking me up, the one I presume to be older began to walk off with me as the adults were preoccupied with arguing at their loudests.

Following him, the other boy poked me. "You think the prince would find her useful? She might be useful in his faction if she's something of everyone's attention." He muttered as the other laughed.

"No way, she would be engaged to the third prince and join his faction, you know how great mom and her highness get along, they planned this."

"The second prince will have no problem defeating the third." The two went back and forth, making my head dizzy. Apparently, my mom wanted a daughter to marry the queen's son, great.

"Do you think she'd become a good queen?" The first one asked making me want to thrash. Who are you to decide that? Fuck marriage

"She won't be queen if the second prince becomes king." He replied, seemingly obsessive. Are you sure you meant to reincarnate me to this family?

As the door swung open, my father came back into the hallway and picked me up. "This isn't over!" He yelled as he begun to walk off with me in his arms.

"Are we going to keep her?" One of them asked as my father let out a hm, immediately waltzing to some random room. As he entered, he put me in his arms and begun to write a note.

I couldn't read it from my perspective, and I didn't care. At this point, no matter what they did it would not matter. Just because you force an engagement doesn't mean it would happen, neither would me helping this kingdom.

"So like are we going to officially announce her soon?" The first one asked as he took a seat in a random chair and begun to toss around violently.

With a nod my father pat me on the back. "She will be announced, but not seen." He said as he finished the letter, handing it to the second son.

"I trust you will deliver this directly tomorrow, schedule the meeting for a week." He said as he begun to write off more notes.

Tilting his head the first one continued. "Sooo how is it going to work?" He asked, sounding extremely nonchalant for someone having a sister blessed by the unknown.

"She is sick and frail, not to be seen by public, only royalty and those in the duke's estate. She will refrain from attending the academy until she can control her magic, to avoid targeting." He said as he quickly sealed another.

Are you crazy? Why are you trying to hide me and not expose my eyes for danger? How come you're suddenly responsible father?

With a nod, it sounded like the first son got it. "If other countries found out a child like her was born while the third prince was only just announced, they'd think we'd of hidden a prophesy to destroy a kingdom." He said while wiggling his body weirdly

"Essentially, an unknown child with great powers from birth would cause alarm," I heard a mutter as my father placed a letter in the first brother's hands.

"You know what to do with the knights." He said while walking off once more, taking me. Something tells me that misfortune awaits my future, no, not my misfortune, but my escape's.

If he is being this strict just after a day, it's going to be impossible to fall off a cliff. That is unless? He mentioned the royals meeting me, so perhaps the royal castle has a cliff?

Ask I let my mind wonder through the possibilities, my baby body reached its limits and begun to drift to sleep, refusing to listen to me.

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