
Well that was easy

As usual, Adam woke up with no issue. He looked out the dark window and then proceeded to take a shower and before anyone else had an opportunity to talk to him, he was already out of the city.

Walking to the nearest airport outside of Fuyuki, Adam was able to enjoy the peacefulness of the empty streets. No normal person would be out at this time.

Taking out his phone he contacted someone, "I'll be at the location in about 30 minutes, I'll be making a trip to Germany so inform everyone on the other side to be ready for my arrival" he didn't need to explain anything else to the person on the other side of the phone.

After a bit more walking, Adam had finally arrived at the main entrance of the airport. The noise coming from the countless people who were there was a large contrast to the silence he was enjoying before. He walked by the numerous people who were stuck on the security line waiting for their turn. Unlike them, Adam didn't have to wait for anyone or buy any tickets. He simply continued walking in the direction of a closed-off part in the airport ignoring the envy-filled stares from other people.

At the secluded part of the airport, a veteran pilot was waiting for all the pre-takeoff preparations to be finished by everyone else. He was curious as to who his boss was and why he was taking a flight to Germany at four in the morning. It's not like he had any complaints about his job, he was hired to be a personal pilot for the head of a multinational company but had yet to take his aforementioned boss on any flights. Looking at the distance he caught sight of a young man making his way towards the jet

Walking through the jet bridge, Adam could feel how nervous all his employees were. He couldn't blame them either since he was well aware that he radiated an aura that made people think of him as someone in a higher position, which in all fairness, is the case. Once inside his private jet, Adam didn't say anything and only nodded at his pilot.

The employees wasted no time and in a matter of minutes, the jet was taking off the ground. He looked out the window and was not surprised how dark it still was. It's to be expected when it was still so early in the morning. It would take him about six and a half hours until he was supposed to land in his privately owned airport.

Deciding to take the opportunity to sleep a bit more, since he had yet to piss off any Gods that had authority over the air he didn't hesitate to close his eyes and fall asleep.

About 6 hours later Adam woke up to a flight attendant staring at him. Looking at her behavior he could tell she was about to try and wake him up but was struggling with actually doing it. Before she had a chance to apologize Adam spoke up "How long until we land?".

Attempting to regain any form of professionalism she coughed away her nervousness and meekly replied to him" We-we'll land in five minutes, S-sir" she struggled to say with her red turning red from embarrassment moments later. She then backed away to the other side of the plane where she wasn't in sight anymore.

Adam ignored her behavior as he had gotten used to people acting like that and looked out the window onto the sun that was almost up.

After the plane landed Adam gave a nod to the pilot that had come out to greet him. "Good job and tell the lady that I'm not mad so she doesn't need to worry," Adam told him.

"Of course Sir" the pilot replied, surprised by how laid back his boss seemed. He had assumed that he was a super serious person but it seemed his years of experience were of no use.

The airport was already beginning to get filled with other people as he was making his way out but he couldn't care less about it and proceeded to make his way out of the airport into the city.

Looking at the streets, some people were already walking outside to do whatever business they had to attend to.

He bought a map and looked at how far he was from the Mountains he needed to head to and while he had already known it would be far, it beat having to land in some random airport and have people checking his stuff.

"I guess I'll buy a car and use that to get over there," Adam said as he looked at the map for car dealerships.

Not worrying about standing out since Adam looked like most everyone in Germany, Adam was able to enjoy his walk to the nearest car dealership, there were a couple of people who were trying to secretly take pictures of him but he let them do what they wanted.

Arriving at the dealership, Adam made his way in and inspected all the available cars. Calling over one of the employees Adam pointed at the car he was looking at "How much does this one cost?" he questioned.

"That is our newest Cadillac CTS, it was just imported here not too long ago, its price starts at 35,000 euros, do you plan on purchasing a car from us today, if so then how about I show you out other vehicles" the salesman attempted to guide Adam to other cars.

"No thank you, that one should be fine," Adam said as he handed over his card. "Just give me the paperwork for it".

"Then we can talk about your downpayment and your monthly fees" the employee began to explain.

"Again, no thank you. I can pay in full so just hand me the paperwork for everything" Adam told him.

"Of course Sir," the employee said, accepting his demand. He never thought he would be calling someone that appeared to be half of his age 'Sir'. But if he was going to buy a car in full then it would be better for him.

After having to sign and fill out a bothersome amount of paperwork, Adam was driving through the streets on his way to the west side of Germany at full speed.

He stopped at a gas station to refill his tank and buy gas canisters all the while ignoring the jealousy-filled gazes being thrown his way. And with no issue, he continued on his way through the highways with the wind hitting his face.

A couple of hours later, he was at the bottom of the Mountain range he would have to climb to reach his final destination. Placing the car in his gate, he proceeded to run up the mountain, and in about twenty minutes he was overlooking a giant mansion hidden by the terrain.

Ignoring any common sense, Adam walked to the main entrance and waited for the door to open. He knew the 'people' inside were already on guard from his presence but didn't think they would be so cautious.

With no warning he punched the door open, shattering the metal gates into small debris. "Don't be shy now, I just want to talk with the old man who likes making dolls," Adam announced.

Coming out of the entrance to the mansion, an old man in a white robe walked up to Adam, "What do you want from us? We know you're a master, do you want an alliance of sorts from us?" the old man asked.

"No, I came here to destroy the Einzbern factory, there is no need for you to continue making Homunculi, you'll never reach what you're looking for. I will also destroy the Holy grail, there isn't any point to it, the families that started it are no longer needed anymore either" Adam stated to him and the multiple other homunculi who walked out of the mansion.

"So I should stop our centuries-old customs because a child decided that we aren't needed? I am unable to do that, I will continue until we win the Holy Grail War" the old man told him.

"I see we are unable to come to an agreement, so I will try and keep casualties to a minimum, or else Illya wouldn't agree with my methods," Adam said as he took a sword out of his treasury.

"You fool" the old man scoffed and was about to attack Adam with his magic but as he was about to get close to Adam he disappeared.

Jumping in the air Adam created a barrier around the old man, and with one swing of his sword, the terrain under him was obliterated from existence. It felt as if what had been there before never existed, along with the old man.

The other homunculi who lacked emotions were somehow surprised by the events that took place. They were well aware of how strong the Homunculi known as Jubstacheit von Einzbern was. He was the head of the household for a reason yet he was defeated in a couple of seconds in what could only be described as a one-sided fight. They were at a loss on what to do, they were never given an order to attack the intruder and were unable to come up with any opinions on their own.

Out of the hundreds of Homunculi, one who seemed to possess some sort of life walked out of the crowd and headed towards Adam.

"You know our Mistress?" she asked with a blank look in her eyes.

"Yes, I just came here to do what I believe to be the best thing to do and because she also wanted to. If you guys want orders from the head of your family then I can take you to her, but it will be too dangerous for you guys to stay at the Einzbern castle at the moment with the holy grail war still going on so I'll be teleporting you to my house and don't worry, there is space for all of you" Adam explained to the emotionless group.'Not even a nod?' Adam thought as he began drawing a teleportation circle beneath him.

Finishing up the magic circle, Adam waited for them to start going through it, and after the first few dozen, the number of Homunculi didn't seem to be getting any smaller. "Keep going through the circle, I'll be leaving for now. I'll come back later to make sure everything is destroyed, but I'll stay in this country for a little bit longer".

Adam let the group to their own devices and teleported to the bottom of the mountain. With nothing to do for the rest of the day, he planned on enjoying the rest of his stay in Germany and took on to the streets once more.

As he got further into the higher populated areas, he saw many luxurious cars all heading in the same direction. Curious, he followed behind them and was lead to a large campus building. "Fifth Annual Young Artist competition" the bold black letters on the entrance read.

"A competition huh?" Adam asked himself. He was interested in seeing other people's art since he scarcely looked at anyone else's work. He looked at all the kids exiting their parent's cars and found it funny how everyone looked the same despite being completely different people. They all were wearing the same type of clothing, the same fixed look on their face, and the same haughty attitude.

Having a nice idea, Adam switched his clothes to a cheap shirt and jeans and walked into the elegant hallways. All the parents and the contestant were looking at him as if he was an exotic animal but Adam paid no attention to them, he was looking over the many different works of art on display.

A woman in a suit came up to him and started talking to him, "Excuse me Sir, are you here for our competition or are you here to watch?" she asked him but he could tell she just wanted him to leave so to stop bothering the guests.

"Oh, I'm here for the competition but I was just looking at the art that you had on display" he replied to her without looking at her.

"Is that so? Unfortunately, you need to be backed up by a sponsor to join this competition" she said with a smug face.

"Hmm, is that so? Give me one second" Adam told her as he pulled out his phone. "I'm at this rich Annual art competition," he said to someone over the phone. "Yeah, apparently I need a sponsor from a company or something to join it, just get the company to sponsor me," Adam told the person over the phone.

A minute later a man came running out of one hallway and was about to run past them but was stopped by the woman. "Where are you going? What's the matter?" she eagerly asked.

"We just got a call that A is sponsoring someone for this competition, we have to tell the media about this, it'll make the competition have more press coverage" he struggled to explain as he was breathing heavily from running.

"You mean one of the largest companies in the world?" she asked with shock on her face. The company was famous for declining invitations for formal gatherings and public events.

"I'll go wait in your waiting area then Ma'am," Adam said to the woman with a slightly smug expression on his face showing he enjoyed seeing the woman in her current situation.

Sitting down in the waiting area, he inspected the room and could tell everyone was nervous. If he needed a sponsor then the competition should be a very important event; this is what was going through Adam's head.

Closing his eyes, Adam waited until he was supposed to be called on but was brought out of his relaxing state when someone sat next to him. If it was just a normal person he wouldn't have minded but the person was rumbling a wrapper next to him.

Curious as to what they were doing, he opened his eyes and next to him there were two blond-haired girls, one of them was sitting and the other was standing behind her almost like a parent would. The girl that was sitting was eating a piece of bread, ignoring all the stares she was getting.

"Can you stop staring at her?" the girl that was standing told Adam.

Adam shrugged his shoulders at her and closed his eyes again, but was brought back by poking on his shoulder. Opening his eyes, the girl that was eating her bread was now handing it out towards him, thinking that he was staring at her bread because he was hungry.

Finding the aloof girl to be funny Adam decided to accept the piece that was given to him. He then remembered he had yet to eat anything for the day. "Thank you," Adam said to her. Biting into the bread he was quickly taken aback by how sweet it was. He then ate all of it in one bite and didn't ask for any more of the girl's food.

After an awkward thirty minutes of being stared at by the girl sitting next to him, they were called onto a stage.

At the stage, there were canvases for everyone facing the audience that for some reason was more packed than Adam thought it would be.

Taking a seat on his assigned spot multiple cameras switched to his directions.

Paying them no mind, Adam waited until the competition began. Turning to his left he saw the girl from earlier sitting next to him.

There were many different events for different painting styles that would be held, but Adam decided he would only participate in the ones he liked doing. Realism, photorealism, and abstract. They would be given 2 hours in each one to create something to the best of their abilities.

They were given the signal to start and Adam didn't waste a single second, beginning right away. His brush began moving in awkward angles that made it seem as if he was playing around but he didn't stop and continued striking it away.

The other contestants were all diligently and carefully preparing their strokes and so watching Adam work away made some of them lose concentration and instead they began watching them. It didn't take long until most of the audience was looking in his direction. Adam was able to finish before everyone else and patiently waited until the rest of the events.

The rest of the events he took place in went by quickly and Adam found himself looking down at his phone reading all the messages and missed calls he had received "It should be fine" he told himself. They were already used to him disappearing for a few days.

"Who are you?" a voice coming from behind him said.

"Do I know you?" Adam asked, confused by the sudden conversation.

"You were just talking to me earlier," the blond girl from earlier said to him.

"Oh yeah, if you want to know, my name is Adam," Adam replied to her. He then looked back down at his to continue reading the messages.

"I don't want an introduction, I want to know who you are. I've never seen you in any competition yet you were still able to make it in here" she told him with a doubtful look.

"You don't have to worry about me, we'll likely not meet again," Adam told her instead of answering her questions.

"What do you mean by that? You're not going to participate in any more competitions?" she asked in confusion.

"Of course I won't, I only came here because I had spare time and I was bored. Also, I have to give this year's losers a chance to win, or else I'd feel bad" he said with a sarcastic empathetic look on his face.

"You're confident for someone new to this" she replied to him a bit ticked off by his comment.

Adam knew he sounded arrogant but he already knew he was going to win, the other contestants were good but they weren't even close to his level and Adam knew they would never reach his level. "Oh yeah, what was your name? Maybe I'll remember if we meet again" he asked her since she was just standing behind him staring at his back.

"Rita Ainsworth and I'll enjoy it when the results come out and I beat you" she confidently told him.

"Right, "Not being too sure what she wanted from him Adam replied to her uninterestedly hoping she would take the hint and leave him.

After a couple more minutes of her standing quietly behind him, she finally walked away giving Adam a chance to answer all his missed calls.

"What happened?" Adam said as soon as Mikasa answered his phone call.

"Why are there thousands of women popping out of a magic circle," she asked, wanting an immediate answer.

"Ahh about that... I thought it'd be better to send them somewhere where they would be safe from any magi who would be alerted of the death of the Einzbern head. And we have enough available room for them so it should be fine" Adam explained to her not having any issue. "It's only temporary, I'll be back by around morning so I'll figure out what to do with them then" he added.

"I don't mind either way," she told him. "Also just so you know, Asia and Xenovia left for the Underworld with Rias for the Rating game against Diodora, and I wouldn't be surprised if something went wrong so be ready to help them out".

"I'll be on the lookout for that then, also look at the German news when you get the chance, I was having some fun," he told her as he hung up the phone.

"Fun?"Mikasa asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"Hmm? Was that your girlfriend?" Rita asked out of nowhere.

"You don't know how to take a hint do you?" Adam asked her with a deadpan expression.

"Of course I do, that's why I came back," she told him, knowing she was being a pain in the neck." They're announcing the results so I came to get you so I'd be able to see your face when you lose" she added trying to get a reaction out of Adam.

Adam didn't wait for her to say anything to him and began walking in the direction of the stage

"Wait for us, come on Mashiro," she said to the other girl that was now with her as she dragged her by the hand chasing after Adam.

Adam arrived at the stage and took a seat on an empty chair. Behind him, the two other girls arrived and sat next to him.

The first few prizes were given, Rita managed to get one third-place, and two second-place awards, but the other girl with her won first place in all the categories.

Once they took their seats Adam congratulated her "You're good at not winning" he said while smiling at her.

She ignored him and had an annoyed look on her face as she thought of ways to make fun of him when he didn't win any prizes either.

Adam wasn't surprised when his turn came and it turned out he won first place in all three of his events. He was just about confused about the number of reporters trying to ask him questions, was it that interesting when his company sponsored anyone?

Sneaking out of the building as soon as he was given the rewards, Adam was walking towards his car when someone yelled out to him.

"Wait a minute. Where are you going?" Rita, who came running after him, asked.

"As I told you, I was only here for a little bit, I'll be heading back to Japan," he said as he got in his car.

"I was able to see your art up close and it looked exactly like the famous artist that has the same name. It never even crossed my mind that you'd be The Adam, you're the complete opposite of what I had imagined" she explained to him.

"That's not my fault, but I'm usually not like this either, I was just having fun in a different country, trying to distract myself from the decisions I took," Adam said, thinking deeply as to why he was acting the way he was. "Unfortunately there are people who are counting on me so I need to get going," he told her just as Mashiro was making her way towards them. "Here, you can have my phone number, in case you find yourself needing a place to stay," he said to Rita, giving her a piece of paper.

Driving away from them he quickly went to a secluded place and teleported back to Fuyuki.

Looking at his phone it was already two in the morning. It would be easier for him to do his business while everyone would be sleeping.

Taking his time, he slowly made his way to the Matou household. He had to get rid of the household, they couldn't even be called magus anymore, Zouten Matou was the last actual magus in the family and yet it wasn't right to call him a living being.

Standing at the front of the gates, Adam waited for someone to come out or at least try and attack him but to his confusion, no one came. Taking it upon himself he was able to easily teleport inside the house. He could sense two people inside of the house along with one Servant.

Walking up to the room that had two people inside, he could hear Shinji screaming out in anger at Sakura.

'Knock knock' Adam knocked on the door to the room, startling both of them.

"Who's there?!" Shinji screamed out in a panic.

Instead of answering, Adam pushed the door open making Shinji jump back in fear.

"Who the hell are you?!" he screamed at Adam.

"A friend of hers," Adam said as he pointed at Sakura.

"Oh, don't tell me you're here to save her?" Shinji asked with an amused expression.

"That's exactly what I'll be doing" he replied to him

"She's not worth being saved, she's just a tool that does whatever I tell it to do. But if you want her then you can have her once I'm done with her" he said as he turned towards Sakura with his evil intentions being shown all over his face.

As soon as he grabbed onto Sakura's shoulder, Shinji felt a weird sensation under him. "Huh?" his twisted expression soon turned into one of horror as he saw a gap in his chest. He turned around and with his life ending he could only mutter out "Why me?" he asked with his voice filled with regret as his lifeless body fell on the ground.

Adam still had Shinji's heart in his hand as he felt something coming towards him. Ducking, something stabbed onto the wall behind him. "Rider class Servant, Medusa," he said out loud, surprising Rider who was now standing in front of him. "Is there any point in fighting me?" Adam asked her.

She didn't reply, instead, she continued to face his direction, almost as if she was trying to read Adam.

"I don't care if you don't trust me, but just know that I only came here to free Sakura from this family and let her live the life she wants without having someone controlling her. Is that not what you wish for as well?" he asked her as he continued to stare at her.

Instead of giving a verbal response, she dropped her weapons to her side, where they remained unmoving, but Adam knew that she was still very much on guard.

"Alright, now that we have that figured out, do you wish to remain in this world? Or would you rather go back to where you came from?" he asked her the most vital question.

Unsure of what to answer with, she looked over at Sakura. Her lifeless eyes, with that type of attitude she knew there wasn't a chance she could go on in life without needing someone by her side until she managed to act normal again. "I will stay, but how can we do that?" she asked, the only thing stopping her from staying was how she would stay in the current time.

"That's easy, just form a pact with me until the war is over, and once that's done it should be easy with the help of Illya to make a body that you would be able to use" he explained with a casual tone.

She looked at him as if he was spouting nonsense but the confidence behind his words was so strong that it became infectious allowing her to trust him even if she was still wary of his intentions.

He extended his hand out towards Rider and waited for her.

Knowing this was that he was the best option she had at the moment, she extended out her hand towards him.

A little spark came on to him as soon their hands touched, with that he knew he had contracted her.

"Alright, the first thing I have to do is get rid of all the bugs inside of her," Adam told Rider as he looked in Sakura's direction.

Sakura was still sitting on her bed not showing any reaction.

"I already know that if I were to remove them all at once there is a possibility she could die" Adam explained but came to a pause when he saw Rider's face turn angry "But I have a way to heal her from any injuries, even if I have never tried this method I'm sure as long as I wish for it to work then it'll work without any issues. But for this to work I'll need you to know that I'm not doing it to harm her" Adam had to add the last line so she did not get the wrong idea.

"Alright then, Sakura can you come over here?" he gestured at her.

She didn't hesitate at all and did as she was told, standing in front of Adam.

"This might hurt a little but the pain will only last for a couple of seconds," he said to calm down any nerves she had.

Adam got close to her and sensed the multiple bugs running inside her body and with a quick strike, he had one of the bugs squirming around in his hands. Now that he knew how they looked it would be easier to get rid of them. The only weapon he had at the moment that was able to land multiple attacks at the same time was his newly made weapon so, with that in mind, he summoned it out of the treasury.

The aura of the sword was so strong it made Rider feel fear from just looking at it. Despite the bright colors it put on display she knew that the weapon would be able to easily destroy a city. She began to question why this sword was necessary with the procedure but knew it was too late to go back.

Adam placed the worm above the sword and let it cut the unrelenting worm into little pieces.

"Get ready!" Adam warned Sakura as he changed the shape of the sword into that of a Sabre. Getting his hand ready, he lunged at Sakura with it. The speed of the attack was incredibly ludicrous as it made shockwaves as it followed its straight path, stopping just as it penetrated Sakura's skin.

A second later, multiple eruptions began to appear on Sakura's skin as the worms inside of her began to get destroyed. Blood flowed from the various wounds across her body making her collapse to the ground due to the loss of blood.

Catching her before she hit the ground, Adam hesitantly sunk his teeth into her neck and started moving his saliva into her body. Almost like magic, Sakura's wounds began closing just as fast as they had appeared, once they were all healed up, he gently placed her on the ground as it was getting awkward being stared at by Sakura and Rider who had a disapproving look on his face.

Seeing the small wounds from his teeth still on her neck Adam wanted to get rid of them as well but as he placed his hand near it he was met by resistance from Sakura, who quickly placed her hands over it as if to protect it.

"Haaaa" Adam sighed at the stubbornness that seemed to come out of nowhere.

"Alright Medusa, I need you to take Sakura to my house, there might be a lot of people there at the moment but there should be enough vacant rooms for you and her, and if not, let her rest in my room. It's not like she'll be the only one in there" Adam said with a depressed smile as he remembered the last time he got his room to himself...

"Very well Master," she answered. Picking up Sakura, she began running in the direction of Adam's house.

Once he sensed she had left the area, Adam picked up a piece of metal that was left on the ground where Sakura was. "So this was supposed to be the lesser grail? Pfft," Adam couldn't help but laugh at how weak it was. Using his sabre, he quickly got rid of it so that it wouldn't be able to be used again.

Done with that, he looked around Sakura's room and collected everything that was in there, since after he finished there wouldn't be anything left.

Once he finished, he went exploring through the hallways of the Matou manor and made his way to the basement. Opening the door, his ears were unfortunate enough to be welcomed by the grotesque noise the worms made.

"No matter how you look at it, this type of stuff shouldn't exist," Adam said to himself as his eyes watched the endless amount of worms move around inside the pit.

Extending out one of his hands, he began to gather mana on his palm, second after second, the temperature in the room started to rise. Soon, a giant ball of fire was floating above Adam's hand as it continued to grow.

"Truly fascinating, what you're capable of," A dry voice said behind him.

"I know" Adam answered as the fireball kept increasing in size.

"So? Do you plan on getting rid of me as well?" Zouken said, clearly Mocking Adam.

"What? Do you still think you have a chance?" Adam replied to him, making sure he knew in what position he was in. "Your fate was sealed as soon as I decided to get rid of you, there's no one who will protect you now, neither your worthless worms nor that useless Servant of yours," Adam said as a Sadistic smile formed on his face.

"That's the problem with your generation, you let your meager abilities get in your head," Zouken said as he shook his head.

"Meager? I guess your eyes don't work as well as they used to. That's old age for you" Adam told him.

Zouken stood there with his cane in his hand, paying close attention to Adam's movements.

With the ball of fire being big enough to get the job done, Adam hurdled it to the pit of worms.

Adam leaned back as a hand passed through where his chest was located just as it was thrown. The hand then turned direction in the last second and headed down towards Adam. With his legs, he was able to kick the hand away. Using that small gap he used his hands to do various backflips to gain some distance from his attacker.

"Should've waited" Adam reprimanded the servant that was now in full view. He hadn't sensed him until he was about five meters away from him, which was more than enough time to react to the attack.

"So you plan on using that arm against me?" Adam asked not taking them seriously.

"I can sense vitality flowing from you, I'm sure with your body I would be able to extend my life long enough to achieve my goals," Zouken said, letting his disillusions cloud his thoughts.

"I find that funny you know, you believe yourself to be a great Magus but in my eyes, you're just a failure that wasn't able to do what he wanted with the time he was given" Adam gave him his opinion. "This ritual could have probably been used for good but both you and the Einzbern's lost focus of whatever goals you had at the beginning. You're nothing more than a relic of an era that has already passed that stubbornly clings on to life because you're too scared to die knowing you couldn't achieve your own goals and contributed nothing to humanity".

As he was done speaking, he let the fireball explode into a magnificent explosion, with the explosion, the entirety of the Matou household was obliterated. A large crater on the ground with fire blazing out of it almost as if they were the pits of hell calling out Zouken's name.

With the show of firepower, Zouken knew he needed to retreat and think of a plan to defeat Adam. Without any hesitation, he tried running away but was hit in the face by an invisible wall.

"Don't tell me you thought I'd let you run away?" Adam asked with genuine curiosity as a smile spread across his face.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into Boy" Zouken tried intimidating him.

"I made it so that nothing will get out of here until I destroy you or you kill me. But if I'm being honest with you, you won't defeat me so I'd be better if you let yourself get killed instead of trying to run away like a cockroach" Adam to him.

"As unfortunate as it is, I'll have to kill you," Zouken said confidently.

"Say less and just so you know, all the worms inside of Sakura have been destroyed, and I mean all of them," Adam told him, finally getting a meaningful reaction from Zouken.

Giving him no time to ask any questions, Adam ran up to Assassin and used his heel to kick him into the bottom of the now-empty pit. Adam jumped behind him with Zouken following behind him.

Landing on a small boulder, he ensured he was balanced before taking out a red spear from his gate. "It's a shame that I wasn't able to meet Cú Chulainn," Adam said as his muscles began flexing to their utmost in preparation for throwing the spear. The spear itself began glowing red signaling its strength.

"A real shame" he stated once again with audible disappointment.

He did a short sprint at his top speed, easily surpassing the speed of sound, and called the noble phantasm name "GÁE BOLG!" Adam shouted. With the speed of the spear being too fast for either Zouken or Assassin to see, they were only able to see a red beam appear in front of them.

Assassin attempted to dodge but he already began to feel sluggish as soon as the moment the spear was thrown. Looking down, there was a giant hole where his heart should have been.

Calling back the spear, it flew towards his hands. "Just you left" he announced to Zouken just as Assassin's body began turning into particles, returning to the grail.

Taking out his recently made sword he showed it to Zouken "This sword, it can do anything I wish it to, my luck is so high that it lets me rewrite reality with it" Adam proudly showed off his sword.

"Why are you telling me this?" Zouken asked, confused, the power coming from the sword in front of him was something he had only felt with his mentor.

"I just wanted to show you something that you would never be able to create," Adam said to him bursting out in laughter at Zouken's misfortune.

Changing the shape of it to the original two-handed sword, he began charging his mana into the sword. The pressure of his mana in the sword was strong enough to push Adam down on the ground.

The mana made the sword start glowing green and white color. As Adam pointed it to the sky, a beam came out of it that extended out towards space. With the only thought on his mind at the moment being the death of Zouken, he brought the sword down "Die" he ordered.

With his order, the collision of the energy beam and the ground made an explosion strong enough to vaporize Fuyuki City but Adam contained it with his barrier.

Once the explosion stopped, Adam stood inside a large hole on the Earth's surface.

"I should probably fix this," Adam told himself as he used magic to fill the hole with dirt.

Standing over the now filled hole Adam stretched as he began walking towards his house. "Now I just have to deal with Gilgamesh," Adam said with a relieved expression painted on his face.

Ahh, I finally finished this chapter.

Sorry for not uploading, I was catching up in my classes. I was also procrastinating a lot but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

See ya~

eeclime14creators' thoughts
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