

Walking home, Adam saw everyone was walking in the same direction.

Sensing someone's gaze on him, Shirou looked at Adam. "This is the fastest way home," he replied when he saw the look he was getting from Adam.

Satisfied by the answer, Adam continued walking but not that long after he came to a halt, looking to the end of the street he could make out two silhouettes making their way towards them.

After a couple of tense seconds, they had gotten close enough for Adam to figure out their identities. A little girl with a purple winter coat and white hair, and an incredibly muscular monster carrying a makeshift axe made of stone.

"Good evening Misters and Rin" she greeted them. She looked at the entire group with disinterest and then focused her sight on only Shirou. "My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern, but you can just call me Illya" she introduced herself with a soft yet bland voice that didn't match her friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you, little girl, you can call me Adam," Adam introduced himself. He looked at her and, with careful inspection, immediately sensed the lesser grail inside her.

Ignoring Adams's self-introduction, Illya kept her sight locked on Shirou since she knew who he was. She then inspected Saber who she thought was the only challenge for Berserker in the entire war. "It doesn't matter what your name is, I'm going to kill all of you either way," she told them with the same fake smile as before. "Go Berserker" she happily ordered her Servant.

On time with her order, Berserker let out an animalistic roar and with no hesitation launched himself at the group.

"Archer, get some distance and try and attack when you find an opportunity" Rin ordered her Servant. In terms of pure power she could see the startling difference between Saber and Berserker, she could only hope that Saber's sword skills could make up for the difference in power.

Adam was a bit annoyed that he was seen as a threat to neither Berserker nor Illyasviel. He let it go considering he was thinking of ideas to separate the grail from her without killing her. While he didn't have a problem with simply killing her and taking the grail he still felt a bit of pity for her. If it was anyone else with different circumstances than Illya, he wouldn't have hesitated. But he could relate to what she had gone through and so he wanted to give her a chance to live without being forced to fight as a tool for someone else.

Adam watched Saber struggle against Berserker's ferocious blows, being pushed back further and further into the forest. He could also see Illya enjoying Berserker overpowering Saber. 'Is that really what makes her happy?' Adam thought to himself. He could only imagine how many homunculi had been made and discarded only for winning something as stupid as the holy grail war.

"If you ever have any thoughts of fighting me then remember what you're about to see," Adam said as he looked at Rin and Shirou but was actually talking to Archer. Unbothered by the huge pieces of debris flying at him, Adam took his time walking towards Saber and Berserker. Adam went from wearing his normal clothes to being covered in metallic black armor in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the armor, everyone felt a sense of existential dread, almost as if the armor was in charge of whether they lived or died.

Even with his reason lost by the mad enhancement skill; Berserker was still able to recognize Adam as the most dangerous person in the vicinity. Because of the lack of reason, Berserker decided to attack him. Even with the smallest reason, he would have concluded that retreating with Illya would have been the best course of action.

With no hesitation in his decisions, Berserker leaped at Adam, and with all his might he brought down his axe on Adam's shoulder with what seemed to everyone else as an unstoppable force. However, to everyone's surprise, all the momentum from the axe came to a halt as soon as it connected with the armor. Only a shockwave, with Adam as the origin, was made, pushing everyone away from both of them.

Unaffected by the attack, Adam breached Berserker's defenses and before he had time to react, punched him in the stomach. Once the blow connected an air current ripped apart Berserker's stomach, dropping him to his knees as it continued in a straight path obliterating everything in its way.

Unfazed by Berserker's current situation Illya continued to observe with a proud, almost arrogant, expression. "If you think killing him, once will make you the winner you're incredibly wrong Mister," she said, amused at the thought Adam believed he had won.

"Hahaha" Adam burst out laughing, he couldn't believe how strongly Illya wanted to believe Berserker was unstoppable. Finishing his laugh, Adam looked at Illya, "That's where you're wrong little girl. If I was able to kill him so effortlessly it means he was too weak of a challenge, he's useless to me " Adam coldly stated, emphasizing the word 'useless'.

Offended by his words, Illya's face changed from its unbothered state to that of anger. Which to Adam only looked like a little girl throwing a tantrum. "Berserker is not weak, he's the strongest, stronger than you, stronger than anyone" she shouted at Adam.

"I bet he is," Adam sarcastically agreed with her. Turning his head down, towards Berserker. He inspected the injuries he had received and how they all disappeared going back to their original state. Boldly looking at him in the eyes, Adam's voice rang out filled with authority, "Get up" he ordered.

Saber was watching everything take place and was immediately able to compare Adam's tone to that of other Kings she had encountered during her lifetime. She decided to bring that up to Adam when she had a chance.

Almost as if that was what he was waiting for, Berserker's body started to emanate steam, resurrecting what was his lifeless corpse, back to life.

Knowing exactly what Illya wanted, he didn't wait for any orders from her and with more vigor than before began to attack Adam.

While very disappointed by Berserker's strength, he couldn't help but admire how much Berserker was doing to live up to Illya's ideal. If he had to challenge someone that was so far out of his league, Adam would avoid fighting head-on and use his wits to come out victorious. Even with his mad enhancement skill active, Berserker still upheld the same ideals he did when he was alive.

Using his hands to parry every blow, Adam ascertained that his armor fit him so perfectly that it felt like he wasn't wearing it. There were no times where his movements felt awkward or the armor got in the way, he had yet to feel uncomfortable wearing it.

Each blow that was blocked by Adam created small shockwaves that made everyone stare in bewilderment at both of them fighting.

Rin was no exception to this either, even if she had known Adam for the longest out of everyone that was currently watching. She had never seen him fight, sure she knew he must've been powerful for a human, but what she was seeing was more than what she had ever imagined. The worst part about it was that he was fighting with a handicap. Since the day he moved in next to her, she performed a background search on him to the best of her abilities. It wasn't because she wanted to find more information about him for herself, she was just curious. And what she found was that he was said to be a genius in all fields, weapons included, there were hundreds of articles online comparing him to every single genius that has ever existed. Yet right now he was fighting the strongest servant barehanded while having fun.

Dodging a strike heading towards his head by crouching down, Adam quickly swept Berserker off of the ground. Before Berserker even touched the ground, Adam was already above him, with his heel heading towards his head, faster than Berserker's eyes could keep up.

The kick's power was so overwhelming that it created a large crater under Berserker, sending him to the deepest point. Clouds of dust and dirt covered the area for a couple of seconds, but it was only a matter of time before Adam jumped out of the crater, completely unharmed. The only difference was that he was no longer wearing his armor, a clear signal that he had lost interest in the fight.

Illya was the most shocked out of everyone, how could Berserker be bested twice in the category that he should have been unrivaled in.

"No" she tried convincing herself that what she was seeing was a lie. Tears began to form around her eyes as she cried out to Berserker.

Adam didn't say anything, he just watched with pity as she tried convincing herself.

Her tears had apparently acted as a signal for Berserker.

"WATCH OUT" Adam heard someone yell at him. Turning around as fast as he could, he could only make out an infuriated Berserker before he was sent flying towards the side of a hill.

Colliding with the hill, massive chunks of dirt were sent flying in all directions.

Saber wanted to go and make sure Adam was still alive but as she looked around she noticed no one else was moving. "What are you doing standing still, is he not your friend, Rin?" she angrily questioned.

Rin was too shocked to do anything, while she knew he should be alright, she couldn't help but still be worried. The mental struggle over it was so strong, she couldn't get her mind to choose whether to go and help him or stay where she was.

Giving her the answer she desperately needed, Adam emerged from the side of the hill with no evidence on his body of ever being hit. The only reason they could tell he had actually been hit was the giant gash on his shirt that exposed his skin. "I apologize for that, I didn't mean for her to cry" he apologized to Berserker. But as one would think he didn't get a response from him.

Looking at Berserker's angered state, Adam decided it was time for him to do what he actually needed to do. He began walking in Illya's direction to have a conversation with her but looking at her current appearance he realized it would take a while for him to get his point across so he needed to separate her and Berserker for only a couple of minutes.

Turning to Berserker, Adam's head began racing with different plans on how to separate the two. He could teleport him to a random location on Earth but that could have severe backlash if he were to be spotted. Another option was to send him to a secluded place but he wasn't sure what Berserker would do if he was to be completely separated from Illya. Finally concluding sending him as far as possible with an attack that would kill him and teleporting in the forest with Illya. But he also needed to send everyone else out of the area or else they would never stand a chance against an angered Berserker.

Looking in his direction, Adam took out one of the many swords in his possession. Readying himself for Berserker's attack, it was a simple task for him to avoid being hit.

Pivoting off of his right foot he moved out of the way as the stone axe cut off a few of his hairs. He jumped away to gain some distance and to get ready to attack.

Looking at Berserker's eyes, Adam could tell he wasn't going to let them retreat, as long as he knew where they were.

"Do any of you have an issue with teleporting to my house? No? Alright" Adam asked but didn't wait for their confirmation. "Ready Ushiwakamaru?" Adam asked her.

She had no idea why her Master wanted to separate the two, but she didn't question his decisions "Of course".

Wanting to distract Berserker from everyone else he had an idea. Looking up at the empty sky, Adam began infusing his mana into the air as he continued to dodge all of Berserker's attacks. Not too long after, clouds started forming on top of them. The winds began increasing in speed, they began only strong enough to move the leaves in the trees ever so slightly. But they didn't stop there, quickly speeding up, the winds began to move small objects and they continued to increase in speed. Soon, everyone found themselves struggling to stay in one place. The winds were their least of their worries as the quietness of the night was destroyed by ear-shattering thunder. Looking around, they were given a spectacle as multiple lighting strikes danced around them with the thunder after them acting as the orchestra behind their every movement. The lighting distracted them from what Adam was actually doing. Once he was done with his preparations, they only had a fraction of a second to react to it.

A loud shriek resounded in the entire area from the skies as a large dragon-like lightning bolt flew through the skies, moving as if it was alive. It eventually hit Berserker, with him taking it head-on. Once they touched, a light that could be confused as a second sun blinded everyone.

Squinting their eyes to avoid being blinded, everyone struggled to regain their vision once the light had vanished, but as their surroundings began to clear up they found themselves in a lavishly decorated living room with four girls staring at them.

"I didn't know you were going to bring people here," Mikasa said to Adam but was confused when she couldn't find him.

"Do not worry Mikasa, Master is completely fine, he had to do one more errand" Ushiwakamaru said to her in order to calm down any worries she had.

"Is this Adam's house?" Saber questioned. "It looks fancy enough for a King to reside in," she added.

"This is without a doubt Adam's house, even though there are more people here than I remember" Rin answered her question.

"You guys should stay until Adam comes back," Mikasa told them.

"It's been a long day, I want to head home and rest," Rin replied to her, denying her request.

"Well, can you at least stay for dinner? I just finished making food" Asia said as she entered the living room. Looking at everyone with a hopeful expression.

RIn wanted to decline the offer, but she didn't want to decline the offer. Especially an offer from someone as kind as Asia. Sighing, she nodded her head.

Archer could only watch in amusement at his Master's internal conflict.

While having no real reason to eat, Saber was enchanted by the smell that was coming from the kitchen "I'll accept your invitation" she said to them.

"I guess It wouldn't hurt to stay for dinner," Rin replied, not wanting to be left out.

In the forest, Adam was currently sitting on top of one of the tallest trees in the area with Illya next to him as they looked at the mess of the atmosphere Adam had created.

"Are you going to kill me?" Illya questioned him.

"No, killing you was something I couldn't bring myself to do" he answered her question. "I have a question for you. Why are you fighting in this war?".

Even though she was confused, she still answered his question "I don't want to fight anymore, I don't want more Homunculi to be made only to be discarded like tools. I want the stupid holy grail to stop" she answered. "Why can't you kill me?" she asked him.

"You probably won't believe me but you and I are quite alike. I can tell you've been experimented on and directed multiple times in order to become the best host for the lesser grail. And what I'm going to tell you is something really personal so can you keep it a secret?" he asked her.

Curious as to what he was going to say she readily agreed even if she wasn't going to keep it a secret depending on the circumstances.

"I was once experimented on, every single hour of the day, not a single day passed where I could do anything I enjoyed. They opened me up to try and find the secrets of how my body worked, even after thousands of failed tests they never gave up. There were even some that enjoyed what they were doing, but once I managed to gain the freedom to do what I wanted, I've been able to do things I enjoy whenever I want, I'm the only one who chooses what I do. Is that not what you want as well? To be able to do things girls your age do, like going to school, making friends?" Adam started listing off Ideas he would sometimes imagine having.

Everything that was being told to her was what she once imagined doing before the Einzbern family began training her in preparation for the war. "I have to win, or else they won't stop suffering," she said, as she thought of the Homunculi who would be made in order for the Einzbern family to finally succeed in winning the Holy Grail War.

"I'll protect you and all of them from anyone who has any evil intentions. I was planning on getting rid of all the families that participate in the Heaven's Feel ritual. They have all lost the original goals they had set for themselves. Don't worry I'll make sure no one can hurt you. I'll find a way to solve the problems you and the other Homunculi have with your lifespans. So how about an alliance for now? " Adam said as he extended out his hand towards her, making her flinch.

Not sure what to do, she remembered seeing the bodies of the discarded homunculi and how they had all accepted the fact that they would die without any purpose. Extending her small hands towards his, she shook her hand up and down.

Adam didn't think she would accept his deal so easily but he decided to trust the little girl.

Taking his hand he lifted it towards her head and began patting it. "Now that that's done, I'll head back home. Once I finish the Matou family and the Einzbern family, I'll come back to pick you up" he told her as he took his hand off her head.

"You'll come back right?" she depressingly asked, remembering the same promise Kiritsugu had made to her.

"Of course, I will, there's no one on this planet that would be able to stop me" Adam joked. Picking her up and sitting her on his shoulders he teleported to the outside of the Einzbern castle. Placing her back down, he gave his farewells, "Alright then, stay safe and don't overdo things. See you later Illya" he said, as he teleported to his house.

A couple of seconds later, Berserker landed on the ground near Illya looking all around him. "It's okay Berserker, he said he would help me," she told him but could see he wasn't sold on the idea. "It'll be fine," she told him but she herself wasn't too sure whether or not Adam would actually come through with what he said.

Adam appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the living room. He sensed the mana signatures from everyone that had been teleported here.

Walking into the dining room he saw that everyone was currently eating. But besides a couple of them, everyone else was deadly quiet creating an awkward atmosphere that Adam had no qualms destroying. "You guys stayed for dinner? Isn't that very friendly of you? '' he joked to them.

Having many questions she needed answering, Rin started with the most important one "Who is that woman with gray hair, and what happened to all of you since the last time I was here?" she asked him, needing answers to the questions immediately. The woman with gray hair made her feel insecure about things she would never mention.

"Her name is Rossweisse, and nothing happened to us. We are the same as we were before. Any more stupid questions?" Adam answered her idiotic questions.

"They're not stupid," Rin replied to him.

"What do you mean nothing happened Adam? We all started dating, didn't we?" Xenovia interrupted their conversation.

"Oh yeah, that happened. I don't think that's what she meant though" Adam replied to Xenovia.

"You started dating all of them?" she asked with an unperturbed tone, but everyone could see the anger on her face as her eyebrows twitched uncontrollably.

"Oh no, I'm not in a relationship with Adam, we just met" Rossweisse tried de-escalating the situation but her attempt was naught, as Rin's expression didn't change at all.

"So now you're dating any girl that wants you?" Rin was disgusted by what she was hearing.

"Don't be stupid, they just managed to corner me into accepting responsibility for the actions I took in the past" he clarified the situation for her.

'Couldn't I also use that excuse then?' she thought to herself but her face turned the same color as a tomato as soon as she realized the implication her words had.

"Don't call me stupid, you're the stupid one getting corned into being in a relationship[ with multiple girls" she yelled at him with the only thing she could think of.

'Master, you're being read like a book' Archer told her.

'Ahhhh Shut up!' she told him out of embarrassment.

'This is what I get for trying to be nice' he thought to himself.

"This is the first time I've seen Tohsaka with that expression" Shirou added but was shut up by an angry glare from Rin.

"We can talk about that some other time if you want, right now I want to know if you guys are going to stay over or heading home for the night," Adam asked the other two people in the room.

Shirou was already tired of all the events that had happened today so he decided to trust Adam since he seemed like a nice person. "We'll take any spare rooms you have for the night," he said, accepting Adam's request.

"Okay then, Mikasa can yo-you show them an empty room," Adam asked Mikasa with a smile.

Everyone noticed how Adam had stuttered but simply thought of it as something that happens to everyone except Mikasa who had never once heard Adam mix up his words or stutter. Looking at him suspiciously, she couldn't find anything wrong so she quit worrying about it. "Fine, follow me there's enough space to house hundreds of people," she told them as she began walking towards the seemingly never-ending hallways.

Once she had left with both of them Adam could think about what had just happened. He had been forcefully teleported by a summoning circle to God knows where for a fraction of a second before teleporting back to the house.

"What about you Rin?" he asked the last remaining guests.

"You guys don't sleep together right?" she once again asked an unrelated question.

"I wish that was the case, but unfortunately they all make their way into my room in the night" he answered her question with an answer that would make any other guy want to kill him.

"T-then you guys don't do anything like.... sex?" she said as her voice became quieter and quieter.

"No," Adam plainly stated. He really didn't know why she was so interested in what they did in their free time.

"Then I'll have to watch over you guys so you don't do anything weird to them" she came up with an excuse to get into his room.

"I don't need another overseer that watches me in my sleep" Adam answered with an annoyed tone as he moved his eyes towards Rossweisse, who was oblivious to what he was talking about, yet she shyly looked away from him.

"Can you take Rin home?" Adam asked Archer.

"What she does isn't my problem, she made it clear that she was the Master of our relationship" he answered him uninterested in what Rin decided to do with him.

"You know what? You can do what you want, I'll be sleeping regardless of what you do," he said to her.

"Eh?" she let out an audible noise from her confusion. Why did he let her sleep with them? Was he perhaps interested in her and wanted to do something while she slept? Various thoughts came flooding to her mind but they were stopped by a voice.

'Don't get your hopes up Master, he probably just didn't want to argue over such a small thing with you' Archer shut down all of her possible reasons.

Heading to his room, everyone else followed him in a line. He didn't know why he didn't just place a barrier around his room to prevent them from entering. Entering the shower he quickly washed himself. Having nothing else to do, he laid down on his bed and relaxed but not too long after, everyone else entered his room and found their places on Adam's bed.

Rin had borrowed sleepwear from Asia since everyone else's clothes were embarrassingly too big for her. Even though she didn't want Adam to stare at her, she still felt quite vexed at being ignored by him even though it was the first time she let a boy see her like that.

Mikasa, seeing Rin's conflicting feelings in full action, jabbed Adam in the stomach with her hand and then proceeded to look at Rin, who was standing in front of the door nervously making her way towards them, and then back at him in an attempt to convert her message without having to say it.

'Why is she helping her?' Adam questioned Mikasa's decisions. "You look cute Rin," Adam said with a monotone voice.

The tone of his voice was completely ignored by Rin's ears that only picked up what he said. "Don't look at me you pervert, I only came here to make sure you don't do anything, alright?" she clarified herself.

"Yeah, yeah, I know" Adam replied with the only answer that wouldn't make her say anything else.

With a flick of his finger; the lights turned off, and with another flick, warm and incredibly comfortable blankets appeared out of thin air. One for each one.

Adam managed to fall asleep in a matter of seconds, leaving the rest of the girls to stare at his sleeping face until they all fell asleep one by one.

A/N: Well, I decided to finish this chapter and not do my Physics test, so I'll worry about that tomorrow. Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'll get to working on more chapters when I catch up on all my missing assignments.

See ya~

Next chapter