
Chapter 1

Alarms shrieked loudly, breaking the silence of the early morning. The sun peeked over the horizon, casting reddish hues over everything, blending into the blood that splattered the ground.

"Code red…"

"Evacuate! Retrieve the documen-"

Screams drowned out the alarms, filling the air with a new sense of horror. Bodies, previously dead, rose again…until the only thing left on the ground were dismantled body parts and blood that dyed the land crimson.

The alarms faded into silence as the sun rose ever higher, as if its rays of light could wash away everything that was tainted.

The apocalypse had begun.

—5 hours earlier—

Tap tap. Footsteps echoed down a long, narrow hallway. Lights flickered, the bulbs yellow and old.

A woman looked from side to side, hesitant and nervous. Her garments were that of a nurses, but the shoddy environment didn't fit the sterile environment that a nurse should work in.

Head lowered, she walked at a brisk pace, holding an infant in her arms tightly.

"Hazel!" A voice called as she turned the corner.

She flinched, and turned, head still lowered. The newcomer eyes her up suspiciously. Where are you taking Subject 004?

"She has a name," Hazel hissed, before looking around nervously. "And keep your voice down before we get caught."

"We? Hazel, you've already been caught. By me."

"Yes, but I-" she clutched the child tighter to her chest. "I'm begging you. This isn't right. I need you to pretend like you never saw me."

The newcomer shook her head, "Likewise, I am begging you. Don't give up your life for something you barely know. I'll distract the others, so return 004 before it's too late." She turned, hurriedly rushing in the opposite direction.

Hazel stood in her place, head still lowered. "Thing?" She mumbled, "Soleil isn't a thing." Louder this time, she spoke, "don't you worry. I'll get you out of here. No matter the cost."

A glint in her eyes, Hazel made her way through the building. Slowly, ever so slowly, she approached the "restricted area."

—Years Later—

Shivering from the biting cold, Soleil tightened her grip on a rusty knife. 'I have to find food,' she thought to herself. 'They're waiting for me.'

Her thin clothes did nothing to protect her in the sub-zero degree weather, and Soleil could feel herself getting lightheaded. Soleil lightly slapped her cheek in an attempt to wake up, a futile effort as she could no longer feel the muscles in her face.

Shaking her head, Soleil glanced at the store buildings she had checked over a dozen times that week before preparing to enter them again.

'Maybe I missed something,' Soleil thought hopefully. 'Maybe there's a secret storage room with shelves and shelves of food!'

Oftentimes she realized that optimism led to more disappointment. Even so, she couldn't bring herself to venture further out. It was prohibited.

Once again, Soleil found herself hopefully scanning the empty shelves of a small grocery store. Dragging over a small step stool, Soleil peered up at the uppermost shelves. 'Nothing. What did I expect? We won't get to eat anything today either.' She had long since gotten used to going days without a bite to eat. 'How long has it been, I wonder. How long since our last meal?'

A deep rumbling growl woke Soleil from her thoughts. Alert, she scanned the room.

Tuk. Tuk. Soleil spun around, holding her knife in her hands. Through the dim lighting, Soleil could barely make out a twisted humanoid figure. Tuk. Tuk. Its heavy, limping steps slowly brought it towards her.

Anomalies. Once, they could also have been considered human. Willingly or not, they underwent a complete genetic modification. A method to immortality, something that has never ended well for those called mortals.

Those scientists broke the laws of the word in order to create a being that would never die, yet could never figure out how to make anything more than a monster. The Institute was enraptured by these seemingly immortal specimens, yet that curiosity would be their downfall.

In some freak accident, the monsters broke free from the Institute. Fearing government retaliation to their crimes, the Institute hid away as they attempted to retrieve their subjects.

But the damage had already been done. Not only could they recover from lethal wounds as long as their head was connected to their body, they spread through the human population like the plague. Any contact with the Anomalies had a chance of altering human cells. It would spread through the body like cancer and reduce its victim to a walking corpse.

In a desperate, last-ditch attempt to save humanity, the information on the research project was published, resulting in the current abysmally small population just 5 years later.

Soleil took a deep breath, a ruthless gaze shining in her eyes. Swinging her knife, she buried the blade deep into the Anomaly's neck. Gripping the hilt with both hands, Soleil wrenched it out before leaping a few steps away.

The creature's head wobbled as it continued to shuffle towards her. The damage Soleil had done was not negligible. The Anomaly had already begun to show signs of stiffness.

'There isn't much space to fight in here,' Soleil thought, slashing her knife at it once again.

Another growl sounded out, accompanied by the pitter-patter of footsteps. 'What?' Soleil thought, spinning around. 'Another one!'

The second was almost fully intact, save for the rotting flesh peeling off it. Soleil swung her knife once more, severing the head of the first Anomaly completely. At the same time, the other leapt towards her, slashing at her with its claws.

Soleil twisted her body to the side yet the zombie's claws still left deep scratch marks on her wrist. 'Grandma's gonna be mad again…' Soleil thought wryly.

Quickly dodging another slash, Soleil waved her knife, the blade accurately hitting the Anomaly's neck. Soleil tugged at the hilt, realizing the knife was stuck.

The Anomaly reached out both its hands, preparing to deal a lethal blow. Never loosening her grip on the knife, Soliel jumped up and kicked the zombie's stomach. Soleil yanked the knife from its neck.

Its filthy, grime covered hands reached towards her in a futile, last ditch attempt.

Soleil moved her head slightly as she easily evaded the attack. A few strands of white hair were severed from her head.

Stumbling, it fell to the floor. Soleil quickly severed the Anomaly's head, kicking it across the floor.

Soleil quickly turned to the first creature and kicked its head far from the body as well.

'Their bodies should rot into an unhealable state in a few weeks. Until then, I won't be stepping foot here.' Soleil thought as she brushed a hand through her hair.

Soleil peered at the snowy white strands of hair falling through her fingers. She knew she was different, and she hated it.

The bland, white color resembling the frosty snow, ever present and a reminder of the barren conditions they lived in.

With a small sigh, she walked out of the store, locking the door behind her. Looking up at the darkening sky, Soleil mumbled, "It's already so late. I should head back."

Soleil trudged dejectedly through the frozen wasteland, following the familiar path back towards 'home.' Walking up to a small house, Soleil knocked on the door.

"Soso! You're back!" The door of the house burst open, leaving Soleil face to face with a small four-year-old boy.

"Mhm," Soleil replied.

Tap. Tap. Slow footsteps slowly drew closer. "Soleil! Thank god you're back-" The words cut off. "What happened to your wrist? Didn't I tell you to be careful?"

"Grandma! You should be in bed," Soleil fretted, bright amber eyes wrought with worry. "And it's not that serious. Just a scratch."

Soleil led the elderly lady deeper into the house while the boy, Alyx carefully shut and bolted the door.

"Let me get the bandages. Even though you won't turn, I don't want to risk an infection."

"I'll be fine," Soleil assured, "I suppose the only good thing that comes with being one of them is not getting ill."

"You shouldn't say such things. Someone is always listening, alright? I assure you, those research facilities down South would love to get their hands on you."

"Not like you'd let your only granddaughter get experimented on."

The elderly woman paused.

"Soleil, I hate to say this, but…you should take Alyx and go to the Southern Fortress. I'm sure they'll accept you two. After all, children are valuable in the apocalypse. As long as you two take care and don't expose yourselves, you and Alyx can have a peaceful life."

Soleil paused, "Al is still too young to travel that far and my strange appearance would raise their suspicions. Not to mention, we would never be able to leave you behind."

Alyx ran into the room, climbing onto the couch and giving both of them a hug. "That's right! We won't leave you, grandma."

She sighed, carefully binding Soleil's wrist with a bandage. "You two are still children. Especially you, Soleil. You shouldn't have to be out there foraging for food every day."

"I don't mind it," Soleil argued. "If it means we can stay together, I'd do anything."

"I won't be here forever. I'd rather you leave me behind rather than see me die."

Soleil huffed, "We're going to spend every last day together until we can't."

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