
Bleach: Twin Suns

(NOTICE: As the lead category is meant for the target audience, this fic has been changed to the Male Lead category despite its Female MC to better fit its target audience) After a violent death, Chiaki Takahashi was reborn as Chiaki Kurosaki, Ichigo’s twin sister, and thrust into a difficult situation. As it turns out, living your favorite manga is a lot harder than reading it, and Chiaki may find very soon that things could go off the rails if she’s not careful. Whether she wants it or not, she may find that for the world of spirits, she may have no choice but to act as the world’s second light of hope, and she’ll need more than snappy retorts to survive it. Schedule: Fluctuates: there’s no set release schedule, but at the very least, a chapter will be released every Sunday (CST).

AdzukiProductions · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Eternal Goodbyes

Chiaki's body shook slightly with exertion as she focused her power, hands outstretched in front of her as if holding a ball as she tried to get a handle on her reiatsu. Admittedly, she was still trying to get the specifics of reiatsu release down. A lot of the process was subconscious, and she hadn't quite grasped all the mechanisms. Without her power fully awakened, she had been, for the most part, stuck in the bare minimum output except for dangerous situations, something further hampered by her human body. Still, it shouldn't have been this difficult…

"Maybe I'm overthinking this…"

Chiaki realized her reiatsu may have been stymied by her own actions, overcomplicating what should have been a simple process by trying to overanalyze its mechanics. Maybe… Chiaki needed to try and get the fundamentals down before trying to perfect the flow and efficiency of her techniques.

Realizing this, Chiaki decided to try relaxing in order to draw out her natural strength. Lowering her hands. Chiaki relaxed her body to the utmost. Before, Reikaku had required her utmost effort to use, as she focused on the external. But now, focusing on the internal to grasp the flow of reiatsu in her own body, she needed to cut away the distractions that disturbed the spiritual. This time, Chiaki simply focused on her spiritual power in the same way she did with her Burst Blade, letting it flow out in its natural pathway first. Only then, she began to will her power outward, pressure mounting as more and more energy was released.

Suddenly, entirely unbidden by Chiaki herself, something seemed to form in her hand, a solid shape that pushed her fingers apart as it swelled. Looking down, Chiaki saw a flickering blue, slowly becoming more and more solid with every flash. After a few moments, it finally seemed to finish, though it still seemed to be unstable. Despite that, it was clearly identifiable as a sword, actually looking fairly similar to her Burst Blade technique, a mix of energy and semi-solid reishi that was halfway between a blade and a blast.

[A spirit weapon! Looks like I drew out more of my natural power than expected…]

Chiaki felt a little more confident since her Quincy powers had awakened a bit more, even if that might make her more of a target.. oh well. She could deal with those issues as they came. Besides, it was better to have it as an option, even if she might have to keep it hidden. Besides, Chad couldn't see it yet, so he wouldn't be able to say anything about her spiritual power that might tip anyone off.

Suddenly, Chiaki became acutely aware of her surroundings; she'd successfully released her power, more power than she'd expected, and that meant that her attempt at creating a beacon of spiritual pressure had been accurately successful. She'd moved her location to the abandoned warehouse nearby to ensure she had the most favorable location possible, but the hollow could manifest somewhere around her at any moment. Instinctively, Chiaki tensed up in preparation for a fight, ready for any curveballs that the monster might throw at her.

"Why don't you just come out already? I've already shown you a buffet of spiritual power right here."

Right on cue, a distortion appeared in the air above the warehouse floor. In the middle of the cluttered tools and materials which surrounded them like a gladiatorial arena (though Chiaki felt more like a sacrifice in a ritual circle though). One clawed hand pulled its way through, grasping at anything it could find until it found purchase on the ground. Then, like an undead corpse crawling its way out of the ground, the hollow began dragging itself out of the tear in reality, clawed hands giving way to its demonic grinning mask, overjoyed to be able to commit violence in the human world once again, it's eyes fixated fully on Chiaki.

"Mmm… That's a wonderful scent. Are you the one with such delicious spiritual pressure? It's got such a delectable aura to it, it's so sweet it almost makes me sick!"

Chiaki's expression didn't change, even as the most dangerous hollow yet manifested in front of her. She needed to be calm and composed, and make her target doubt himself, or else she'd lose her advantage.

"If you came here, then you know it's my spiritual pressure already. If you're so unsure, why don't you come here and taste it for yourself?"

This prompted a low chuckle from the hollow, and Chiaki couldn't help but feel disgusted. Here was a creature that enjoyed the life of a hollow, with no regrets at all. She wondered if he had even had people close to him to eat: a monster like him probably didn't have attachments enough and went straight to killing. As his laughter died down though, his eyes were instead filled with an incredible hunger, and Chiaki could imagine him licking his lips in anticipation as he crept closer.

"You're really confident, aren't you girly? The shinigami I ate right beforehand were the same way though. They all thought they had everything figured out, hehe…"

Without any warning, Shrieker's skin writhed as tiny creatures appeared from his back like worms: Shrieker's targets coming out in full force, now spitting leeches like bullets. Chiaki instantly went into action, moving forwards with her blade blocking a swathe of leeches and sending them back into Shrieker with its bursting power, dodging most of the rest as some made their way into her left arm. Of course, that was well within her plans, and Chiaki was already upon Shrieker, before he even had a chance to click his tongue, driving her blade through his shoulder as her free hand grabbed the massive creature's throat and squeezed, Shrieker living up to his name as her grip tightened with strength that was outright inhuman.

"You've never had someone get close while you fired at them, have you? Your big body blocks a lot of the potential angles for shooting leeches, and you can't risk getting caught in the explosion. Take off my arm with your bombs, and your head goes with it. Too bad. You left the bird, the one person who's seen all your tricks with me, and now he's become my lure, not yours."


Shrieker's facade of confidence melted away as his own trap was turned against him, and trying to escape, Shrieker unfurled his wings and began beating furiously at the air, trying to escape her grip and put some distance between them: it was exactly the opening that Chiaki had been waiting for.

"Chad, now!"

The boxes and tools nearby were suddenly sent flying by an incredible amount of force, smashing into the hollow as he tried to escape, and knocking him back down. From the commotion, Chad erupted from his hiding spot behind the boxes they'd placed down, and guided by Chiaki's speech and the blade of her sword, jumped on top of the hollow and held him down to the ground with his massive strength. Chiaki wasted no time in taking the opening, and tearing her sword from the hollow's shoulder, sliced off Shrieker's tongue, and his lower jaw along with it, his muffled screams becoming unintelligible as it was ripped off his face.

"Not nice to be on the other end of the fence, is it?"

Chiaki exhaled in relief as her plan came to fruition, Chad holding down the now crippled Hollow as she raised her blade for one more stroke, raising the Quincy weapon which would erase his soul. It was a fate that was too good for him, a soul destined for Hell, but she only cared that he would no longer be able to do evil again.

"Yūichi sends his regards."

With that, Chiaki's blade cleaved downwards through Shrieker's skull, the name of the bird who had doomed him being the last thing he'd ever hear. As the hollow mask was cleaved in two, Shrieker's body disappeared along with it, being completely and utterly wiped from the world. After a few moments, there was no trace of the serial killer having ever existed at all.

"Is it… over?"

Chad pulled himself up as the monster he'd been holding disappeared into nothingness, feeling what he couldn't see. He seemed almost unsure, as if he couldn't believe the nightmare was finally over. Chiaki nodded the blade in her hand demanifesting.

"He's gone now, maybe forever. You did well though, not many people would have been able to keep their cool fighting an invisible enemy."

"That was so cool!" Yūichi chirped from within his cage, which Chiaki couldn't help but chuckle at.

"You saw all that?"

Yūichi hopped up and down in his cage, excited at the sight of Chad and Chiaki finishing off his tormentor, almost bursting out of his cage.

"Not all of it, but after Chad knocked down the crates and stuff, I could see what happened. You're really cool, miss!"

Chiaki couldn't help but crack a smile at seeing the bird happy. After all… he only had a little while longer to stay in this world.


The three sat down for a while, exchanging jokes and quips; Chiaki had informed them that Ichigo would probably want to see how they were doing after having sensed the scuffle and the rise in reiatsu at the location, so they decided it would be best to wait for his arrival here. Eventually, Chiaki's prediction was proved right when Ichigo came dashing into the scene, sword drawn and shinigami attire on full display as he looked around frantically for the group.

"Chiaki! Chad! Are you alright?"

Chiaki stifled a laugh at Ichigo's expense as she pulled herself to her feet, waving over at her brother to get his attention.

"We're ok, don't worry! I dealt with the hollow all on my own, and everyone else is more or less alright."

Ichigo blinked for a moment, processing the fact that he wasn't needed, before groaning and putting away his blade. Though he had a bit of a sour look on his face, it was clear his relief no one died outweighed his frustration at not being needed though. Ichigo looked over at Chad, shaking his head.

"That was reckless, you know?"

Chad squinted at the area where Ichigo's voice had come from. Evidently, his own spiritual potential hadn't been realized enough to fully see the shinigami, but he could at least hear a faint presence.

"Ichigo? Is that you? Chiaki said you were the one she was talking about, but it's hard to tell I'm not really good with ghosts."

Chiaki nodded her affirmation, before interjecting to help Chad understand by talking for Ichigo:

"He's just saying that you shouldn't have run off, but it's fine. You didn't know we could help is all."

"'He didn't know' my ass, everyone knows I can talk to ghosts. Least he could have done was ask."

Chiaki elbowed Ichigo in the ribs, leaving Chad a little bewildered, but Chiaki decided it was better to just move on from that conversation.

"So! Now that's out of the way… Rukia showed you how to send normal spirits to Soul Society, right?"

Ichigo shot her a look as he rubbed his bruised ribs, but he nodded in affirmation.

"Yeah. She told me about the Konso ritual right before I left, since she knew I'd need it for the bird. Alright… Well…"

Chiaki nodded, understanding what he meant. Twin telepathy was in full effect it seemed.

"It's time to say your goodbyes. It's been nice Yūichi, but you shouldn't keep your mother waiting."

"Aw, thanks Chiaki! Don't worry, I'll be there as soon as I can. I miss her so much…"

Chad sighed deeply, kneeling down to the bird cage to speak with Yūichi. Chiaki almost thought she could see the barest trace of tears in his eyes, but they quickly disappeared. She understood though; he'd become much closer to the spirit than anyone else had.

"I'm going to miss you, little buddy. It was nice to be around you, even if it was dangerous sometimes. If we ever see each other again, I'll make sure to carry you around again, alright?"

The bird nodded its tiny head, and Chiaki swore she could almost see a smile. Ichigo nodded, before raising his sword.

"Alright, this is it. Don't keep your mom waiting for you any longer, alright?"

Yūichi nodded, and with that, Ichigo tapped his sword against the bird lightly. Slowly, a white mist seemed to float out of the bird, before forming into a young boy, who smiled and waved.

"Bye now! I hope one day we can play again!"

Chiaki grinned and waved back, and to her surprise, Chad did as well, gaining just a bit of sight of his friend in those last few moments. Then, in a flash, Yūichi was gone, leaving only the sound of the rustling wind and insects in the night.

Really enjoyed writing this one. If you're looking to support or just have suggestions, please leave a review and I'll see what I can do :)

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