
Bleach: the shades of darkness

Someone from our world reincarnates 600 years before canon in bleach,follow along as he explores the world of bleach enjoying his life as well as staying low-key to avoid Aizen and yhwa-bach All characters and story or owned by the companies who own bleach the only character I own is my character and my oc;s

Theshadowveil7 · Anime & Comics
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 Chapter 4: Rising Through the Ranks and the First Kenpachi

Yami's first few years in Division 4 were marked by an unwavering dedication to his craft and an insatiable curiosity for Kidō and healing techniques. His commitment did not go unnoticed, and he quickly rose through the ranks, earning the respect of his peers and superiors alike. Despite his desire to remain under the radar, Yami's abilities were too great to stay hidden forever. By his third year, he was already being recognized as one of the most promising Shinigami in the division, and by his fifth year, he had ascended to the rank of 5th Seat.

Division 4 was a unique place, its members dedicated to the art of healing and support rather than direct combat. However, Yami's skills in Zanjutsu and Kidō set him apart, and his colleagues often marveled at his proficiency. Yami, however, remained humble, continuing to push himself harder each day, both in his official duties and in his secret training sessions. 

Despite his growing power and skill, one thought lingered in the back of Yami's mind: the lack of progress with his Zanpakutō. His attempts to communicate with the spirit within had been met with silence, and it was a source of great frustration for him. This frustration was only compounded by the feeling that he was nearing a plateau in his training. Yami knew that in order to grow further, he would need to find a way to break through this barrier. 

It was during one of these contemplative moments that Yami first encountered Captain Retsu Unohana. As one of the most respected captains in the Gotei 13, Unohana's reputation as a healer was well known. However, he knew of her darker past, a legacy of blood and death that only a select few were privy to. 

Yami knows the truth but everyone else knows her as , Captain Unohana who is a healer, a gentle and composed figure who leads Division 4 with a calm and caring hand. However, the day he met her in person, he realized that the truth was far more terrifying than he could have imagined.


Yami had been summoned to Unohana's office, a place he had only visited once before. He was unsure of the reason for the summons but assumed it was related to his recent promotion. As he walked through the Division 4 barracks, he noticed the respectful nods of his fellow Shinigami, acknowledging his new rank. 

When he reached Unohana's office, he knocked lightly on the door and was promptly invited in. Unohana was seated behind her desk, her usual serene smile gracing her features. She gestured for Yami to sit, and he did so, feeling a slight unease in her presence that he couldn't quite place.

"Yami, congratulations on your promotion to 5th Seat," Unohana began, her voice soft and melodic. "You have shown great promise in your time here, and I expect even greater things from you in the future."

Yami bowed his head respectfully. "Thank you, Captain Unohana. I will do my best to live up to your expectations."

Unohana's smile widened slightly, but there was something in her eyes that made Yami's heart skip a beat. It was as if she were looking past his exterior, deep into the core of his being. For a brief moment, Yami felt a wave of suffocating pressure, an overwhelming sense of death and violence that made his blood run cold. 

In that instant, Yami understood why she was called the first Kenpachi. The aura of death that surrounded her was palpable, and it took every ounce of Yami's willpower to keep his composure. He instinctively reached for his Zanpakutō, clutching the hilt tightly as if to anchor himself in reality. The blade vibrated in response, sensing the danger that lurked beneath Unohana's calm exterior.

But just as suddenly as the pressure had appeared, it vanished. Unohana's smile remained, but the killing intent was gone, replaced by the gentle demeanor she was known for. She covered her mouth with one hand and chuckled softly, as if amused by Yami's reaction.

"Are you alright, Yami?" she asked, her tone light and teasing.

Yami took a deep breath, releasing his grip on his Zanpakutō. "Yes, Captain. I'm fine."

Unohana's eyes flickered to his blade, and she nodded approvingly. "You have a fine Zanpakutō. It seems to respond well to you."

Yami forced a smile, still trying to shake off the lingering sense of unease. "Thank you, Captain."

Unohana leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. "How are you finding life in Division 4? Is everything to your satisfaction? Do you have any questions?"

Yami hesitated for a moment, then decided to take the opportunity to ask about something that had been on his mind for some time. "Actually, Captain, I do have a question. I've been thinking about ways to further my training, and I had an idea… Would it be possible to create a Kidō that could temporarily seal or suppress my body's strength? Perhaps something like a gravity-based Kidō that would increase the strain on my body while I train?"

Unohana's eyes sparkled with interest. "That is a very intriguing idea, Yami. It is certainly plausible, though it would require a great deal of control and precision. I must admit, I've never heard of anyone attempting such a thing. I'd be happy to help you explore this possibility."

Yami felt a surge of excitement but quickly tempered it with caution. "Thank you, Captain. I appreciate your guidance."

Unohana's smile remained, but her eyes took on a more serious expression. "However, before we proceed, there is something I need to test. Will you follow me, Yami?"

Before Yami could fully process her words, Unohana vanished in a blur of motion, her Shunpo so fast that she seemed to disappear into thin air. Yami's eyes widened in shock, but he quickly composed himself and followed, using his own Shunpo to keep up with her. 

He had always been proud of his speed, but as he raced after Unohana, he realized just how far he still had to go. Her movements were impossibly fast, precise, and effortless. Despite his best efforts, Yami found himself struggling to keep pace. They moved through the Division 4 barracks and out into the open fields on the outskirts of the division, far from prying eyes.

Finally, Unohana came to a stop, and Yami skidded to a halt behind her, breathing heavily. Unohana turned to face him, her expression unreadable. "Your Shunpo is nearly as good as a captain's, Yami," she observed. "Why has someone with your talent not pursued a position as a lieutenant?"

Yami was taken aback by the compliment and the question , but before he could answer, Unohana raised her hand and began chanting a Kidō spell. A multi-layered barrier sprang up around them, sealing off the area from any outside interference. 

Yami watched in confusion as Unohana's demeanor shifted once again. The gentle smile faded, replaced by something far more ominous. She reached for her Zanpakutō, the blade gleaming in the dim light. 

"Captain Unohana…?" Yami began, but he was cut off as Unohana suddenly lunged at him, her blade arcing toward his neck with terrifying speed.

Instinct took over, and Yami drew his Zanpakutō just in time to block the attack. The force of the blow sent him staggering backward, his mind reeling from the sudden onslaught. Unohana's smile returned, but this time it was cold and predatory. Her killing intent flooded the area, suffocating Yami with its intensity.

"Well done, Yami," Unohana said, her voice laced with a dangerous edge. "I was curious to see how you would react under pressure. It seems you have more potential than even I anticipated."

Yami gritted his teeth, his heart pounding in his chest. He had heard the stories of Unohana's true nature, but experiencing it firsthand was another matter entirely. She was toying with him, testing him in a way that was both terrifying and exhilarating. 

Without warning, Unohana attacked again, her blade a blur of motion. Yami barely managed to parry the strike, his body moving on instinct as he struggled to keep up with her relentless assault. Every movement she made was calculated, every strike aimed with lethal precision. It was clear that she was holding back, but even so, Yami was quickly being overwhelmed.

Yami stood opposite Retsu Unohana, his breath coming in shallow gasps, his body screaming in protest from the wounds already inflicted. The serene captain stood before him, her usual gentle smile now replaced by a gaze so cold and calculating that it sent shivers down his spine. Her blade was poised, ready to strike at any moment, and Yami could feel the overwhelming killing intent radiating from her—a suffocating presence that seemed to fill the very air around them.

The battle resumed with a blur of motion, Unohana's Zanpakutō slicing through the air with deadly precision. Yami barely had time to react, his own blade rising to meet hers in a desperate attempt to block the incoming strike. The force of the impact reverberated through his body, nearly knocking him off his feet. But there was no time to recover—Unohana was relentless, her blade a blur as she followed up with a series of rapid, fluid strikes.

Yami struggled to keep up, his mind racing as he tried to anticipate her movements. But Unohana was a master of the blade, her attacks unpredictable and impossible to read. Each time Yami managed to block a strike, another one was already on its way, coming from a different angle with even greater force. Vertical slashes rained down on him, each one intended to split him in two. He parried desperately, his arms straining under the sheer power behind Unohana's attacks.

A diagonal slash came at him from the right, and Yami twisted his body to avoid it, the blade narrowly missing his side. But before he could even catch his breath, Unohana was already pivoting, her Zanpakutō arcing downward in a lethal vertical slash aimed at his head. Yami raised his blade just in time to deflect the blow, but the force of the impact sent him stumbling backward, his feet digging into the ground to keep his balance.

Despite his best efforts, Yami found himself constantly on the backfoot, barely managing to hold his own against the relentless onslaught. Unohana's movements were fluid and precise, each strike delivered with lethal intent. It was as if she were toying with him, testing his limits while holding back just enough to keep the battle going. But even holding back, she was a force of nature, a monster in the guise of a healer.

Another diagonal slash came from the left, and Yami barely managed to parry it, the edge of Unohana's blade grazing his shoulder and drawing a thin line of blood. The pain was sharp, but Yami gritted his teeth and forced himself to push through it. He couldn't afford to falter—not now, not in the face of such overwhelming power.

Unohana's smile grew wider, her eyes gleaming with a predatory light as she pressed the attack. "You're holding up better than I expected, Yami," she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "But you must know that this is far from my full strength. How much longer do you think you can last?"

Yami didn't respond, his focus entirely on the battle. Another vertical slash came down, and he sidestepped just in time, the blade cutting through the air with a sound like tearing silk. He countered with a horizontal slash of his own, but Unohana parried it effortlessly, her blade meeting his with a resounding clang.

Before Yami could recover, Unohana was already on the move again, her Zanpakutō a blur as she delivered a rapid series of diagonal and vertical slashes. Each strike was more powerful than the last, the force behind them enough to shatter bones if they connected. Yami blocked and dodged as best he could, but he could feel his strength waning, his movements growing sluggish as fatigue set in.

A particularly vicious diagonal slash caught Yami off guard, and he barely managed to deflect it, the blade grazing his side and leaving a deep gash in its wake. Blood soaked through his uniform, and Yami winced in pain, but he forced himself to stay on his feet. He couldn't afford to show weakness—not in front of someone like Unohana.

Despite his determination, Yami couldn't shake the feeling of being completely outmatched. Unohana was a monster, a true warrior whose power far exceeded his own. Every movement she made was precise and deliberate, her blade an extension of her will. She moved with a grace and fluidity that was both mesmerizing and terrifying, her strikes coming faster than Yami could keep up with.

Another vertical slash came down, and Yami raised his blade to block it, but the force behind the attack was too much. His Zanpakutō was driven downward, the blade cutting into the ground as Unohana's strike connected with his shoulder. The pain was excruciating, and Yami cried out as blood spurted from the wound, his vision momentarily blurring from the shock.

But there was no time to recover. Unohana was already on the move again, her blade flashing as she delivered another diagonal slash, this one aimed at Yami's midsection. Yami managed to twist his body just in time to avoid a fatal blow, but the blade still sliced through his side, leaving a deep, jagged wound. Blood poured from the gash, staining the ground beneath him.

Yami's breathing was ragged, his body trembling from the sheer amount of damage he had sustained. He knew he couldn't keep this up much longer—Unohana was simply too powerful, too skilled. Yet, despite the overwhelming odds, Yami refused to back down. He tightened his grip on his Zanpakutō, his eyes blazing with determination.

Unohana noticed the resolve in Yami's gaze and chuckled softly, her smile widening. "You're still standing… Impressive. But how much longer can you endure?"

Yami didn't answer, his focus entirely on the battle. He knew that this was a fight he couldn't win, but that didn't matter. He would keep fighting until his last breath, no matter how outmatched he was.

The battle raged on, with Unohana continuing her relentless assault. Vertical and diagonal slashes came at Yami from all directions, each one more deadly than the last. Yami blocked and dodged as best he could, but it was clear that he was barely holding on. His movements were growing slower, his reactions sluggish. Each time he managed to block a strike, another one was already on its way, leaving him with no time to recover.

Unohana's blade cut through the air with terrifying speed, each strike a blur of motion that Yami struggled to keep up with. His body was covered in wounds, his blood staining the ground beneath him. Yet, despite the pain and fatigue, Yami continued to fight, refusing to give in.

In the end, Yami knew that this was a fight he couldn't win. But even as he stood on the brink of defeat, his body battered and broken, he refused to back down. He would continue to fight, no matter how outmatched he was. For in this battle, Yami had found a new resolve—a determination to grow stronger, to push past his limits, and to one day stand as a true warrior, worthy of the title of Shinigami.

As the battle raged on, Yami found himself pushed to his limits. His body was covered in cuts and bruises, his breath coming in ragged gasps. Yet Unohana remained untouched, her movements as fluid and graceful as ever. She seemed to dance around him, her blade an extension of her will, her killing intent suffocating.

Yami's mind raced as he tried to keep up, but it was clear that he was outmatched. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks: he had been foolish to think that he was strong. The person in front of him was a monster, a true warrior who had seen more death and destruction than he could ever imagine.

As Unohana's blade came at him once more, Yami managed to block the attack, but the force behind it sent him skidding backward, nearly losing his footing. He could feel his strength waning, his resolve beginning to falter. For a brief moment, doubt crept into his mind, and he wondered if this was the end. But then, something shifted within him. He thought back to everything he had been through, the battles he had fought, the pain he had endured, and the resolve that had brought him this far. He remembered his vow to never give up, to keep fighting no matter what.

A smile tugged at the corners of Yami's lips as he straightened himself, his grip on his Zanpakutō tightening. Even if he was outmatched, even if he was facing certain death, he would not back down. He would fight with everything he had, until his last breath.

It was at that moment that Yami heard a voice, faint and distant, but unmistakable. It was a cold, commanding voice that seemed to echo in the depths of his soul. 

"Call my name…"

The words sent a shiver down Yami's spine, and he focused all his attention on that voice. It was the voice of his Zanpakutō, the spirit that had remained silent for so long. Yami's heart quickened as he realized what was happening. The bond was finally forming, and his Zanpakutō was revealing its true name.

With renewed determination, Yami lifted his blade, the name of his Zanpakutō on the tip of his tongue. As Unohana closed in for another attack, Yami shouted, "Kage o dakishimeru, Shadoumonāku, asshubōn!"

shikai release

Kage o dakishimeru= embrace the shadows

Shadoumonāku= shadow monarch 

asshubōn= ashborn 

if you guys have interesting ideas for the shikai abilities let me know here.

hi guys hope you enjoyed the fight scene this was my 2nd attempt at writtting a fight scene hope you guys enjoyed.

Theshadowveil7creators' thoughts