
Bleach System in World Bleach

A sergeant dies in World War III he was orphaned and was adopted by an elderly couple who died as long as he was 16 so he went to be military to do the same as his father did when he was young before retiring from the military. (he was 5 years old and was adopted he see animes, wuxias before going to be military) I'm doing this fanfic for fun and my English is medium

SwordSystem · Others
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15 Chs

2: Reincarnation

(The difference between spiritual pressure and spiritual energy is simple: Reiryoku is the amount of energy a being has stored inside his body or soul, while reiatsu is the pressure exerted by a person's reiryoku.)


A soul is floating in the nothingness has absolutely nothing he does not know how he came here

He looked up nothing down nothing the sides nothing.

The name of this soul was Xian Fan he was already floating for a while since there is no ground and then a light not very strong and also not very weak, appeared in front of him a white men's clothes one hand was adjacent his beard and another in the back as if analyzing Xian Fan in front of him who is without a body.

Xian Fan felt as if all of his were being seen more with no intention of killing or something like that so he let him do what he was doing without disturbing him.

[It was not time for you to die than for your bravery I'm going to get the book of karma will depend on it if you reborn again we can not do this with people under 1 million]

Then a book with the cover appeared in his hand, he seems to join with space and at the same time, the white man opened the book.

[Mortal: Xian Fan, Age 35 years, death, sacrificed to save soldiers, the cause of death by bleeding and loss of cephalic mass]

The book of karma shine and then opens on the page of Xian Fan, the man then analyzed his karmins score and the reason for having obtained.

[You have the right one more chance since you have billions of Karmin's points]

Xian Fan "I do not know the weather and difficult to get this point over because I have billions? "

[Because those that you saved, they felt guilty of their death because they were weak, then they devised a strategy to resist to the enemy attacks jumping these parts Hahn they won in the end, and they saved millions only with the points karmic for saved, they would be the most sufficient for face act karmic to others then I count as if you had saved these millions of people.]

Xian Fan "HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa at least these idiots did something without my command hahahahahahaha just grew up after my death hahaha"

[Well, now which of this world you reincarnate?]

Naruto World

World One Piece

World DBZ





World danmachi

World HunterXHunter

Bleach World




"For the truth, my life almost was in the military excite plus at least one I know, so I choose bleach World"

[Okay, I'll give you an anime system and make your body capable of making it easier for Reiatsu to make its way easier. In your old world, people tend to be empty, so if you want to go Bleach, needs to satisfy his desires to fill his soul. Your souls should be able to perform about 6 desires, depending on what you want]

Surprise and excitement can be seen in the face of Xian Fan as it almost jumps up and down

"Very well, my first wish and I managed to control every particle of my reiatsu"

[First account]

"For my second I would like to have large reserves of reiatsu without a maximum limit in the future"

[Second account]

"For my third, I would like a black tattoo of a ring on my middle finger of the right hand that would allow me to store items in a sealed space of 5,000 cubic meters in height and width"

[Third account]

"For my Fourth, I want great reiryoku reserves with no maximum limit in the future"

[Fourth account]

"For my fifth, I want to have shinigami pedigree, hollows, Quincy"

[Fifth now counts your last wish]

"OK for the sixth I would like to have another black tattoo of a ring on my left hand this time that would allow me to increase gravity in mine and not on the floor near my clothes or weapons, just my body"

[ OK, well then your choices were interesting, to say the least, but let's get started. I'm going to integrate the anime system in your brain so that you may talk to it telepathically and fill your soul with your wishes so you're going to be in a lot of pain to get ready.]

As soon as he said those words you could see the fear on my face and I could feel my body start to heat up. I started to scream at the pain as I was laying on the floor. And soon after I fell unconscious

When I woke up and a little confused I look at my hand had a black tattoo in the middle of my ring-shaped direct hand that disappeared and looked at it again as I wished

[And the system is also an artificial intelligence so that you are not alone in this world and it can help you in certain situations, such as combat analysis and understanding kidô faster and creates your own]

[Now walk to the portal, I'll send the bleach world.]

I went up to the portal and asked

" One last question, will I be able to keep my memory"

[ Yes, you will, and in case you forget something in the timeline or anything else the system will be able to remind you.]

"Goodbye, and I don't mean to be rude, but I hope I never have to come back again. Having to die sucks"

Then the portal opened and I went in, The next thing and I try to move my stop to absorb everything that happened I hear a sound in my head.


System activates...

The system scans the host's body...


[System now activated]

[DING... For systems full integration Host has received 2x skills pack, 2x Kido, 1x reiatsu low piles, 1000 system points]

[ Would host likes to open now ]



[Ding... The host has received-reiatsu wall, sword-reiatsu, bakery, Shou, tempering body-low]

"System what is the reiatsu-wall"

[reiatsu wall- creates a translucent wall with a low amount of reiatsu the enemy if attacked when that reiatsu was used sits it sucks the reiatsu of the air and 3% of the reiatsu of the enemy attack]

"System explains the main guides"

[The system has 5 main tabs. Status, mission, shop, draw, map. Status shows your current status/abilities. The mission will give you missions with rewards based on mission difficulty and missions can be generated at any time based on what is happening in the world around you]

"Hmm... Ok status"

A blue screen flashes to life in front of Xian Fan`s eyes


USER: Xian Fan

AGE: 2 months


STR: 0,0

AGI: 0,0


LUCK: 10

SP: 1000


BLOODLINE: shinigami, hollows, Quincy

"System because I have zero with STR and AGI?" I asked, confused

[DING... And because the host is in the womb of his mother, then the bodily strangeness and bones did not form because the host is only 2 months old]

[DING... New mission reaches 20,000 reiatsu in 6 months - rewards - 100 points system and observe]

"WHAT? !! How can I have this reiatsu if I cannot even move"?

[DNG... The host just meditates and feel the reiatsu around the body and absorb the host has been due to reiatsu because of the lineage hollows]