
Chapter 6: Fullbring Training

[A/N: Hey guys It's finally fix! I can make paragraph comments and I hope this allow us to communicate more.]

"Hello!" = Conversation.

'Hello!' = Thoughts.

*boom!* = Special action/sounds effects.

<Punch! > = Skills/Abilities or Images.

(Info) = Extra information.

[Notes] = Author/Editor notes or Alicia.

Ps. Sorry for not having updates yesterday, real life issues.


Front of Nagare Residence

After giving them his story of awakening Rukia proceed to ask how he gains good control.

"I'm not sure, I only notice that it gets a little smoother after my morning Tai Chi routine." Trying to look unsure.

"What's Tai Chi?" Now it's Rukia's turn to be confused.

"I know! Isn't that fighting style in chinese movies?" Interjected Ichigo.

"Nope! Don't believe every things you saw in medias. It's common for them to exaggerates things to get high number of viewers.

Real Tai Chi is just a health exercise, to calm one's mind and helps blood circulation to improve overall health.

It's considered as a moving meditation exercise." Ninoru explain carefully.

"Can you tell me where you learn this?"

"I grow up in countryside, most old folks do this every morning and evening-wait! look at the time we'll be late for school, how about we continue this at lunch?" He give both a convincing smile.

"Yeah, we need to hurry Rukia." Ichigo agreed.

"Alright see you at school." The duo wave goodbye.

'First contact successfully completed' Nagare smiled.


Karakura Highschool

The class started normally aside from Uryu staring at MC and Chad look like he got from accident.

'Alicia, what episode next after after Sora incident?'

[Based on your memories, it's parakeet then mod soul kon, Master.]

'I see.' Ninoru nods.

When lunch came Ichigo invited Nagare to his group. He quickly befriends Keigo and Mizuiro but Chad came with a birdcage and a parakeet of it.

Things follows the canon, while Rukia and Ichigo look at Ninoru, he just nodded.

'Should I intervene? No I need to learn how to use fullbringer's abilities, they can't see me using shinigami techniques.'

With that in mind Nagare excuses himself from his newly made friends and left for home.


Nagare Residence: Bedroom

"Let's start with normal spiritual control"

He took a deep breath then started releasing reiatsu:

He tried to focus it on his muscles.

[New skill created [Spiritual Enhancement]

level 1. ]

He tried to cover his whole body with reiatsu, like a cloth trying to imitate Arrancar's Hierro.

[New skill created [Spiritual Mantle] level 1.]

He focus it on his palm, trying to produce a ball.

[New skill created [Spirit Ball] level 1. ]

It was quite easy, thanks to aspects he copied and his reiatsu color is green just like all fullbringers.

"Now it's time for fullbring" He went to kitchen and brought a glass of water.

All things contain spirits even inanimate objects. Fullbringer's main ability revolves in in sensing, connecting and then pulling on those spirits in objects changing their form and properties.

This is much easier done in non-sentient because they have no will to resist. If the user has strong attachments on an object the more control they have and even gain unique abilities.

Ninoru put one finger on the surface of the water and fills it with his reiatsu, closing his eyes trying to sense it's spirit(s) and after a moment of silence (thanks to his high level of [Spiritual Sensory]) he detect something faint and small.

He took hold of it, his eyes opens and he saw the water glowing green color. He pull his finger and the glowing water follows his finger, floating in air.

[New skill created [Fullbring] level 1.]

"Yes! I did it!" Happy on his success.

He keep it up waving left and right trying to change its form into different shapes.

[Skill level up! ×5. [Fullbring] level 6.]

Then he tried to change it's property to rubber. The water starts to thickens and sticky.

[Skill level up! ×4. [Fullbring] level 10.

Congrats Master for creating a water dildo.]

Ninoru lost his focus and the water falls.

*water splash*

"What are you talking about? I created a water rubber stick!"

[If you try to define it by traits it goes:

Wet, slippery, sticky, flexible stick. Isn't

that a dildo Master? *snicker*]

"Oh yeah? How about I shove this thing on you?!" Vein are visible on his forehead.

[It's not sturdy enough, your stick will break Master.] - Alicia answered in monotone.

Our Mc is rendered speechless by Alicia's innuendos for a while.

"Whatever! I have job to finish." After cleaning the mess he continued by hardening the air and changing its property to rubber.

[Skill level up! ×2. [Fullbring] level 12.]

"And finally the moment of truth. Try doing it with my feet." *Gulps*

He starts releasing reiatsu on the soles of his feet. The floor starts sinking then it bounds back sending him to wall.

"Too much, one foot at a time"

He started bouncing slowly then it gets faster until his like a bunny on coffee.

Then he jumps and stops on air.

[Skill level up! ×6. [Fullbring] level 18. ]

[New skill created [Bringer Lightight]. ]

[Skill level up! ×4. [Bringer Light] level 5. ]

He started celebrating by dancing and fortunately it was by a commotion outside.

He looks out of the window and heard it was Sado who just got admitted to Kurosaki Clinic.



[A/N: Had to inform you I'll be updating only 3 times a week or I'll burn out. ]

[Status Page]


Name: Nagare Ninoru

Age: 15

Race: Human Fullbringer

Health Status: Normal


HP: 900/900 [Str×Vit]

HPR: 0.03 pps.[Vit×0.001]

SP: 900/900 [Wis×Spr]

SPR: 0.03 pps.[Spr×0.001]


E = 10, D = 20, C = 30, B = 40, A = 50, S = 70, SR = 100, SSR = 101-150, EX = 151+

Str: C [0/300][+]

Vit: C [0/300][+]

Agi: C [0/300][+]

Dex: C [0/300][+]

Int: C [0/300][+]

Wis: C [0/300][+]

Per: C [0/300][+]

Spr: C [0/300][+]

Cha: C [0/300][+]

Lck: C [0/300][+]

PE: 0





Traits: (Level 10 MAX)

[Realist] [MAX]

[Scholar] [MAX]

[General] [MAX]

[Warrior] [MAX]

[Womanizer] [MAX]

[Born Sensor] [Level 8]


Skills: (Level 50 MAX)

[Spiritual Mastery] [Level 35]

[Precognition] [Level 20]

[Health Exercise] [Level 20]

[Zankensoki] [Level 40]

[Intimidation] [Level 25]

[Analyze] [Level 31]

[Fullbring] [Level 18]

[Bringer Light] [Level 5]

[Spiritual Enhancement] [Level 1]

[Spiritual Mantle] [Level 1]

[Spirit Ball] [Level 1]


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