
Bleach: Monkey King

In the bottomless darkness, in the middle there is a light that is getting bigger and will devour the darkness. When the light was about to devour the darkness, there was a male voice asking for help. “Please, Save this world” The light instantly devours the darkness.

KochoKanae · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 8

As the thick fog clears, Ichigo and Ishida see a young girl who always appears with a rosy blush on her cheeks wearing a white t-shirt with a pink Urahara Shop logo on it and a pink, knee-length skirt with white spots. She has round purple eyes and long, black hair with a purple tint that is parted down the middle, with two strands of bangs in the center of her face, opposite one another. The rest of her hair is pigtailed in a pink bun, holding a staff covered in spells in her hand, like a machine gun, she looks at Ishida and Ichigo timidly and says, "Hello!"

This little girl was Urahara's shop clerk, Tsumugiya Ururu, who had just created the Hollow explosion.

"Kurosaki-san, we are here to help!"

Of course, not only Ururu Tsumugiya, but Urahara Kisuke, Tsubakishi Tessa, and Hanakari Jinta also came.

Ichigo looks at Urahara and says "Are you friends with Rukia's clog cap?"


"Jinta home run!"


The strength of the four people in the Urahara Shop was unfathomable, together, the four of them would quickly kill the Hollows on the ground.

Even Ishida Uryu was amazed: "It's amazing, the number of Hollows is instantly decreasing!"

Ichigo just looked at Urahara Kisuke in surprise: "Why are you here? Why are you always by my side?"

Urahara was still in a casual tone: "Didn't I say it? I'm here to help! Let's leave the environment to us. As for the big guys, leave it to you, Jin-san."

Ichigo couldn't help asking "Jin-san? Isn't he the one Inoue and Sado were talking about who was said to be a part time worker at a cafe? And also where is he?"

"Hah? What do you mean? Jin-san isn't here… eh? Jin-san?!" Urahara Kisuke looked around, but didn't find him, "What? Where did that person go?"

Meanwhile on Jin Mori's side.

"This is really annoying, because of the many Hollows here, I had to take care of them and lost track of Urahara, even though I sensed where he was but still" I said while kicking the Hollow at a very fast speed.

Thanks to the hard work of the three of them, namely Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu, the Hollows around him were quickly cleaned up.

However, the Menos in the air didn't mean to retreat at all, the crack was getting bigger, and there were many oddly shaped Hollows coming out of it.

What was surprising was that he grabbed the small one in his hand and swallowed it in one bite, eating it like a snack.

Because it was too big, Kon and Rukia across the street also saw it.

Kon's eyes were like copper bells, and asked: "Nee-san, Nee-san, what is that? Is there a Hollow that big?"

Rukia also looked up in the air in amazement: "That, that's a Menos Grande, a Menos Grande created by mixing Hundreds of Hollows, that kind of thing, I've only seen it in the illustrations in the Academy's books. How is this? Could it be, Even this kind of thing came out? it's always been taken over by a Lieutenant or Captain class, this is definitely not something an ordinary Shinigami can handle!"

Back to Kurosaki Ichigo.

Ishida Uryu pushed up his glasses: "It's too big, unbelievable. And he's still eating his own 'friends', what a terrible man."

Ichigo had seen Hollows before, Hollows over fifty meters long, but this one was over ten times bigger than that one.

Ichigo couldn't help but swallow hard: "It's so big, I really wonder if it can still be considered a Hollow-"

The oversized Hollow grabbed the smaller Hollow next to it and stuffed it into its mouth, like a treat. Chicken flavour, crunchy and tasty.

And as it devoured this tiny Hollow, it seemed to grow a little bigger.

Ishida Uryu couldn't believe it: "That guy, he actually ate all the Hollows around him. This is really scary. How can I face this guy?"

"Humph!" At this time, Kurosaki laughed.

Ishida Uryu looked at him suspiciously: "Kurosaki, what are you laughing at?"

"You don't need to think about countermeasures, one word is enough to face that person." Suddenly, Kurosaki Ichigo looked very confident.

"Hey?" Ishida Uryu did not understand what this man meant.

"Just one word, kill! Apart from that, there is no other way, let's go, Ishida!" said Kurosaki Ichigo as he rushed over with his Zanpakutō.

Urahara Kisuke, Tessai and the others next to him were sweating. Ishida Uryu urged loudly: "Hey! Don't be impulsive, Kurosaki!"

"Ichigo?!" At this time, Rukia just came over, and saw Ichigo carrying his Zanpakutō and heading straight for the Menos Grande, and then she too shouted, "Don't rush it! You are not his opponent!"

At this moment, a figure flashed like a ghost, blocking Rukia's body. The speed was so fast that it was astonishing.

Rukia understood what was going on at a glance, looked at him with dignity, and said, "Urahara, what are you trying to do? Do you want to kill him?"

Rukia and Urahara Kisuke were old acquaintances, so he was more aware of her strength. However, he felt a little confused about Urahara Kisuke's behavior in not reaching out to help Kurosaki Ichigo in the face of such a large Hollow.

Urahara Kisuke said, "How come?"

"Then get out of the way for me! I want to stop him, Ichigo won't be able to deal with that Menos Grande at all."

Urahara Kisuke stretched out his hand to stop her: "Don't worry, Kuchiki-san, pay close attention. Whether it's for you or him, this battle has to be fought."

When Rukia wanted to say something to refute him, she found that her body couldn't move.

It turns out that Urahara Kisuke used Kido to tie her up.

Rukia's worries are not unfounded, Ichigo rushes forward like an excited youth, but he is kicked back by a huge leg.

"Kurosaki! Unlucky!" Seeing him being kicked out, Ishida Uryu screamed anxiously, then picked up a bow and arrow, and the light arrow shot out of the air and shot Menos' huge shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Menos' body was extremely violent, and the Reishi arrows, which were like matchsticks, instantly shattered and scattered in the air.

'Damn, I can't deal with it like this.' Ishida Uryu thought so, and then ran to the side of the fallen Ichigo, "Kurosaki, don't you think about how to deal with him first?" Ishida Uryu helped Ichigo stand up and noticed that there was blood on his forehead.

Ichigo still seems to be trying to be brave: "Well, I can still cover it."

Ishida Uryu looked at him like this, and said in a slightly reproachful tone: "Enough, what do you think? Do you think you can beat him?"

Ichigo raised a finger stupidly, and said seriously: "No, even though this guy is big, I think if you can cut him from under his feet, and we can cut off his head in the end"

Hearing his words, Ishida Uryu had a drop of cold sweat on his head: "Do you think you are chopping sausages? Really, what's going on in your head? Quick, let's come up with a new battle plan."

Ishida Uryu grabs Ichigo and prepares to "join two swords together and retreat from a strong foe" with him.

Immediately afterwards, a bow made of Reishi bloomed from Ishida Uryu's palm, but what made him feel strange was that the bow was larger than the one he used to unleash: "This, this—"

At this time, Ishida Uryu discovers that his hand is touching Ichigo's massive Zanpakutō.

It was Kurosaki Ichigo's Reiatsu.

By the way, even though Shinigami and Quincy both fight with Reiatsu, their fighting methods are completely opposite.

A Shinigami uses the Zanpakutō formed by his own soul power to fight In short, he fights with his own strength, whereas a Quincy uses the Reishi present in the atmosphere to concentrate and condense, usually turning into a bow and arrow one can also say using external powers to fight.

The reason why Ishida Uryu's Reishi arc got so big is because he touched Ichigo's Zanpakutō and accidentally absorbed his Reiatsu, resulting in his Reiki weapon being bigger than before.

Ichigo was also very surprised when he saw his bow: "Huh!? Your bow got really big?"

Ishida Uryu said: "Don't worry about this, listen to me, I have an idea, maybe I can destroy it."

Ichigo says "Ideas? Let's hear it."

Ishida Uryu asks Ichigo to place his Zanpakutō on his head, and then draws a bow and arrows to fight.

However, when the two pose like that, they look very cute.

Even Ichigo felt that this posture was very embarrassing, and complained: "Okay, idiotic act."

Ishida Uryu said seriously: "Stop talking nonsense! Put the Zanpakuto until it touches my body, and consciously release Reiatsu, so that I can release extremely powerful arrows! Hurry up, as much as possible. Release your Reaitsu!"

Ichigo says "yes that's a problem, I never consciously controlled my Reiatsu."

"Nani?!" Hearing this, Ishida looked at him like an idiot.

As a Shinigami, can't even control his own Reiatsu?

Ishida Uryu couldn't help but ask again: "Then how did you fight the Hollow before?"

Ichigo says bluntly "Just feel it."

Ishida Uryu: "Feel?"

Ichigo says "I don't really understand what you are talking about. When you talk about controlling Reiatsu, you can either let it all out or completely hide it, right? I don't have abilities like a faucet. If you want to close it, close it."

There was a drop of cold sweat on Ishida Uryu's forehead, and he thought to himself: 'Yes, now I finally understand why his Reiatsu is so strong, but he often fights in such a state, and it doesn't matter if he can act like this, this guy still uncaring and Very playful.'