
Bleach: Karma Reincarnation

Samuel 'The Soul Reaper' is the most feared American bounty hunter of the 19th century. However, when his most recent kill attracts the attention of a hollow, he stands no chance. After being killed by the hollow, Samuel awakens within the Soul Society as the second son of the noble Shiba Clan. So begins Samuel's, now Kizuru's, journey to the top - fraught with adventure, battle, & violence in this world so foreign to his old western mind.

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Chapter 9: Kizuru vs Gin Part 1

For the next test of the Soul Reaper Academy entrance exam, the students remained in the same courtyard.

Captain Ukitake Jushiro of the 13th Division clapped his hands and said:

"Alright! The second test is a test of Kido! You will each perform your highest-level Kido on one of these posts!"

He gestured to a line of wooden posts on the opposite side of the courtyard.

'Shit! I still can't do Kido!' Kizuru thought.

Even after unlocking his Shikai, he has still been unable to perform any Kido.

Kizuru had a very strong Spiritual Pressure for his age and had even unlocked Shikai before the age of 6. Theoretically, he should also be able to perform Kido, but he had never been able to, and he had no idea why.

"Student 3, perform your Kido!"

The first student in line stepped up and shouted:

"Hado #4 - Byakurai!"



He pointed toward the wooden pole and a thin beam of blue light shot from his finger, piercing the pole.

"Good, next!"

The students went up one by one to perform their Kido. Several were unable to perform any Kido at all, but thankfully they were not immediately disqualified like the last test.

"Student 19, perform your Kido!"

'I might as well try.' Kizuru sighed to himself.

He stepped forward and shouted the chant he had been practicing for the past few years.

He riled up his Spiritual Pressure and poured it into his palm, aiming it toward the pole.

"Hado #1 - Sho!"

He closed his eyes and shouted the chant … but nothing happened.

"Okay, next!"

The Captain did not seem to think this was unordinary. It was common for students to be unable to perform Kido before attending the academy. Even so, Kizuru felt a slight shame. He was mentally much older than the other students but was unable to grasp the art of Kido while many of them were.

After Kizuru's attempt, several other students performed their Kido before it was the last student's turn.

When the last student stepped up, Kizuru watched him with a sly eye.

The student with silver hair and thin eyes pointed his outstretched hand and chanted:

"Hado #33 - Sokatsui."



From his hand shot a stream of blue lightning, blowing apart the wooden pole and scorching the wall behind it.

"Good! Now we will go onto the final test!"

"Even if you failed the second test, if you perform well on the final test you can still pass the entrance exam and attend the Shin'o Academy!"

"The final test is one-on-one combat between your fellow students! Hakuda, Zanjutsu, and Kido are all allowed! For the first round; student 3 and student 6 step forward!"

The final test, one-to-one combat, was held in the same arena. As students 3 and 6 entered the center stage, the rest of the students stepped back to observe - the Captain standing between them.



The students were paired to fight in order of their number. In their clashes, some used Kido, while some only fought with their sword. Kizuru noticed that although all the students had real swords, only some had Zanpakuto. And none of them released a Shikai.

The fights went on, and eventually, it was time for student 19 - Kizuru. However, to his surprise, his number was skipped over and students 18 and 20 were called up instead.

Kizuru was concerned that he had performed so miserably in the Kido test that he had been disqualified, but his concern was nullified when the final match was announced.

"Students 19 and 27 step forward!"

A shudder ran down Kizuru's spine as he heard the Captain's voice. He peered over to look at student 27, and sure enough, it was the silver-haired child he ran into several years ago. The same child who drew the Captain's attention earlier, and who had just blown apart a wooden Kido target.

Kizuru and the silver-haired student stood opposite each other, ready to do battle on the mark.

"Greetings, my name is Gin."

"Oh, uh, hello. I am Kizuru."

A bead of sweat rolled down Kizuru's forehead as he looked at Gin's narrow eyes and malicious smile.


As the Captain announced the start of the match, Gin lunged toward Kizuru and drew his Zanpakuto, which took the form of a short wakizashi.

Gin sliced at Kizuru, who drew his own Zanpakuto which took the form of a full-length katana, to block it.


Kizuru was shocked at the force behind Gin's swing, which almost blew his Zanpakuto away.

Getting a better grip on his sword, he pushed his Zanpakuto forward to push back against Gin.

In response, Gin pulled back his sword and swung around, swinging at the side of Kizuru's head.


Flinging his sword upward, Kizuru was barely able to knock away Gin's sword in time.

In the brief second Gin lost control of his sword, Kizuru decided to go on the offense. He brought his sword down on the top of Gin's head.

Gin jumped backward to avoid Kizuru's sword, the smile being wiped off his face.

Seeing that he avoided Kizuru's sword successfully, Gin smiled smugly again.

However, feeling a slight pain, he touched the tip of his nose. When he pulled away his hand he saw a small drop of blood on his finger. Kizuru had made a small cut on his nose.

This made Gin's smile once again drop.

"It seems I was a bit overconfident. I apologize."

With renewed vigor, Gin pounced on Kizuru a second time.

Unfortunately, Gin wasn't the only one with renewed confidence.

Kizuru ran forward as well and slashed horizontally at Gin's neck.

The two swords collided and came to a stalemate, both shaking from the pressure.

Kizuru and Gin looked each other in the eyes.

Gin muttered under his breath:

"Hado #11 - Tsuri Raiden."


A yellow lightning coated Gin's sword, traveling through Kizuru's sword and into his hands - electrocuting him.

He pulled back his sword, but both hands and forearms were already burnt and his muscles were spasming.

"Bakudo #4 - Hainawa."

Gin released another Kido from his palm, creating a rope of yellow lightning that shot toward Kizuru and bound his hands together.

With his hands injured and bound, Kizuru was unable to block Gin's next attack.

Gin jumped into the air and held his wakizashi over his head. Coming down, he slashed toward Kizuru's head.

Out of options, Kizuru thought of a move he used in his previous life. This move was often used to push drunkards off stools or kick saloon doors open.


Kizuru lifted his knee up and Sparta kicked the airborne Gin in the abdomen.

Gin coughed up a small mouthful of blood and flew backward, tumbling to the ground.

As he struggled to all fours, his hair disheveled, he looked menacingly at Kizuru.

"You fucker! I'll kill you!"

He lifted his wakizashi and pointed it to Kizuru.

"Kill 'em, Shinso!"

His wakizashi turned into a flash of light that shot toward Kizuru's glabella.

Captain Ukitake, who had been watching the match until now, opened his eyes wide and stood up.

He jumped toward the center of the arena, intending to stop Gin from killing Kizuru with his Shikai.

However, he paused and smiled when he heard what Kizuru said next.

"Protect me, Jingubang!"

This is my first ever novel, and a proof of concept.

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