
Speedrunning Hueco Mundo

"Nel? When did you get here?" Ichigo asked while he was running. Nel had suddenly caught up to him and latched onto his shihakushō tightly.

"I got here a millisecond ago, Itsygo!" Nel answered.

"Where are you going?" Nel asked Ichigo. Ichigo shrugged.

"I dunno." Ichigo answered bluntly. Nel sighed. Then, they encountered a tall, muscular man of fair complexion who was face first on the ground.

He has black hair and blue eyes. His hair resembles a pair of small horns, and he has a van-dyke beard and mustache. The remains of his Hollow mask consist of a small plate on his forehead that has horns, mirroring those in his hair.

His Arrancar outfit is customized, with fringes on the forearm portion of the sleeves, a red sash tied at his waist, shoulder pads, and openings down the front which reveal his black undershirt.

This dazzling man is Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio. He is the Arrancar Cientecimo Tercero (103rd) in Sōsuke Aizen's army. He is also a Privaron Espada, which means that he got demoted from the Espada rank.

"Oh that hurt.... Huh?" Dordoni looked at Ichigo. Ichigo stared back at him.

"Intruder! Stop right there—

" Nel, don't look. "

Ichigo appeared in front of Dordoni with his claymore in his right hand.


Dordoni's head fell down on the ground and rolled away. His lifeless body dropped to the ground. His head was cleanly cut off by Ichigo's claymore.

"When can I open my eyes again, Itsygo?!" Nel demanded an answer.

"When I say so." Ichigo answered.

"No fair!"

Ichigo and Nel left the scene quickly. All of a sudden, soldiers with skulls as their heads arrived.

The leading soldier is different from the others. He has bull-shaped skull, instead of the typical human-shaped skulls his subordinates wear.

He wears a customized uniform, which is a long sleeve jacket with a black line starting at the high collar and curving down to his right hip. He also wears a black sash, white hakama, and black gloves. This calm man is Rudbornn Chelute. He is the 61st Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army, and the sole member and founder of the Exequias.

They act as the execution division of Sōsuke Aizen's Arrancar army. Rudbornn is its only true member, with the rest of the group consisting of the Calaveras created by his Resurrección's special ability.

The Exequias are responsible for terminating any rebels or intruders in Las Noches, hence their name. Like the Números, the Exequias are subordinate to the Espada, though the extent of the latter's control over them is unknown.

Rudbornn stared at Dordoni's headless corpse. "Pick it up and store them in Szayelaporro's vault." He ordered his subordinates. They immediately went to action.



Meanwhile, Rukia stared at an unconscious Arrancar. Her appearance is similar to that of the Gothic lolita style of Japanese fashion. She has short purple hair, purple eyes, black fingernails, light purple lipstick, and a light purple teardrop marking on each cheek.

Her outfit consists of a frilly dress with large, poofy sleeves that cut off at her shoulder and a pair of knee-high boots.

She also wears fingerless, evening-style gloves, as well as leg warmers that attach to garters at her thighs.

The remains of her Hollow mask are positioned in her hair right above the left side of her forehead and resemble a spiked hairpin.

This unconscious lady is Cirucci Sanderwicci. She is the 105th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army and a Privaron Espada.

Rukia sighed and went on her way, leaving the unconscious Cirucci there.



Meanwhile, Orihime was fighting an Arrancar as well.

He has brown eyes and a big burnt orange afro-style haircut with thick sideburns and a goatee. His outfit has been modified to match his particular style, including large frills on his collar and thighs.

The remains of his Hollow mask are a sunglasses-shaped plate on his forehead with four teeth coming out above each eye.

There is a blue star in the center of the mask fragment, which allows him to see when he pulls the plate down over his eyes.

This man is Gantenbainne Mosqueda and he is is the 107th Arrancar in Sōsuke Aizen's army.

"Please, go all out. I do not want to defeat a person that is holding back at all." Orihime scolded why she dodged Gantenbainne's punch.

Gantenbainne's Zanpakutō, Dragra exists as a pair of two-pronged punch daggers attached to Gantenbainne's wrists via hinges.

Gantenbainne sighed. "If you say so, Inoue-san." He muttered and used Sonído to disappear.

Orihime turned around and blocked a punch sent by Gantenbainne with her orange shield.

Gantenbainne widened his eyes as he felt his Reiatsu being absorbed by the shield. He immediately jumped away.

Orihime made her shield disappear. She then went into a fighting stance.

"Ha!!!" Gantenbainne shouted. He used Resurrección. When Dragra is released, Gantenbainne's arms grow longer and become covered in dome-shaped, armor plating, while his punch daggers now come to resemble dragon heads.

Similar plates also extend down his back until they terminate in the form of a tail, giving him an appearance reminiscent of an armadillo. During combat, he pulls his mask fragment over his eyes.

Orihime narrowed her eyes. She used Shunpo to appear in front of him. She punched him in the face.


"UGH!!!" Gantenbainne widened his eyes and grunted in agony. He blasted back and slammed into the wall, cratering it.

Gantenbainne dropped to the ground and knelt on it. He coughed out blood and gritted his teeth.

Gantenbainne stands up and generates a compact sphere in front of each of his fists before uniting these into an enormous singular orb.

As Gantenbainne draws back his right arm, the accumulated energy adopts the form of a dragon's head, which Gantenbainne propels toward an opponent by punching it.

"Rugir del Dragón!!" Gantenbainne shouted. Orihime widened her eyes a little. She quickly summoned an triangular shield in front of her.


Smoke covered the area as Gantenbainne's attack clashed with the shield. Gantenbainne watched in anticipation.

"Sorry about this. But it must be done." Gantenbainne heard Orihime mutter.


A beam shot out of nowhere, clearing away the smoke. It crashed into Gantenbainne's gut.

"Hrggaaaaaahhh!!!!" Gantenbainne screamed in pain. He blasted back to the wall behind him and slammed into it. He dropped to the ground dead.

Orihime shook her head and started walking away from the scene before anyone catches her.

Elsewhere, Rukia encounters the Noveno Espada Aaroniero Arruruerie as Gin manipulates corridor controls secretly.

Rukia cannot see his face at all.

His outfit, like that of most Espada, is customized: he wears a dress garb that covers his entire body as opposed to the normal jacket and hakama.

He also wears a frilly nobles' coat that acts as his replacement jacket and a single white gentleman's glove.

The remains of his Hollow mask are on both of his heads, the upper head having three-quarters of itself covered with the mask, and the lower head having only half of itself covered. His Hollow hole is located in the left thigh area.

"Before you die! I wanna show you something!" Aaroniero told Rukia maniacally. Removing his mask, Aaroniero reveals the face of Shinigami Kaien Shiba, the former lieutenant of the 13th Division, whom Rukia killed.

Rukia remained emotionless when she saw Kaien's face again.

"After I was killed, I was resurrected in Hueco Mundo, where I became one of Aizen's Espada. Rukia, I will now let you atone for killing me by allowing me to kill you. Do you want to, if you do you would be allowed to rescue your friends." The fake Kaien grinned sadistically at her.

"No." Rukia answered immediately. Aaroniero was confused.

"I refuse to do such a thing. I will kill you, Espada! How dare you impersonate Kaien?! " Rukia gritted her teeth and raised her right hand. Lightning began crackling around her hands.

Outside of Las Noches, a giant storm cloud gathered around the giant building. The storm rumbled violently, gathering the attention of even Aizen herself.

"Hmm?" Aizen hummed as she looked up at the roof.

"I didn't know there were thunderstorms in Hueco Mundo." Aizen smiled im amusement.

Back with Rukia, she quickly binded Aaroniero with a Kidō spell. Aaroniero grunted in irritation while he was struggling to escape.


Suddenly, a giant lightning dragon shot down from the dark skies of Hueco Mundo. The bright blue electrifying dragon crashed through the roof and reached Aaroniero in about 1/1000th of a second.


The room that they were in was engulfed in a bright explosion. Rukia had made sure to focus her dragon at Aaroniero and Aaroniero only. She did not think about the collateral damage at the moment as she was too angry at Aaroniero.

Ichigo, Orihime and Nel felt the giant rumbling. Ichigo chuckled. "Looks like the ice princess is mad." He muttered and went on his way, ignoring the rumbling.

After the explosion cleared. Rukia was staring at a pile of nothing. Aaroniero is dead.

"Good Riddance. The imposter is dead. Hopefully you can actually rest in peace again, Kaien.....

To be continued.....

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