

( What the fuck is happening in the comments section. You guys apparently don't like the main characters losing their fights. There's also a reason why they're captains you know. I don't understand you guys.)


It was a bright sunny morning. Ichigo opened his eyes and looked at what was in front of him. He widened his eyes as he saw Tessai staring into his soul.


Ichigo immediately punched Tessai away from him. Tessai slammed into the wall. He rubbed his face.

"Ow." Tessai grumbled and stood up. Ichigo immediately got out of the futon he was lying on and he looked over himself.

There were bandages wrapped around him. Ichigo snorted and ripped them off, revealing the muscular body of his.

Ichigo looked around him. "I better get out of here. I have training to do. " Ichigo grumbled and went towards the sliding door.

"Looks like you're awake." Ichigo looked at Urahara who just opened the door and entered the room. Urahara looked at Ichigo and gulped.

'How the hell did he even get this ripped. ' He thought while looking at Ichigo's body with envy in his eyes. But he shook that feeling off and looked at Ichigo in the eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ichigo asked him impatiently. The silence was killing him.

"My name is Kisuke Urahara! I am the proud owner of the Urahara Shop!" Urahara introduced himself goofily. Ichigo nodded.

" Thank you for saving me, Urahara. Now please excuse me, I need to train so that I can save Rukia. " Ichigo tried to exit the room but Urahara stood in his way.

"I can't let you do that, Ichigo. You're still injured. I can't let you train when you're in that condition. " Urahara stopped him. Ichigo growled and shoved him away.

Ichigo and made his way to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and found a carton of orange juice.

"Hey. That's mine." Ichigo heard a girl's voice call him. He turned around and saw Ururu looking at him with a frown on her face.

"Sorry, kid. You got anything else that isn't yours?" Ichigo asked while putting the carton of orange juice back.

" There's coffee beans in that cupboard. But Urahara-san said it's for adults. " Ururu told him. Ichigo smiled at her.

"Well lucky for me, I'm an adult." Ichigo grinned and took out the bag of coffee beans.

He started making coffee for himself. While making it, he wanted to ask Ururu a question.

"Do you have a place where I can train?" Ichigo asked her. Ururu nodded.

"I can show you if you want." She

offered to him. Ichigo nodded.

"Just wait until I finish making the coffee." Ichigo told her. Ururu nodded and sat on a stool with a blank face.



"So this is the training room. Thanks for showing me this uh..... What's your name?" Ichigo asked her.

"My name is Ururu." Ururu introduced herself. Ichigo nodded.

"Thank you for showing me this, Ururu. " Ichigo thanked her with a smile and rubbed her head. Ururu smiled.

"Should I go now?" Ururu asked. Ichigo nodded.

"Yes please. " Ichigo muttered. Ururu walked away from the training room.

Ichigo started to train rigorously. He focused on improving his existing techniques. But while he was training, he got interrupted with footsteps approaching him.

"What do you want, Urahara-san? Can't you see I'm training?" Ichigo asked him while he was in a battle stance and punching the air.

"What if I told you that I can help you get to Soul Society and save Rukia?" Urahara asked him.

"Tell me more." Ichigo grinned broadly at him.

" But first, I will help you restore your lost powers." Urahara told him mysteriously. Ichigo sighed.

" I hate mysterious people." Ichigo grumbled before standing up.

"Let's start now." Ichigo looked at him with determination in his eyes. Urahara raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you would think about this for a second, Ichigo?" Urahara asked him. Ichigo shook his head.

" I know what I want. And this time, it will be my own powers. And I want it now so that I can save her." Ichigo looked at him. Urahara was grinning at him.

" If you're that eager to start. Then I won't stop you. " Urahara raised his cane and pushed Ichigo's soul out of his body. When he was pushed out of his physical body, Ichigo felt like he had some difficulty breathing.

" Lesson 1 starts now. The first lesson is you will try to knock out Ururu." Ichigo pointed at Ururu who was holding a basket full of protective gear.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow at him.

"Sure." Ichigo replied.

'This girl can break the ground with one punch. But I can break steel with one finger. ' Ichigo thought to himself. Urahara threw some protective gear and a headband towards him.

Ichigo decided to go along with Urahara's shit and wore the protective gear. "Are you two ready?" Urahara asked them. Ururu nodded.

"Ready." She replied to him. Ichigo just nodded.

"Then fight!" Urahara declared. Ururu jumped towards him and punched his chest. Ichigo didn't react and looked at her with a small smile.

"That tickles." Ichigo taunted. Ururu narrowed her eyes and continued her barrage of punches. Ichigo just looked at her with an amused face.

Urahara was trying not to cackle out loud. Tessai arrived beside him. "Should I help her?" He asked him. Urahara nodded.


Tessai used Shunpo and punched Ichigo in the face. Ichigo who had Tessai's fist digging into his face looked at him.


Ichigo used Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist and punched back Tessai in the face. Tessai spat out a little saliva and was blasted away. Ururu watched in shock.

She narrowed her eyes and glared at Ichigo. She punched Ichigo once more. Ichigo grunted a little.

Her punches kept increasing in power that Ichigo had no choice but to keep dodging. 'This kid is good. ' Ichigo thought to himself while he was parrying Ururu's punches.

Ichigo punched Ururu back. Ururu flew away and tumbled on the ground. Ichigo looked at her.

"You okay?" Ichigo asked her. Ururu got up and glared at him. Ururu stares coldly at Ichigo as her eyes dilate.

She appeared in front of him and delivered a kick to his head.


Ichigo was blasted back. Tessai arrived behind Ichigo and grabbed him. Ichigo stopped flying back and looked at Tessai.

"Sorry for punching you man." Ichigo apologized to him.

"It's fine, Ichigo." Tessai put Ichigo down. Urahara arrived in front of him.

"That was a good fight Ichigo. The first lesson is complete." Urahara grinned at him. Ichigo nodded.

"I can feel my Reiryoku again. Care to tell me how that happened?" Ichigo asked him.

" Ururu has combat abilities rivaling those of Shinigami, meaning that a normal Soul could never beat her. This lesson was predicated on whether or not you could dodge Ururu's first attack, as Reiryoku increases fastest when a Soul is in mortal danger. I should also add that you would've died if you hadn't raised your Reiryoku. " Urahara grinned sheepishly at him. Ichigo palmed his face.

" Now that lesson 1 is out of the way. We will now begin lesson 2. Oh, I should also mention this...." Urahara muttered and looked at Ichigo.

" I will be training you for 10 days. After those 10 days, you will go to the Soul Society to save Rukia." Urahara explained to him. Ichigo nodded.

"After those 10 days. I'll be able to beat the shit out of Byakuya. Sounds good to me. Let's get this second lesson started. " Ichigo looked at him with a calm face.

" Tessai. " Urahara muttered. Suddenly, Tessai appeared beside Ichigo. He was holding a large axe, he then swung down and severed Ichigo's Chain of Fate. Urahara had an evil glint in his eyes.

"Lesson 2, Survive....

To be continued....

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