

"Please, Ichigo. Don't you dare do what I think you did." Yoruichi whispered while she was jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Her clothes were soaked because it was raining heavily but she didn't care about that right now.

Yoruichi had felt two enormous Reiatsu from miles away. One of the Reiatsu signatures was very familiar to her, it was Ichigo's Reiatsu. She hadn't felt the other Reiatsu signature for a long time, obviously that was Yamamoto's Reiatsu.

Yoruichi arrived in front of a scene where she hoped it didn't happen. The surroundings were obliterated, there were craters and destroyed homes everywhere.

But she laid eyes on someone. It was Ichigo's body that was cut in half.

"No...." Yoruichi was shocked. She appeared beside him and covered her mouth.

Ichigo's eyes were closed and his body was cut in half horizontally. The bottom half of his body was far away from him.

"Ichigo...." Yoruichi whispered and knelt beside him.

'You probably won't understand what I'm saying, Yoruichi. But all you need to understand is that I will protect you until I die.' Yoruichi remembered Ichigo's declaration in her head when he picked her up and brought her back to his home.

Back then she didn't think much of it, but now seeing him in this condition. A piece of her soul disappeared.

Tears started welling up in her eyes. She put her hand on Ichigo's chest. "I'm so sorry for lying to you, Ichigo. Please.... forgive me..." She choked out. But then she felt something.

"Wait.... Why is his heart beating?" Yoruichi muttered to herself in confusion. Then she heard snoring.

"Zzzzzzzzzz....." Ichigo snored loudly. Yoruichi widened her eyes in shock.

"Ehhhh??????" Yoruichi was very confused.

"H-he's sleeping? But how? In his condition he's supposed to be dead." Yoruichi muttered in shock. But then she heard footsteps approaching her position. Yoruichi immediately had a serious face on.

" If he's alive then there's a chance. " Yoruichi muttered and picked Ichigo's body up. She looked at the bottom half of Ichigo's body that was far away from them.

Yoruichi heard the footsteps coming closer to her. She growled and used Shunpo to disappear from the scene, leaving the bottom half of Ichigo's body behind.

"You're going to be fine, Ichigo. I promise." Yoruichi whispered. Ichigo snored in response.




Ichigo slowly opened his eyes and rubbed them. "Ugh...." Ichigo grunted and sat up. He looked around him.

Ichigo was sitting on a futon. He had a white blanket covering him. He grabbed it and looked under the blanket.

"Oh shit I'm fully naked. And I have morning wood now. Fuck...." Ichigo grumbled. He looked around some more and saw Yoruichi in her cat form looking at him while hiding behind some wooden crates.

"Hello, Yoruichi. Come here." Ichigo waved at her and signalled her to come closer. Yoruichi slowly walked over to him. Ichigo smiled and started rubbing her soft head.

"How did I get here?" Ichigo asked her.

"I carried you here, Ichigo." Yoruichi answered with a male voice. Ichigo looked at her skeptically.

"I don't believe you. You're so small, how cam you carry someone big and heavy like me?" Ichigo asked her with an amused smile. Yoruichi huffed and walked away. She stood in front of him.

"I'll show you how." Yoruichi muttered.


As smoke covered Yoruichi's body. Ichigo watched through the smoke as Yoruichi's body shifted into a completely different thing.

The smoke revealed a slender and well-endowed woman who has dark skin, golden irises, and long purple hair.

Her hair is waist-length and kept in a ponytail with chin-length bangs framing the sides of her face.

Ichigo could clearly see her 33D bust, well-toned legs, thick thighs, pronounced rear, and muscular body. He was mesmerized to say the least.

Yoruichi stood there without a care that she was naked. Ichigo whose boner had started to go away, suddenly shot up and made a tent with the blanket.

"Damn.... I didn't expect that." Ichigo muttered. Yoruichi laughed loudly.

'Her laugh is sexy. Don't ya think, King?' Zangetsu asked Ichigo in his mind. Ichigo smirked.

'It does.' Ichigo answered.

'You know the drill, King. Make her yours. ' Zangetsu told him. Ichigo stayed silent and kept staring at Yoruichi's goddess-like body.

Yoruichi smirked slyly at him. "What's wrong, Ichigo? Cat got your tongue?" Yoruichi teased and got down on her knees. She looked into his eyes with a lustful glint in her eyes.

"I see that little Ichigo is very excited~" Yoruichi purred. She started crawling towards him sensually. Ichigo gulped a little.

"C'mon. Don't be shy~Let me see what you're hiding under there~" Yoruichi muttered and threw away the white blanket.

"Oh wow~ Little Ichigo is so big~" Yoruichi stared at Ichigo's pulsing 7 inch dick. She licked her lips and leaned closer to Ichigo's dick.

She sniffed it. "It smells like strawberries for some reason." Yoruichi muttered to herself. She giggled and started licking the shaft of Ichigo's dick. She licked it while wrapping her hands around his dick.

Yoruichi then started kissing the glans. She kissed it so intensely that it felt like she was making out with it.

Yoruichi looked at Ichigo who was looking at her with a lustful look. Yoruichi then started slowly sucking his dick.

"It feels good." Ichigo groaned out. Yoruichi started sucking faster.

"Mmph!~ Mm!~ Mhph!!~" Yoruichi was making all sorts of lewd sounds while sucking his dick. She was looking at Ichigo in the eyes while doing the deed which made it all the more sexy.

Yoruichi began to suck his dick faster and faster. She was creating afterimages while sucking his dick now.

"Oh shit! Yoruichi, I'm about to cum!" Ichigo muttered.

"Good." Yoruichi mumbled out while

speeding up on her sucking. Ichigo gritted his teeth and grabbed her head and forced all of his dick into her mouth.

"MMMM!!!" Yoruichi widened her eyes as hot liquid shot into her mouth. The amount of cum that was shooting in her mouth was so much that some of it started flowing out of her mouth.

Ichigo released his grip on Yoruichi's head. Yoruichi sat up straight and breathed heavily. She realized that she still had some cum inside her mouth.

Yoruichi smirked and showed her cum filled tongue to Ichigo. She then swallowed the cum in one gulp and showed her tongue again.

"Ahh~" Yoruichi looked at Ichigo with a smug look. Ichigo looked at her with his brown eyes.

His dick rose up again. Yoruichi widened her eyes a little. She looked back at Ichigo.

Ichigo's eyes had changed. Now he has golden-yellow eyes and pitch black scleras.

He looked at Yoruichi menacingly. Ichigo suddenly grabbed Yoruichi's right arm and pulled her towards him.

"Get over here!"


Rip Yoruichi....

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