
Going Back

"I would've done that if this guy didn't cock block us." Ichigo grumbled while he was looking at Chad who just interrupted his and Orihime's fun time.

"Ichigo. I have received a letter from Lieutenant Chōjirō, the lieutenant of the Captain Commander. Sasakibe-san says it is important." Chad waved the letter in front of Ichigo. But then he looked at the situation Ichigo was in.

A half naked Orihime was sitting on top of Ichigo's lap. She yelped and quickly covered herself with a blanket.

"Oh. Whatever you two were about to do, I am sorry for interrupting." Chad bowed a little.

"I'll just give it to you like this." Chad slid the letter towards Ichigo. Ichigo caught it and picked it up.

"Have a fun time you two. But don't get her pregnant though. Knowing you, you definitely would do something stupid like that." Chad advised and closed the sliding door. Ichigo sighed and looked at Orihime who has completely covered her entire body with the blanket.

Orihime peeked her head out and looked at Ichigo. "Is he gone?" She asked him. Ichigo nodded.

"You wanna continue?" Ichigo asked back. Orihime shook her head.

"No. How about we do this when we're back at the human world?" Orihime suggested. Ichigo nodded and laid down on the bed with her.

"Sure. I'm okay with that." Ichigo muttered and they cuddled.

"Are you going to read that letter?" Orihime asked him. Ichigo shook his head and put the letter beside the futon they are currently sleeping on.

"I'll do that tomorrow." Ichigo answered.

"But it's probably something very important. What if the Captain Commander wants to meet you or something?" Orihime argued back with a worried face. Ichigo chuckled.

"He's probably asleep right now. He's old, Orihime. He also needs rest after a long day's work." Ichigo reminded.

" Oh.... Then I guess it's fine." Orihime whispered. Ichigo kissed the tip of her nose.

"Goodnight, Orihime. And when you're dreaming, they better have me in it." Ichigo told her. Orihime giggled and kissed him on the lips.

" Goodnight, Ichigo. I love you." Orihime replied to him. Ichigo kissed her back.

"I love you too."




"Hi Rukia!!" Orihime greeted Rukia excitedly and hugged her. Rukia hugged back with the same energy as her.

"Hi Orihime!!" Rukia greeted her back. They released the hug and smiled at each other. Orihime looked at Rukia.

The petite Shinigami was wearing a yukata that had flower patterns sewn on it. Orihime was wearing a pink shirt and white pants. Orihime looked at Rukia again.

"What brings you here, Rukia?" Orihime asked her.

"I heard that Ichigo is staying here so I came here to visit him to see how he's doing." Rukia explained but when she saw Orihime's nervous expression she became confused.

" Is he not here right now? " Rukia asked her. Orihime nodded.

" He's in a meeting with the Captain Commander. He won't be here until lunchtime." Orihime told her. Rukia nodded.

"I don't mind. How about we wait for him?" Rukia replied to her. Orihime smiled.




Ichigo arrived back at the Shiba Clan compound. He opened the entrance to the home.


He wasn't prepared for Rukia to crash into him. Ichigo smiled and hugged her.

"Hi Rukia!" Ichigo greeted her. Rukia looked at him and gripped his shihakushō's collar tightly.

She pulled him down and kissed him aggressively. Ichigo closed his eyes and they enjoyed the kiss together.

The kiss lasted for a while before they ran out of oxygen and had to release it. A string of saliva connected their mouths together when they did.

Ichigo smiled at her. Rukia grabbed his arm and pulled him into the house.

They arrived at the dining table. Rukia pushed Ichigo to the chair. "Alright, Rukia! I'll sit down!" Ichigo chuckled at Rukia's hastiness. Rukia sighed and sat down beside him. Orihime went and sat on his lap.

"Grr...." Rukia narrowed her eyes and glared at Orihime. Orihime smirked at her. Rukia sat down on Ichigo's lap as well.

They glared at each other. Ichigo deadpanned at them.

"What are you guys doing?" Ichigo asked them. They jumped a little and looked at him with embarrassed faces.

"Nothing of your concern, idiot!" Rukia huffed and looked away. Orihime nodded.

" Yeah, it's nothing you should be worried about! " Orihime agreed with her. Ichigo chuckled and rubbed their heads gently.

"So what do you guys wanna talk about?" Ichigo asked them.

"What was the meeting about, Ichigo?" Rukia asked him.

"Nothing important. The old man just told me that Karakura Town is my responsibility now. He also assigned me a position in his division. " Ichigo explained. Rukia widened her eyes.

" Really?! Just like that?! " Rukia asked. Ichigo nodded.

" 4th seat of the 1st Division, Kurosaki Ichigo at your service." Ichigo grinned smugly at her. Rukia narrowed her eyes.

"Tch. Don't think you can just run it in my face, idiot!" Rukia scolded. Ichigo raised an eyebrow and leaned closer to her face.

"What's wrong, Rukia? Are you jealous~?" Ichigo whispered in her right ear. Rukia blushed a little and pushed his face away.

" Pervert... " She grumbled.

" And no! I'm not jealous. I just don't think an idiot like you should be awarded with such a high position. Don't forget that you also invaded Soul Society to rescue me! " Rukia argued with him. Ichigo shrugged.

" The old man said he'll take care of the backlash. I think I know how he'll do that. " Ichigo smirked to himself.

" And how will he do that? " Rukia asked him.

" Just so you know, what I'm about to say is his words, not mine. 'Oh, just a little release of my Reiatsu will do. They'll shut up after that.' " Ichigo told her while trying to mimicking Yamamoto's voice. Rukia was stunned.

"It's really that easy?" She muttered. Ichigo nodded.

" So what will you do now, Rukia? " Ichigo asked her.

" My Reiatsu is almost back at where it was when I first met you. And when it does, I'll train myself to the ground like you do everyday. If I'm going to rise up the ranks I must bear the pain." Rukia said with determination clear in her voice. Ichigo smiled at her.

"Same for me." Orihime added. Rukia smiled warmly at her.

"How's Captain Ukitake?" Ichigo asked her. Rukia sighed.

"He's doing alright now. He just got out of surgery. And now, he has artificial lungs built by Captain Kurotsuchi and Captain Unohana in his body. " Rukia answered. Ichigo sighed in relief.

"Did he really have no lungs?" Orihime asked Rukia. Rukia nodded.

"Big brother told me about it when he was hospitalized. He was also shocked as well, which was a surprise." Rukia answered. Orihime shuddered.

" He definitely has an alien in his body." Orihime muttered. Ichigo chuckled. Rukia looked at him.

" You guys are going back to the World of The Living this afternoon, right? " She asked Ichigo. Ichigo nodded and smiled sadly at her.

"Yeah, we are." Ichigo muttered. Rukia leaned into his chest.

"Then I probably won't ever see you again." She whispered. Orihime frowned at her.

"Hey, don't say that. Maybe your brother can arrange a visit or something." Orihime reassured her with a gentle voice.

"That's possible but I don't think he'll like that. The last time I visited the human world it led to you guys invading Seireitei." Rukia muttered. Ichigo sighed and kissed her forehead.

"I'll figure something out. I always do." Ichigo whispered.

Uryū entered the room, he can literally feel the somber atmosphere. He sighed, getting everyone's attention.

"It's time, Ichigo, Inoue-san." Uryū told them. Ichigo nodded. Uryū walked out of the house.

Ichigo looked at them. Orihime slowly but reluctantly got up. Rukia got up as well. Ichigo stood up and looked at them. He grinned.

"Why are you two so sad? C'mon! Smile! You look even more beautiful when you're happy!" Ichigo encouraged them. Seeing his pitiful attempt, they smiled a little.

"There you go! Now c'mon! We can talk more while we go to where the others are....

To be continued.....

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