

To those who are reading this.

I am a man of unique ideals and views on life and people.

This is my guidance to those who listen.

1. Don't believe in only things you see or don't. This could get you killed or worse.

2. Believe in yourself and don't follow others blindly. This is how everyone should live to have the best of life and death.

3. Use your brain, instinct and body to solve problems don't use other to do the "job" for you.

4. Never be satisfied with the expectations of others. Always strive for more.

5. Never forget what others say about you. If bad pay it back in a equal fold if good repay it 10 time.

6. Never trust but never be untrusting. A fine line never blindly trust but never have no one that you can put your trust into.

By "the unnamed but known"

To those who have seen but do not know.

To those who seek but have never found.

To those who know but do not hear.

By "the devil of thought"