4 the big celebration chapter 4

morning in hell comes all the flames light again ding ding ding wake up blade no blade said fine ow my head okay arrow I'm up today is the big celebration about what arrow when the devil became a thing oh I replied well you'll be on another mission arrow said and what is it I said it's too protect the devil arrow yes isn't the devil the strongest out of all arrow response yes but he hates fighting well what a day let's go me running out the door so when does it start the celebration arrow response it starts a five o three okay that's in a hour arrow you woke up late I said well this is a bummer I finally arrived there's the building of the devil great another day of service arrow response hey your makeing feel down okay I said hey arrow anyone well he's mad I walk through hello boom!!! wow I hear luaghing "hahaha" hi blade and hello devil I've grown found of you yeah yeah devil call me dv for short okay dv know do you want to meet you new buddys great more people I said and here's there are tell him your name I'm am Lucas I'm Olivia and I'm Liam oh hello I'm blade they all look at me he's different devil devil response how well his wings are different than other demons and horns and teeth "hahahahah" you noticed he's used to be human little did I know demons hate humans slash demons they all look at me disgustingly Liam I'm going to vomit Lucas im not working with him Olivia I don't care Lucas and Liam look at Olivia Olivia Lucas said are you sure you want to work with him yes Olivia said the devil steps in you Lucas and Liam you'll die if you don't work with him y-y-yes sir well gulping in fear alright let's party I walk outside with Lucas Liam Olivia and we see such Beauty I've never seen so many colors why is hell so pretty devil said well you should see heaven I responded with okay know I sit and wait and see all the color and fire cook away and everyone talking away and eating and dancing I've never thot hell was so pretty I sit and fall asleep.

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