
Blade User Of Myth

Ava Tokito is an orphan living in the world of "My Vampire System" she is an original with her own self created ability |Blade| (I quit because chat gpt kept going off making it's own plot that entirely denies the plot of My Vampire System)

Turtle5707 · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

The Test Of Blades and Ice

(Chat GPT is frustrating me, and I feel like it's setting up romance that I don't want but, meh, it's chat gpt's story based on my oc, the only thing I do is make sure it's at least a little accurate to the source material)


Ava Tokito stepped onto the grounds of the military school, her gaze unwavering as she surveyed the unfamiliar faces. Today marked the beginning of her new life as a recruit, and her stoic composure set her apart from the rest. She knew the importance of maintaining a low profile.

The day had kicked off with a test, a grueling examination that was the rite of passage for all new recruits. Ava had endured rigorous training in the unforgiving expanse of the Sahara Desert, honing her unique Ability—Blade. Unlike most, she held no animosity towards the Dalki, understanding that their world demanded a different perspective.

The test had pushed her to her limits, challenging her skills with Blade. She'd demonstrated her ability to conjure a blade instantly, transforming any part of her body into a weapon, executing blade skills from ancient legends with unmatched precision.

But the most notable feat was her display of strength during the strength drum test. Ava transformed her arm into a rapier, thrusting it into the drum's solid surface. She'd scored an impressive 80, leaving a resounding impact on the instructors.

The final test—the illusory spike evasion—had seen her rely solely on her heightened senses. With her keen perception, she'd dodged the illusory spikes with a grace that hinted at her extraordinary abilities. She'd held on for a full minute, proving her mental and physical prowess.

Ava's overall ability score was an impressive 6, affirming her place among the recruits. As she exited the testing area, she knew her performance hadn't gone unnoticed.

After the test, Ava found herself at the entrance of her shared dormitory. As she entered, her gaze fell upon Erin Haley, her roommate. They had been assigned together, along with Layla and another student whose name had already slipped Ava's mind.

Erin, with her blonde hair and an air of detachment, seemed like an ordinary recruit. Contrary to the rumors of her being an ice queen, there was nothing about her presence that hinted at her ice Abilities. She was a mystery, one that Ava respected.

"Are you Ava Tokito, my roommate?" Erin inquired, her voice cool and composed.

Ava nodded, her own demeanor reflecting the disciplined nature of her upbringing. "Yes, that's correct."

Erin's response was a simple nod, her neutral expression revealing nothing. They exchanged pleasantries and discussed their preparations for the upcoming challenges. As roommates, they understood the unspoken rules governing their Abilities—conceal them, adapt, and remain vigilant.

The evening bells tolled, signaling the end of their first day as recruits. Tomorrow would bring more trials, but they were ready to face them head-on.

So any ideas on how to get chat gpt to follow the source material

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