
Carlton's Creek

The car drove past the large signpost gracing the entrance of the town. It spelt 'Carlton's Creek' in bold, bright green.

Gwen bounced from tree to tree, counting them as they drove by. Aunt Carolyn took a left into a driveway and put the car into park.

"Gwen?" Called Aunt Carolyn. Gwen's mind was drifted into deep thought.



"You were lost there."

"Yeah, I was having an out-of-body experience but I'm back now."

"Gwen, I know moving here can be so overwhelming and kinda hard but..."

Aunt Carolyn's voice began to die down like she wasn't talking. It hurt Gwen that she didn't want her anymore.

She just wished she could hear what was happening inside the house.

Her hearing changed to a high pitched noise as she felt her ears pierce through the house walls. The necklace that dangled around her neck became bright ruby red.

Finally, She began to hear the voices that were speaking inside.

'Gwen's here. Be nice to her.' The first adult-like voice said.

'Sure, Marcus.' Another voice replied.

Aunt Carolyn's voice began to resurface. Her voice became crystal clear.

"...and try to make new friends, Okay?" She finished.

"New friends, got it."

"Let's go out, then."

"Yeah, let's do that."

Aunt Carolyn opened the car door and came out of the car. Gwen followed her but didn't speak about what happened.

They removed her suitcases from the booth and dragged it on the walkway, coating the wheels in dirt.

Gwen stomped onto the porch, marched straight to the front door and knocked hardly.

A man opened the door.

His hair was faded black -which was obviously dye- and his eyes had sunk back into his face. His lips had cracks and his ears were kinda small.

Gwen would've mistook him for a troll.

"Gwen! My, how you've grown!"

"I'm actually supposed to."

Uncle Marcus paused for a second and began to laugh.

"You and your wicked sense of humor."

Gwen gave a confused look.

"Come," Uncle Marcus ushered, "Let me show you to your room."


Gwen opened the door and jolted back like she'd been burnt with fire.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Uncle Marcus told me this was my room." She apologized at the other side of the door.

"Don't worry. I was just leaving." The boy said. Gwen pushed the door open and went in.

She saw a boy with blonde hair and greenish eyes. His lips were a rich touch of red and his skin was lighter than hers.

Her toes curled inside her shoes. This was the most gorgeous boy she had ever seen.

"Uh, hi."

"Hey. Gwen, right?"


"I'm Mike."

"Mike. Cool name."

"Glad you think so." He said with a killer smile.

If Gwen wasn't firm on the ground, she would have melted like butter on a hot muffin.

"First time in Carlton's Creek?" He asked.

"No. I lived here till I was nine."

"Where did you move to?"



"Are you Uncle Marcus' son?"

"Nah. I'm adopted."

"Oh, yeah."

He stood up and headed towards the door.

"Hey, you wanna go out for a couple of drinks with some friends later?"

"Not really. Long journey."

"It's cool. I'll see you later, then."

"Yeah, see you later."

Then, he left the room closed the door behind him.


Gwen's necklace was glowing as bright as ever. She turned in the covers and made groaning sounds.


She saw herself kissing a black haired boy and floating above ground.

Then, she saw herself moving in a car that ricocheted off a barrier a smashed into a tree.


Gwen gasped and sprang off the bed.

She touched her chest to check if the necklace was still around it.

It was there, alright.

Sunlight beamed through the blinds and rays seeped through, finding their way onto the ground.

She stopped the screaming banshee that was her alarm clock and dragged her feet to the bathroom.


Her eyes struck from classroom to classroom, trying to find hers.

She turned to check the next block when she felt her body collide with someone.

"Sorry. My bad." He said.

Gwen raised her head to look at him. She gave a little gasp and her eyes widened.

It was the black haired boy from her dream last night.

"Uh, Which Way is the Science wing?" She asked immediately, trying not to stutter.

"Out those doors. Take a left." He answered.


She began to speed walk.

"Wait, I didn't catch your name!"

"But I didn't throw it either!" She shouted as she ran away.


Gwen walked in and shut the door.

All eyes turned to her like robots in animatronic mode.

"Are you Miss Gwen Farrow?" A middle aged man asked with his button like eyes his fervently behind glasses.

"Yes, sir."

"What a shame. You are late. On your first day. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Sir, I was looking for my-"

"No excuses," He ordered, "Take a seat."

"Mouth breather." She mumbled under her breath.

Gwen found her way to the back as curious eyes followed her.

She sat in an empty seat by a girl with geeky glasses covering her eyes.

"Owens is a bit strict." She said.

"I noticed."

"I'm Raven."


"Now, it is that time of year I give my unsolvable math problem and see who can solve it." Announced Mr. Owens.

Everyone booed.

"Any volunteers?"

"Mitch," Raven called a chestnut haired boy who sat in front of me.

"Doesn't that problem drive you nuts every year?" She added.

"Every year, Raven." He answered.

"I'll do it." Gwen said.

Everyone gasped and turned their heads to Gwen who stood up to attempt the question.

Raven caught her wrist and whispered, "If you fail, you'll be the talk of the whole school."

"Good first day, ain't it?"

She walked over to the chalkboard and snatched the chalk from Owens and wished she could slap that nasty, evil-like smirk from his face.

Gwen raised the chalk to the board and the necklace began to glow.

Her turned fiery red and her eyes became brighter than rubies.

A bunch of images began flashing into her mind. Outside the school, into the halls and inside the classroom.

Finally, the numbers appeared in her mind.

"The answer is two surd eight over six surd three, isn't it?"

Mr. Owens' eyes drooped and his face turned stark white.

"You're right. The answer is two surd eight over six surd three. But...how?"

Gwen handed him the chalk as everyone glared in silence.

She walked back to her seat and sat down, waiting for the next lesson.

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