
Armelia's first assignment

"Oh, you found here quite quickly," Thiago commented when he opened the door to Armelia, who seemed to be a bit confused as to why Thiago came out of this building, but then she saw the sign that said, 'for sale' and seemed to understand instantly although she was shocked internally.

"You- did you already buy this house?" She asked a little hesitantly as it would be really crazily fast if that would be the case, and to her surprise or shock Thiago nodded and explained without mentioning the word buy as he technically did not buy the house but got it due to slightly different circumstances and reasons which were not necessary to mention: "Well I am the new owner of this house, what do you think of his house, is it good?"

"Well, to be honest, I never expected you to find a house so quickly, but it's only good because I'll get my salary sooner, right? Besides, it looks quite nice and seems big enough to open a restaurant," Armelia replied, and the part about getting her salary made Thiago chuckle a little, but he felt that what she said made sense, so he said: "Well, since you seem to be in dire need of a salary for whatever reason, I'll give you part of the salary already, what do you think?"

"Are you for real?" Armelia exclaimed in disbelief, continuing a little more quietly and not so loudly as she had already seen a few people on the street turn their heads in their direction, prompting Thiago to also lead Armelia into the house before closing the door behind them so that they would not be disturbed by any passers-by: "Well, I'm not going to refuse such an offer, of course, since I really need the money for my - well, anyway, I'm grateful for your kindness;" As she reached the last part of her sentence, a visible trace of sadness flashed across her expression, but it quickly disappeared again, nevertheless, Thiago had been able to clearly perceive her small changes, although he would not interfere in other people's business without a reason, and for now there was absolutely no reason for him to interfere in Armelia's business, since they didn't really know each other very well and for now only had an employer-employee relationship.

Besides, Thiago rarely did anything that did not benefit him.

For example, when he had acted to save Armelia from the bastard's hands, he had not only acted out of benevolence, but also because he wanted to find a worker for his restaurant, which he had subsequently obtained; the same could be said when he had helped Li Wei to gather herbs, as it had been of great convenience to him afterwards to have Li Wei, who knew the guard at the entrance to the city, as well as the fact that he was familiar with the city, which had made many things easier.

So as long as Thiago did not see any advantage in interfering in Armelia's affairs, he would probably not do it.

"Well, here are twenty-five spirit gold coins which represent half your months' salary paid in advance, so don't be surprised when you only get the same amount in thirty days;" Thiago Siad while reaching into his spatial ring and pulling out twenty five small golden shining coins and gave them to Armelia who quickly expressed her thanks:" Thank you very much I promise to work hard in the next period of time and will definitely not dissatisfy you"

"Well I still have some good expectations for you, well enough of that, I will show you now, how I have planned to create the restaurant, so follow me," Thiago said while already walking away from the door and turning to the left through a door where a relatively large room where only the wooden chairs and tables he had placed there before where situated, as he had previously emptied every room in the house.

Then he began to explain his vision to Armelia: "As you can see, this room is quite big but not big enough so I have planned to tear down the wall between this room and the next room which should create enough seating space. Then I will also tear down the wall that is between the street and the room, and instead insert a huge window, so that it looks more like a restaurant. And on the outside, I will hang up a sign which I have already prepared. And as you can see, I have already placed the chairs and tables in here what do you think, are they suitable?"

"Uh, well I think your ideas are quite good as for the chairs and tables, I think they are really suitable as they are quite simple but not too simple, so they make for a great image and are suitable for this kind of environment. But what you did not mention is the decoration, which is absolutely necessarily to have and can't be left out, or else many people will fell that the eating environment is too bland. But you don't have to worry as long as you give me the necessary money, I can take care of the decoration."

'It seems that women do really love decoration, well there should be no harm if I let Armelia take care of it' Thiago thought quickly before answering her: "Well if you want you can do the decoration, how much money do you need?"

"Uhm, well maybe seventy spirit gold coins," She replied carefully seemingly not sure whether that was too much but to her astonishment Thiago only replied :" I thought it would be more, this is so little well ahem, anyway, here you have the seventy spirit gold coins," Thiago said as he handed her another small bag of spirit gold coins.

"Thank you, I promise to create a wonderful decoration," Armelia swore before she seemed to think of something and then asked curiously: "What exactly will we be selling in this restaurant and what will it be called?"

"Good that you ask, I was just about to explain that, well anyway, regarding the restaurant's name, it will be called 'TFC' in the future, what do you think?"

"Uh, well, it sounds a bit weird at first because the name only consists of three capital letters, but it has a kind of smooth spelling and I think it is easy to remember, so I think it is not a bad name. Does it have a meaning?" Armelia expressed her opinion, which was actually quite different from what Thiago had thought she would say. It was just that when he heard her question at the end, he was a little embarrassed inside and did not want to say directly what its meaning was, so he answered: "Well, it has a meaning", without explaining anything and sounding a bit mysterious.

"Uh, and what is the meaning then?" Armelia asked curiously but was left disappointed in the next moment by Thiago's answer: "Well you are not yet qualified to know,"

"Oh, okay" she said a little dejectedly before she suddenly remembered her other question before and reminded Thiago again: "So what will the restaurant be selling when it has opened?"

"Well, I will just show you," Thiago smiled as he said this and then reached into his spatial ring and pulled out a burger from the many he had deposited there just before.

The next moment, the burger appeared on the table in front of Thiago and Armelia, which immediately attracted Armelia, as she had never seen any food that looked like this before.

"What exactly is this?" She asked promptly to which Thiago replied with a lot of nonsense: "This is a dish called 'burger', which I have created according to a secret recipe that I found by chance in an old ruin on one of my previous journeys. It tastes amazing even though it contains no mana, you can try it if you like.

"Can I really?" She asked hesitantly and when she saw Thiago nod, she did not hesitate any longer and seemingly by instinct, she grabbed the burger like any normal person who knew about burgers would do and took a small bite of it.

Immediately, her expression changed several times in an instant, from initial shock after the bite, to extreme happiness, to confusion, to bliss, and then back to shock.

This looked really funny from Thiago's point of view, but no one other than Armelia could really understand what it felt like to have bitten into a piece of this so-called 'burger', as her taste buds had basically exploded from all these different flavours she had never been exposed to before, as well as all the different spices, which made her mind go blank for a moment as it tried to process all the different tastes at that moment, as well as her emotions.

Only after a few seconds had passed did she come back to her senses and turned to look at Thiago while saying: "This is simply the best food I have ever eaten; your recipe is simply amazing! Your restaurant will become a hit for sure!"

"Haha, thanks, I'm glad you liked it," Thiago said, mentally thanking the founder or recipe creator of McRonald's for making such good burgers.

Seeing Armelia eating a burger somehow made him hungry for one too, as it had been a long time since he had eaten one, but now was not the time, as he still had some things to do and could eat a burger later if he still wanted to.

Just then, his thoughts were interrupted by Armelia, who asked hesitantly: "Um, can I finish this burger?" to which Thiago chuckled and replied that she was obviously allowed to finish the burger, at which point Armelia began to take bite after bite, looking happy and blissful the whole time.

After only a short time Armelia had finished the burger and was now looking at Thiago wondering whether he had something else to show her and he was not disappointed as the next moment a glass bottle with a dark balck filling appeared on the same table before Armelia.

"Seeing her face filled with question marks, Thiago explained: "This is the drink we are going to sell, try it."

Hearing this, Armelia did not hesitate as much as before and reached for the bottle, which was already open, because Thiago knew that it would only cause trouble if he left the cap on the bottles, since the inhabitants of the Red Star probably did not know this way of closing bottles, which would normally require a bottle opener to open and would have a little trouble with that.

Clever as he was, he had bought the bottles directly from the system shop, without caps and without the bottle cases, as glass was not uncommon on Red Star and he had seen glasses in the tavern before, so this would not be a problem.

When Armelia took her first sip from the bottle, which obviously contained cola, she had a similar reaction to the one she had when she had bitten into the burger before, although this time it was not as big a reaction as cola really did not have that much flavour, if one was honest.

Still, it was something completely new to Armelia, and she savoured the taste carefully after removing the bottle from her lips, and then the only words she could use to describe the taste were: "It's so refreshing!"

"Haha, yeah, I know, it will sell well too, right?" Thiago asked, to which Armelia immediately nodded, confirming his words: "Yes. It will definitely sell well too, of that I am sure."

"Good then this is done so now your first assignment is to find a few workers who will tear down the wall I have mentioned earlier and insert a glass front to the wall in the direction to the street, alright?" Thiago spoke which made Armelia become serious immediately as she did not want to make a mistake at the beginning directly and so she answered. "Yes, no problem I will accomplish that in a maximum of two days"

"Well, that's good of course, then I'll give you the keys to this house, so you can start working on the decorations after that," Thiago said as he handed Armelia the key, which looked similar to the one he had used in the inn before, but slightly different, with the difference that there was no number on this crystal.

After that, Armelia left to hire some workers to do all the work Thiago had mentioned.

And it was not that Thiago could not do these things himself, he could definitely do them and even faster than these workers, but why should he do it himself when he could hire some people to do this kind of work.

Thiago then decided to go through the previous owner's belongings, which had all been thrown into his spatial storage, thinking he might find something useful - and incredibly, twenty minutes later he found something that immediately caught his eye in the pocket of a robe.

"This is...

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* 2208 words

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Sorry for the long delay, I had a lot going on, so yeah. Hopefully I can get back to writing a bit more consistently.

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